I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 842 Utali's Reins

"Why... obviously, as long as you hide on the island and be your 'shrinking turtle' like you have been for more than a hundred years, you can be safe..."

The visitor grabbed Najiro by the collar and seemed to want to lift him up...

"Why...but why do you want to run out at such a time, and sacrifice your own clansmen in order to save these bastards from the clan?!"

But because of physical weakness, they were brought to kneel down together.

"Sangoro? You lost weight..."

Looking at the man in front of him, Bie Kaijiro was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a kind smile: "Have you found the art you want?"

Sangoro Biekai, who had been slumped in the back of the bus, unexpectedly broke through the seal of "Socks of Male High School Students" at some point and followed him.

"Art... everything in front of your eyes is my art!"

Facing this abrupt question, Biekai Sangoro was stunned for a second, then laughed: "When Hokkaido is completely turned into an 'inhuman land' in this heavy snow, we Utali people will be able to survive in a powerful way." Under the protection of the bear spirit, I will live on this land as the master again."

"Sangoro, do you know..."

Hit Sangoro's head hard with the "holy stick" in his hand, interrupted the maniac words of the other party, and Nijiro shook his head slightly: "Why are you and I, who flow the blood of Utaly, not here?" In the heavy snow, do you become a monster like other clansmen?"

"That, that's because I'm already a 'God's Favored One'...but you, why are you..."

Looking at the old man who has no demonic features in front of him, who is dozens of years older than he remembered, with a stream of blood running down his forehead, Sangoro recognized him, and was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Do you know why the patriarchs of all dynasties are always held by our lineage who are good at communicating with bear spirits, but not good at demonizing?"

His eyes drifted into the deep wind and snow, and Nijiro continued to murmur: "Because, the duty of the patriarch is to be the last rein of the clansmen when they cannot control the wildness in their blood. There is only a trace of this duty. Only those of us with the blood of monsters can do this..."

"Without a trace of monster blood...you, what are you talking about...as the patriarch of the Utali clan, how could you..."

Hearing these words, Sanwulang stood there dumbfounded as if struck by lightning.

"Because the original Utali was an ordinary human being who was no different from the He Clan...After being defeated in battles one after another, we merged into the blood of other monsters according to the will of the gods..."

A self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of the Ainu patriarch's mouth: "Unfortunately, the powerful blood of the monster is not free..."

"We, who are self-styled and difficult to reproduce, eventually lost to the ever-growing He clan."


Hearing these words, Biekai Sangoro was in extremely complicated mood at the moment.

It's like a black man who has fought on the anti-racism front for decades, but is told by the genetic test report that he is actually a white man whose skin was changed at birth.

"Wait, old man...wake up...can't sleep..."

When he came back to his senses, Sangoro noticed that the faint aura of the old man in his arms had become almost imperceptible...

"Quick, save him!!! Just like you did to me before!!!"

He turned his head and yelled at Fujiwara Takumi and Araki Sousuke, "Don't you want to know what happened... as long as you save him, I will tell you everything!"

"However, when I used the 'Kizmium Beam' just now, the patriarch was also within range..."

Fujiwara Takumi scratched his head, and once again put on that embarrassing pose of the middle school student: "It doesn't matter, let's try again."

"No, there's no need to waste your efforts. I am here, my vitality is overdrawn, and my lifespan is approaching..."

Nakaijiro shook his head, and grasped Sangoro's hand with great difficulty: "Remember, Sangoro... The struggle between us and the Wa clan stems from a conflict of beliefs, and it is a matter between people... "

"If you turn this land into a ghost because of this, it is tantamount to destroying your own origin."

A dazzling green light suddenly burst out from his eyes, like a ferocious beast in the dark night: "Even if you can survive by chance, the only ones walking on this land are furry and blood-drinking monsters, not Utali."

"Spirit Bear...is calling me...I want to go back to the Kingdom of God..."

In the next second, the green light quickly faded and turned into lifeless gray: "It's great to see you back at last... Sangoro, the reins are handed over to you. You have to take good care of the clansmen."

"No... not now... I finally..."

Bie Kai Sangoro shook the old man who was peacefully sleeping with his eyes closed in his arms at a loss, but he couldn't wake him up no matter what.

"This, this is not the result I want..."

He burst into tears, crying like a wounded beast in the black snow: "Papa!!!!"

"I have long...wanted to... eat salted fish from Lake Toya..."

The worn-out holy stick had been stuffed into his hands at some point.

"My condolences, let's go with the change. After distinguishing the patriarch, I have already returned to Xiong Ling's side."

Sousuke Araki showed a gratified smile as he watched a green light gushing out from Najiro's Tianling Gai and rising towards the dark night sky.

Ever since the world in his left eye was turned upside down and he became a spirit remover, the boundary between life and death has become more blurred and disordered for him.

Some people are alive, he is dead.

Some people died, he is still alive.

Some people, between the two, jump left and right.

"Zongsuke, what should we do with this guy... he should still be an active prisoner who needs to be taken into custody, right?"

Seeing Sangoro Sangoku Sangoku crying while holding the corpse, Fujiwara Takumi looked at Sousuke Araki with a complicated expression.

He who almost died at the hands of this cultist knew exactly how dangerous this person was.

Although at the moment, Biekai Sangoro seems to have lost his ghost power due to serious injuries, but no one can guarantee that one day he will wake up again due to the exhaustion of the author's inspiration, and a new conspiracy will be brewed.

"Let's go back to the camp first. The top priority is to bring everyone back to Hakodate safely..."

Araki Sousuke, who was also an "current criminal who urgently needs to be detained", scratched his head, but couldn't think of a better way for a while.

"I advise you, it's better not to go back to Hakodate. There, it is now the most dangerous place in Hokkaido... Bringing these people back is tantamount to seeking death..."

Distinguishes Sangoro, who has been silent all this time, and speaks with his back to the two.

"The only way for you to survive now is to return to the island immediately before the Seikan Tunnel is blocked."

"Don't say it like a kind reminder, isn't all of this thanks to you?!"

Hearing the cold tone of the other party, Fujiwara Takumi became furious: "Tell me, what did you Aum Shinrikai do in Hokkaido?!"

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