Twenty years ago, after the "Hundred Eyed Ghost Rebellion" subsided, the Mochizuki clan obtained a large number of "Hundred Eyed Pupils" as research materials through official channels...

And one of them was transplanted into Wang Yueche's left eye.

But even if he has the "blood of heaven and man" and will not have "rejection", he can only use this ghost pupil to obtain spiritual vision, and he cannot display various "Hundred Eyes" like Mochizuki Ayano. Pupil technique", not to mention the unity of hundreds of eyes, refining into true pupils, and turning the moon into pupils.

"You're right...Although I was 'drugged' by Miss Hanyu that night, my memory was basically fragmented, and I don't remember what happened with Mochizuki at all...but the left eye is probably given to me by her .”

Stretching out his hand to caress his golden bursting left eye, Araki Zongsuke's expression became a little gloomy: "However, I'm just keeping it for her temporarily... When that girl 'wakes up', everything will naturally have an answer...At that time, this I will give it back to her with my own hands!"

"Drug... She gave it to you... She gave it to you... She gave it to you?!"

Palely repeating Araki Sousuke's words several times, Mochizuki showed a look of sudden realization: "Give me the's a give me the eyes!"

"That silly girl must have used that forbidden technique on you! You kid, why did you ask her to give you..."

According to the records of ancient books unearthed in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, Domeki once tried to use the forbidden technique called "Give Eyes" to Fujiwara Hidego, and wanted to offer the "Hundred Eyes" that he worked so hard to refine, but the other party tried The arrow exploded the eyeball that came out of the body.

"It turns out that you also went behind that door with her... That's right, the old man must have seen such an obvious thing long ago..."

But the situation in front of him made the fog in Wang Yueche's heart gradually dissipate.

According to the mission files shared by the Spirit Eliminator Association, on the night of the Obon Festival, Mochizuki Ayano ingested too much resentment and the eyeballs of ghosts, which caused the Hundred-Mused Ghost to break out of her body, and achieved the Hundred-Mused True Eyes and Moon Wheel Jiuyao... …

Mochizuki Ayano, who regained control of her body with the help of the last seal in her body, entered it in order to close the gate of hell.

But after a "black unknown object" appeared and the gate of hell disappeared, no one knew why she lost her left eye and how she returned from behind the gate...

At least according to the current situation, Mochizuki Ayano must have encountered a very difficult situation behind the door, so she did not hesitate to bestow the "Hundred Eyes True Eye" on Araki Sousuke in order to gather strength to break the situation.

"No wonder, the old man will give you the Taketori picture scrolls to collect... because he knows that you can't refuse this 'request' at all!"

Having figured out the cause and effect, Wang Yueche, who was holding the ground with one hand, was full of resentment in his eyes: "Hehehe... this old man... really thinks that everyone is a tool at your mercy?!"

"Wangyueche, are you crazy because you have absorbed too much resentment? At this time, what are you talking about... Zongsuke, come out..."

The spiritual power of the chrysanthemum pattern surged in Fujiwara Takumi's hands, and he kicked Mochizuki Che away, who was clearly unable to stand up, but stubbornly crawled forward. There is too much resentment in it, if you 'drink' all of it... let alone a spirit remover... I am afraid that even ghosts and gods will explode and die!"

"Death by exploding? What are you kidding..."

Araki Sousuke lowered his head and looked at the ground under his feet.

"Isn't it, there is no drop?"

In an instant, the shrinking black beam of light in this "array hub" has completely disappeared...

"How, how is it possible... the 150 years of grievances in Hokkaido... It's only been thirty seconds... you guy, is your belly connected to the fourth dimension?!"

Takumi Fujiwara, with a pale face, staggered to the ground, looking at the "array" with no energy fluctuations in disbelief.

As the ice melted and the snow melted, a huge dilapidated pentagram gully emerged from under the foundation of the house.

Presumably, this is the Tuyumen Shinto, the "array pivot" depicted in the Goryokaku City.

"Impossible, even if it is 'Moon Wheel Jiuyao', it is impossible to digest such grievances in an instant..."

At this situation, even Mochiueche, who was on the ground softly, was so surprised that he stopped laughing wildly.

You know, even with the help of the resentment in the "Inverse Pentagram Formation" to catalyze the power of faith, achieve the body of ghosts and gods, and even split into two other ghosts and gods, Hijikata Toshizo did not consume the reserves of resentment in this formation. Twelve out of ten.

But after Araki Sousuke entered the formation hub, it took less than 30 seconds for the formation to "disarm and surrender".

If those grievances still stay in Araki Sosuke's body, isn't this guy a "humanoid self-propelled grievance nuclear bomb" that is more terrifying than ghosts and gods? !

"Indeed, the formation has stopped functioning, and the resentment under the formation is gone...but..."

Shaking off a lot of question marks in his head, Fujiwara Takumi lay down on the broken hub on the ground like a rescue dog, and carefully sensed it.

"What should I do with the resentment in the cloud?!"

Then, he stared blankly at the sky above his head...

Although the black beam of light has dissipated, the giant spiral black cloud is still hovering over Hakodate City.

"Oops, without the traction of the formation, the snow cloud formed by these grievances is about to get out of control!"

The difference from before is that the cloud no longer rotates in a spiral shape regularly, but shrinks and expands violently like boiling black medicinal soup, changing into various hideous and disordered shapes...

"If you spread it all over Hokkaido, there's no way to solve it..."

Before Fujiwara Takumi finished speaking, the huge cloud suddenly shrank and swelled like an explosion...

"...Damn it, it's already started to explode!!!"

It shattered into countless black clouds and exploded in all directions!

"Oh? Are there so many in the sky?"

Amidst Fujiwara Takumi's screams, Sousuke Araki, whose eyes were flooded with flames, looked at the night sky expressionlessly...

"It's body, but it's sincerely speaking..."

That insightful gaze looked greedily at the dark cloud that formed a huge spiral above his head.

"At that point, it's not even enough to plug the teeth!"

As the surrounding space distorted and shattered slightly in the firelight, Sousuke Araki just disappeared in place...

"Oops, Sousuke, idiot, where did he go?!"

Just when Fujiwara Takumi looked around in a daze, Mochizuki raised his head as if feeling a sense: "It's up there!!!"

Above the night, the huge cloud that was expanding and falling apart was suddenly pierced by a huge hole in the center...

From a distance, it looks like a "mushroom cloud" left after a nuclear bomb explodes.

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