"After receiving the request from the Metropolitan Police Department, the old man went with the search and rescue team to the place where the signal of the bus was interrupted."

Kono Ichiro took a spoonful of water and poured it into the charcoal stove, bringing out a large amount of water mist with the sound of "sizzling".

"So, how did you go after you went, and did you find anything?"

"This old man wanted to try to purify the grievances in the snow, to see if he could find some clues through his spiritual vision... The shame is that compared with the overwhelming grievances in the snow, my purification technique is only a drop in the bucket. "

Shaking his head, Priest Kono took a transparent plastic bag and put it in front of the two of them: "...Fortunately, it's not all fruitless, at least I found this."

In the plastic bag commonly used for evidence collection, there is a half piece of incomplete talisman paper.

"This is... the talisman paper from Akagi Shrine?"

Looking at the soft, delicate, gentle and beautiful familiar strokes on the talisman paper, Sosuke Araki's golden and black pupils shrank like needlepoints!

"She used the talisman paper... Did she get lost and wanted to leave a mark... Or was she in danger?"

The stick-shaped thing in the white cloth hanging on his back also trembled slightly.

"The old man thinks so too... That bus must have encountered some abnormal situation near the national highway, so that the witch on the bus used a talisman."

Glancing at the thick and long thing on Araki Sousuke's back that kept vibrating like some misactivated massage tool, Kono Daro shook his head helplessly: "Unfortunately, because of this weird snow disaster, the search and rescue operations cannot be carried out on a large scale. Come on, we searched along the road for a while but didn't find any more talisman papers."

"Damn it, is there no other clue?!"

Unwilling to punch the tatami, Araki Sousuke got up anxiously and walked out the door: "No, let's go to the place where the bus lost contact and see for ourselves, maybe we can find something."

Fujiwara Takumi grabbed his trousers: "Don't worry, running around like a headless chicken in the past will only waste time, why don't you study it carefully..."

"That's better than sitting in a shrine with a charcoal stove and drinking tea!"

"Two, if there are clues, the old man personally thinks that there may be another..."

"Ask Priest Kono to enlighten me!"

Just as the two were staring at each other, Kono priest on the side spoke uncertainly and drew their attention back: "Near the missing point of the bus, there happened to be an Ainu settlement. Maybe they know something."

"Auntie masturbates? Is it some kind of monster that is unkind, unfathomable, and chooses people?"

Hearing this unfamiliar word, Araki Sousuke raised his eyebrows curiously.

"Idiots, Ainu people, are the earliest aborigines in Hokkaido..."

Fujiwara Takumi on the side seemed to know something, with a complicated expression on his face, he hesitated to speak: "However, due to some historical reasons, the relationship between the Ainu people and the Japanese people has not been harmonious."

"Prince Fujiwara is right, if you can communicate with Ainu people of mixed race who generally intermarry with the Wa clan..."

Priest Kono drank the hot tea in his hand, and poured himself another cup: "However, the people living nearby are an Ainu ethnic group that is isolated from the world and retains pure blood and primitive culture. Even the police Nor can they be compelled to cooperate with the investigation when they have autonomy."

"It's a pity. The Ainu people who have existed in Hokkaido for thousands of years are the best hunters and guides in this snow country. If they happen to live nearby and are willing to help, not only can they understand the situation at that time, but they may also be able to find the car. Traces of the bus."

"Since that's the case, what are we waiting for?! It's the era of global integration, how could there be aborigines who refuse to deal with the outside world."

"Yes, as long as there is a chance, we will all try..."

Hearing his words, Sousuke Araki and the two looked at each other, and hope was rekindled.

"Ahem, the old man understands that you two are eager to save people, but please think twice before you act. The Ainu people never communicate with the outside world except for occasional barter, and they have a very territorial concept, and they have an extremely attitude towards outsiders. Cruel... It is said that they still retain some weird methods..."

"Whether it's food, clothes, money, thermos, game consoles, learning DVDs... as long as they are willing to help, everything is negotiable!

"That's right, Priest Kono must tell us how to get there!"

"Hehehe, it really doesn't work, why don't you just use a special way to ask them 'sincerely', anyway, I'm also wanted now..."

"Shh, shut up! 』

Asked Kono Priest for the location information, and after thanking him repeatedly, they rushed out of the side hall in a hurry.


ten minutes later.

In the side hall of Hakodate Hachimangu Shrine, Priest Kono was unhurriedly clearing away the tea set by the stove.

"Hey, deliberately led those two people to the half-demon settlement..."

Above the head, suddenly came the man's sinister ridicule: "...I didn't realize that Priest Kono is also a master of killing with a knife."

A man in a white robe and a mask sat on the skylight at the top of the side hall at some unknown time.

The patterns on his mask formed an extremely distorted "two".

"Please don't compare me with lunatics like you."

Seemingly aware of the other party's existence long ago, Priest Kono continued to put the tea set into the barrel without looking back, without even a single sluggish movement.

"Voltaire said that when there is an avalanche, no snowflake feels responsible..."

"The wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger. They wandered outside for a few hours, knowing that there is no way to get to the island, so they will naturally retreat."

After extinguishing the charcoal fire, Priest Kono picked up the wooden barrel and walked out of the house, without any intention of continuing the conversation with the other party: "No way, the Onodera who came with Fujiwara Takumi seems to have noticed the abnormality on the Goryokaku side. His continued presence in the city will affect our plans."

"Hmph, Onodera? As far as I know, that person is named Sosuke Araki, who is a Buddhist monk under Kawasaki Master's temple. His strength is not weaker than that of Fujiwara Takumi...By the way, he is also the most wanted criminal on the news recently."

"No wonder, he can see the clues there..."

Hearing what the man above him said, Kono stopped, and nodded knowingly: "Kawasaki Daishiji's Celestial Eyes really deserves its reputation!"

"Don't worry, Head Kono, as long as these two people leave Hakodate, they don't have to come back."

"The dispute between your organization and the Spirit Eliminators Association has nothing to do with us... Don't forget what you promised!"

After leaving these words, Priest Kono's figure disappeared in the increasingly violent snowstorm outside the door.

"That's nature... everything, is going according to plan."

In the hall, the man sitting alone on the skylight stretched out a pair of transparent wings like ice crystals from his back.

"Two days...just wait two more days..."

Looking carefully, the "feathers" of the wings are surprisingly slender and sharp ice edges.

"The "Suijin Yuandian Chengshan Yifeng Layman" worshiped by your Tufang religious group will return to this land! "

Flapping the ice wings, a gust of cold air was brought up, and the man flew away from the skylight.

"...And this holy land, which has been defiled by the He clan for hundreds of years, will return to purity."

Only the cold and crazy voice echoed in the house, covering everything with a layer of hoarfrost.

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