Carl had just walked out of the library when his eyes met a pair of black eyes, and the sudden appearance of the person made his heart skip a beat.

Gu Yina smiled playfully, "Mr. Carl, you finally came out!"

"Wow! Mr. Carl, what kind of dress are you wearing, you look good!"

Gu Yina's eyes flickered, and she circled around.

Carl glanced at his black Hanfu and said with satisfaction:

"This is the dress worn by nobles in my hometown, called 'Hanfu'"

Yes, it is Hanfu.

Although there are many beautiful costumes in the pirate world, Carl thinks about it, he still prefers the costumes of his hometown.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that Gu Yina opened her eyes slightly, stared at him, and exclaimed,

"Mr. Carl, are you the prince of a certain country?"

"Maybe it's not necessarily the noble class of Celestial Dragons!"

Sengoku rubbed his eye sockets.

He has seen a lot of Celestial Dragons, of course, how much is the waste of Sabaody Archipelago.

But he was fortunate enough to see Celestial Dragons of the noble class once, but even the Celestial Dragons of the noble class was more than a little bit worse than Carl's clothes and temperament.

"Lord Sengoku is really superficial to compare Mr. Carl and the Celestial Dragons."

Hawkeye curled his lips slightly, the corners of his mouth raised.

"You are the most aristocratic person I've ever seen, more noble looking than the princes of those kingdoms, Celestial Dragons aloft!"

Guina exclaimed.

Carl smiled slightly, that's what he wanted.

In this world, although the clothing is modern, it lacks the nobility and elegance of Carl's hometown clothing.

"Mr. Carl, I'm curious what your hometown will be like."

Hawkeye asked.

Guina and Sengoku also looked over at the same time.

They have wanted to ask this question for a long time. The strong god-tier secret power, profound knowledge, and refined temperament are far superior to this world in every aspect, and they seem out of place.

Although in their hearts, Carl is a god-like existence.

But they still wanted to believe that Carl appeared in front of them as a human being, which made him seem more intimate and down-to-earth.

Carl raised his head slightly and said in a flat tone:

"Would you believe me if I said I wasn't from this world?"

To Carl's surprise, the three people in front of him nodded in unison without any hesitation.

There seemed to be a little firmness in their eyes, Carl was not an aristocrat somewhere in this world, but a god from the heavenly world.

"Forget it, it's useless to talk too much."

"Guina, let's go!"

Carl looked calm and walked forward.

"Ok Mr. Carl!"

Guina happily followed behind Carl, synchronizing her hands and feet.

Carl stopped when he reached the coast.

"Can you get across the sea?"

Guina stretched out her head from behind Carl, blinked her big eyes, looked at the village in the distance, and measured the distance visually.

"It looks so far away, it should be okay..."

"Hawkeye gave you what!"

"The master taught me swordsmanship. The only way to get to the other side seems to be Moonwalk. With my current physical strength, I don't know if I can get to the other side!"

Guina frowned slightly.

"That eagle-eyed guy taught you this?"

Carl shook his head slightly and sighed, unexpectedly giving Hawkeye such a powerful swordsmanship, and still using Moonwalk.

"Stretch out your hand, and I'll give you a labor-saving and easy way."

Gu Yina looked at the palm stretched out in front of her eyes, and her eyes suddenly became crescent moons with happiness.

"Ok Mr. Carl!"

She put her hand on Carl's palm, feeling the warmth from Carl's body.

But then, he felt a strange force coming from Carl's palm, which felt like an air, or an internal force.

"Concentrate and focus the chi I'm conveying to you in the foot position, like this!"

Having said that, Carl stepped out, walked to the sea first, and made a demonstration.

"It's amazing! It's exactly the same as that day!"

Looking at Carl walking on the sea level, Guina tried as Carl said.

Then he carefully placed his feet on the surface of the sea.

"Success, it really works! It's a great feeling!"

Guina hugged Carl excitedly, cheered and jumped on the sea.

"Okay, what else to do!"

With that said, Carl led Guina towards the island ahead.

There is a village on the island called Cocosia Village, which is the hometown of Nami.

In the original book, he was controlled by the murloc Arlong, who also colluded with Major Marine Mouse from East Blue.

When I came to the village, there were a few pedestrians scattered on the street.

And there are not many houses, it seems that there are at most a hundred inhabitants.

At this moment, an old man with presbyopic glasses who looked like he came up and said anxiously:

"You don't look like people from this place. For the distinguished guests from afar, you should leave quickly. This is not the place you should stay!"

Although the village chief does not know the identity of Carl and the two, he can tell by looking at the clothes that the other's identity is either rich or expensive.

Carl glanced at him, "You are the village chief, you seem to be in a hurry, what's the matter?"

"Hey~ you better go, today is not a good day!"

The village chief sighed, as if there were thousands of things on his mind.

"Oh~ are you talking about them?"

Carl turned away.

At this moment, a group of people appeared in front of them, heading towards the village.

"Huh? It's Marine!"

Guina recognized it from the other party's clothes.

However, the village chief said with a bitter face: "What should come is still here, and you two try not to talk in a while, and don't cause trouble!"

The village chief wanted to meet Marine and talk to him, but Carl held down his shoulders and could not move forward.

At this time, Colonel Marine, wearing a mouse-eared military cap, had come to Carl with three sailors.

"There seems to be a guest in the village, village chief!"

Colonel Mouse laughed contemptuously.

"Lord Colonel, haven't you already paid this month's tax?"

The village chief said angrily.

"Oh~ I forgot if you didn't say it. It seems that I handed it over."

"But this time, we are here to collect some protection fees. There are so many pirates here, and our army's salaries are also very expensive. Can the village chief understand?"

Colonel Mouse scratched his ears, but his contemptuous tone was endlessly threatening.

"Damn it, you are Marines, how can you do such a poor thing!"

Gu Yina saw the situation clearly and said angrily.

She has been living in paradise since she was a child, and it is only right that she comes into contact with Marine.

But the world is so big that even in the Marine there will be some rat shit.

Gu Yina, who came into contact with these for the first time, seemed very angry and normal.

"Huh? Is it impatient for a young girl to talk to me like that?"

Colonel Mouse's voice just fell.

The guns of the three Marines behind him were raised high, ready to fire.

"Hey, do you know a girl named Nami, where is she?"

Carl's face was calm.

"Are all foreigners so arrogant? How dare you speak to me in such a tone!"

Colonel Mouse was sullen and pointed his pistol at Carl's forehead.

"If you kneel on the ground and beg me now, I can spare your life!"

Seeing the situation in front of him, the village chief immediately panicked, and quickly knelt on the ground to plead for Carl:

"Colonel Mouse, please let him go, he is a foreign guest and doesn't know the rules here!"

Gu Yina's eyes were immersed in the shadows, and her body trembled slightly with anger.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"You bastard, what are you talking about?"

The mouse paused and was slightly surprised.

Carl's mouth curled slightly, "I mean this thing is not a tool to scare people!"

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