I'm simulating all the worlds in fairyland

Chapter 124 Things in the City: The Battle between Jade Hu Body and Tie Nanjun

Li Hao didn't react at all, but Jiang Chen's face changed slightly.

There was one thing that he didn't have time to mention to Li Hao.

That is, his master asked him to find a way to enter the gate of hell.

The reason why he had no intention of leaving Zhenbeicheng was precisely because of this.

As for why he was allowed to enter the gate of hell, his master was vague and not too detailed. He only said that it was entrusted by another consciousness in his body.

If he didn't go, there would be disastrous consequences, which made Jiang Very Chen panic in his heart and resist subconsciously, but he didn't dare to gamble.

However, this incident did not surprise Li Hao too much.

Zhenbeicheng organized so many people to search without Shiling's obstruction. It is inevitable to find the gate of hell.

This news is just an introduction, and what happens next is quite secretive.

"The Seventeenth Prince is planning to organize people who have come into contact with the Giant Bronze Gate to see if there is really any connection with the Gate of Hell." Lin Fei said:

"The first batch of people has been decided. They are the soldiers who followed Xiao Beiwang. There are no important people."

"We should have set off secretly now."

This did not surprise Li Hao at all, but he was a little surprised that the Seventeenth Prince was very efficient, and he obviously couldn't wait to find out what was going on with the giant bronze gate.

Li Hao thought for a moment and asked tentatively: "Daxia, do you know the name and origin of that giant bronze gate?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Lin Fei's eyes moved slightly, and then he said: "It seems that Brother Li really knows something, the ghost gate..."

He looked at Li Hao faintly and heard Jiang Chen spit out the last word——


Sure enough, it is impossible for Daxia to have no clues about things that everyone in Beiling knows.

"It is said that this gate of hell involves a powerful force that cannot be traced back to the era." Now that he had exposed it, Lin Fei did not sell it, and simply said: "There are many names, and in most ancient and broken classics, it is called the underworld. "

"It is rumored that the underworld controls the lifespan of creatures. You can shorten or increase the lifespan by drawing it at will. This is extremely evil."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but said: "Can it still be like this? The lifespan of a living being is not fixed. It will be affected by birth, old age, illness, death, and natural disasters. How can it be possible to cut the increase at will?"

This was information he didn't know, and he subconsciously didn't believe it.

Li Hao remained calm. He found that there was something wrong with the two people's understanding of the underworld. They seemed to think that the underworld was a giant force similar to Daxia.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to believe that they can control the life span of living beings, but Li Hao did not correct this.

"It is precisely because of this that the Seventeenth Prince is so anxious. He thinks that from behind the gate of hell, the ruins of the underworld may be found." Lin Fei finished roughly describing the matter and frowned:

"However, there may be hidden dangers in exploring Guimen Pass. We don't know how many people in Shiling have been exposed to Guimen Pass, but the information Daxia has is that only your group of people have been exposed to it."

"The number of people is limited. Once those people in front don't get useful information, the Seventeenth Prince may..."

He didn't finish what he said, but both of them understood what he meant. When it came to an ancient force that couldn't be traced back to the era, the Seventeenth Prince would definitely do it at all costs.

Now that there is someone in front of him, it will naturally not be Li Hao's turn, but once there is no one in front, it is not necessarily the case.

Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat. He didn't want to be remembered by Da Xia, so he couldn't help but said: "I remember that the son of King Zhenbei was also contacted at the beginning. It's impossible for him to send that guy in, right?"

"Little North King has been picked up by his mother..." Lin Fei chuckled twice.

"Isn't it!?" Jiang Chen was shocked: "These seventeenth princes are so heartbroken that they won't even spare their own family members?"

"That's not the case. The Queen disliked Little North King's cultivation speed for being too slow, so she brought him back to the Central Territory, saying that he was sent to some ancestral land to practice." Lin Fei explained.

Xiao Beiwang's mother also came from a certain family in the Central Region.

Li Hao has never seen her, but only occasionally heard other people talk about her, because she seemed to have a falling out with the King of Zhenbei due to some things and was no longer active in Zhenbei City.

"That's great..." Jiang Chen looked envious and jealous. These guys with good backgrounds have many options.

"First those soldiers, then the marginal disciples in the sect who have been in contact with the ghost gate, and finally it will be your turn." Lin Fei sighed:

"The Seventeenth Prince has many strong people around him, and even the prince has difficulty interfering with some of his decisions."

"Many people in the city are secretly ogling the Seventeenth Prince, but unfortunately they don't even think about whether the Seventeenth Prince can like them."

He spoke with a bit of sneer and disdain.

Li Hao was thoughtful. It seemed that during the time he left Zhenbeicheng, a lot of things happened in the city.

Jiang Chen was noncommittal, his eyes flickering.

Because of what his master said, he did not resist entering the hell gate, and even felt like volunteering, but this performance obviously could not be exposed.

Otherwise, others will inevitably find out the clues.

But Brother Li...

He glanced at Li Hao, who looked calm. He had a bright future, and there was no need to take risks at the gate of hell.

However, he thought about it again. Li Hao was extremely talented and valued by the King of Zhenbei, so it was probably impossible for him to go to the Gate of Hell to be cannon fodder.

The seventeenth prince should not be so short-sighted.

Li Hao also thought that with the Great Seal of Fengdu here, he wouldn't mind going to the Gate of Hell.

But...he didn't want to go in without any understanding. It would be best if he could delay it until the end.

Lin Fei saw that the two of them were silent and thought they were worried. He couldn't help but shake his head. He had no good solution.

If the seventeenth prince insists on doing this, I don't know if the prince will force the seventeenth prince for Li Hao.

Hmm... maybe it's possible.

"Have you finished my news, Brother Li?" He raised his eyes and looked at Li Hao.

"The Tathagata is a true Buddha, right..." Li Hao thought for a moment and said, "I don't know much..."

Lin Fei nodded. He didn't know why Tianji Pavilion asked him to ask about this news, so he could only listen quietly.

But Li Hao startled him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"He should be regarded as the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas..."

"Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas?" Lin Fei glared: "My dear, if anyone dares to use this title on the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau, if they don't survive the next day, everything around them will be razed to the ground."

Li Hao didn't know much about the Plateau of Ten Thousand Buddhas, so after hearing this, he couldn't help but ask questions.

From Lin Fei's mouth, he roughly learned the specific situation of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau.

There are countless Buddhist temples in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau, and there are also many Buddhist sects. They all call themselves Buddhas, and no one dares to call them Lord Buddha.

"You know that arena outside the east city wall? They sent orders from Ksitigarbha Buddha from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau to come to Zhenbeicheng." Lin Fei mentioned this, but Li Hao's expression changed slightly.

"Ksitigarbha Buddha?"

The name Li Hao is very familiar, but he is usually not called Buddha, but Bodhisattva.

"Yes, Ksitigarbha Buddha is one of the giant Buddhas in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau." Lin Fei nodded and added: "He has countless followers. The name of the young monk in the ring is Jin Chan, and he is the son of Ksitigarbha Buddha."

"Jin Chan?" Li Hao's expression became even weirder.

Jin Chan became a disciple of Ksitigarbha?

He had learned a lot of information through Lin Fei's hands before.

The appearance of Da Leiyin Temple was much earlier than the appearance of Guimen Pass.

Although the Gate of Hell triggered a large-scale awakening of the fragments of immortals and gods, the Great Leiyin Temple must have had some impact on the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau.

Maybe some big figures in Buddhism awaken Su Hui in advance.

"That's too far away..." Lin Fei looked at Li Hao: "Why does he dare to call himself the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas?"

Lin Fei revealed a lot of information to him, and Li Hao was embarrassed to use these few words to offend Lin Fei.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "I only know that the owner of Daleiyin Temple is the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the Buddha, and the Tathagata Buddha."

"Da Leiyin Temple!?" Lin Fei stood up suddenly, wondering: "Are you saying that the dilapidated ancient temple that appeared deep in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Plateau is called Da Leiyin Temple?"

"I don't know..." Li Hao shook his head and sighed: "I occasionally dream of some weird information, but they are all scattered."

"That's all I know. I don't know much about the rest."

Lin Fei's expression paused slightly, and he couldn't help but nodded: "That's enough, the Gate of Hell, the Great Thunder Sound Temple..."

"By the way, do you know why Jin Chan came to Zhenbeicheng?" Li Hao asked with some confusion.

He didn't pay much attention to this matter at first, but after hearing the names Ji Zang and Jin Chan, he became a little interested.

"I only know some rumors..." Lin Fei was not sure and whispered:

"It is said that Ksitigarbha Buddha's people wanted to interfere in the affairs of the underworld, but the seventeenth prince immediately refuted it without giving any face."

"The opponent just set up the arena."

Interestingly, Ksitigarbha wants to intervene in the underworld...how come this doesn't sound at all illegal?

Li Hao got an idea, but Lin Fei didn't care much about it, and instead talked about a recent romantic affair.

"Did you know? It turns out that the Seventeenth Prince is also a member of the same group. Rou Yue, the newly promoted oiran of Runchunyuan, was taken away by him." Lin Fei poured himself a cup of tea and said with a smile.

"Oh?" Li Hao was a little surprised. The seventeenth prince didn't look like a prostitute.

"The prince is also a ladybug?" Jiang Chen curled his lips: "You still think these people are not promiscuous?"

"Of course not...there's a secret..." Lin Fei sneered, but didn't say anything. Jiang Chen felt itchy and asked curiously, but Lin Fei just didn't say anything.

It wasn't until Jiang Chen gave him a cup of tea with a dark face that Lin Fei said calmly: "Is this right? That Rouyue has a special physique, she has a jade pot body."

"Jade pot body!" Jiang Chen was surprised: "This Runchun Garden is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger."

"Jade pot body?" Li Hao didn't quite understand, and had never even heard of this word.

Jiang Chen smiled and couldn't help but said: "The jade pot body is a peculiar physique. It can absorb spiritual energy very quickly, but the body's meridians and major acupoints are displaced, and it takes too much time to cultivate magical powers."

"If a strong person customizes a practice method for her, her practice speed will increase rapidly. What's even more strange, if a man has sex with her, her cultivation will flow to the person she has sex with, without any burden."

"It can be said that "the jade pot brews fine wine and makes wedding clothes for others." It is the top-notch cauldron, but it is only a one-time use."

"Is there such a thing?" Li Hao couldn't help but be surprised: "What a coincidence that the seventeenth prince happened to discover it?"

He felt that this incident was somewhat of a coincidence. Not long after the Seventeenth Prince came to Zhenbeicheng, he found such a woman.

"What a coincidence..." Lin Fei shook his head: "This woman is the daughter of a city guard in Nanchang City in the north. However, this person accepted bribes, causing Nanchang City to suffer huge losses."

"Her father was beheaded immediately, and she wandered around until she came to Runchun Garden. She was originally discovered by a deputy chief of the Junfa Department, but this person was smart and passed it on to the seventeenth prince directly."

Lin Fei had a lot of information, or the Seventeenth Prince must have checked the details of this woman, and even used other detection methods, and he should not have found any problems.

"The seventeenth prince is very ambitious and has the support of the Taoist palace. What is different from the eldest princes is the cultivation and foundation brought by time." Lin Fei sighed:

"Rou Yue's appearance has solved a big problem for him, which is equivalent to two top geniuses practicing for him at the same time."

"It is precisely because of this that the seventeenth prince is suggesting to the prince that the deputy chief should take over the position of Lord Huaiyuan." At this point, he looked at Li Hao again.

There are rumors in the city that Lord Huaiyuan has been secretly imprisoned by King Zhenbei.

This caused a storm, and Lin Fei knew that this was not a rumor, and that the initiator was the person in front of him.

"This top-notch cauldron can only be used when one has reached the extreme level of cultivation." Jiang Chen's teeth became sore with envy again.

The three of them chatted for a while and exchanged some fragmentary information. Jiang Chen was not just prostitution, his master also had some relatively secret information.

Lin Fei was very interested in some of Shiling's recent actions.


At the same time, outside the palace, Tie Nanjun was walking quickly, chewing something unknown in his mouth, making a clicking sound.

The body was glowing with spiritual light, and some bruises were squeezed out from the surface of the skin from time to time, making a chirping sound when it landed on the ground.

"Nanjun..." A call came from behind. Tie Nanjun's face and mouth curled up, and he was obviously too lazy to pay attention. However, this person's voice got closer and closer, and finally he came to his side.

"The Jade Spirit Ginseng that His Highness the Prince gave you is a rare treasure. Why did you just take it?" Qingnang looked at the crystal clear pieces at the corner of Tie Nanjun's mouth with a look of pity.

"It's not like I'm giving it to you, I can eat it as I want." Tie Nanjun muttered, saying it deliberately.

Qing Nang's face darkened, and he pretended not to hear, and asked: "What you just said to His Highness is true, so Li Hao actually used his own methods to kill three statues and four elephants in a row?"

"You didn't believe it in the palace, the prince believed it, why don't you believe it?" Tie Nanjun was unhappy.

"This matter is really shocking. I'm just surprised." Qingnang frowned slightly.

Tie Nanjun really doesn't know etiquette and is extremely stupid. If it weren't for his profound background, Qing Nang would have wanted to give him some advice.

"What's the matter with you? I'm anxious to fight with him..." Tie Nanjun urged.

"You want to fight him?" Qingnang's eyes flashed slightly.

He originally wanted Tie Nanjun to give Li Hao a show of strength and let him know what it meant to be a man of high heaven and earth.

That's why Tie Nanjun was encouraged to go find Li Hao, but Tie Nanjun directly "rebelled".

"Yes, I will use the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills as reward." Tie Nanjun looked expectant: "I have been waiting for many days."

"Are you using the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills as a bet?" Qingnang's eyes widened and he said, "You idiot, you were completely calculated by him!"

"Fart!" Tie Nanjun shouted: "My brother has a pure heart, how could he plot against me? You don't understand. He was..."

He stopped mid-sentence, groaning, with a look of disdain on his face, as if Qing Nang was the villain.

Li Hao once told him not to talk about Zhang Lianyun with anyone, so it was not easy for him to tell others that Li Hao had sacrificed himself to save others.

Qing Nang prides himself on his sharp mind, but now it seems a bit unexplainable. Looking at the contempt in this fool's eyes, he is about to explode with anger.

What kind of brain do you have, do you despise me?

"Have you ever asked His Highness the Prince for his opinion when you use the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills to make a lottery prize?" Qing Nang asked pressingly.

The Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques are not simple and extremely profound. Even the fragments have great power, but they are also extremely picky about practitioners.

"This is my thing, what does it have to do with His Highness the Prince?" Tie Nanjun asked.

Qingnang took a deep breath, Tie Nanjun was not important, what was important was the Tie family behind him, and His Highness the Prince was very tolerant of him.

Qingnang's eyes flashed, but he finally suppressed his dissatisfaction and said instead: "Then he lost, what should I say? What will I give you?"

"What are you giving me?" Tie Nanjun didn't know why.

Qing Nang suppressed the impatience in his heart and explained in more detail: "If you lose, give him the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, then what will he give you if he loses?"

"No..." Tie Nanjun shook his head: "Whether I win or lose, I will give him the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills. This is the reward for letting him fight with me."

Qing Nang was stunned, he had never seen such a stupid person!

There is actually such a way to lose money in a competition?

"Do you have anything else? If not, I have to leave?" Tie Nanjun urged.

"How confident are you that he will win?" Qingnang asked.

"It's hard to say..." Speaking of his areas of expertise, Tie Nanjun frowned slightly and said with a bit of seriousness: "I have never seen him take action at a normal level. He only blocked a blow from a Four Symbol Realm attacker. "

Hearing this, even though Qingnang had heard it once, he still felt a little jealous in his heart.

Hualong resisted a blow from the Four Symbol Realm, it was too strong.

When the seventeenth prince heard about it, the heat in his eyes almost came out.

"If I fight him in a state of complete victory, let's go 50-50..." Tie Nanjun pondered: "If you use the vertical eye, you may have a greater chance of winning."

"What if he uses the art of inviting gods?" Qingnang asked, and saw contempt in Tie Nanjun's eyes again.

"The sparring is not a life and death fight. We have already agreed that he won't use it."

"I'm too lazy to tell you, I'm leaving." Tie Nanjun didn't have a very good impression of Qingnang. He always felt that this guy was hiding in the shadows with no good intentions.

"Wait a minute..." Qingnang stopped him again. Looking at Tie Nanjun's extremely unhappy face, he pinched his nose and said, "Li Hao is indeed an extraordinary person..."

"As you can tell, he is my brother."

Qingnang was speechless and continued: "However, the North is still a barbaric wilderness and cannot support a genius like him."

"Fuck, there aren't many of those guys in the Central Region who are so perverted. That Taoist priest can be resurrected even after he dies." Tie Nanjun couldn't help but say.

Qingnang's face darkened: "That being said, he doesn't have much future under King Zhenbei after all."

"But if I'm like you, staying with His Highness the Prince..."

As soon as the green sac was pressed, his face looked incomprehensible.

Tie Nanjun waited for a long time and said nothing: "He suddenly frowned and said, why don't you continue to say, why are you following His Highness like me?"

No matter how stupid you are, you still have to have a limit!

Qing Nang's expression changed, and after he calmed down, he said: "With His Highness, you will have countless resources by your side, and you can practice with peace of mind."

Hearing this, Tie Nanjun thought for a moment: "It seems like this. You don't have to ask me for the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills when you are with His Highness the Prince."

Qingnang looked like a child who could be taught, but in his heart he sneered.

Tie Nanjun has his own family background and does not have to do anything with His Highness, but others are different and cannot enjoy the benefits.

"But didn't you say before that he rejected His Highness the Prince's solicitation?" Tie Nanjun frowned.

"Indeed, he may not know how good it is to stay with His Royal Highness, but now there is an opportunity..." Qingnang Tuqiong saw:

"Don't you want to fight him? If he wins, he will be given the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills without incident. If he loses, you ask him to follow His Highness the Prince."

"This..." Tie Nanjun hesitated: "He won't agree."

"Stupid..." Qingnang said, hating that iron was not enough, "You wouldn't have said in advance that if he failed, he would agree to your request."

"Think about it, with His Highness the Prince, he can have a broader sky." Qingnang followed the instructions.

Let's forget that the recruitment failed last time, but as Li Hao becomes more and more dazzling, His Royal Highness will definitely feel stuck in this matter. Every time he thinks about it, he will remember that he failed in recruitment.

As a result, such a genius missed him.

If things go on like this, it will inevitably affect his status in the heart of His Royal Highness.

Of course, he didn't really want to recruit Li Hao with the help of Tie Nanjun.

If Li Hao agrees, let it be, everything will be fine and he will go to ask for credit.

If Tie Nanjun also fails, tsk...

The first time I refused, it can be said that everyone has his or her own ambitions.

The second refusal was a bit ungrateful.

Of course, the prince will not conduct a second recruitment.

But Tie Nanjun is a member of the prince, and he is a brother to you, Li Hao. He speaks with good intentions, and if you refuse again, wouldn't this be a slap in the prince's face?

"It seems reasonable..." Tie Nanjun frowned and nodded slowly: "Then I'll give it a try."

"By the way, don't let this matter leak out. He has a bad impression of me. If he knew it was my suggestion, he might refuse." Qingnang warned again.

Tie Nanjun was convinced: "Indeed."

Qingsang's face looks ugly.

Seeing Tie Nanjun leave, his eyes flickered. I have to find more witnesses to make this matter bigger.

Everyone must know that it is Li Hao who is ignorant, not me who is incompetent.

And even if Li Hao wins, he won't lose anything. It was Tie Nanjun who performed the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, not him.

He sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Besides, he was the one close to the seventeenth prince and knew some secrets. Tie Nanjun raised his eyebrows, which was very unusual.

Several big shots have investigated it, but they all kept it secret, but they had no chance to use it before, so this time it will definitely give Li Hao a surprise.


"Brother Li, I'm here!" Tie Nanjun's loud voice awakened Li Hao from his practice. Lin Fei had already left, leaving only Jiang Chen here.

"Tie Nanjun? So fast?" Li Hao opened his eyes in surprise. He thought this guy needed to rest for a while.

"That loud voice again..." Jiang Chen had a bad impression of Tie Nanjun.

Opening the door, Tie Nanjun's burly body was standing not far away. I don't know how he found this place.

"Hurry, Brother Li, I can't wait." Tie Nanjun crossed his arms, his blood was restless, and his eyes were burning.

"Are you sure you don't need to recuperate?" Li Hao asked.

"No need!" Tie Nanjun said firmly. When he saw the changed Jiang Chen next to him, his eyebrows flickered and he suddenly muttered: "Why does it feel like I have seen him somewhere before?"

Jiang Chen was surprised, isn't it, brother, you can recognize it too?

Could it be that my mirage is fake?

Fortunately, Tie Nanjun didn't dwell on this: "Whatever..."

"By the way..." Tie Nanjun seemed to remember something: "Brother Li, if you win, I will give you the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques. If you lose, I will also give you the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques, but you have to agree." I have a request."

"Oh? What's the request?" Li Hao was a little surprised. This was beyond his expectation.

"I can't tell you now, not until you fail."

Li Hao thought for a moment and said, "If it's too much, I won't agree."

"Okay..." Tie Nanjun nodded without thinking: "It will definitely be no harm to you."

It was impossible for Li Hao to give up the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, so he nodded to show his agreement.

Immediately, Tie Nanjun set up his formation and was about to charge forward, but was stopped by Li Hao, saying: "Brother Tie, casual fighting is not allowed in Tianqi Academy, please follow me to Yun Lei."

"Yun Lei? That's okay." Tie Nanjun retracted his hand, scratched his head, and followed Li Hao to fly high into the sky.

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment and then followed.

The disciples who practice in Tianqi Academy are not very old, and they are basically strong-blooded people. It is inevitable that there will be some friction and conflicts between them.

Even the teachers from the Academy will discuss matters here.

Therefore, Yunlei is the place to solve these problems. It is located above the clouds and has a forbidden array, which is enough to withstand the battle in the Dragon Transformation Realm.

However, there were unexpectedly many people near Yunlei today.

As soon as he and Tie Nanjun arrived in the surrounding area, they caused quite a stir.

"Commander Li is really here..."

"I heard that he has been coming to Tianqi Academy for a long time. This is the first time I have seen him."

"The person seems to be more handsome than in the photo..."

The surrounding academy disciples all talked and moved out of the way, as if they had known for a long time that they would come to the arena.

This made Li Hao frown slightly. The scene in front of him was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"Nalanruo...are you here too?" Tie Nanjun greeted the people nearby.

There were four figures there, three men and one woman, with indifferent expressions. There were no academy disciples around, and it seemed to form a forbidden area.

"Tie Nanjun, I heard that you are going to fight with this man. We just happened to come and watch the excitement, so we don't want to disgrace our Jixia Academy." Nalan Ruo responded, his white robe fluttering, he was a good-looking young man, lightly smiled.

"So they are people from Jixia Academy?"

"Yes, it is said that he is arrogant and looks down on our Tianqi Academy."

"Tch, it's just that my background is better. If it were me, I could do it..." Discussions came from all around.

"Huh!" Beside Nalanruo, the man in black groaned like a thunder, making the academy disciples look pale and even crumbling.

"The frog in the well!" He sneered, looking down at the group of disciples with an arrogant expression.

This aroused the angry glares of many academy disciples, but they were helpless. They felt extremely aggrieved and gritted their teeth.

"What does it have to do with Jixia Academy..." Tie Nanjun muttered.

Li Hao looked around, not paying attention to those guys, but saw another familiar figure in the crowd.

Green bag!

He and Li Hao looked at each other and nodded slightly as a greeting.

Li Hao had a feeling that this inexplicable scene before him might have something to do with this person.

"Ignore them, let's go, Brother Li." Tie Nanjun fell into the ring first.

"Come on, Commander Li, we must win!" A disciple from the Academy shouted.

"That's right, defeat Jixia Academy!"

"Down with Jixia Academy!"

I don’t know who took the lead, and soon there was a sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

Li Hao frowned slightly. He just wanted to get the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills from Tie Nanjun, and didn't want to add some inexplicable variables to this battle.

"Tu Jie..." Nalanruo stopped Tu Jie, who was looking ugly, and shook his head: "Don't be impulsive. If you hurt these people, His Highness's face will not look good."

"Hmph, some people will never reach the cave. What's the use of training these people?" He snorted coldly, not hiding his inner contempt.

The woman had a beautiful appearance, but her expression was indifferent, and she seemed to have no special reaction to anything outside. However, the man next to her said, "How about guessing who will win?"

"It must be Tie Nanjun." Tu Jie said unhappily:

"Although he has a stupid mind, his body-refining magical powers are really impressive. The Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques he awakened not long ago are top-notch. Even we are probably no match for him now."

"Furthermore, he has never used his eyebrow-raising eye. I doubt it is more than capable of destroying delusions."

"It's normal that you can't defeat him..." Nalan Ruorou smiled softly: "Li Hao is not easy either. He has reached this point after practicing for less than half a year. This battle is hard to say."

"I admit that he has some tricks, but this kind of battle is not a life-and-death fight, and many tricks are not worth using." Tu Jie shook his head and had his own thoughts:

"Based on Tie Nanjun's current physical strength, there are only a few people in the same realm who can surpass him, even if I search all over the Central Territory."

"With Li Hao's strength, it's impossible."

Only a few people know about the fighting situation in Fuyang City, and the news has not yet spread to the Seventeenth Prince.

While everyone was discussing, Li Hao had already entered the scene. He was very confident that there was some inexplicable meaning behind this battle.

Combined with Tie Nanjun's previous requirements, it gave him a lot of guesses.

"Ha!" Mr. Tie Nan didn't say much and didn't waste any nonsense. He made a gesture of empty grasp with his right hand. The surging energy and blood condensed in the palm of his hand and continued to stretch, turning into a hundred-foot long sword of energy and blood, which seemed to be condensed. into an entity.

Immediately afterwards, his entire body turned into a golden phantom and charged towards Li Hao, dragging out countless afterimages.

Thousands of sword lights burst out at the same time, spreading around like ocean waves.

Seeing this, Li Hao clenched his palm suddenly, and several bolts of thunder descended, striking towards Tie Nanjun!

However, in this short moment, Tie Nanjun's figure disappeared and flashed in front of Li Hao.

The long knife formed by the blood in the hand shrank from hundreds of feet to normal size, and its power became more concentrated, and it struck down with one strike!

Li Hao's body collapsed, suddenly turned into black mist, disappeared on the spot, and condensed not far away.

The sword was empty, Tie Nanjun kept moving, and hurriedly turned his hand and struck again. The sword light extended, and it struck Li Hao's chest faster and faster.

However, Li Hao's response made him stunned. He didn't dodge and went straight to meet him.

The light of the sword struck the opponent's body hard, and a layer of scales as thin as cicada's wings emerged, colliding with his body, creating a bright fire.

Tie Nanjun was startled. Before he could put away the knife, he saw Li Haohun grabbing his arm and punching him in the chest at close range!


It's like gold and iron, like two metal blocks colliding with each other.

The two exchanged hundreds of times in the blink of an eye, with sparks flying, flesh colliding, punches hitting the flesh, various magical powers surging, and various light groups erupting.

The surrounding academy disciples saw this with excitement, feeling that this was a true practitioner!

Tu Jie and the others saw it more clearly and said indifferently: "He does have something in practicing martial arts, but if he only has this level, I'm afraid he won't be able to last long."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Li Hao was hit in the chest by Tie Nanjun. The illusory dragon scales collapsed and he staggered back.

The shouts all around suddenly stopped.

"Brother Li, you must have more than this strength, show some real skills!" Tie Nanjun looked crazy, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was full of fighting spirit.

"Okay, I'll satisfy you." Li Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and then a terrifying aura rose into the sky. His whole body seemed to have turned into a god and demon, and he activated his strongest fighting state.

Nalan Ruo couldn't help being surprised: "This kind of breath..."

They were separated from Li Hao, and this was the first time they saw this person. Moreover, after Li Hao arrived in Fuyang City, he made breakthroughs in cultivation, which was not comparable to when he left the city.

Tu Jie did not speak, but the fists he clenched subconsciously were enough to prove that he was not at peace in his heart at the moment.

The iceberg woman's eyes shined brightly, staring closely at the battlefield.

"Okay, that's it!" Tie Nanjun laughed and charged again. The battle between the two became even more terrifying. The surging spiritual energy tide almost enveloped the entire arena.

Various colors of light flashed among them, and the sound of handover was more like thunder resounding in the sky!

"Is this the person from Jixia Academy? Why do I feel stronger than some teachers?" The onlookers of the Academy disciples could no longer see clearly the scene in the arena, and they couldn't help but feel frustrated.

They are also from the Academy, and these people are not much older than them. They have far surpassed them, and have even reached a height that they cannot reach in their lifetime.

"Commander Li, can you win?" Everyone looked at each other, and the shouts gradually became weaker.

Commander Li lives in Tianqi Academy and is from Zhenbeicheng. They subconsciously regard him as one of their own and hope that he can win.

"Okay!" With a loud shout, the spiritual energy in the arena dispersed, causing the formation patterns around the arena to flicker.

I don't know when, Tie Nanjun was already holding a three-pronged two-edged halberd, with bright eyes raised between his brows, tall and majestic.

And Li Hao had a purple sword floating around him, with thunder swirling, golden pupils, and black mist surging.

"I have never really used it since I awakened in Lihuo City." Tie Nanjun's blood spurted out: "Brother Li, if I want to defeat you today, I'm afraid I have to use it."

Then should I still thank you?

Li Hao was speechless for a while, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart. After all, Erlang Shen's vertical eyes, even if they were "fragments", were definitely not simple.

After Tie Nanjun finished speaking, he clenched the three-pronged two-edged halberd in his big hand, his brows raised and his eyes suddenly brightened.

In an instant, even with the obstruction of the formation, everyone present could feel a terrifying power coming.

Behind Lord Tie Nan, a silver-armored general appeared unexpectedly. Every part of his body was blurry, except for his brows and vertical eyes.

Many onlookers were shocked and couldn't help but retreat. Their bodies felt stiff for no reason, as if they were out of control.

"He's still hiding this trick!?" Nalan Ruo was stunned, completely unexpected.

Although he was not facing this magical power directly, the aura it gave off made him feel frightened, which was enough to prove how terrifying this magical power was.

"I knew it!" Tu Jie snorted, gritting his teeth secretly, damn Tie Nanjun, why is he so lucky?

Qing Nang was surprised at first, and then smiled, Tie Nanjun's victory was determined.

"Suppress!" Tie Nanjun shouted, and the silver-armored god raised his eyebrows and shot out a bright beam of light. It was so fast that it enveloped Li Hao almost instantly.

In an instant, Li Hao felt that his limbs were like lead weights, and he could hardly move as if he had been petrified.

What's even more frightening is that even his soul is like this. It seems to be fixed by this light, unable to move, and can only be slaughtered!

"Brother Li, punch me!" Tie Nanjun's breath weakened for a moment, and it was obvious that using this magical power was not without cost.

He rushed towards Li Hao, wanting to end this hearty battle.

However, at the last moment, Li Hao, who was frozen on the spot, suddenly raised his head, stretched out his right hand, and even more dragon shadows were surrounding him. In Tie Nanjun's confused eyes, they smashed towards him!


Commander Li's situation is not good. Commander Li is in a tough fight. Commander Li is struggling to his death. Commander Li's defeat is certain. Commander Li knocks out his opponent with one punch!

The sudden change in the situation made everyone very shocked, looking at the scene in front of them.

In the ring, Li Hao looked indifferent, with his right fist extended, almost standing still without moving, while Tie Nanjun looked more like he had bumped his head into Li Hao's fist.

It hit right between the eyebrows and the eye, causing Tie Nanjun to roll his eyes and faint.

"It's a very strong magical power, but... it's just because it's too strong." Li Hao shook his head.

Tie Nanjun's raised eyebrows almost completely froze him, but it shouldn't have happened, and his soul was also imprisoned.

Naturally, the Coffin Sutra boss couldn't sit still and directly broke through this restriction. He was not used to it at all.

"Is this the end?" Nalanruo looked hesitantly, looking at Tie Nanjun who was lying limply on the ground.

What just happened, why did you lose?

Tu Jie stared at Li Hao with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"Commander Li is mighty!" the surrounding academy disciples shouted excitedly, making waves.

In the crowd, Qing Nang frowned, how could this happen?

He could clearly feel that Tie Nanjun's magical power just now was extraordinary, so he concluded that the outcome was decided.

But Li Hao didn't seem to be affected at all and actually reversed the situation.

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