I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 111 Assassination brings disaster to Chiyu

"Should be able to scare that old boy..." Li Hao thought to himself, looking at the place where the so-called great sage just sat, feeling somewhat disgusted.

Judging from the state in which the other party just disappeared, it seems that the other party is not coming in person.

This means that the other party is a cautious person and does not want to be discovered by King Zhenbei.

If the three life stone fragments were important to a certain extent, it would be impossible for the other party to only mention them once or twice in the conversation just now.

Although I was shocked by the sudden visit of this great sage.

But during the communication with the other party, Li Hao also got many valuable clues.

First of all, the giant bronze door is indeed a gate of hell.

In fact, we are 90% sure of what happened after the fall of the giant bronze gate, which is enough to support Li Hao's guess.

This time it was just to make up for the last 10% for his 90% certainty.

Then, there is the issue of reincarnated immortals.

Li Hao originally thought that after the Gate of Hell appeared in the world, the reincarnated gods and gods gradually began to awaken.

But judging from the current situation, there may be an example, like this great sage.

In this way, there may be someone behind the suspected appearance of Nantianmen and Daleiyin Temple.

Moreover, it is difficult to guarantee that the great sage has no contact with the other party.

The fragments of the Three Life Stones can reveal the identity of the reincarnated immortal god of the other party if certain specific needs are met.

There was only one fragment in his hand. The Great Sage didn't pay too much attention to this fragment. It could be proved from the side that the other party had more fragments in his hand.

The power is even more powerful. Under this premise, the Three Life Stone may not need to meet those conditions to directly reveal the identity of the reincarnated immortal.

"Alas..." Li Hao shook his head secretly and muttered: "The trouble caused by the Three Life Stones should not come to me in a short time."

This great sage led out of the gates of hell and collected the Three Life Stones, most likely for those reincarnated immortals.

And now he is even more curious about what happened in this world, but unfortunately... there is no way to investigate it for the time being.

His eyes flashed, and he temporarily put aside distracting thoughts and fell into a state of cultivation.

Early the next morning, Wan Ren came to the mansion wearing armor, holding a jade slip in his hand, and said respectfully: "Commander Li, these are the detailed information on the person you requested to interrogate yesterday."

"Why did you send it here? Have the family affairs been settled?" Li Hao took the jade slip and asked casually.

"I have nothing to do at home. The steward of Jubaofang came to apologize a few days ago. I also told him not to pay attention. Since it was a misunderstanding, it will be over." Wan Ren briefly stated that this was the follow-up to what happened that day.

Wan Ren, who has been struggling for many years in Zhenbei City, certainly knows when to stop.

Instead of being aggressive, he calmed down the dispute and settled the dispute.

Li Hao nodded, not paying too much attention to it. He naturally knew that this matter would not make a big fuss, and this would definitely be the result in the end.

No one would be stupid enough to inexplicably escalate this to a bigger level.

The jade slips recorded the life of the stall owner in detail, and the method of searching for the soul was used to ensure that the other party was not deceiving.

This person was just a man of ordinary cultivation. He had been hanging out in Zhenbei City for many years, relying on deceit and deception. He had a good friend in the Jingwei Division to take care of him, so he was fine.

"He has been punished, and his body was burned to ashes and disappeared into smoke." Wan Ren said again.

"Oh, are you starting to burn corpses now?" Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, according to the new rules issued by the above, all corpses must be free from any hidden dangers." Wan Ren smiled bitterly: "It's all because there have been too many ghosts recently, but it is too troublesome to burn the corpses of people with this kind of cultivation."

Looking at these information, the stall owner should have nothing to do with Mingyue Mountain. There is a high probability that he is just a lucky person who was randomly selected.

Hearing what Wan Ren said, he couldn't help but said casually: "Can't the bodies of these cultivators be directly refined into evil ingredients?"

As soon as these words came out, Wan Ren was slightly stunned, laughed twice, and said: "It's not impossible, it's just that it doesn't sound good if it's spread out."

"No one wants to deal with these corpses unless it's absolutely necessary."

The King of Zhenbei also wanted to save face, and the official law enforcement agency under him would not make the best use of the materials. Using corpses to refine evil ingredients would be a bit unpleasant to spread.

Li Hao just said casually that this kind of thing should be put to its best use, although it sounds good.

As long as the body has value, it is inevitable that someone will create it artificially.

"By the way, how is your son?" He put away the jade slip and asked.

"Tong'er has been doing well recently. His eyes can see far away and can penetrate walls and rocks. Now he has just learned to control himself and not look at too many things." Wan Ren couldn't help but smile.

"Someone came from Tianqi Academy and asked me if I wanted Tong'er to go there. Several teachers are very optimistic about Tong'er and want to accept her as a disciple."

"Apocalypse Academy?" Li Hao thought, then shook his head: "Unless someone comes to visit in person, there is no need to consider it."

After all, the clairvoyant is a well-known immortal god. He wants to take him as his disciple without even showing his face. This is a very good idea.

Maybe it's also because Wantong's eyes can only see some things now and have no other powers, so he doesn't pay too much attention to them.

"That's what I thought too." Wan Ren also said, his eyes flickering, as if he wanted to say something more, but he didn't speak after all.

Wan Ren sent the jade slips and left in a hurry. Now that the Jingwei Department needed manpower everywhere, he couldn't leave for too long.


On the other side, in an inn somewhere in Zhenbei City, in a room with flickering green candles, a woman wearing a green gauze was playing the piano. She was dignified and elegant, revealing her ladylike temperament.

A figure was lying on the bed, with her breasts half-covered and the pink gauze half-transparent. Her face that should have been charming was filled with murderous intent at the moment, and she snorted coldly:

"You are relaxed and comfortable, and you are still thinking about playing the piano. Do you really think of yourself as a lady?"

"Senior Sister Rakshasa, if your plan fails, don't take your anger out on me." The woman said softly. There was no aura in her body. Even so, her appearance and temperament were extremely rare.

"I have warned you before that this method will not have any effect on him. Now it's okay. I lost my wife and lost my troops."

Rakshasa's expression turned ugly: "I knew it wouldn't work so easily, but I didn't expect him to be so ruthless and actually kill someone directly. Isn't he afraid of killing the wrong person?"

"Haha..." the woman chuckled: "Ruthless? You'd better not let him find substantial evidence that we are responsible."

"Otherwise, Mingyue Mountain will be in trouble."

"Chifeng..." Rakshasa called out an unexpected name from his thin lips and sneered: "He has some status in Zhenbei City, but if he wants to attack our Mingyue Mountain, his mere words are not of any use."

"Maybe..." Chi Feng was noncommittal.

Rakshasa stared at Chifeng and suddenly smiled charmingly: "Sister, you were beaten to pieces by him last time, and your cultivation is almost useless. You won't fall in love with him because of this, right?"

"Otherwise, why do you admire it so much?"

"Senior sister, don't think that you understand love just because you have been played with for two or three years." Chi Feng's words were like a scorpion's tail, piercing Rakshasa's chest, instantly making her face turn ugly.

The sound of the piano stopped, and although Chifeng was smiling, there was a coldness in it: "I will let him become my toy, crawling at my feet."

"It's best..." Rakshasa said coldly: "Your mission now is not him, my mission is him."

"It took a lot of effort for the sect to find your body. Don't let the sect's hard work go in vain."

"I'm also reminding you, don't let your mission affect me." Chifeng stared at her coldly: "Otherwise, the sect will let me get rid of you."

These words made Rakshasa's eyes flash with murderous intent, but he finally restrained himself and said indifferently: "The people from Daxia will arrive tomorrow. I hope you have already thought about how to attack the seventeenth prince."

"Don't worry." Chi Feng lowered his head, and the music started playing again.


[The two of you are close to each other, and your relationship is heating up very quickly. Bai Suzhen wants to give you money, let you buy a pharmacy, and let you move into the Bai Mansion and be with her day and night. What do you choose? 】

【A gentleman does not tolerate food that comes with complaints】

[My wife gave it to me, so it doesn’t count]

The corner of Li Hao's mouth twitched slightly, has he started to eat soft food?

[You accept it calmly, buy a pharmacy, move into the White House, and live a life like a master. 】

[After moving into the mansion, Xiaoqing's mind is not yet complete, and she imitates her sister to seduce you and wants you to teach her about her emotions and desires. What do you choose? 】

【Sitting in the arms calmly】

【Laugh and accept it】

Forget it, don't seek death. If Bai Suzhen gets impatient, wouldn't it be a loss of blood?

The key is... the person enjoying it is not himself!

[Bai Suzhen is very satisfied with the fact that you are calm in your arms, and she and Xiaoqing have finally resolved their knots and are enjoying themselves]

[Get reward--snake gallbladder: the spiritual gallbladder of snakes. Taking it can strengthen the physical body and gain anti-venom effect]

In this way, Li Hao waited for the evolution of Wanjie Zhi while practicing boringly.

Two days later, Lin Fei entered the mansion at the top of his lungs.

"Brother Li, Brother Li!"

Li Hao's figure floated out of the practice room and said angrily: "Don't you know how to knock on the door?"

"Do you still need to knock on the door if you and I are related? Besides, half of your mansion is in ruins and the door is useless." Lin Fei was speechless and pointed at the ruins.

Li Hao shook his head: "How can I repair it if I don't have money? I hope you are here to bring me good news this time."

"Of course..." Lin Fei happily threw out a Qiankun bag: "I'll give it to you as soon as I get the money."

"Alas... alas... I still have something to do..." He was still talking, but he saw Li Hao walking straight back to the practice room without looking back.

"We'll talk about it later..."

A word floated in the air. Lin Fei had no choice but to look around. The place was overgrown with weeds and there was no one to serve him.

He immediately missed Runchunyuan, that was home.

In the practice room, Li Hao charged the [Demon Body], consuming nearly 100,000 spiritual source crystals.

This surprised him. The last time he charged the [Ghost Body], he spent about 10,000 yuan.

This time it has doubled tenfold.

"Is it possible that achievement rewards depend on one's own level?" He murmured to himself, and could only think of one possibility.

Otherwise, the current situation cannot be explained at all.

[Demon Body] integrated into his own body, and his whole aura changed completely. He originally looked quite heroic and elegant.

But at this moment, it looked ferocious and terrifying, and it was even more wrapped in a fishy wind, with a sinister aura.

The consumption was ten times that of [Ghost Body], and its power was about the same. He could clearly feel that his physical strength had increased.

Suddenly switching, he became eerie again, surrounded by ghosts.

The ghost body, the demon body, has its own power, and it is also an excellent concealment technique.

I happened to take out the [Snake Gallbladder]. It was exquisite and clear, without any fishy odor, and was about the size of a baby's head.

Putting it to his mouth and inhaling gently, Li Hao felt a fragrant substance pouring into his body.

The body shimmers with light, the runes flash, and is rapidly increasing.

After a while, it was completely digested, and he exhaled a breath of turbid air, feeling a fullness in his body.

After a slight perception, [Demon Body] and [Snake Gallbladder] were superimposed on each other, and they were not far from the Dragon Transformation Middle Realm.

Judging from the speed at which he has used Yin Tianxing to practice in the past few days, he himself will need at least half a year or even a year of non-stop practice to improve so much.

Lin Fei stayed outside bored for a long time before he saw Li Hao walking out of the practice room. He originally wanted to ask this guy what he was doing in a hurry.

But after thinking about it, I was afraid that the other party would not tell him, so the words turned into: "Brother Jiang, I just called him for a long time but I didn't see him."

"I don't know. He seems to be busy these two days, and I haven't seen him either." Li Hao shook his head. Jiang Chen came and went freely, and there was no need for him to stare at him.

"You just said you still have something to do with me?" Li Hao asked immediately.

"Yes..." Lin Fei nodded, his expression became calmer, and said, "Follow me to the palace."

"What's the matter?" Li Hao's thoughts flowed through many things.

"The people from Daxia have arrived."

"So fast?" Li Hao was slightly stunned.

"I was supposed to arrive yesterday. For some reason, I was delayed for a day in Lihuo City and arrived today." Lin Fei narrated: "One of the four chief eunuchs of the Qintian Prison came, and one of the five deans of the Shinto Temple came. , there are also people coming from Jixia Academy."

"The Dragon Royal Army personally escorted us here."

"The most important person among them is the Seventeenth Prince - Ming'an"

"Seventeenth Prince..." Li Hao's eyes flashed.

"The Seventeenth Prince is one of His Majesty's younger sons. He is a few years older than you and me. He is now in the Four Symbols realm." Lin Fei smiled inexplicably and said:

"His mother is a big shot in Taoism and does not stay in the harem. She has a profound background."

"Are you able to compete for that position?" Li Hao asked tentatively.

Lin Fei frowned and did not give an answer at the first moment. After a moment, he said: "It's hard to say. His Majesty has only been in court for more than five thousand years. Although the seventeenth prince's current level is low, he has enough time to pursue it."

"He has the support of the local people, and his conditions are better than many princes."

Daotu is a giant in Daxia. It is said that Daotu has made great contributions to the founding of Daxia.

However, they lived in seclusion on weekdays, and their disciples rarely walked outside.

Lin Fei gave him a general introduction to the people on Daxia's trip, giving him an idea.

Not long after, the Chilin Army came to inform him about going to the palace.

Lin Fei had received the message a long time ago, and the person who sent the Lingyuan Crystal happened to have an acquaintance with Li Hao.

The two of them went to the palace together. Anyway, they were just showing up this time, and it was a matter for the big shots.

"By the way, the investigation into Lu Liang's death has concluded." Lin Fei suddenly said on the way.

"How to say?"

"There is indeed something strange. You may not know that after ghosts die, they often leave behind something with energy..."

"While Lu Liang was helping the Jingwei Division suppress ghosts, he unexpectedly discovered that a large number of Jingwei Division officials had taken advantage of the opportunity to enrich their own pockets, and even made a tacit agreement not to report the matter..."

"Alas..." Lin Fei said halfway, but found that Li Hao did not follow him, but stopped not far away, and suddenly felt strange: "Brother Li, what's wrong?"

"Will a ghost leave something behind after it dies?" Li Hao's eyes flashed: "When did this happen? Has this happened before?"

"It didn't happen before. This situation is very rare. The birth of ghosts is very rare. Only ghosts that are powerful enough will leave something with energy after death." Lin Fei thought for a moment:

"To be more precise, it is actually the Qi-numbered things that breed ghosts. It should also be the change brought about by the giant bronze door."

"It takes no effort at all." Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief. This way, he didn't have to worry about how to find the Qi items.

Just hit it with your fist.

After the ghost gate appeared in the world, it finally had a positive effect on him.

"Go on..." Li Hao was in a good mood after receiving this unexpected news.

"Lu Liang is a stubborn person and insists on exposing this matter..." Lin Fei sighed softly: "If you expose it, just expose it. He also has to ask others to hand over all their Qi items."

"Just because of this? Isn't it?" Li Hao was confused. Although Lu Liang would arouse hostility by doing this, it would not kill him directly. The consequences of doing so would be too great.

"Yes..." Lin Fei also nodded: "There should be other things among them. Currently, the night guard has only found this."

"Must all the Qi items obtained from killing ghosts in Zhenbeicheng be handed over?" Li Hao asked.

"It's not the things with clearly defined Qi numbers, but everything." Lin Fei shook his head and said, "If the prince allows the loot to belong to him, Zhenbei City will soon be full of criminals."

Just like using corpses for profit is not allowed, trophies cannot be hidden privately, otherwise it will be easy to fabricate charges.

"If you want something, you have to leave the city." Lin Fei glanced at him and said, "The number of ghosts has increased dramatically recently. Zhenbei City will not be in great danger, but other cities in the north are different."

"Those who are willing to accept the task and assist elsewhere will all benefit from it."

"But..." Lin Fei changed his words and shrugged: "It is very safe in Zhenbei City, but it is not necessarily safe outside the city. No one is willing to risk their lives for that little thing."

Li Hao was thoughtful. The palace was already in front of him. It was different from the previous visits. The guard strength had increased several times.

Teams of Chilin troops surrounded the palace. Even though the two were acquaintances, they were allowed to enter after being checked at all levels to make sure they were not pretending to be someone else.

The giant palace is gradually approaching, and many familiar people can already be seen.

"Hey, where is Xiao Bei Wang? Won't he attend such an important occasion?" Li Hao glanced around and suddenly wondered.

When Lin Fei heard this, he couldn't help but glance at him strangely: "He has been in retreat recently, and I can't even see him."

"Sure enough, diligent." Li Hao sighed.

Retreat is an extremely boring process, just like looking at a big water tank, water drops are accumulating drop by drop, and you don't know when it will be full. During this period, you may find cracks in the water tank.

What's more, Xiao Bei Wang is not very young, so he can calm down and stay in seclusion, which is touching.

"Haha..." Lin Feile leaned back and forth: "That boy was so excited by you, especially after His Majesty named him and gave him a Dragon Ball of Creation, and even more so. He must transform into a dragon as soon as possible."

"He really shouldn't compete with me..." Li Hao hesitated, and finally shook his head and said, "I hope he won't go crazy."

Lin Fei teased: "It's a good thing that I can't practice, otherwise I wouldn't have gone crazy after hearing your words, but that's about it."

Li Hao scolded: "Don't taint my innocence. I regard Brother Xu as my real brother."

While the two were chatting and laughing, they had already entered the banquet palace. The scene was almost the same as last time, with people coming and going, and people drinking and drinking.

There were many people greeting him this time, and most of them looked very respectful. Even some characters from the Four Symbol Realm looked kindly on him.

He was courteous and attentive, and he returned the favors one by one, making it impossible for anyone to find fault with him. There was not even a hint of arrogance in his words and deeds.

Inspector Feng Xuchu did not leave, he still stayed here.

Huaiyuan looked at Li Hao's figure from a distance. From that day on, he was always worried whether King Zhenbei would take action against him.

He even had the idea of ​​leaving Zhenbeicheng, but he suppressed it in the end.

He even found various excuses to meet with King Zhenbei frequently, wanting to test something.

What surprised him was that King Zhenbei didn't seem to know about this at all.

When faced with his temptations, they were all vague and unclear.

"Boy..." At some point, Mr. Qiu came near him and said with a smile.

"Mr. Qiu, long time no see..." Li Hao smiled from the bottom of his heart and said, "Where is my reward?"

Mr. Qiu's face stiffened and he sighed: "Young prodigy, why are you talking about these filthy things?"

"Huh?" Li Hao was amused: "Lingyuan Crystal is the essence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It cannot be pure. How can it be called a dirty thing."

Li Hao's voice changed and he added: "Actually, based on the relationship between you and me, these foreign objects don't matter."

Mr. Qiu couldn't help stroking his beard, the boy could teach him.

But he said, "In a few days, I will put up a banner and lie in front of Tianqi Academy..."

Mr. Qiu's face darkened, he was so shameless!

He waved his sleeves: "It's just a thing that transforms into a dragon, can I, Tianqi Academy, rely on you?"

"I'll send it to you after the banquet."

"Thank you, Mr. Qiu..." Li Hao said respectfully.

The three of them were talking and laughing, and Mr. Qiu was not prepared to renege on his debt. The two of them were just joking.

After a while, Li Hao secretly sent a message: "How is the investigation of Mr. Mi's death going?"

"Why are you suddenly concerned about this matter?" Mr. Qiu looked at Li Hao in surprise.

"I have been in contact with Mr. Mi several times. He is kind and kind. I don't want such an old man to die in an unknown way." Li Hao lamented.

Charity and kindness?

In Mr. Qiu's mind, a rickety old man with a haggard face, like rotten wood, sunken eyes, cloudy pupils, and a voice like the friction of stones appeared in Mr. Qiu's mind.

Does this have anything to do with charity and kindness?

Mr. Qiu was speechless. After thinking about it, he said: "Huaiyuan was stopped by Teng She that day. There was no motive. There is no clue about the death of Mi Lao for the time being."

Li Hao nodded thoughtfully, he was sure that Huai Yuan was the one who took action.

But he was confused. Since Huaiyuan knew that the Fengdu Great Seal was in the secret vault, couldn't he go in and get it directly with his status?

This matter should not be simple, and there is a hidden secret in it.

Li Hao thought about it and then said, "Mr. Qiu, I have one more thing to do. I haven't had time to repair my mansion since it collapsed last time."

"After all, it was given by Xiao Beiwang, and I can't let it continue like this."

"I was going to do some repairs, but I had no other place to go during this period, so I was thinking about whether I could go to Tianqi Academy to stay for a few days."

Going to Tianqi Academy?

Mr. Qiu glanced at him. Li Hao's excuse was only superficial, but it was actually difficult to think deeply.

"It's better to go to Runchunyuan. I believe there will bring you the warmth of Brother Li's home." Lin Fei said.

Li Hao said expressionlessly: "I keep myself clean."

The reason why he wants to go to Tianqi Academy is because his mansion is almost as rotten as a sieve. It seems that everyone can come and sit and take a look.

After all, Tianqi Academy has Mr. Qiu in charge.

"It just so happens that as the leader, you are also a role model for the younger generation, so you might as well come to our Tianqi Academy." Mr. Qiu nodded.

To him, this is not a big deal. It is not bad to be able to pick up Li Hao's wool and give some lessons to those students.

That was it.

The noise in the banquet gradually subsided, and several figures came from the side hall. The leader was as rich as jade, wearing a purple and gold python robe, with a smile on his face, which made people feel like they were being washed by the spring breeze.

Without thinking too much, everyone knew that this was the Seventeenth Prince.

Even though his cultivation level is not high, his status may be called the highest in the room, even the King of Zhenbei is on his left.

There was another person on his right, with picturesque features but as cold as ice, and a long skirt that touched the floor, making him look like an unearthly person.

"Princess Eighteen? Zhan Qing!?" Lin Fei secretly transmitted the message, with a sense of surprise in his tone.

"I didn't receive any news before, but she is coming too..."


Li Hao looked at the woman, her eyebrows were lowered, as if she didn't want to look at anyone.

Next, there were some very ordinary steps. The King of Zhenbei first introduced the identity of the visitor, and then everyone greeted him and made a grand speech.

"The Northern Territory is undergoing drastic changes. I am here on His Majesty's orders. I hope that everyone can work together to overcome the difficulties..." Prince Ming'an's voice was soft, and his first impression was very good.

Under this situation, everyone present naturally responded with great enthusiasm and willingness to dedicate their lives to Daxia.

The status of the prince is not comparable to that of the inspector. This group of people can show off to the inspector, but they dare not show off to the prince.

Halfway through the banquet, Li Hao and Lin Fei wanted to slip away, but were stopped by General Lin.

"The prince wants to see you later..." General Lin said to Li Hao with a solemn expression.

"See me?" Li Hao was confused.

Lin Fei shook his head: "Since it has nothing to do with me, then I will go back."

General Lin snorted coldly, but did not stop him. After Lin Fei left.

Li Haocai said: "General Lin, I wonder why the prince is meeting me. Can you reveal some information so that I can be mentally prepared."

General Lin hesitated for a moment, looked around, and said through a message: "Because of the giant bronze door."

Li Hao was thoughtful. If it was for this reason, he wouldn't be too surprised.

He was taken to a side hall and waited for the banquet to end. General Lin took him to another hall.

The hall was as bright as day, several eyes were focused on him, several figures were sitting in a row, and the main seat had become the King of Zhenbei.

Even Prince Ming'an and Princess Zhanqing were only in the first seats in the two rows.

"Your Highness..." He first saluted King Zhenbei, and then said, "I have met your two highnesses."

"Li Hao..." Prince Ming'an spoke with a smile: "I have heard of your name. My father once praised you."

"This is my honor." Li Hao nodded.

His attitude is neither humble nor arrogant. When facing powerful creatures, he should have respect. He has always been very clear about this.

"You also know that the giant bronze gate has caused many changes in the north, and these changes are gradually spreading towards Daxia." King Zhenbei said in short: "These people are here just for the giant bronze gate. .”

He pointed at the people sitting behind the prince and princess. Those people were all very old, with white beards and hair, but their eyes had a blazing light.

It should be some kind of Qin Tian Jian, someone from the Shinto Temple...

"I have been sending people to look for the giant bronze gate, and now I have some clues. The giant gate was covered up by the people from Shiling using formations." King Zhenbei continued:

"Although I have already asked you, these people are still curious."

He had already reported everything that needed to be said, but these newcomers obviously wanted to hear him say it again.

"You once said that the Beiling Taoist said that you have come into contact with the giant bronze gate and you have certain qualifications." An old man asked with an indifferent expression.

"Yes, this was conveyed to me by my disciple." Li Hao nodded.

"We have looked for that Jiang Chen, but we have not found any trace of him." He continued.

Li Hao's heart moved slightly, Jiang Chen left?

Are you afraid that you will be caught by Da Xia?

"Taoist Beiling is just a northern tomb robber. Why does he know so much?" he asked again.

Li Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. He seemed to look down on the Northern Territory.

"I don't know either." Li Hao shook his head. The old man frowned slightly, but said nothing. "It's better to search for the Beiling Taoist. It's a pity that his apprentice disappeared early."

Hearing what he meant, if Jiang Chen didn't disappear, he was going to threaten Taoist Beiling with Jiang Chen.

Tsk... As expected of someone from the Imperial Capital of Great Xia, the aloofness is too strong.

"Don't get me wrong, Commander Li. We just want to resolve this matter as soon as possible. We will not do anything to Jiang Chen." Prince Ming'an explained.

Li Hao's expression was not strange at all, but he still added one sentence, which was enough to prove this person's character.

"I understand." Li Hao nodded, of course he wouldn't say anything.

"We want to gather all the people who have come into contact with the giant bronze door. When we find the giant door, we may be able to go in and explore it." The old man said:

"Do you have any problem with this?"

Entering the gate of hell?

Who knows what is inside, Li Hao subconsciously wanted to refuse, thinking: "I think this matter cannot be done overnight, and it is not yet certain whether we can enter it."

"Even if you can enter, you should enter in batches to avoid accidents."

"Our Daxia soldiers should be put at the end. There were many people from the sect who entered together at that time."

His intention was already clear. First, find a few cannon fodder to go in and see what's going on, and then talk about exploration.

And... I don't want to go in there.

"That's quite right..." Prince Ming'an nodded, with no special expression on his face, as if he had already prepared it.

Then, they asked for some details, including the structure of the giant bronze door, its appearance and even the patterns depicted on it.

Then compare it with the visions seen in the Four Symbols Realm at that time to see if there are any changes.

During this period, Princess Zhanqing's cold pool-like eyes kept focusing on Li Hao, wondering what she was observing.

He didn't leave the palace until the sun was setting in the west and the sky was filled with red clouds.

I returned to the mansion, packed up some sundries, and after thinking about it, I left some messages for Jiang Chen and prepared to go to Tianqi Academy the next day.

The arrival of this group of people is bound to bring many changes to Zhenbeicheng.

However, it should not be able to affect him.

As night fell, in the practice room, Li Hao suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

There was nothing but the walls of the ashram.

The materials used to build the practice room are special and difficult to see directly.

He came outside the practice room, and sure enough, green-gold chains crisscrossed the sky, covering the sky.

In the direction of the palace, there was even more brilliance of flames roaring through the sky and the earth. The shaking chains rattled. The light between the sky and the earth was bright, and the blades were like fire, forming a phenomenon that was almost like changing the world.

The Zhenbei formation is fully activated!

Li Hao was slightly shocked. What happened?

Someone attacked Zhenbeicheng?

Or in the direction of the palace?

As his mind turned, a guess came to Li Hao's mind - the prince!

No way, just after arriving at Zhenbeicheng, we were attacked?

As expected, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Li Hao shook his head, this matter had nothing to do with him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Streams of light cut through the air, and the ones with the lowest aura were those in the Dragon Transformation realm. They dispersed in all directions. They seemed to be tracking something?

Can someone still escape?

Li Hao was even more surprised. What level of power was the one who took action?

In this case, can you still escape?

"...No regrets!" A sharp shout came from the southeast, and then followed by a roar, the fire rushed into the sky and was annihilated by the blue-gold chain.

At the same time, similar sounds came from several other directions.

It turns out there was more than one person taking action, quite a few people...

Li Hao was even more surprised. How did so many people get into the palace?

However, he realized that assassinating the prince did not destroy Zhenbei City. Although the impact was higher than the latter, the difficulty was relatively low.

"How courageous..." Li Hao sighed.

Then, his eyes suddenly widened, and a cold front was placed on his neck without knowing when.

"Don't move. I can touch you and kill you with one blow." The voice in his ear was a little hoarse.

Li Hao felt a little scared in his heart, but said: "Are you the ones assassinating the prince?"

"That's right..." The other party did not deny it and said, "I don't want to hurt your life. I will leave after evading the initial search."

"Everything is hidden under the Zhenbei Formation. If you want to check it, there is nothing you can't find." Li Hao looked forward and said.

"If the Zhenbei Formation is really as powerful as you say, we won't be able to try it." The other party sneered: "I have my own way to avoid the formation. You can help me avoid human search."

"I know your position is very special, and it's not difficult for you."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the dark night, several figures fell down, their breaths were cold, and one of them asked: "Commander Li, have you noticed anything unusual?"

The stinging pain on the neck was gone, and the other party seemed to have disappeared, but Li Hao knew it clearly. The other party must still be nearby.

What kind of magical power is this that can be hidden so well?

He looked normal and responded: "I found out that the formation was activated, so I went out to check and found nothing unusual."

Several people looked at each other without hesitation and immediately fled to other places.

"Smart man..." The other party's voice indeed appeared in his ears again.

"You can leave." Li Hao frowned, and an oil-paper umbrella appeared in his hand. He took it out when those people were there just now.

"No..." the other party refused: "This is just the beginning, leaving here... is too risky."

This person directly overturned what he just said.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, you are my talisman." He said leisurely, obviously planning to rely on Li Hao.

Li Hao's eyes were slightly cold and he raised the oil-paper umbrella in his hand.

"An umbrella? What do you expect it to do?" He smiled lightly. It didn't have any power on it, so he didn't care.

The sword light popped out, and the umbrella surface immediately shattered and flew around, but it reflected a strange power.

To a certain extent, this can be considered opening an umbrella.

The flying umbrella paper turned into fly ash before it landed on the ground.

But the next moment, he was stunned, and saw the darkness around him fading away like ink.

And he...no...more accurately, it was her figure emerging from the darkness.

Sure enough, he is also a dragon!

Li Hao snorted secretly. If this person's cultivation level is extremely high, he will definitely be watched very closely.

Since the people who just came to search were all in the Dragon Transformation Realm, it meant that this person would most likely not exceed this limit.

However, Li Hao was not sure about this.

What's more important is that this person is so good at concealment that he can't feel the opponent's position.

It was as if he had been practicing specifically for assassination.

After confirming her strength and finding her location, Li Hao no longer hesitated, and the bright energy and blood rose into the sky without any concealment.

After all, he is the upright commander of the Night Guard!

"Death!" He shouted coldly, clenched his palms into a fist, and with great force, his body flowed with a gleaming light, and he blasted past!

Her pupils contracted, secretly thinking something bad.

The hidden magical powers they practiced were of such a high level that ordinary dragon-transforming realms would not be able to feel her approach at all.

But this time, for some reason it was directly exposed.

She practiced assassination techniques and had never fought head-on. In a hurry, she intertwined her hands, turned into a black snake, and strangled him.

Silent, without even a hint of vision, the key is to remain hidden.

This woman's realm is not low, and she is also a high realm in Hualong.

However, Li Hao was not afraid at all. His pupils turned into gold and were filled with black mist. His aura surged into the sky, making him extremely eye-catching.

The black snake wailed, and there was thunder here. Li Hao's fist emitted sword light, thunder light, sword light... a steady stream of light, flooding the front.

"Wanfa martial arts?" She shouted in shock, not expecting that the other party would actually practice such magical powers.


The black snake was smashed, and she flew backwards, shattering the ground and creating ravines.

Li Hao followed closely behind, not giving him any chance to resist, and fell into the pit, thundering like a sea and roaring continuously.

After a while, figures came from all directions, and some even shouted: "Keep your hands!"

Li Hao raised the person in his hand. Her hair was disheveled, her face was delicate, blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were stern.

"Ha..." She laughed miserably, and then said ferociously: "My soul has a restriction. If it falls into Ming'an's hands, he will definitely demand to reveal the person behind the scenes. I will agree to him, but the condition is to kill you..."

He looked at the other party indifferently, and suddenly exerted force in his hand. The divine light suddenly burst out, the blood mist steamed, and it exploded into powder.

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