I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 800 Anti-Calcium-based Action Team

"Captain Mochizuki!"

This man who shouldn't have appeared here made the fallen Sen Luosi's eyes wet, his old face flushed, his speech slurred, and he was at a loss...

"You, aren't you 'recuperating' in Tokyo?"

Even if the image of the other party is very different from before the "convalescence"...

Even if I am seriously injured and fall to the ground at this moment, and my consciousness is blurred...

"Could it be that it was specially for others..."

But Sen Luosi is 100% sure that the person in front of him is exactly what he has been thinking about day and night...

Mochizuki Che, the captain of the Disaster Prevention Mobile Squad!

"Sorry, I'm still a step late..."

Standing shirtless in the snow, Mochiueche showed no sign of fear of the cold, his solemn eyes fell on the corpses whose flesh and blood were frozen in the distance, glaring with anger, but whose stumps were still holding guns tightly... …

Of the six people left behind, except for Sen Luosi and one other person who were only injured, the remaining four were buried in the mouth of the bear.

"They are all good!"

Turning his head to look at the five ghost bears with a comfortable expression, intoxicated by the colorless, tasteless but extremely alluring aura, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers despite the black tree vines wrapping his body all over his body, "I'll use you to do it for me." My brothers 'comfort'!"


Those ghost bears seemed to be corroded by some kind of poison. Their huge bodies were soft, shattered, and collapsed, turning into puddles of dark bones and blood on the snow...

"Captain, deputy captain, are you all right?!"

Until now, the players on the sled gathered from the surrounding forest.


Seeing this snow field full of resentment, blood and stumps, they couldn't help but darken...

"Why are you standing still, treat the wounded, clean up the battlefield!"


Wiping off the moisture from the corners of their eyes, the team members silently began to check the injuries of the survivors, collect the wreckage of their teammates, and clean up the equipment on the snow.

They have experienced this kind of thing too many times in the Middle East.

At least, in this world of ice and snow, you don't have to suffer because your fallen companion turns into a living corpse and stands up.

"Thank you two adults for your help, and saved my two useless subordinates!"

Taking a deep look at the four subordinates who were dying with regret, Mochizuki sighed slightly, turned his head and saluted sincerely in the direction where the black vines had faded.

"With the body of a mortal, he can fight against the famous ghost bear in Hokkaido, but he can't be regarded as the word 'ineffective'."

At the edge of the snowy forest, there stood quietly two strange men wrapped in black hunting clothes, wearing black high crowns, and black cloth blindfolded.

"Captain... these two are... black priests?!"

Seeing the appearance of these two people clearly, Sen Luosi, who was being bandaged beside him, suddenly showed surprise.

The "Black Priest" has always acted mysteriously and has never participated in such tasks.

"These two Lord Shouchending were specially sent by Yinyangliao. One is to assist in the search and rescue operation, and the other is to capture that fellow Araki Sousuke back by the way."

The two black-robed priests seemed unwilling to speak, but they bowed silently to everyone when Wang Yueche introduced them.

"After we arrived at the search and rescue camp, it was only thanks to the two of you who tracked down the 'half-demon' aura that we found it in time..."

"Half demon...does that mean the Anui guide who was with Sosuke Araki?"

The tall and strong man on the sled wearing bearskin, who looked indistinguishable from a brown bear from a distance, came to Sen Luosi's mind.

"Anyway, hard work."

Mochizuki took the windbreaker handed over by his subordinates and draped it casually on his shoulders, and nodded to Sen Luosi: "You take the injured person, go back to Hakodate to recuperate first."

"Just a small injury, it won't hinder the following tasks... If you hadn't arrived in time, the captain, I would have given my life here long ago!"

"Yes, we can continue to carry out the mission."

Looking at Mochizuki Che's slightly seductive side face against the background of the ghost pattern, Sen Luosi argued with the wounded beside him with burning eyes and reddish complexions.

"We vow to follow the captain to the death!"

"I, I have always been to the captain..."

As the atmosphere in the field became more and more heated, even the team members who silently cleaned up the battlefield looked at Wang Yueche with inexplicable feelings.


Facing the countless scorching gazes around him, Wang Yueche subconsciously clamped his buttocks and let out a cold snort.

While the snow wind was whistling, an invisible air flow retracted towards Wang Yueche's body, and the strange sweetness in the field disappeared without a trace.

"You should calm down and think about it."

In the void, countless purple ghost claws emerged, holding snowballs in their hands, and slammed the faces of the team members.


"It's so cold!"

"Pain, pain, pain..."

"Come on, let Captain, the snowball full of love and encouragement, come a little more violently!"

After being bruised and swollen by the hard and cold snowball, the inexplicable hotness in the eyes of the team members faded away.

"Tsk, that's the reason why I don't want to go out until I can't stop the complete leak of "Shen Poop Ghost Poison Wine"..."

Seeing that the scene had returned to "normal", Wang Yueche put his hand on his forehead and sighed slightly.

Since relying on "Higakiri" and "Heavenly Bloodline" to fuse "Shuten no Ghost Horn", he has been hiding out in the name of "rehabilitation", trying to fully grasp this brand new power in his body.

However, the "Ibaraki's arm" in his body obviously has the same "power of great rivers and mountains" with the pair of ghost horns, but for some reason it always confronts it tit for tat, which makes him still unable to combine these two powerful evil ghost powers. Two in one.

If it's other powers, it's okay to use it a little rough.

The most annoying thing is the breath of "God's Poison and Ghost Poison Wine" that quietly escapes from the armpits, behind the ears, and between the buttocks from time to time, which is irresistible to ghosts and ghosts, but has a deadly poison.

Although "Shen Poop Ghost Poison Wine" does not have any side effects for ordinary people, and it smells like sweet and slightly intoxicating fruit wine...

But after smelling it for a long time, it will cause male creatures to have some kind of forbidden affection for the owner of this breath.

Ever since a large-scale commotion was caused in the locker room of the training base, and he was attacked by several vicious dogs on the way home, in order not to let his team name become "Anti-Calcium-based Action Team", Mochizuki cut off Occasionally going out to spread the idea, decisively went back to the Supernatural Research Institute to retreat for "recuperation".

Until, I heard the news that a certain blond dementor had escaped from prison and fled to Hokkaido.

"Report to the captain, the battlefield is cleared!"

After a while, the messy scene had been restored to its original purity under the cover of snow.

"Leave 50 people to continue with me to carry out the mission. Vice-Captain Sen Luo returns to Hakodate with the wounded and the body to rest!"

Hearing Mochizuki Che's order, Sen Luosi, who was lying on the sled made of branches, saluted the other party reluctantly: "Got it!"

Having been taken away by the ghost bear with a large piece of flesh, he could bear the pain of sutures and bandages without passing out, which is considered tough.

"Cultivate with peace of mind. The anomaly in Hokkaido and the monster Araki Sousuke are beyond your ability to handle..."

Nodding his head, Mochizuki glanced at the two black priests behind him, with a complicated smile on the corner of his mouth: "However, with the cooperation of Shouchen Ding, neither the bus nor Araki Sousuke can escape from us." palm!"

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