I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 828 Rainbow Lip Print

Although I don't know exactly what happened, but a second ago, the space in front of the bus was suddenly distorted in a burst of flames...

Immediately afterwards, Sousuke Araki, who was surrounded by flames and left only a pair of boxers, broke through the space like smashing glass, and appeared on the edge of an empty cliff, holding up Takumi Fujiwara's world.

"Sorry...some things, it's better to say them in person."

At this moment, Araki Sousuke, with his muscular muscles and body tattoos wriggling like tadpoles, seemed to be a ghost crawling out of a crater, and easily supported the bumper of the bus with his thick thighs and muscular abdominal muscles... …

"The days to come..."

Holding the bottom of the bumper with both arms, Araki Sosuke burst out with surging power...

"I also ask you..."

His face, with veins exploding because of the force he pressed against the glass, looked extremely distorted and terrifying.

"...Accompany me to create, the future will not lose to the past ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Ignoring the raging volcano under his feet and the howling snowstorm above his head, he just walked forward step by step, pushing the bus towards the top of the cliff bit by bit...

From the beginning to the end, Araki Sousuke's eyes were only on the shrine maiden who was weeping with joy behind the glass.

And inside the bus, the teachers and students, who looked terrified and dull, and didn't even dare to show their atmosphere, were all automatically marked with passerby mosaics.

"Yeah... Xiaoniao Youzhen is not talented, please give me more advice in the future."

Wiping away the tears like broken pearls from the corners of his eyes, Kou Yumaumi knelt side by side, lowering his head slowly as if bowing...

"Little bird swim, what are you going to do?"

"Could it be that she wants to carry forward the glorious tradition of witches and sacrifice herself for us?"

"You don't have to, you don't have to. If you have any excessive demands, just come to the teacher!"

In the panic of everyone, the girl closed her eyes tightly, her long eyelashes fluttered, and her full vermilion lips, just like this through the glass, gently pressed a mark on the flushed cheek of the "evil ghost"...

The dazzling magma in mid-air, the crimson sunset at the top of the mountain, and the black and white snowflakes complement each other, making the small lip print on the glass a rainbow-like color.

"Zongjie, now is not the time to show affection..."

In midair, Fujiwara Takumi's wailing sounded again.

"No matter how much dog food you eat, you can't replenish the body that was emptied by the "Fujiwara state"! "

Even thanks to Emperor Meiji's "divine descent" on the night of the Obon Festival, the "channel" in his body that has long been widened is now silky smooth and continuously gushing out divine power...

However, using this weak body that lacks exercise on weekdays as a "channel" to resist the power of heaven and earth, even "the one who meets once in four thousand years", is also somewhat unsustainable because of the weakness of the waist and knees caused by excessive force.

"I heard it, it will be ready soon!"

Encouraged by the girl's kiss through the window, Sosuke Araki put away the "pig-brother look" on his face, and strode forward with fighting spirit...


This bus, which was on the verge of life and death several times, landed steadily back to the platform on the top of the mountain.


Fujiwara Takumi, who was in mid-air, then knelt down on the roof of the car.

"Takumi Raj's Shield!"

He crossed his hands abnormally, and stretched to the left and right as if embracing the sky...

On the top of the bus, a super giant chrysanthemum bloomed, blocking the lava falling from above like a shield.

"Zongsuke, what should we do next? We can't protect everyone individually, we can only get the whole bus down the mountain!"

Takumi Fujiwara, whose clothes are torn all over his body, using his golden glow as a mosaic, and Sousuke Araki, who stands naked at the front of the car, are like a pair of "Haier Brothers".

"It is not an easy task to get the bus down the snow-capped mountain at an altitude of more than 1,800 meters."

Araki Sousuke looked around, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, the eruption of Mt. Yotei became more and more intense, and the snow on the mountain was constantly cracking and sliding under the vibration...

"Let's not talk about the world falling apart now..."

And the snowflakes falling amidst the volcanic ash and thick smoke had completely turned into pure black at some point.

"The resentment in Xueli has also increased hundreds of times compared to before!"

As soon as the pure black snowflake approached Araki Sousuke's body, it melted into pitch-black mucus and penetrated into the pores...


As if suddenly remembering something, Sousuke Araki opened the door deformed by the impact and rushed into the cab...

"Help!!! Evil spirits have come in..."

"There is a pervert!!!"

Suddenly being intruded by this almost naked man with tattoos, all the teachers and students let out weak exclamations.

"Students, don't be afraid, no matter what he wants to do, the teacher will protect you even if he donates his body..."

"I'm not some evil spirit, nor a pervert, nor did I come in!" ! ! ! ! ! 』

But the apocalyptic scene outside made them shiver in their seats and dare not move.

"Little Bird Youshi..."

"Teacher Araki!"

Seeing Yumaumi, the bird coming up, Araki Sousuke suppressed the urge to hold him in his arms, and looked at the cab in front of him: "Where's the driver?"

"At, at your feet...it seems...it seems to be fainted from fright..."

"This bus is made by Longguo, it should be able to work at this low temperature, please!"

Pushing away the driver uncle who fell into a coma due to excessive fright, Araki Sousuke raised his hand and turned the car key.

"Don't panic, Mr. Araki is a stronger professional than me, and he came here from Tokyo to rescue us!"

With Sousuke Araki by his side, Yumami Kotori, who is a professional exorcist, also regained his composure and began to appease everyone.

"Great, the main body of the vehicle is intact and still usable!"

Amidst the hoarse rubbing sound of spark plugs, the engine of the bus started to "rumble" and shake.


At the same time, Takumi Fujiwara, whose clothes were torn, jumped down from the escape hatch on the top of the car, his eyes lingering among the stunned teachers and students, trying to find the figure he was thinking about...

"Cousin Takumi, I knew it was you!!! Woooooooooooo..."

In the next second, the body of the girl Wenxiang Nephrite hugged him from behind, and the storm burst into tears.

"I have always believed since kindergarten...the Giant of Light really exists...When I was in danger, you really became a 'Giant of Light' and flew to Hokkaido to find me..."

"Hey, hey... Where is the giant of light? I used the "Fujiwara state" to imitate... Besides, I came here by Shinkansen and motorcycle..."

"I can't read the text messages I send you normally, and I don't answer the phone calls. I keep saying that I'm busy when I make appointments to go shopping and watch movies... Do you want to go out until someone almost dies?!"

"No...that's purely my personal living habit..."

Suddenly immersed in the fragrance and softness, Fujiwara Takumi, whose back was wet with tears, suddenly blushed, became at a loss and spoke incoherently.

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