I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 846 Looking forward to the end of spring

"Quick... The situation has changed... All retreat... Exit Goryokaku!"

"But, captain, the road ahead has been blocked by those wraiths..."

In the city, there is Hijikata Suisan, a famous general at the end of the Shogunate who was brave and good at fighting in life, and turned into ghosts and gods in death.

Outside the city, there are thousands of wraith warriors standing quietly under the cherry blossom trees, obeying orders in awe.

Under the feet, in the moat that turned red like blood at some point, there were countless withered white arms squirming.

After recovering from this shocking scene, Sen Luosi and his party standing at the gate of the city were already trapped under the gate of the black pentagram fortress, with no way to go to heaven or go to earth!

"Swear to the distance, be sincere here!"


In the city, the men kneeling behind Kono Ichiro followed Hijikata Toshizo's order, and the long knives around their waists were unsheathed.

"Today, use the blood of these lackeys of the emperor to sacrifice for the Kaicheng of Goryokaku!"

Immediately afterwards, they hung their swords to their sides and rushed frantically to Sen Luosi and others outside the city gate!

"After a long time, these lunatics know that we have been tearing open the door..."

"So, from the very beginning, did you treat us as dead people and spare sacrifices..."

"Stop talking nonsense, shoot!!!"

Looking at the cold blade in the hands of the "Earth Religion", without Sen Luosi's order, the team members behind him had already used the city gate as a cover and opened fire without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

In the dense gunshots, the light onion-colored weaver feather was shot through the body, leaving small holes, and bright red blood flowers bloomed.

Although this group of members of the "Earth Religion" with a large age span and mixed good and bad looks aggressive, they are only at the level of "amateurs" in terms of physical fitness and kendo...

Facing the disaster prevention mobile team with the advantage of terrain and professional military literacy, the various cold weapons in their hands are no better than bare hands in front of the powerful fire blockade.

But they turned a blind eye to the "companions" who fell one by one beside them, and just continued to move forward with fanatical eyes and grinning faces...

As if, participating in the "Hijikata Toshizo Performance Conference", reenacting the last charge of the Shinsengumi under the Goryokaku Castle that year.

In less than a minute, the blood-soaked cobblestone road inside the city gate was covered with dozens of corpses strewn about one after another.

"Stop, cease fire..."

Seeing the "Hijikata (evil) religious group" wiped out by the entire army, including Priest Kono, Sen Luosi and the other team members' hearts were colder than the black snow above their heads.

"You lunatics, what are you thinking, are you so life-threatening?!"

Because what happened just now was not a battle at all, but a simple massacre.

"Death is not the end...Master Hijikata...will grant us...eternal life..."

The black snow is falling, the blood is solidified, and the men who are gradually losing their breath of life, their eyes are wide open, and their faces are still full of that sweet smile...

"Hey, the era of swords really ended long ago."

Standing still on the spot, Hijikata Toshizo just glanced at the light green weaving feathers that were torn apart by the hail of bullets and fell in a pool of blood, and turned his back without moving...

He has seen too many similar scenes in his life, so many that there is no ripple in his heart.

"However, the Shinsengumi with only me in it is incomplete."

Walking to the middle of the two narrow wooden boxes, the light of the knife flickered silently, and there was a crack in the left and right wrists of Hijikata Suisan with deep bone visible!

"Looking forward to the end of spring, I also know the time when I like ice and snow. It will only melt today."

The dark and viscous "blood" gushed out from his wrist like a waterfall, soaked down the cracks of the wooden box, and dyed the log into pure black.

"Just like I swore once... Even if we are separated by death, our souls will still be united under the banner of Chengzi, united as one!"

On Hijikata Toishan, the breath of ghosts and gods that originally pierced the sky began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"The blade is covered with blood, you who don't even have the qualifications to go to hell..."

On the contrary, the two black coffins in front of him suddenly stood vertically from the ground, emitting a strong gray aura.

"Come and join me and restore the glory of the Shinsengumi!"

He was actually releasing his precious power of ghosts and gods without reservation!

"Crack, click..."

Amid the sound of the coffin being broken, two figures, one tall and one short, dressed in black weaving feathers and wrapped in gray flames, stood around Hijikata Toishan.

"Tonight, Huche is so hungry for blood..."

On the left is a Kongwu man with a square face, ginkgo biloba, tall, well-developed muscles, and hands clasped in his sleeves.

"This time, I, Katsuta Shimazaki, want to die purely as a samurai."

He just stood there like that, giving people a sense of stability and stability.

"I'm sorry, the half-sick and consumptive ghost swordsman who couldn't advance and retreat with everyone in the end, Okita Soujiro, see reference."

On the right side, a handsome young man with big pure eyes and canine teeth grinning on his doll face is slowly fastening the forehead guard in his hand.

It was clearly clear eyes and innocent smile, but there was a hair-raising indifference inside.

"It's been a long time, Machi, Soujiro."

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, but a few words were worth a thousand words.

"Mr. Kondo, Mr. Suisan, according to the agreement, I have returned from Ueki House to recuperate."

"Sorry, Suisan, I let you fight alone for so long!"

After sharing the power of ghosts and gods from Toshizo Hijikata, the two of them seem to understand the current situation after a while.

"No, for this day, all the arrangements that were gambled at the beginning are worth it."

Looking at the two people standing next to him again after a century and a half, a drop of black blood slipped from the corner of Hijikata Suisan's eyes.

In the last battle of the year, when the head of the independent Wulinguo city wandered alone and stood silently, I never expected that loneliness would be filled again like today.

At this moment, it seems that even time is frozen by the black snow above the head, returning all the faces lost in the long river of longing.

"The whole army obeys orders..."

In Goryokaku City, Hijikata Toshizo was full of vigor, with his head held high, and the flag of sincerity that was used as a cloak flapped behind him.

"Follow me and take back Hakodate!"

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly conveyed to the depths of the souls of the black warriors inside and outside the Goryokaku...

"Take back Hakodate!"

"Take back Hakodate!"

"Take back Hakodate!"

In the entire Goryokaku, there was no ups and downs, but the roar was full of fighting spirit, and a huge black wave was set off.

Nearly a thousand black figures lined up neatly in several square formations amidst the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, and stepped out towards the area outside Goryokaku...

Following their firm footsteps, the black snow-covered ground turned into stiff and smooth frozen soil, spreading out towards the surroundings.

Seen from above, Goryokaku looks like a rotten black scar that has gradually grown in size, eroding the surrounding cities.

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