I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 996 Candle in the Wind

The participants of the "Hundred Stories" game, all dressed in Tsing Yi, gathered in the same dark room, and then placed blue paper-pasted lanterns, wooden tables and mirrors in the room next to the dark room, and then lit a hundred sticks and placed them side by side. candles.

After the beginning of Hundred Monogatari, each participant narrates strange stories, blows out a candle in the next room, looks at his face in the mirror, and then returns to his original position.

This was repeated repeatedly until the ninety-ninth strange talk was finished and the last candle was left. Everyone sat around and waited until after dawn, and then disbanded and went home in peace.

It is said that if someone tells the hundredth ghost story and blows out the last candle during the process, ghosts will appear next to the blue light, and the ghost stories in this game may also come true.

In an era when the level of education was generally low, the first people who were keen to participate in "Hundred Stories" and share strange stories were naturally mainly literati and poets.

After this game was passed down, it gradually developed into a kind of elegant event of collecting strange stories and relaying creations. Many popular literature authors are still keen on this way.

As for Qingxingdeng, it is said that it is a monster transformed into a green lantern used by Hundred Monogatari. Its body and image are unknown, but it is keen to call people to participate in Hundred Monogatari and collect various strange stories.

"The old man you mentioned, does he have a name?"

Turning a blind eye to the tireless and murderous wooden swords all over the sky, the woman who called herself "Qing Xingdeng" straightened out her palace attire that was blown by the wind, and looked at the red armored warrior with a sword in the distance with some interest.

"The name? People die like a lamp going out, I tell you, it's not impossible..."

Faced with this puzzling question, the armored warrior was silent for a moment, and said four words in a hoarse voice: "His name is Yueyingqingren."

"Moon Shadow Sunny Man?"

After reading the name silently, a smile flashed in Qing Xingdeng's clear eyes: "This man has created many interesting strange stories, and he is an author I am quite optimistic about."

Immediately, she spat softly with a reddish face: "However, for some reason, he stopped writing in a fit of rage, and turned to write that kind of unsightly and gaudy prose halfway through, wasting all his talent in vain."

"Hmph, you ghosts and monsters have secretly bewitched literati to write ghost stories and tricked painters into drawing monster paintings for hundreds of years, so as to absorb the beliefs of the world and strengthen yourself..."

Following the cold snort of the red armored warrior, the speed of the continuous wooden sword in mid-air suddenly increased, bringing out bursts of thunder, exploding the flames of Qing Xingdeng's body shield continuously collapsing.

"Today, it is an unforgivable crime to still try to summon evil gods to invade the world!"

All of a sudden, Qing Xingdeng, who is a ghost and a god, was crushed by the thunder and wind sword formation, unable to raise his head.

"You said...absorb the beliefs of the world and strengthen yourself? Hahahahaha..."

It seemed to have heard some big joke, the Qingxingdeng fluttering in the rain of swords, laughed innocently.

"Hundred ghosts trapped in the Field of Encountering Demons by the "Millennium Deed" can't break through anything, can't achieve anything, how can they have such ambitions? "

Amidst her unstoppable laughter, the entire Tokyo metropolitan area inside the Yamanote Line, like a broken light tube, showed subtle distortions and flickers.

"With the meager faith provided by the strange talks of calligraphy and painting, we can continue the existence of decay day and night, and we are already grateful to Dade!"

In the dim light of the fire, a chaotic plain covered with scorched earth and black clouds filled the sky, alternately alternately with Tokyo under the darkness in the flickering space.

"There is no way out, we are desperate, using the flesh and blood of the ghosts as bait, using the flesh and blood of the world as proof, turning the picture scrolls of the ghosts into a guide, and merging the entire Edo as a formation, it took hundreds of years to proudly open this most in history A spectacular 'Hundred Stories'..."

On the plain, there are thousands of ghostly figures standing in forests.

"Hundred ghosts are born and exist because the world longs for all kinds of ghosts to break the shackles they dare not break, release the desires they dare not release, and distort the beliefs they cannot agree with!"

With resentful and greedy eyes, they peep at the fleeting world in front of them, which seems to be forever untouchable.

"Have you heard, this is the belief accumulated in the hearts of human beings for hundreds of years, calling for..."

Beside the ears, there were bursts of resentful and sad wailing.

"What they are calling for is not Lord Tianmo Xiongming, but the existence of hundreds of ghosts... the land of encountering demons!"


In the more and more frequent flickering and distortion, the entire Tokyo space, like the glass under the rapid freezing, began to appear a series of fine cracks.

"No, the barrier of space is breaking..."

Looking at these cracks spreading all over the sky, the armored warrior seemed to understand something: "Because they couldn't leave the Field of Encountering Demons, the hundred ghosts spent hundreds of years arranging all this, and wanted to summon the Field of Encountering Demons from the human world?! "

"Hundreds of years ago... the so-called human world... used to have our share... but now, it is the destination that generations of ghosts long for."

Qing Xingdeng on the other side smiled and looked down at his feet.

"Soon, this place will become a kingdom of hundreds of ghosts, a world that belongs exclusively to humans, and it is already a dying candle."

The giant flaming cross that originally stood in the West Exit Park of Ikebukuro, under the hovering figure and the strong wind, the flame has been so weak that it is almost invisible.


Toshima District, Ikebukuro.

"The smell in the wind... this is the breath of Lord Tianmo Xiongming!"

"Hundred Monogatari, has it finally started?"

"The noble tengu, will once again soar freely in the blue sky!"

Seven tall tengus in Yamabushi robes stretched their pitch-black wings, hovering above the park square at the west exit of Ikebukuro, looking excitedly at the space where cracks slowly bloomed around them.

The gray airflow blowing from between their wings aggressively slashed at the "Holy Lady's Pyrotechnic Rack", constantly weakening the red flames on its surface.

"one two three four five six seven……"

At the foot of the dimly lit "Holy Maiden's Burning Rack", Ryoma was lying in a pool of blood with his head resting on Niya's slender white knees, looking up at the tengu hovering in the night sky: "Can the legendary giant Surrounded by tengu, it feels good to die on a knee pillow."

"Shut up... Miss Ben hasn't found out about Uncle Siena, how can she explain it here!"

Niya, who was kept in a praying posture with her eyes closed, knocked him on the head angrily.

"Pain, pain, pain... How can you beat a wounded person who may die at any time!"

Strands of red lotuses that help the world emerge from the huge cross behind them, resisting the sharp wind that seems to be able to divide everything for the two of them.

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