I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 883: Incredible Baby

"A perverted woman dressed as a Mediterranean girl, she dares to speak hard when she is about to die..."

Looking at Toda Hiroshi who was obviously extremely weak but exuded an inexplicable sense of threat, the huge eyeballs of the one-eyed man gathered incandescent light like a light bulb: "Under my one-eyed eyes, turn into ashes!!!"

In Japanese legends, ghosts with different names, such as "one-eyed monk", "one-eyed monk", and "one-eyed monk", whose appearance is "one-eyed monk" are very common.

It is said that the huge and bright single eye on their faces has strange functions such as burning, hallucination, fear, indigestion, and dysfunction.

"Tsk, you bastard...you have such a big eyeball on your face..."

At the critical moment, Hiroshi Tsuneda, like a western cowboy with a gun in a duel, quickly took out a crumpled transparent mineral water bottle from under the skirt and under his underwear...

"...It's hard not to get hit by others!!!"

『Besides, for a decent person like this old man who doesn’t have any eccentricities, isn’t this attire all forced by you? ! 』

Just when the huge one-eyed shot out a beam of incandescent light, the cloudy liquid in the bottle had already poured into the huge eye socket that could never be missed.


As if being splashed with a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid, petroleum, and white phosphorus, the man's huge one-eyed eye was instantly wrapped in black flames and thick smoke, showing a large area of ​​festering and melting!

"My eyes... it hurts... I can't see... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Sudden severe injury, the third cultist also followed in the footsteps of his companions, covering his face on the ground and wailing in pain.

"Hey hey hey... let's savor it carefully..."

Standing up tremblingly, Hiroshi Tsuneda glanced at the three cultists who fell to the ground in pain, tightened the plastic bottle with only a puddle of unknown liquid left in his hand, and stuffed it into his underpants preciously.

"...My incomparably precious '100% pure test stock solution'!"

Then, in the attitude of a victor, he turned and walked towards the interior of the cave.

"It's just the portion that a few of you just enjoyed...the value is already more than two million yen..."

A strong and thick foul smell permeated in the not-so-narrow cave, like the evil aura emanating from the arrival of the devil.

"No, let me follow the "Yin-Yang Sixiang Celestial Disk" to come here, it is impossible to have nothing! "

Muttering to himself, Hiroshi Toda struggled to turn among the pile of rotten wooden boxes.

"Finally found……"

As the last covered wooden box was lifted, a bluestone slab with octagonal grooves appeared in front of Toda Hiroshi.

"What the hell... what is it..."

The mud around the bluestone slab clearly showed signs of new digging.

"Let President Shiben not rest in peace, even if he turned into a wraith, he made a special call to explain, what's the 'important evidence'?"

Hiroshi Changtian excitedly picked up the "Yin-Yang Sixiang Astrolabe Disk" from the ground, and put it into the well-fitted groove in the middle of the bluestone slab...

The spiritual power of the ancient compass surged, and the pointer in the center turned like an electric fan.


The ground shook slightly, and the flow of resentment in the cave became more and more violent, as if some kind of formation was being activated.

"I knew that the dignified vice president of the Exorcist Association, at the critical moment when the dragons had no leader, came to a remote village alone, and it really wasn't as simple as escaping for his life."

Behind him, the woman's cold voice suddenly sounded, causing goosebumps on Hiroshi Toda's already chilly legs to surge.

"Oops, when..."

He subconsciously wanted to turn around, but found that not only could he not turn his neck, but his vocal cords could not even vibrate.

"Hee hee, when Vice President Chang Tian was teaching these three guys hard, they were always there... just hiding in their shadows."

His eyes moved down with difficulty, and he found a beautiful figure with bumps and convexities at his feet, which was getting closer and closer.

"Damn it, Yingnv, I thought you got separated, and you've been hiding in our shadows!"

"Don't, don't rush to kill this Mediterranean, let him hand over the way to restore our divine power!"

Hearing the voice of the "companion", the few cult members who had fallen to the ground lifted their spirits and let out howling complaints.

"I can't help it. The 'Power of a Shadow Girl' is not good at fighting, so I can only look for opportunities to sneak in."

"So, is it a movie girl?" 』

In an instant, that delicate voice and cold breath had come to Hiroshi Toda's ears, making his ears feel cold.

Yingnv, it is said, is a kind of ghost with only shadows and no substance. It often appears in single men's rooms in the middle of the night, waiting for an opportunity to absorb energy in one way or another.

"Vice President Chang Tian doesn't need to struggle in vain. People who have their shadows restrained by others will not be able to move for a while..."

Following a wave of undulating touch on the back, a slender arm as dark as a shadow penetrated into the "absolute domain" of Hiroshi Toda...

"Hey, there seems to be an incredible treasure hidden under here..."

"No, don't...Only that thing, absolutely not..."

A transparent plastic mineral water bottle was pulled out.

"Is this the one? This is the secret liquid that can make even the "God's Favored" have no resistance..."

Shaking a small amount of the yellowish liquid in the bottle, the woman whose whole body was pitch-black and whose figure was constantly twisting like a shadow hugged Hiroshi Tsuneda like a lover, and smiled greedily: "You're going to die anyway, this one Baby, just give it to this weak woman who has no power to fight back to defend herself."

This terrifying item of spirit removal will inevitably become her self-defense trump card in the fierce "promotion" competition within the Aum Shinrikai.

"Boom, boom..."

Just when the two embraced back and forth as if "the relationship between humans and ghosts is not over", a gap suddenly opened on the ground in front of Hiroshi Changtian...


Under the dull eyes of the two, a black wooden coffin with dense runes engraved on the surface slowly rose up!

"You came here just for this thing?"

Frightened by the scene of "promotion and wealth", the slender arm of the "shadow girl" subconsciously penetrated into Hiroshi Toda's back...

"Quickly tell me, what is inside this coffin?!"

She looked carefully, and found that the source of the resentment surging in the cave was actually the coffin itself!

"I... I don't know..."

The numbness in the throat disappeared, Hiroshi Toda only felt his heart being held by an invisible arm, and his face turned pale from the pain.

"And, even if you know..."

But he still stood there stubbornly, with a resolute smile on the corner of his mouth: "Even if I die, I won't tell you!"

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