Just let Reiju go alone," Carl said.

After all, Robin is too young and the only survivor of Buster Call, her wanted notice has already been published all over the world.

Carl worries that once Robin shows up in the Holy Land, he will be discovered by the World government.

"Let our brothers protect my sister?"

Judge and his three sons looked at each other, and Iji said decisively.

"No, you were caught by the World government before. After we rescued you, your wanted order has also been issued. If you show up in the Holy Land, it is very likely that you will be known by the CP0 entrenched in the Holy Land."

Carl shook his head.

For this mission, it is safest for Reiju to go alone.

The rest of the people have almost all had contact with the World government more or less, and once they go to perform this task, their identities are very likely to be exposed.

This mission is different from the past, and there is absolutely no battle with Celestial Dragons.

After all, Celestial Dragons is not a stupid pig, if you know that the world will be the one who sent the moonstone to the auction, you will definitely be wary.

They will even hand over the moonstone to the Yafei sisters and brothers. By then, Carl's plans will all be dead?

Thinking of this, Carl finally gave this task to Reiju to complete alone.

"Reiju, this time it's a holy place, it's a very dangerous thing, come on, I have a practice here, you go to the holy place after you become a master."

Carl was not stingy, knowing that the task Reiju was going to perform was very dangerous, so he directly handed a copy of the exercises to Reiju.

"This is... Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Palm... What kind of exercise is this? The name is so long!"

Reiju was surprised.

The name alone is enough to make this exercise Haki.

Although Reiju hadn't practiced yet, he knew that the power of this technique was definitely not small.

"This is the Yulei Technique. You can cultivate it to the ultimate level, and when you shoot it with one palm, the thunder of the sky will fall from the sky. There is no problem in destroying a kingdom."

Carl explained.

Na Lei Jiu nodded, let go of the exercises and watched for a while, then he couldn't help swallowing and said:

"This practice is terrible."

Just looking at it for a while, Lei Jiu knew the power of this exercise.

"Lei Jiu, will you join the World Association in the future?" Aokiji suddenly turned his head and said to Lei Jiu with a smile.

"Join the World Association? Why?!" Lei Jiu was puzzled.

Aokiji said: "Only those of us who are in the world, Mr. Carl will give the exercises, otherwise, it will be purchased with 5 billion baileys. You got the exercises given by Mr. Carl. This is Mr. Carl's suggestion to invite you. Join the World Association, you know?"

Reiju was stunned, not knowing that there was such a mystery here.

Glancing blankly at Carl, the latter nodded.

Naijiu's eyes turned to Judge again.

As a genetically modified test product, Reiju has no self-consciousness at all, and all decisions are made by Judge's orders.

Seeing Carl inviting him to join the World Association, Lei Jiu naturally asked his father what he meant.


Judge sighed, suddenly regretting the transformation of his own children.

Seeing Lei Jiu's gaze falling on him, Judge certainly knew what he meant.

For the past few days, he has lived in the Bookstore, and has deeply understood the power of the Bookstore. Moreover, when he falls into the hands of the World Government, the world who is loyal to the Bookstore will take action, and he and his three children will be able to escape.

As the only force in this sea that can compete with the World Government in all aspects, the Book Collection Pavilion is a good thing to join the World Association.

How could Judge disagree?

"Reiju, this is your chance to soar, don't miss it," Judge said.

These words are equivalent to agreeing to Reiju joining the World Association.

Na Leijiu looked overjoyed and said, "Thank you, father."

Afterwards, I heard Reiju say to Aokiji, "Then do I want to call you Aokiji boss in the future?"

Aokiji laughed and said:

"Whatever you want, you can call me boss Aokiji if you like it. If you don't like it, you can just call me by my name. There is no superiority or inferiority in the world. Everyone is a partner and a close friend. I'm just in charge of commanding everyone during the battle. Not your master."

Reiju smiled.

In this way, the world will add another fierce general.

Although Reiju's own strength is not very strong, even if he has a battle suit, in front of these monsters in the world, he is still a piece of garbage.

But now, with the exercises given by Lord Carl, it will be easy to rise in the world in the future.

Therefore, everyone did not despise Reiju in the slightest.

Afterwards, Na Lei Jiu said solemnly: "Lord Carl, Boss Aokiji, then I will go to practice the exercises first."

The two nodded and watched Reiju leave the library.

That Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder's universal palm is one of the top exercises in Carl's hands. Once it is cultivated, even if it is small, it is enough to have the strength to crush the Four Emperors.

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