I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 941 Thousand-Day Kaiho?

"According to the unofficial records of Nuwa Island in Ehime Prefecture, the 'Golden Vulcan' will be transformed into a knight burning with golden flames, and descend on the family ancestral hall on New Year's Eve. Those who meet him will gain enough wealth to enjoy for a lifetime... It is said that during the Warring States period, the Miyoshi clan in the four countries was able to continue to expand because he received a large amount of gold from him. 』

"It sounds like a 'clan god' with a lot of money and stupid people? 』

"The clan god who casually burned the entire Otsuka Commercial Street cannot be described as 'people are stupid and have a lot of money'." Giving gold and receiving offerings is nothing more than taking what they need...』

Concentrating his thoughts, Araki Zongsuke looked at Jinshenhuo in the distance, and asked in a deep voice: "Since you are the 'clan god' who bestows wealth on mankind, why do you want to do such a thing now?!"

"Why?! Hehehehe...it's for you human beings who have been kept in captivity by Gao Tianyuan for too long, to recall..."

Faced with Araki Sousuke's questioning, Jin Shenhuo showed an expression like an idiot, and the face formed by the flames gradually distorted and deformed in laughter: "It has not been enshrined in the flesh and blood of virgin boys and girls for hundreds of years, and it has been completely forgotten... Master Jinshenhuo's wrath!"

"What?! You bastard..."

When he heard the words "boys and girls", Araki Sousuke started to speed up suddenly, and smashed into those headless warriors who were swinging their knives with their cars.

"The self-introduction time is over, now please go on the road!"

As the black wings fluttered and the flames were annihilated, countless shattered white figures with clasped hands appeared.

"Cheng, become a Buddha?"

In an instant, Jin Shenhuo, who had yet to deploy troops in the future, became a "lonely man".

"These useless guys... damned cowards!"

He raised his horse's head, soared into the air, mourning his misfortune, and angrily facing the figure in the sky full of fluorescent light, Jin tearfully scolded: "We ghost fire clan, how much thought, how much pain and suffering we have endured!" How many years have passed before this moment is ushered in..."

"The sky is full of Buddhas" in front of him seems to be some kind of great insult to him.

"It's been a long time since I left the Realm of Encountering Demons... How can you be willing to become a Buddha just like this?!"

Immediately, his eyes with golden flames soared to the sky, looked at the black locomotive speeding up with resentment, and handed out the long knife in his hand to Sousuke Araki on it: "It's you! What did you do to them..."

"Huh?! As a spirit remover, what else can I do to you ghosts..."

The answer to his question was a huge wheel that was tilted high and rotated like a chainsaw: "Of course it's exorcism!"

Just when the wheel of the warrior of the Warring States Period was about to run over the sword in the hand of the Golden Flame Knight...

A group of red flames that were as swift as the wind and as aggressive as fire burst out from the ruins nearby, and swept away the golden flame knight...


In midair, only half of the "Zhijin Pill" remained, and it fell to the ground desolately.

In the sea of ​​flames behind, Chiyan fell to the ground and turned into a giant bird ten meters long with red cheeks and black and white feathers.

Between the feathers lingering in the flames, wisps of gray aura emanated, silently telling its identity as ghosts and gods.

"Jin Shenhuo, don't be impulsive, don't look at this kid who doesn't have any fluctuations in spiritual power, but has a very weird aura..."

The reason why it appeared in time to stop Jinshenhuo was precisely because it smelled a familiar and dangerous smell from the pair of "black wings" carrying cigarettes on fire...

"In my memory, human beings who control karma are very difficult to deal with..."

In the "black wing" where the fireworks dissipated where it passed, there was a strong karmic atmosphere exuding.

"Vulcan... you, you are right..."

Then, from within the giant curled claws of the firebird, came the quiet and steady voice of Jinshenhuo: "...that guy is hard to deal with, you have to be careful."

"I have to be careful? Jin Shenhuo, you..."

As the bird's claws opened, what was reflected in the pair of crimson bird pupils was the Golden God Fire with folded hands and golden flames all over its body...


Amidst the strange wail of the fire bird, the originally majestic Golden Divine Fire was extinguished like a candle in the wind, leaving only a translucent human body with clasped hands...

It turned out that the soul that originally belonged to this "container" also became a Buddha together.

"How can it be……"

Raising his hand to crush the white spirit body between its claws, the giant bird named "Vulcan" stared resentfully at the "ghost knight" who flew into the distance and just drove to the ground with red pupils like copper bells: " How can you, Your Excellency, be able to make Jin Shenhuo let go of his obsession and become a Buddha instantly?!"

Seeing this old friend who has known each other for hundreds of years become a Buddha in the palm of his hand and leave, a strong sense of sorrow for the death of the rabbit and fox rose in his heart.

Their "gods" born out of a "hodgepodge" of grievances, obsessions, souls, beliefs, fears, etc., are different from ordinary ghosts.

Regardless of good or evil deeds, anyone who can leave "traces" in the hearts of the world, even if he is retreated by a powerful spirit remover, as long as his obsession persists, he will be able to "resuscitate" once he seizes the opportunity in the long river of time.

Therefore, when facing the existence of ghosts and gods, many spirit eliminators always tend to "seal" rather than "destroy", not because they don't want to "eliminate all evil", but to avoid "rebirth" elsewhere.

The only exception is the attainment of Buddhahood, which is "unattainable but not sought".

But asking a ghost to voluntarily let go of his obsessions, dissipate his condensed beliefs, and willingly face "eternal death" is tantamount to persuading people to commit suicide.

"So that's how it is...you get rid of the karma on Jin Vulcan's body, so that he can make his faith unstable and become a Buddha willingly."

His eyes wandered for a while on Araki Zongsuke's dark tight leather jacket, and finally fell on the top of the smooth and shiny motorcycle helmet. "Vulcan" seemed to understand: "Your Excellency, is it the Tiantai Sect generation's Qianri Huifeng?" Walker'?"

"Qianri...Huifeng...Xingzhe? Although I don't understand what you are talking about, it seems to be very powerful..."

While chatting insincerely, Araki Sousuke had turned the accelerator and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards it: "Why don't I provide you with the service of 'resonance at the same frequency, one shot into the soul' first, and then continue Let's talk about it!"

"It's not wrong, this kid is absorbing the resentment in my fire and condensing it into karma!"

Quietly looking at the pair of black wings smoking cigarettes, "Vulcan" became more and more sure of his conjecture: "Except for the most bald donkey's 'Thousand Days Returning to the Peak', there is no other cultivation method in this world that can control karma! "

Facing the menacing Araki Sousuke, the fire bird melted into a ball of red flames and disappeared into the sea of ​​flames.


In the next second, where it was originally entrenched, one person and one car smashed down with the gust of wind, and the fireworks within a radius of 100 meters dissipated with the wind...

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