I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 907 Sea fish milt

"If someone believes in and becomes a 'god' who can live forever, I'm afraid the earth will soon be destroyed because the density of the 'god's mouth' is too high?"

While complaining, Hou Hailudou repeatedly zoomed in, zoomed out, sharpened, and toned, searching for "clues" from the video screen.

"Hey, what is this?"

Suddenly, he pressed the pause button as the screen moved rapidly following Akio Hibi soaring into the air.

"This thick, long, segmented black object looks familiar..."

In the lower left corner of the dark and blurred picture, after he adjusted it to off-white, a rectangular parallelepiped object was vaguely outlined.

"Like a train?"

Araki Sousuke on the side moved his head closer, squinting his eyes and identifying it with some doubts.

"That's right, this is the train! Could it be that these guys are hiding in a certain station to live broadcast... Is it because it is convenient to hide, or is there some special reason?"

After Hou Hailudou saved the relevant pictures, he continued to look at the next video: "With this blurred shape alone, there is no way to compare the train model and find the specific station..."

"Also, even if we look for it, these fellows who are more cunning than mice may have already escaped."

"The people who pass by, and the things lost in chaos, will one day become disappearing memories"

The crisp ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Wait a minute, that guy Xiaojing should be here."

Looking at the caller ID named "Xiaoida Yuan", Araki Sousuke pressed the connection button carelessly: "You are too slow to come, but we ate all the breakfast... If you didn't eat , just go to the convenience store by yourself..."

After the previous phone call, he called Oida Moto to meet at Chicheng Apartment.

"Araki-kun, I'm in Kagurazaka...but..."

On the other end of the phone, Moto Oida's voice was trembling and weak.

"But what, you just go upstairs and talk about it... By the way, help me bring Qixing to the convenience store by the way..."

"However, on the ramp ahead, there are several suspicious people wearing black robes and masks... They seem to be 'walking' in the direction of Akagi Shrine."

"What? Black robe, mask? Find a place to hide right away..."

Hearing these two iconic words, Araki Sousuke frowned slightly.

"Hey, the guy on the phone over there...that's right, it's you, come here..."

Before he finished speaking, a strange man's extremely skilled "lines for roadblocking and robbery" rang on the other end of Xiaojing Yuan's phone.

"Well, I'm just an unremarkable citizen passing by, please ignore me..."

"Stop talking nonsense, feel honored, you have been chosen by the true god! Oh………"

"What is this, it's so thick...ah, it's not allowed there...beep beep beep..."

With an inexplicable noise and licking sound, the phone communication was suddenly cut off.

"Hey, hey, Koi?!"

"Is it Xiaojing-kun, what's wrong with him..."

"... Araki-sensei?!"

When the three people in the room came back to their senses, Sousuke Araki's back had disappeared outside the door.


It was early in the morning, and the Kagurazaka commercial street was as sparsely populated as ever.

However, the shops that were supposed to be open for business one after another have closed their doors for some reason, and you can only vaguely see the figures of the shop assistants poking around and spying secretly from the windows.

"Jie jie jie jie... boy... you choose yourself..."

Because, outside the gate of Chicheng Shrine, there are several suspicious-looking men in black robes.

"Swallow it and accept the trial of the 'True God'...or die!"

In front of them, a thin young man was being lifted high above his head, swinging his body weakly in mid-air.

"Are you kidding me..."

Looking carefully, what wrapped him around and lifted him up in the air turned out to be a thick and long snake-like scarlet tongue that was sticky and slippery.

"Even elementary school students know, don't eat the 'three no food' given by suspicious people on the street!"

And the other end of that terrifying long tongue extended from the "O"-shaped hole in the mouth of one of the black-robed men's masks.

If it weren't for the weird clothes of a few people and the lack of shooting equipment around, they might be mistaken for an entertainment company filming a "Magic Boy Special Project" in broad daylight.

"Three without food?! I don't know how to praise, do you know how much other people have to pay for a 'miracle' like 'Sea Mermaid's Baizi'?"

At this moment, he was dragging a puddle of black bumpy particles in his palm, and he was passing it towards the young man's mouth: "Hurry up and welcome with closed eyes and open mouth with joy! Don't move around, I don't care if it's a waste if it's spilled on your face." ..."

"Bai... You are obviously black... By the way, isn't Bai Zi the OO of a fish?!"

Hearing this strange name, the thin young man with a long tongue shook his head like a rattle.

"What's wrong with the OO of fish? The protamine rich in white seeds has the effects of lowering blood pressure, helping breathing, and promoting digestion, while the rich B vitamins in it can help promote metabolism, promote the transformation and absorption of proteins and lipids, Potassium regulates heart and muscle function..."

"Master Red Tongue, please don't argue with mere lowly humans. If it weren't for the fact that there are not many people on this street, how could such a 'good thing' get him?!"

"Wake up, the Kingdom of God has arrived, and only those who are favored by the true God are qualified to continue walking on the earth..."

Seeing that this weak but capable kid actually rejected the "miracle" that his "team leader" personally fed to his mouth, the other men in black robes were also really angry: "I originally wanted to use this kid to 'heat up the field' , since he is not willing to accept divine grace..."

"Okay, then suck his blood dry, hang his body on this torii gate to dry, and see if these false gods can still hold their breath?!"

"Cough cough cough... I, GHOSTFACER Xiaojing... I am a big anchor with tens of millions of followers..."

The man who was getting tighter and tighter by the long scarlet tongue, approaching the top of the red torii gate like an elevator, was naturally Moto Oida who came to meet someone at Akagi Shrine, but was "blocked and robbed" by these men in black robes.

"Even if it's death...don't let you use such a strange thing...on the street..."

"And...if I grow out such and such strange organs like you, I won't be able to be on camera... What will I do with my comeback plan..."

The space in his chest and lungs was getting tighter and tighter by the long tongue, and his vision blurred for a while due to lack of oxygen.


Amidst the strange breaking sound, Moto Koida loosened his body and fell towards the ground!


The sudden scream of the man in black was still in his ears, and a strong arm had already caught him in mid-air.

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