I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 114 Unexpected gods descend from heaven!

A slap smashed the person's cheek, and the flesh and blood were still hanging on the bones!

This can be a role model for the younger generation of practitioners! ?

Wang Hui's heart trembled and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Is this the person his son admires so much?

His throat trembled, and he regretted taking this job, but since it was assigned by the city lord, he did not have the ability to refuse.

I just hope that today can be spent safely, and then I can go back and beat that scoundrel!

The expressions of the other people watching also changed, and they looked at Li Hao with some surprise.

It's just a dispute of words, no... to be more precise, Ye Yang has no intention of confronting Li Hao.

Instead, he repeatedly gave way at the request of the other party. Even so, Li Hao still slapped Ye Yang in the street.

It's really a bit arrogant and domineering.

These people include senior officials of the Chilin Army, as well as other departments from Zhenbei City.

Basically, they have never had close contact or work with Li Hao, and everything about Li Hao is just hearsay.

Although his previous behavior was very arrogant, his dealings with Ji Silin caused quite a stir in the city.

But there are rumors that it was assigned by the prince, and he was just a swordsman.

After that, Li Hao kept quiet, but he didn't cause any big trouble.

But now it seems that this person's violence is just hidden.

Also... when a young man becomes famous, he must be a little arrogant in his heart.

Ye Yang's face turned red, and he must be extremely humiliated in his heart, but even so, he still calmed down and calmed down.

Glancing at Li Hao gloomily, he did not expect that Li Hao would suddenly attack him, let alone the reason why he would attack him.

Could it be because his little tricks were discovered?

Impossible... He denied his guess. Not even General Lin could detect the fragrance of Mingzhu.

How could this person find out.

After thinking about it, he had no clue and stared at Li Hao grimly: "Commander Li, you attacked me for no reason. I will report it to General Lin and ask you to give me an explanation."

"Whatever you want..." Li Hao looked indifferent.

Ye Yang felt angry inside, snorted coldly, turned around and left here.

Have you really endured it?

Several people onlookers looked at each other, and then someone hesitated and said: "Commander Li, if there is any misunderstanding, can we clear it up?"

"After all, we have to work together for such a long time. If there is any taboo somewhere, it's best to make it clear so that we can understand it."

Ye Yang was slapped, which made them feel sad. Today, because of a little verbal dispute, Li Hao could make Ye Yang lose face.

It could be them tomorrow.

Of course, they couldn't stand up for Ye Yang. Their words just hinted that everyone would have to work together for a long time and not to make things too tense.

"My lords, please don't get me wrong. There are some old things between me and him, so we have conflicts." Li Hao shook his head and gave a random reason.

Part of the reason why he suddenly attacked Ye Yang was because the man had been chasing after him since he came out of the city lord's mansion.

He seemed to think that Li Hao couldn't do anything to him, and deliberately made him unable to do anything.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Li Hao wants to determine who this guy is as soon as possible.

He preferred that this person was from Huaiyuan, and Mingyue Mountain should not have the ability to place high-level officials in the Shaoyu Division.

But if it was sent by Huaiyuan, it meant that the investigation that King Zhenbei believed was still within Huaiyuan's expectations.

If this is the case, it will be difficult to handle.

Li Hao's eyes flashed, and then he looked at the frightened Wang Hui beside him, and said warmly: "Master Wang, I'd better take a look at Fuyang City myself. If you're okay, you can go back on your own."

"Is this okay?"

Wang Hui's throat trembled. Looking at the smiling Li Hao, he felt that if he said the word "no", his head would be smashed with a big punch.

"Okay, okay..." He nodded hurriedly, bowed respectfully, and hurriedly left here and returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

It was as if if I stayed a moment longer, the scratch would fall on me.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Li Hao couldn't help but laugh, his eyes flickered towards an alley next to the street.

He walked in slowly, and vaguely could see a figure standing against the wall.

"Master Zhong..." Li Hao cupped his hands and said.

"Commander Li..." Zhong Qi's voice was gloomy. He had full regard for this mysterious little commander who was valued by the King of Zhenbei and said:

"Can I ask, why did you attack Ye Yang just now?"

Obviously, this person clearly saw everything that just happened, but he did not jump to conclusions.

Li Hao couldn't explain, so he just smiled and said, "Master Zhong, if I say that he is a spy, would you believe it?"

Zhong Qi was silent for a long time, and his tone became a little more solemn: "I believe it."

Li Hao: "..."

Uh... your reaction is a bit unexpected to me. Do you believe me when I say it?

"Whose spy is he? What evidence is there?" Zhong Qi asked again.

"It's hard to say. As for the evidence... there is no evidence." Li Hao spread his hands and said: "A direct search of the soul should be able to prove it."

Zhong Qi: "..."

What if the search is wrong? This man is useless.

Seeing that the other party was speechless, Li Hao took the initiative and said: "General Lin said you want to take me to a place. Can you let me go to Tianji Pavilion first?"

"No problem..." Zhong Qi nodded: "You probably don't know where the Tianji Pavilion in Fuyang City is located. I'll take you there."

"Thank you very much." A smile appeared on Li Hao's face.

The two set off immediately, Li Hao in the light and Zhong Qi in the dark.

"There is one thing I need to tell you in advance. I cannot take action unless necessary. It will be very troublesome if someone discovers that I am in Fuyang City." Zhong Qi said secretly.

"Understood..." Li Hao nodded.

Not long after, the two came to a high-rise building in Fuyang City. It was in the shape of a pagoda, with seven floors and six corners. It was made of special wood. On the plaque were three gilded characters - Tianji Pavilion with flying dragons and phoenixes.

Even under the current circumstances, there is still a constant stream of people coming in and out.

"This is Tianji Pavilion?" Li Hao raised his head and glanced: "So upright..."

"Tianji Pavilion is not an assassin organization like Shasheng. Many cities have their branches. There is no need to hide them because they have a good reputation." Zhong Qi's reaction to Li Hao was a little strange:

"Have you never been to Tianji Pavilion in Zhenbei City?"

Li Hao thought about it and realized that he had never been there. If anything happened, he would go directly to Lin Fei.

Stepping into the building, a young man in white robe came quickly and asked: "I wonder why the guest is here?"

Tianji Pavilion has a complete set of processes since its development. It has accurate evaluation levels for both sales and purchase information, and has a good reputation.

"I want to buy information..." Li Hao looked around. Most of the people here were high-level practitioners.

Obviously not ordinary people.

"Please follow me..." He led Li Hao to a separate room. There was no one in it, and there was a white jade talisman on the table.

"What kind of information do you want to buy? Just enter it directly in the charm disk and wait for the quotation." He introduced simply.

"In addition, information about certain things is not for sale."

Due to the universality of Tianji Pavilion, some good people may buy the secrets of Daxia.

For example, how did His Majesty Wujiang stand out from dozens of princes and finally ascend the throne.

There is obviously no answer to this question.

Li Hao was a little surprised. Has it become fully automatic?

He sat on the chair, the white jade talisman was activated, and the runes were swirling around, surging layer by layer, forming a barrier.

Li Hao put his fingers together, activated his spiritual energy and wrote four words - The Fragrance of the Underworld Candle

The runes circulated and the words floated into the rune plate. Not long after, several numbers popped up on the rune plate.

One hundred thousand

Three hundred thousand

Seven hundred thousand

Li Hao was stunned, looked at the attendant in the corner, and asked, "Isn't this the price of the news?"

The attendant walked forward quickly and saw these numbers after stepping into the barrier. A flash of surprise flashed across his eyes.

There is also a threshold for normal purchase information, except for those who deliberately cause trouble and use His Majesty Wujiang as the point of questioning.

Most news buyers have a certain basic understanding of the news.

For example, if there are not these words about the incense of Mingzhu, I don’t know where to start.

Since it can be accepted by this charm plate, it means that the question this person asked falls into the category of normal purchase information.

And there is not much news of this value.

"Guest, this is divided into three levels of information. The cheapest one is for a preliminary understanding, the more expensive one is for a little more understanding, and the most expensive one includes the ins and outs." He explained:

"It means that Tianji Pavilion will tell you everything it knows about this aspect."

"It actually costs 700,000 Spiritual Source Crystals to know the whole story?" Li Hao didn't expect the information about Mingzhu's Incense to be so expensive.

He thought for a moment, took out a jade token from his arms, handed it to the person, and said, "This thing..."

Before he finished speaking, the attendant's face changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "The Heavenly Secret Jade Order..."

"Wait a moment..." He hurriedly left, leaving behind a somewhat confused Li Hao.

After a while, a middle-aged man came to the immediate center with a calm demeanor and a beard floating to his chest. With a smile, his tone was gentle: "I don't know that Commander Li's arrival will not be welcomed from afar."

Li Hao didn't take the common polite words seriously and said politely: "I wonder who you are?"

"I am the person in charge of Tianji Pavilion in Fuyang City..." He introduced himself: "Su Baiyi"


Li Hao noticed this title. When Xiao Bei Wang introduced Lin Fei, he used it as "walking on the earth".

It sounds like walking on earth is much more noble than being responsible.

"It turns out to be Mr. Su..." Li Hao complimented a few times.

Su Baiyi stroked his beard and waved his hand to ask the attendant who put down the spirit tea to leave the room.

Holding the Tianji Jade Token in his hand, he said: "Commander Li, to tell you the truth, the news of your purchase has reached the Zixiao level, and this one is just the Sapphire Token."

"If you just want to know a general idea, that's fine, but if you want to know the whole story, just..."

He has a kind of magnanimity of his own. Although Li Hao is extraordinary, he has Tianji Pavilion with his back, so he doesn't need to flatter, neither be humble nor arrogant.

Before he finished speaking, Li Hao also understood that it was not valuable enough.

"In that case, let me know roughly first." Li Hao thought about it, and first understood a little bit.

How could he have any extra Spiritual Source Crystal on him to buy this kind of news?

Let's see what the situation is. Only when we have something in hand can General Lin approve the funds.

"Okay..." Su Baiyi nodded, then walked to the white jade talisman plate, picked up a few runes, and put them into it. Then he put the jade order into it, and then smiled and said: "Commander Li, wait a moment, the news is very important. It will be passed on soon."

Tsk... Different paths lead to the same goal. This thing is equivalent to a computer...

Li Hao nodded, not in a hurry.

However, after drinking a cup of spiritual tea, the white jade charm plate still showed no reaction, which made Su Baiyi look a little embarrassed: "This..."

"The response of the Talisman Disk is a bit slow today, don't be impatient..."

"I'm not in a hurry..." Li Hao shrugged. Just as he finished speaking, he saw the white jade floating plate shining brightly, and bright runes pouring out from it, expanding to the entire room in an instant.

The complex runes gathered together and finally formed a blurry figure, and a voice came out: "Is the user of the Jade Order, Li Hao?"

"This is...?" Li Hao looked at Su Baiyi with some doubts.

At this moment, Su Baiyi's expression was stiff, and he was horrified in his heart. He hurriedly bowed and said: "The person in charge of Tianji Pavilion in Fuyang City in the northern region of Daxia has met the envoy."

"Envoy?" Li Hao looked at the other party.

Su Baiyi responded: "Your Majesty, the user of the Qingyu Order is none other than Zhenbeicheng - Li Hao, Commander Li."

"I've seen it..." Li Hao hesitated for a moment and then said: "Your Excellency"

This guy seems to have a pretty high status.

"Commander Li..." The figure was blurred and the voice was strange, saying: "The Jade Order is not enough to support you in obtaining all the information you need to purchase."

Nonsense...I know it all.

Li Hao secretly cursed, but heard him continue: "However, Tianji Pavilion is willing to give the remaining part to you voluntarily."

"And, from now on, you will be a guest of Tianji Pavilion, and you will only need to pay 80% of the price for any information."

"At the same time, as a Purple Jade guest, Tianji Pavilion will not sell any information about you to the outside world."

so good?

Li Hao was stunned, why did a pie suddenly fall from the sky?

He was not surprised, but instead thought about the other party's purpose.

"Don't worry too much. Tianji Pavilion always likes potential customers. You can regard this as an investment." He explained:

"However, part of it is because of the Jade Order. This means that you have helped Tianji Pavilion. Otherwise, you have to pay even if the price is discounted."

Li Hao suddenly understood what the other party was thinking. Casting a wide net would always lead to a few big fish growing up.

The rewards obtained by then will be much higher than this investment.

Tianji Pavilion is so large that it is almost spread throughout Daxia, so this investment method will not lose money.

"Thank you very much then..." Li Hao did not refuse and accepted the offer.

This Tianji Pavilion is considered smart. Li Hao has been hanging out with Lin Fei for so long, and he doesn't believe that Tianji Pavilion doesn't know.

However, the investment was never made through Lin Fei's hands. Instead, he showed up again when Li Hao asked for help from Tianji Pavilion.

In this way, it is obviously better to get the idea of ​​gratitude from Li Hao.

Otherwise, if he approached eagerly, Li Hao might not take it to heart at all.

Li Hao saw it thoroughly and didn't care. It was just a trivial matter.

Su Baiyi on the side had a complicated look on his face. He had been the person in charge of the Tianji Pavilion in Fuyang City for many years and had never seen the Tianji Envoy a few times.

Unexpectedly, it was because of Li Hao that we met this time.

Has Li Hao's potential already attracted the attention of even Tianji Pavilion?

He knew more about the internal affairs of Tianji Pavilion than Li Hao.

The potential shown by Li Hao now is indeed extraordinary, but it will still take a long time before he can grow up.

Tianji Pavilion is good at collecting information. The geniuses I have seen are like crucian carp crossing the river, but in the end they may not be able to grow up safely.

But not many people have attracted Tianji Pavilion's attention early and adopted this attitude.

And there is another important point, that is the identity of Ziyu Guest.

Tianji Pavilion will not sell any information about you from now on, which means that it is not a small profit.

Especially as the level of cultivation becomes higher and higher, the benefits of this loss of confidentiality become greater and greater.

The envoy didn't say much and asked Su Baiyi to fetch the jade slips. A large number of small characters were integrated into the jade slips amid the runes.

The white jade talisman plate gradually dimmed, and finally returned to silence.

Su Baiyi brought the jade slip, presented it with both hands, and said: "Commander Li, please."

This person's attitude towards him was gentle before, but now it was respectful.

This thought passed through Li Hao's mind, he had already picked up the jade slip, and Su Baiyi wisely exited the room.

These people do not directly take over the sale and sales of information, but are only responsible for management.

Li Hao took the jade slip and injected it with spiritual energy, and lines of fonts gradually emerged——

"The incense of the Underworld Candle is made from the flowers of the Underworld Candle. It is colorless, odorless and invisible. Only the underworld candle bees can smell it, and it cannot be evaded within a thousand miles..."

"It turns out it's used to lock my position..." Li Hao murmured in a low voice and continued reading.

At the same time, when he was checking the information, he was infinitely far away from here.

A person's hand-held pen, stained with bright purple ink, cast out colorful stars, leaving a line of words on the jade slip under his hand——

Li Hao - suspected to be the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu or someone close to him

The jade slips flew out and fell onto the shelf behind him, and there were many more like this.

"How's it going? Did you get the news you wanted to buy?" Li Hao walked out of Tianji Pavilion and heard Zhong Qi ask.

"The price is a bit expensive..." Li Hao said casually, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Yeah..." Zhong Qi was convinced: "Tianji Pavilion information is indeed very expensive, so they paid a price to obtain the information. Sometimes they purchased it directly, but the information they obtained could sell countless copies. .”

"It's simply a no-cost transaction. It's okay to buy it normally. If you want to buy out this news, you'll have to pay a sky-high price."

Zhong Qi talked a lot, but Li Hao kept thinking.

The Yin Division is the force that creates the incense of the Underworld Candle.

This name reminds Li Hao a lot.

However, according to information from Tianji Pavilion, they discovered this force not long ago, only about five hundred years.

Of course, their statement is very rigorous. This may also be a force that has been hidden for many years and does not often operate outside.

Since the emergence of the world, the main activities have been in the northern part of Daxia and the Western Regions. Most of them are searching for some traces of the East that cannot be traced back to the era.

There are many such power organizations, and almost every power wants to know what happened in the untraceable era.

Since it's not Mingyue Mountain, it's the person behind Huaiyuan.

It seems that Huaiyuan was not unaware of this so-called investigation.

Was there a spy placed around King Zhenbei, or was it just relying on his understanding of King Zhenbei that he could infer that there was such an investigation?

"Five hundred years..." Li Hao thought about it and suddenly asked: "Master Zhong, what is the exact age of Chief Huai?"

"This..." Zhong Qi paused slightly and said, "It should be more than six hundred years old..."

"More than six hundred years old. Five hundred years ago, he was exactly over one hundred years old. He just gained a certain strength..." Li Hao thought about it, thinking that there was a high probability that Huaiyuan was not the founder of this underworld.

"By the way, we are leaving Fuyang City next..." Zhong Qi's words interrupted Li Hao's thoughts, which surprised him: "Leaving Fuyang City? Where are we going?"

"Not sure, I just know it's in the northeast of Fuyang City..."

Zhong Qi also knew that Li Hao didn't know why, so he explained: "King Zhenbei's suspicion of Chief Huai did not form in a day or two."

"The reason why I came to Fuyang City is because just after the Bronze Giant Gate appeared, Chief Huai often came to Fuyang City, but I don't know where he went."

"The prince used a secret method to track it and could only get a rough trace. We can only look for anything strange along the way."

He was not sure either. After all, he had too little information, so King Zhenbei acted as a doctor and asked Li Hao to follow him.

"So that's it..." Li Hao nodded thoughtfully: "Let's go then, but I have to buy something..."

The two went to the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion in Fuyang City.

Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion is a large chamber of commerce in the north, jointly established by several giant businessmen.

The forces behind it are complex, and there are even many sects involved in selling sect specialties. It is said that the King of Zhenbei also had a hand in it.

In Zhong Qi's eyes, Li Hao just bought some weird things, such as silkworm skin, voodoo herbs and the like.

Although he was curious, he had strict moral standards and did not ask too much.

Immediately, the two people left Fuyang City and headed northeast under the leadership of Zhong Qi.

But not long after walking, Li Hao stopped and took off his clothes under Zhong Qi's strange eyes.

He dug a groove in a boulder with his fingers, attracted the sun fire, added a lot of scattered things into it, and threw his clothes into it.

As the flame burned, wisps of green smoke emerged from the stone. After a while, Li Hao went deep into the flame and took out five or six green silkworm slough skins.

Then put it into the Sumeru space--

[Fragrant silkworm skin: the shed skin of silkworms stained with the fragrance of the underworld candle]

After confirming that the scent had indeed been transferred, he smiled with satisfaction.

The information given by Tianji Pavilion details how to remove the fragrance of the underworld candle and transfer the fragrance.

After getting these done, he took out another set of clothes and put them in the undershirt transformed from the sword box, destroying the traces of this place.

Then he said to Zhong Qi: "Master Zhong, please continue on your way."

This series of actions performed by Li Hao made Zhong Qi really curious, but he still didn't ask and continued on his way with his head down.


Zhangjiacun, which is about a thousand miles away from Fuyang City, is full of stone houses, all built with huge rocks. They can not only protect against wind and rain, but are also extremely strong.

It was the time when the smoke was rising, but the village was quiet.

There are also scarlet lines painted on the outer walls of many houses with dark brown liquid, which flashes with blood. It is unknown what purpose it has.

In the village ancestral hall, the village chief smoked Hao cigarettes with a frown on his old face. The elders around him also had ugly expressions.

The ancestral hall was already full of people, almost crowded, and everyone had a look of fear on their faces.

The village chief exhaled a puff of old green smoke, looked to his side, and said in a deep voice: "Master Fang Feng, look at how long we have."

Fang Fang was wearing a gray robe. He didn't look too old. He looked a little pale, his breath was sluggish, and his eyes were swollen. Hearing this, he sighed: "It didn't take long. Although the ghost was repelled by me, it still surrounded the village chief. .”

"Absorbing the resentment of the underground ghosts, it will come back soon. By then, I will have no power to resist."

"Is there no other way?" The village chief clenched his hands, and his breath was extraordinary.

"That ghost has the strength of the Dragon Transformation Realm. Last time, I relied on the power of the Sky Talisman given by my master to repel it." Fang Fang couldn't lament:

"The plan for now is to try our best to stop the demons when they attack, and then find a way to send the young children away."

"Otherwise, no one can leave."

As soon as these words came out, the already solemn atmosphere in the ancestral hall almost turned into reality. The young children huddled in the arms of their parents, not daring to raise their heads.

The strong man punched the wall of the ancestral hall and shouted: "Then we will fight him!"

The village chief coughed dryly, his eyes flashed, and said: "Little Taoist Priest, you are completely involved in this matter by us. The task of escorting the children will be left to you."

Fang couldn't stop talking, and finally just said: "Even if it is an escort, it may not be successful."

He was indeed involved, and he would not have stayed had the people in the village not begged him to help get rid of some ghosts.

Unexpectedly, a ghost in the Dragon Transformation Realm was involved in the end.

The strongest person in this village, even the village chief, is only at the Mortal Realm.

Even with the help of the formation he arranged, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop him for long.

What will happen by then is still unknown.

"All parents with children in the village should stay here. No one will have any objections." The village chief looked around and said.

Some men and women looked pale, but nodded.

"If you don't have children, I won't force you. Just follow the little Taoist priest and go to Bona to make a living." He added.

"Village chief, who are you looking down on!" someone shouted.

"Daniu, Erhu, Ponyo... I watched them all grow up, they are my children, I will not run away!"

"that is!"

"Let's fight together!"

The crowd was so excited that no one flinched. Maybe there were some, but in this atmosphere, any cowardice was burned away.

Fang Feng's eyes flashed, and his mood was somewhat touched. People who regard death as if they were home will always make people admire them.

However, at this moment, the dark wind howled, and a roar suddenly came from the ancestral hall.

Fang Wenfa's expression changed and he said in shock: "How could this happen? This ghost recovers much faster than I thought!"

Outside the ancestral hall, it was wrapped in thick black fog, making it almost impossible to see anything.

He looked up and saw an incomplete light gold talisman hanging on the roof of the ancestral hall, with threads extending out, covering the entire ancestral hall.


"Where did this Taoist priest come from? It's so annoying. If he hadn't interfered, he should have been able to stimulate the child to awaken his soul last time." Outside the village, several figures stood here, looking at the village wrapped in black mist in the distance. .

"The people from Tongtian Dao Palace happened to be passing by here, but he has run out of energy. With our help, this ghost recovered very quickly."

"It will definitely succeed this time."

"As soon as possible, Lin Yunfei has already arrived at Fuyang City with Li Hao. I wanted to wait for him to awaken himself, but now I'm afraid it's too late. I hope they don't discover this place."

"It doesn't matter, Li Hao has the fragrance of the Dark Candle on his body. We will notice it once he gets close, and Lin Yunfei still has to guard Fuyang City." A pitch-black insect appeared in the hand of the person who spoke, flashing with black light.

"Every move he makes is under our control."

"That's good…"

The place fell into silence, and they looked towards the village again.


The ancestral hall was shaking, as if something huge was hitting the ancestral hall.

The pale golden talisman was flickering and seemed to be destroyed at any moment.

"Stop resisting, you will all be my blood!"

At the door of the ancestral hall, an illusory figure appeared, draped in red clothes, like a woman, with charming eyes, an oval face, fair skin, and only one pair of eyes that were extremely penetrating.

Everyone in the ancestral hall looked horrified and backed away, while she stretched out her hand as if she wanted to reach into the ancestral hall.

However, light golden threads appeared, blocking her hands, and they made a hissing sound when they came into contact!

She suddenly let out a pitiful howl, which was terrifying and eerie, making everyone feel dizzy, and her cheeks began to squirm, and densely packed tiny heads appeared, ferocious and terrifying.

"Fuck!" Fang couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and let out a breath of fresh air, mixed with the sound of thunder, making everyone feel clear before their eyes.

"The recovery speed of this ghost is faster than I thought. I will hit the Sky Talisman with thunder later, use up the last bit of its power, and try to find a way out!"

Fang Feng couldn't speak in a hurry, he made seals with both hands, lightning arcs jumped between his fingers, and then turned into a thunder pillar and struck directly at the incomplete talisman in the center of the ancestral hall.


The bright golden arc spread, and wherever it passed, the black mist disappeared.

In the black mist, a shrill wailing sound came out: "You Taoist priest, when I catch you, I will skin and bones you, and you will be tortured!"

"Let's go!" He rolled up his sleeves, wrapped up the young child in the ancestral hall, and headed towards the outside world.

The village chief roared angrily, and as his energy and blood surged, he shouted: "Follow me to get rid of the ghosts!"

The people of the village are united and have no fear!

Fang Feng couldn't look solemn. There were many children in the village, dozens of them, and each of them required him to use his spiritual energy to support them.

If he were at his peak, it would be nothing, but now that he was weak, it was still unclear whether he could escape, let alone bring so many young children with him.

If I don't take them with me and let the village chief and others delay, I won't have a chance...

Once an idea emerges, it spreads like crazy...

"Wow..." There was a cry in his ears. He looked down and saw young children looking at him with wide eyes.

Fear, expectation, innocence, worry...

"Restrain yourself and guard your heart..."

An old voice seemed to ring in his ears, and he grinned with a bitter smile: "If I left, why would I be practicing Taoism?"

He gritted his teeth. Even if he died here today, he would not be able to live alone.

"Lao Zhu!" Someone shouted from behind, and as the black mist rolled, one person turned into withered bones.

The village chief gritted his teeth. They were not on the same level as this ghost at all, but it didn't matter, as long as the children could leave.

He looked in the direction that Fang couldn't leave.

"No one can leave!"

And the ghost seemed to be aware of his thoughts, and snorted coldly, with a heavy echo, and as the figure fluttered, it flew out helplessly!

The young children fell to the ground, a little dazed, and then started sobbing for a while. They wanted to cry, but they were too frightened by the scene in front of them to make a sound.

Fang couldn't lament, the gap was too big and there was little hope.

The black mist rolled up a young child, like a porcelain doll.

"Delicious blood food..." The voice was cold and the corners of his mouth were close.

"Three babies!" a man yelled, his face pale.

"No!" the village chief clenched his fists and shouted!

At this time, the ghost's movements paused, as if it felt something, and looked a little surprised, looking at the other child.

It was a big child of about ten years old. He lowered his head, clenched his fists, and was surrounded by a faint mist.

"What!" The ghost was surprised. He actually felt a sense of threat from this child.

what happened?


The sound of chains came from nowhere, and an illusory figure appeared behind the child. It was not very real, only the dark chain was clearly visible, striking towards her head on.

For some reason, this chain gave her a feeling of inescapability!


Her figure was immediately pulled away, her wails resounded throughout the world, and the child in her hand naturally flew out. She could not catch the child quickly with her eyesight and hands.

He looked at the child with some surprise.


After pulling out a chain, the shadow behind him disappeared, and the whole person staggered and fell down.

"You all must die!" The black mist surged and once again gathered into the figure of a female ghost, roaring.

Here, she has been injured many times one after another, and she is extremely angry.

"It's still useless!" Fang couldn't feel his heart sinking. The child didn't know what kind of magical power she had awakened, but it was obvious that her own strength was not enough to support her to continue to use it.

The villagers were in despair and fell into the bottom of the valley. They thought things had turned around, but reality gave them a head-on blow!

At this moment, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky. The sound was so clear that everyone couldn't help but look up.

I saw a bright light and shadow tearing through the black fog, falling like an arrow from the gods, hitting the ghost directly!

The ghost roared, and the black mist gathered, forming a huge ghost head that swallowed up into the sky!


The ground trembled, the ghost's head was directly smashed, the ghost was smashed into the earth, smoke and dust billowed, and the ground cracked!

Fang couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and was shocked in his heart, this is it! ?

He was impatient in his heart and stirred up the breeze, scattering the smoke and black mist.

But in the center of the ravine on the ground, the previously arrogant ghost had been firmly locked to the ground by a red-gold arm.

This person is surrounded by golden energy and blood, his hair is flying and crystal clear, his eyes are sharp and resolute, his pupils are all golden, he comes to the world like a god!

The surrounding villagers were stunned and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Some people even slapped themselves hard, fearing that this was a dream.

Then I was ecstatic!

With this appearance, the savior must have arrived!

In an instant, indescribable excitement burst out from his heart. His tense mind suddenly relaxed, and he suddenly rushed towards his child and hugged him tightly.

The village chief's throat trembled, and his eyes showed horror. He knew how strong the ghost was, and to be able to control it so easily, the strength of the person who came must be unimaginable.

The ghost was wailing, its skin covered with heads, as if it wanted to turn into ghost mist, but it was locked by an invisible force.

"Me, why can't I turn into ghost mist!?" She said with disbelief on her face.

"What the hell, why is it so disgusting!?" Li Hao was full of disgust, his arms trembled, and the lightning surged like a sea.

"no, do not want!"

The ghost kept wailing, and finally its body gradually disappeared in the lightning!

"Did you really leave something behind?" Li Hao looked strange and picked up a red hairpin from where the ghost disappeared.

A wisp of Qi ran along the arm and was absorbed by Wanjie Zhi.

Indeed, as Lin Fei said, after ghosts die, they will leave behind something with energy.

Looking at Li Hao standing there, Fang WenFeng's expression suddenly froze, his lips trembled and his expression suddenly turned ecstatic——

"Li Hao?"

"Who is calling me?" Li Hao was stunned. Are there any acquaintances here?

He looked at Fang Feng aside, um... never seen him.

"Do you know me?" Li Hao walked up to him. The villagers around him looked at him in awe, wanting to express their gratitude, but they were a little embarrassed.

"I...I...I'm from Tongtian Dao Palace..." Fang Fang couldn't look a little nervous and explained: "After Senior Brother Yuhuo returned, he spoke highly of you and called you a gentleman."

"He also said that without your help, he might have become a corpse."

"Uncle Master also said the same, saying that he had a bad attitude at the time and so on. Before he left, he didn't see you and thank you in person."

"A person from Tongtian Dao Palace?" Li Hao looked at the other person up and down.

"Yes, they said you were still in the Cave Heaven Realm at that time, but they didn't expect that you are now in the Dragon Transformation Realm..." Fang Feng couldn't nod hurriedly.

"Why are the people from Tongtian Dao Palace here?" Li Hao asked, looking around.

He didn't expect that this place would be attacked by ghosts. He and Zhong Qi came all the way and didn't find anything unusual at all.

Only this place is filled with gloom and is attacked by ghosts.

This is not a mass grave or any other place.

There are only a few hundred people in this village. Is it necessary for a ghost in the Dragon Transformation Realm to attack such a place?

Not enough to fill her teeth.

"Fuyang City was infested by ghosts. The Tongtian Dao Palace took on several tasks to eliminate ghosts and sent me to deal with it. I was passing by here thinking of helping, but I didn't expect this ghost to be so powerful..." Fang Wen couldn't lament repeatedly.

I didn't think about it when I was fighting, but now I seemed to be safe, and I suddenly felt a burst of physical pain.

"You are very good..." Li Hao looked at him carefully again and could feel that this person's breath was weak.

Considering the strength of that ghost, and seeing that this person is not in the first level of Dongtian, I'm afraid it took a lot of trouble.

"Hehe..." Hearing his praise like this, Fang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He smiled shyly and secretly said that he must show off when he goes back.

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