To be honest, I worked with the World government once before."

Golden Lion explained.

When the World government was digging everywhere in the Starfall Islands, it was the Golden Lion who was in charge.

However, Kolo was wary of the Golden Lion at first, and did not tell the Golden Lion what it was digging.

Judge said, "Is it digging for moonstones?"

"Moonstone?" Golden Lion frowned and said, "What is that?"

"After the Celestial Dragons destroyed the huge kingdom, they collected a lot of books from the huge kingdom. One of the books records that the huge kingdom has a treasure that has been passed down from generation to generation. To open this treasure, you need to fall from the sky to the earth. The god stone in the room, this thing is the moon stone."

Judge said.

Then, the Judge continued:

"I think you all know what a terrible kingdom the huge kingdom was back then. The treasure left by the huge kingdom is said to be able to subvert the whole world. Once the World Government gets it, even the World Association will definitely not be able to compete with the World Government. "

"What is that moonstone?" Aokiji asked.

"It's said to be a rock that fell from a shrine," Judge said.

"Jingu? What shrine?" Aokiji asked.

"The civilization that created the great kingdom, of course," Judge said.

"A lunar man?" Carl said suddenly.

Judge looked at Carl and said, "You know what?"

Carl said: "I've heard legends that the civilization of this world was pioneered by lunar men, and that world, called Infinity, is the world Enel has been looking for."

Judge said: "Yes, that world is exactly the world called Infinite Earth. The history of the huge kingdom that Ohara studied back then was the civilization empire that this world left on the ground."

After a pause, Judge continued: "Unfortunately, this huge kingdom was destroyed by those twenty kingdoms back then."

"So, the moonstone was originally something that belonged to the great kingdom?" Carl asked.

Judge said, "Yes."

"What exactly does the treasure of that great kingdom contain?"

"Everything!" Judge said earnestly.

"Everything?" Carl frowned.

"Everything in this world was originally to serve the huge kingdom. We are just the gardeners of the huge kingdom. The huge kingdom has far surpassed this world for hundreds of years in terms of technology and military. Even the ancient weapon was researched by the huge kingdom. of."

Judge said.

Aokiji said incredulously: "Even the Ancient Weapon was made by a huge kingdom?"

"Except for Poseidon, Pluton and Uranus, all of them were researched by giant kingdoms," Judge said.

"And what about Poseidon? Could it be our Blue Ocean Master's?" Aokiji asked.

Judge shook his head and said, "No, it is said to be from a huge kingdom, but I don't know how it appeared on a living person."

"Could it be that the murlocs were originally the bloodline of the huge kingdom?" Carl asked suddenly thoughtfully.

"What?" When Tiger heard this, his eyes widened and he said, "How is that possible?"

Carl said: "Maybe this is the case, you have to know that you murlocs cannot leave Suntree Eve, and Suntree Eve itself belongs to a huge kingdom, your murlocs and Suntree Eve are like a nourishing relationship with each other, No one can leave anyone."

Tiger had a thoughtful expression, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Even if Tiger is a murloc, he can't believe this shocking guess.

In Tiger's impression, the murlocs are based on the blue sea people, and they are only inferior races.

Now Carl even told himself that the murlocs were most likely descended from a huge kingdom.

The contrast is so great, how could Tiger dare to believe it casually?

"When you say that, I also think it's possible."

Judge thought about it and seemed to agree with Carl's guess, saying:

"First of all, we know that the reason why the twenty kingdoms joined forces to destroy the giant kingdom was to overthrow the giant king and become the master of the giant kingdom. Then, when these twenty kingdoms become masters, how will they compare to the previous year? Their higher-status race?"

"Slaughter and humiliation." Tiger said thoughtfully.

Judge said: "Yes, this is the normal revenge mentality of a low-class person after suddenly becoming a high-class person, he will definitely try to ride on the heads of those high-class people in the past, the purpose is to make himself mentally balanced, so As a result, the murlocs with the blood of the huge kingdom have naturally become the targets of humiliation and oppression by the Celestial Dragons."

When everyone heard this analysis, they couldn't help but nodded.

It was that Tiger, who suddenly had an incredible feeling.

The murlocs who were originally the inferior races of the Blue Ocean have transformed themselves into descendants of nobles. With such a big contrast, how could Tiger suddenly accept it?

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