Time flies, fifteen days before the public execution of Blackbeard. Teach and Jack the Drough.

The Whitebeard Pirates can almost be said to be unimpeded in East Blue, not even seeing Marine's shadow along the way.

Except for the occasional Marine who was stationed in the former East Blue Marine branch, all marines who have reached the rank of major in East Blue.

All were recruited to Naval Headquarters to be an elite Marine cannon fodder.

"It's still comfortable to walk on the sea, and it's back to the feeling of being in New World."

Thatch stood on the side of the boat, letting the wind blow.

The rest of the crew also had the same feeling, freedom, rampant, unimpeded, and this was the enjoyment that the Four Emperors crew should get.

But since the last time I met Garp Vice Admiral, everything has changed.

Whitebeard was sent flying, and the Whitebeard pirates who finally came to East Blue had to hide on an isolated island.

It takes several months to hide, even building a bonfire, for fear of being discovered by Marine.

"I guess... haven't reached the library yet, Saatchi!"

Whitebeard was full of infusion needles, and there were more than a dozen infusion bottles in the back.

Because of the last battle with Garp, the hidden wounds and diseases on his body have become more serious.

But at the moment Whitebeard is still bathed in the spring breeze, with a warm smile on his face, looking very comfortable.

It feels so good to be free!

"It should be coming soon. According to the coordinates in the news paper, it is not far ahead!"

Thatch held a map, his eyes alternated back and forth.

"Isn't that right, the warship is waiting ahead!"

The captain of the fifth division, standing on the sail, looked into the distance and said with a smile.

"Is there a warship! I've been suffocating for too long, and I haven't been active for a long time!"

The captain of the third division, Diamond Joze, twisted his neck and grinned.

The pirates on the ship went to the edge of the ship to take the test one after another, with a smile on the corner of their mouth that wanted to rush up immediately.

After being suffocated for several months, this time I was finally able to express my anger on the other side, and I had to let out a savage breath.


I don't know who is leading, all the crew members on the ship roared, and the group was excited and blood boiled for a while, eager to appear on the Marine warship immediately.

But what they all didn't expect was that.

The warship turned its bow and went in the opposite direction.

"What? It's gone?"

"Yeah, I haven't even fought yet, since when did Marine become so discouraged!"

"It's not good, it's bad, Laozi has been suffering for months!"

The crew was disappointed and resentful.

"Leave two warships for surveillance?"

Whitebeard saw through Sengoku's purpose at a glance, and immediately smiled:

"Gu la la, what's the use of knowing that I have gained power, will you still block me by then? Sengoku, Garp!"

After seeing the Marine warship, the Whitebeard pirate ship soon arrived at the coordinates in the newspaper.

"There is a bookstore on the isolated island ahead, it should be the library, Dad!"

Saatchi frowned.

Whitebeard removed the infusion needle from his body and came to the bow excitedly with a smile on his face.

"The legendary library, finally found!"

"Little ones, speed up and go full speed ahead."

Whitebeard gave the order, and the Modibik drove at full speed into the gorge.

Just as the boat entered the mouth of the gorge, a white light flashed in the peach forest next to the library, and a peach blossom wrapped a huge slash towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

Along the way, the sea water continued to churn to both sides, looking unstoppable.

"Dad, let me come!"

Diamond Joze jumped on the bow and came to Whitebeard.

He stepped heavily on the board of the boat, and the right half of his body moved forward in a defensive posture. At the same time, the right half of his body gradually became elemental and turned into a hard diamond.


The two collided, and a crisp jingle sounded.

"What a powerful force!"

Diamond Joze gritted his teeth and resisted, realizing the powerful power of this slash.

So he hurriedly turned his left hand into a diamond, and with both hands firmly held the slash in front of him, and then lifted it up with force.

Changed the attack direction of the slash, headed towards the sky, and finally vanished.

"Captain Joz is amazing!"

"Captain Joz is mighty!"

Joz's players started touting.

Whitebeard and the other captains looked at Joz's diamond right arm with dignified eyes. At this time, blood had already started to seep out.

"Joz, your right arm!"

Saatchi reminded, his face full of disbelief.

The diamond on Joz's body can be said to be the hardest stone in the world, and he was also injured.

What is even more terrifying is that Joz's diamond right arm has a pink peach flower embedded in it, it seems that the peach blossom has injured Joz.

Joz and the other crew members who reacted looked at his diamond's right arm with wide-eyed eyes, feeling very unreasonable.

"It turned out to be a peach blossom!"

"When did it happen?"

Joz was horrified, he resisted the slash just now, and he didn't find any trace of peach blossoms at all.

Moreover, the other party even used peach blossoms as weapons with inflexible edges, and even embedded his hardest and most proud diamond arm, and it bleeds.

Foil Bista saw this scene, and remembered the picture of Hawkeye using leaves as swords, but leaves have hardness and toughness, but peach blossoms do not.

To use the peach blossom as a sword, and to insert the diamond arm into Joz's arm to keep the peach blossom intact, it is necessary to grasp how delicate the peach blossom is and how powerful the armed color is.

"The slash just now was cut through this peach blossom, and the opponent must be a very powerful swordsman."

Foil Bista showed cold sweat on his face, as if facing a great enemy.

"The power of such means, I saw it in Hawkeye last time."

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be a warning from the owner of the bookstore."

At this time, as if to confirm Bista's guess, an ethereal voice sounded in the void:

"Large ships are not allowed to moor in the isolated island, please exit the gorge."

"This sound?"

Foil Bista's ears moved, and he always felt that he had heard it somewhere, but he was not sure.

The sound gradually dissipated in the gorge, and the crew on the ship all looked at Whitebeard, waiting for him to make a decision.

Whitebeard paused and said:

"Get the boat out of the gorge, you are all waiting for me outside, I will go in alone!"


The captains and other crew members cast worried glances.

"What are you afraid of, Garp, Shanks, they're all fine, will something happen if I go in?"

Whitebeard grinned confidently.

Then Whitebeard jumped into the prepared boat and slowly drove towards the library.

"The sword splits the nine heavens, and Wu determines the universe!"

"Sure enough, it's not an ordinary bookstore, even the propaganda words are so domineering, Jie Jiejie..."

Getting closer, Whitebeard could clearly see the appearance of the library.

The first impression he gave was that this bookstore was really rudimentary, as rudimentary as if it would collapse at any time.

If he hadn't seen its power, if he hadn't learned the truth from the red-haired Vice Admiral, Whitebeard would never have believed that such a bookstore could give people the power to destroy the world.

"Please stop!"

The boat just sailed to the small wooden bridge in front of the book house.

The same voice that warned them to withdraw the boat from the gorge came from the peach grove next to the bookstore.

At the same time, a figure came out of the peach grove.

His steps were steady and slightly elegant, and he was dressed in sackcloth, but he still couldn't stop the heroic spirit on his face.

"That man is... Hawkeye!"

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