"Hey, how long do we have to listen to Mayumi's 'punishment'?"

"That's right, those bears probably didn't follow in before, why don't you try driving to find a way out?!"

Seemingly impatient with sitting in the tunnel for hours, or a little irritated by the whispers lingering in their ears, several male high school students raised their heads and suggested in a bad tone.

"The bears before are not ordinary bears... The tunnel in front of me is not an ordinary tunnel..."

Facing the questioning from his classmates, Xiaoniao Yumaumi shook his head, and responded briefly and forcefully: "You can't sleep, you can't listen, you can't stare out the window, and you can't get out of the car."

At this moment, she was extremely thankful that in the name of "graduation cosplay commemorative photo props", she persuaded the teacher to let her put the demon bow Yoku, Kudan Gouyu and this witch costume into the luggage compartment.

Of course, July Rain, who belongs to "controlled knives" and "contraband", does not have that qualification.

Tokyo Metropolitan Shinjuku High School's three-year bus was on the way from Hakodate to Sapporo. The original light snow suddenly turned into a strong snowstorm.

In the snowstorm, a few giant brown bears riddled with resentment appeared out of nowhere, violently attacking the bus.

With limited vision and failure of the vehicle's electronic control system, the uncle driver struggled to identify the route and ran all the way, and finally rushed into the dark tunnel to take refuge.

However, from the time they entered to the present, no matter whether they moved forward or backward, they have never been able to leave this seemingly endless tunnel.

"Damn it, you can't do this, you can't do that, Xiao Niaoyou, are you kidding us?"

"Don't worry everyone, the school must have discovered our abnormality, and someone should come to us soon!"

Chiba, who was sitting under the escape exit, quickly comforted a few people.

"Qianye, it takes 24 hours to file a disappearance case. It's only been more than ten hours. Why are you so sure?"

"Because, because I..."

However, the rough questioning of several boys made her falter and blush instantly.

"Students, please sit back in your original position and stay calm!"

The female teacher leading the team, wearing a thick coat, put down the mobile phone that showed "no signal" in her hand, and softly scolded several boys to sit down.

"Continuing to stay in this cold place with no signal and strange things around, what's the difference between waiting to die?"

"That's right, teacher, why do we have to listen to Mayumi, is it because of the Metropolitan Police Department work card she showed, who knows if it's fake..."

"Hmph, you forgot, some people who got out of the car and acted alone almost had an accident..."

Gu Yuansha, who was silent at first, suddenly said coldly: "Who went down and rescued people when you were howling like ghosts and wolves?"

"Yes... it's Xiaoniaoyou..."

It seemed that some weird memory had been evoked, the faces of the boys turned pale, and they subconsciously turned their heads to look at the last row of the carriage...

There, lay a silent boy with his head in his hands, trembling all over his body.

Under his broken sleeves, on his white and tender arms, there are several black and dry palm prints!

A few minutes ago, after the bus stopped, a boy got out of the bus without authorization because he couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere and wanted to find a place where he could receive cell phone signals...

However, just as he walked to the dark tunnel wall, he fell to the ground out of thin air as if he had been pushed by someone.

Immediately, it seemed that something invisible tore his sleeves, and stuck him, who was dumbfounded and stupefied, to the tunnel wall...

This scene naturally frightened the other boys who got out of the car behind him.

Just when they were dumbfounded by fear, it was the nimble little bird Yumaumi who jumped out of the car, slapped a piece of burning talisman on the cave wall, and took the opportunity to pull the boy back.

"But, but, always tell us, what is the situation now?!"


After being dazed for a while, several trembling female students with their heads in their hands also sobbed softly.

The desolation and despair accumulated in the bus seemed to overwhelm everyone at this moment.

"Sorry, everyone. I don't know the details, and I can't tell you..."

The cold voice of Xiaoniao Youzhengong came from the roof of the car: "I can only say that my official identity is indeed true. There is a very dangerous existence hidden in this tunnel...or, in other words, the tunnel itself is very dangerous. Danger."

The noisy carriage suddenly fell silent.

"The outside world must have noticed our situation. As long as you do what I say and persist until rescue arrives, everyone will be safe."


"Next, I will not stop those who forcibly leave the carriage, but I will not guarantee their safety anymore. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Hearing what she said, several students who had originally planned to argue lost all confidence.

After seeing the tragic situation of that boy, no one is willing to risk his life.


Seeing everyone being stabilized by him for the time being, the sullen-faced little bird You Mayumi secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

According to Article 8, Paragraph 2 and Article 11, Paragraph 3 of the "Public Confidentiality Regulations", in an "emergency beyond the normal scope", the spirit remover has the right to temporarily inform "people whose lives are in extreme danger" .

However, she obviously did not intend to explain the situation in front of her in too "detailed".

Doing so will only cause the entire class to panic and lose control in advance, and it will fall apart before the rescue comes.

The little bird You Mayumi put one hand on the longbow beside him, and his big watery eyes scanned the dark tunnel walls around him, like a hunter on vigil.

Different from the dark old tunnels that everyone sees...

In her eyes, the tunnel in front of her eyes was made up of bloody lumps that were constantly wriggling like the inner wall of a digestive organ.

"I really don't have the strength to go on... Please don't punish me..."

From time to time, withered hands and feet, broken bodies and painful faces protrude from between the pieces of flesh, greedily and cautiously trying to approach the bus parked in the middle of the tunnel.

"Help me... I'm sick..."

"My ribs were crushed one by one..."

"It hurts...I will work hard...please stop beating..."

Looking carefully, it was a man who was skinny, half-clothed, and even without limbs.

A layer of faint blue light is firmly sheltering the outside of the bus.

This is the divine blessing contained in "Kurdan Gouyu".

But in the inner layer of orchid light, there is a bright red light like the scorching sun that she has never seen before.

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