"I don't know how to open it, and there is no prompt..."

After pondering for a while, Li Hao suddenly discovered that the word "evolution" in "Wanjie Zhi" was not completely dim, and had been mostly dyed in khaki.

On the contrary, the word "reflection" was completely dim.

"The remaining energy of the dragon scale?" He murmured in his heart, and then a kind of enlightenment emerged in his mind.

"Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Huang... four dungeon levels..."

"It turns out that it was just the first evolution, so there is no limit, otherwise you can only evolve a yellow-level copy..."

"However, the unleveled copy seems to be even more powerful than the heavenly level..."

Evolving a copy requires a price, and everything in the world can charge it.

Even Yin Ming Qi can be used, but he cannot absorb this kind of free energy on a large scale because it is too slow.

The same is true for reflection, but it requires a higher level of energy. Most of the energy in the dragon's scales has been cut off by reflection, otherwise only this little bit would remain.

"This place where dragons are buried is filled with treasures, which is perfect for recharging the will of all realms."

Li Hao thought to himself, but there was a question that was already placed in front of him.

"How should I get out..."

The Glazed Pure Land is a powerful holy land in the vast wilderness. Ordinary people like them who were conscripted have no ability to resist.

What's more important is that although he can use the Ancient Holy Body to protect himself from the erosion of the Yin Qi, if he stays on for a long time, people will notice that something is wrong.

You can't really grab something to eat on the ground like other people.

"Well, those Hidden Dragon Guards, why haven't they come to save me? Don't want the dragon scales anymore?"

After occupying the magpie's nest, Li Hao's memory of the original body was not comprehensive. The closer the time, the clearer it becomes, and the further away it becomes, the blurrier it becomes.

The reason why he was able to obtain two dragon scales was not accidental, but inevitable.

Inevitably, there are some secrets hidden.

And while he was thinking about it, he was outside the prison of Yinming.

Thick clouds sealed the mountains, as if they were about to collapse the sky. From time to time, huge shadows would pass through the clouds, followed by terrifying roars as dull as thunder.

Not far away, there is a simple palace suspended in mid-air. The four corners are pulled by black chains and nailed to the ground with gray-white giant rhinoceros bone nails.

There are some symbols engraved on the surface of the palace, and there are several black wooden stakes carved with ferocious animal figures and simple patterns.

In the palace, there are jade pillars carved with animals, and an old man with white hair and beard sits on the main seat, holding an animal skin bag in his hand.

Wisps of blood wrapped in spiritual energy escaped from it, and crystal stones shining with hazy blood could be vaguely seen.

"The spiritual stone stained with the dragon's blood is not bad..."

Here, anything related to dragons is not allowed to be kept privately, except for this kind of spiritual stone.

When the dragon fell, the spiritual energy rioted, condensed into crystals, and was contaminated with the dragon's blood. However, it was not considered a precious object, so they were allowed to pick it up.

It can also be regarded as a "welfare" for these diggers.

The old man looked kind and kind, looking down at the young man wearing rags and linen clothes below, and asked:

"Zhang Mingwu, right? You want to leave here?"

"No, Mr. Supervisor, I would like to ask you to release someone from the Yinming Prison." Zhang Mingwu lowered his head and said.

"Oh?" The old man was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect this answer.

"You have to think clearly..." The old man weighed the animal skin bag: "These things are enough for you to leave from here, and you will no longer be restricted by others."

"Think clearly..." Zhang Mingwu said sincerely: "That man is my brother and I must save him."

The old man shook his head and was noncommittal. He just tried to persuade him out of surprise, not out of any compassion. He said casually: "Commander Yin, accompany him to pick up the person. Just say it's my order."

He didn't ask Zhang Mingwu who he wanted to save. Those in Yinming Prison were ordinary people who had violated the law. No matter who he saved, it didn't matter to him.

"Yes..." A dull voice came from the corner of the hall, and a burly man wearing black armor, more than ten feet tall, like an iron tower walked out.

Zhang Mingwu breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes, which didn't seem to be fake.



Due to the special nature of the Yinming Prison, except for eating, it is very quiet at other times. The sound of pulling chains attracted the attention of several nearby cells.

Li Hao swayed, holding on to the black iron chain, and stopped not far from the fence.

Just as the jailer returned from deeper inside the cell with a food bucket, he saw Li Hao standing. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly walked up and scolded: "Whoever let you wander around, go back."

When Li Hao heard this, he didn't care. He just said in a low voice: "My lord, I have something important to report."

"Something important?" Hei Qi looked at Li Hao and sneered: "What's important to you? Maybe you want to exchange for some food."

"I am very happy today, Lord Qi, and I will reward you with a spoonful."

After saying that, Hei Qi dumped a spoonful of the viscous liquid at Li Hao's feet, and even a few drops splashed on his rags and linen clothes.

"No one else is allowed to move." He scolded the other prisoners in the cell who were about to move, and looked at Li Hao with a bit of amusement in his eyes.

And Li Hao just said: "Sir, I really have something important to report. As long as you tell the new supervisor, there will be wealth and honor waiting for you."

"Wealth?" Hei Qi just wanted to say something sarcastic, but looking at Li Hao's solemn look, he was also a little suspicious.

After all, this guy is a remnant of the Great Wilderness. He has lived in the Great Wasteland for a long time and has a relatively low status. Maybe he really has some secrets?

Hei Qi rolled his eyes and said coldly: "What is it about? Tell me."

"This..." Li Hao pretended to hesitate.

"Can't you make it up?" Hei Qi immediately glared and said, "You are really lying to me!"

"That's not the case, it's just that this matter is very important. I'm afraid that you will be involved in the end..." Li Hao looked worried.

Hei Qi was not sure whether it was true or not. After hesitating for a moment, he whispered in a low voice:

"Don't try to fool Master Qi, just stay here honestly!"

It's not that he doesn't believe Li Hao at all, he just wants to torture him for a few more days.

He also happened to take this time to check this guy's specific situation to see if there was really any secret.

Li Hao was calm inside, but his expression changed slightly, as if he was surprised.

Seeing this, Hei Qi sneered: "Master Qi, I am young and smart, and I have been immersed in the pure land. I have met countless big people, but you, a remnant of the wilderness, cannot do whatever you want..."

At this moment, a ray of light extended from the end of the corridor, and accompanied by a roar, the cell door slowly opened.

This made Hei Qi a little surprised: "Why did someone suddenly come to this ghost place?"

After seeing the person clearly, he immediately showed a flattering smile: "Commander Yin, why are you here?"

Due to the angle, Li Hao could not see the Yin Commander that Hei Qi mentioned.

But a moment later, he saw this man who looked like an iron tower, with arms like a wild bear, and he felt a sense of oppression coming towards his face.

Behind him was a man dressed similar to Li Hao - a civilian who was digging up the dragon's bones.

Commander Yin was wrapped in iron armor, and almost all he could see was a pair of cold eyes. A dull voice came from under the helmet: "On the order of Director Bai, I came to the Yin Ming Prison to pick up a prisoner."

"So that's it..." Hei Qi suddenly realized and continued: "You tell me which prisoner needs to be taken away... I will take you there."

"That's the one." Zhang Mingwu pointed at Li Hao, his joy was mixed with happiness, as if he was lucky that he was still alive, and he said sincerely: "Brother Hao, I'm late."

Not only Hei Qi was stunned, Li Hao was also a little surprised. He didn't seem to recognize this guy.

At least in the memory of the last six months, this guy has not appeared.

Moreover, why is this guy's eyes so hot?

Li Hao felt strange, but he didn't say anything. Looking at the situation in front of him, this person clearly wanted to take him away from here. This was originally his goal, so naturally it would not cause any complications.

Maybe, this guy is really a good brother whom I haven't seen for a long time.

"It's actually him..." Hei Qi reluctantly laughed twice, muttering in his heart, does this guy really have some secrets?

Thinking about this, he was a little worried. After all, his attitude towards this guy just now was not very good.

However, this concern was quickly forgotten.

He is an outer Taoist soldier from the Liuli Pure Land, and he is on the Jade Slip. This guy is just a civilian who was recruited for conscription.

What can I do to him?

However, I'm afraid this kid really has some secrets, so you should pay more attention to him in the future.

"Open the door, I want to take him away." Commander Yin ordered.

"Yes, yes..." Hei Qi hurriedly pinched out a few symbols, the golden lines on the fence went out, and the cell door opened.

The guys huddled together in the cell all looked over with bloodshot eyes, filled with extreme longing and hope.

Unfortunately, they clearly understand that if they make any abnormal move, they will be killed in prison.

Hei Qi untied the shackles on Li Hao's body. There was some redness and swelling on his wrists and ankles. Before he could even rub them, Commander Yin said: "Let's go..."

The four of them were silent without saying a word. The wailing sounds from the cages on both sides, the eerie and cold air, and the thick rotting smell made people feel dry.

It was not until the door of the cell that Hei Qi said cautiously: "Commander, according to the rules, I have to record it."

"Okay." He was taciturn and exuded blood evil energy.

The group turned to a nearby room, and when they were about to enter, Commander Yin suddenly said: "Zhang Mingwu, this is a confidential place, please wait for now."

Zhang Mingwu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, looking honest and honest.

Li Hao couldn't figure out the situation, but Commander Yin didn't let him stay outside, so he simply followed in.

On the other hand, Hei Qi had a strange look on his face and muttered: "Confidential?"

After entering the room, Li Hao was stunned. The place was too simple. There were a few jade slips suspended on the wooden cabinet. It didn't look like a secret place.

Hei Qi took a jade slip from it and mapped out a seal character catalog. He murmured: "Li Hao... Li Hao... found it..."

"Case of crime: Hiding three kilograms of blood and soil..."

"Note: Commander Yin is under the command of the supervisor..."

He recorded there that Li Hao was a little strange, hiding blood and soil?

Wasn't he thrown in directly by the previous supervisor?

Why did it become a hidden blood soil?

He is just a small character, so it's not worth setting up a special charge against him, and no one will pursue him.

"The hidden dragon is a wonder, the dragon lurks in the abyss"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Li Hao's face changed slightly. Before he could react, the voice continued: "Don't worry, only you can hear it."

Hidden Dragon Guard!

Li Hao turned his eyes towards Commander Yin. The guy stood like an iron tower, his eyes sharp and firm.

Hidden Dragon Guard has a nice name, but to put it bluntly, he is just an undercover agent.

Belongs to the undercover organization of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Li Hao is one of them, but he is just an ordinary peripheral member and cannon fodder.

And the iron tower in front of him must have a higher status than him.

I'm afraid I'm here for the dragon scales.

"Where are the dragon scales hidden?"

Sure enough, the other party's question rang out the next moment.

Li Hao's eyes flickered. Of course, those two dragon scales were not discovered accidentally, but were planned by the Hidden Dragon Guards to secretly send them out of this area.

He is also just a link in the Hidden Dragon Guard's transportation plan.

It's just that there was something wrong with this part of his body, which prevented the scales from being sent out.

"I don't trust you." Li Hao's voice was imperceptible.

"You should know the secret words of the Hidden Dragon."

Commander Yin's voice was like thunder, which made Li Hao's ears buzz, but Hei Qi didn't seem to hear it at all.

"Secret words are not something that cannot be leaked." Li Hao seemed very stubborn.

"Li Hao, a survivor of the Great Wilderness, both his parents died. His brother Li Ang was the secret envoy of the Hidden Dragon Guard and died a year ago..."

Part of the information reached Li Hao's ears. This was information that he himself didn't quite understand.

"Okay, you can take him away." Hei Qi raised his head, put away the jade slip, glanced at Li Hao, and said to Commander Yin.

Commander Yin nodded, seeing nothing unusual, and prepared to take Li Hao away.

At this moment, Li Hao suddenly said: "Master Jailor, you took such good care of me just now, but there is something you forgot to tell you."

Hei Qi was a little confused and looked at Li Hao, wondering what else he had to say.

"Well..." Li Hao pondered: "Actually... we are the Hidden Dragon Guard."

"Ah?" Hei Qi was stunned. Suddenly, a cold light appeared. His eyes widened. He seemed to feel like the world was spinning and he saw a headless corpse.


When the head fell to the ground, Li Hao instantly felt the smell of blood coming towards his face. There seemed to be the sound of fighting in his ears, and then a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared in front of him, with dead bones filling the sky.

Commander Yin held a giant bronze sword, like a door panel, and struck down on his head.

The next moment, the coffin sutra in Yuanshen bloomed with brilliance, the dazzling ancient characters shone brightly, and there seemed to be the sound of ancient chanting, bringing Li Hao back to reality.

A pair of eyes filled with murderous intent were already in front of him, but Commander Yin did not raise his sword to strike at him. It was obviously just an illusion.

Seeing him come back to his senses so quickly, Commander Yin was also a little stunned. His bloody aura was breathtaking.

Ordinary people can even be scared to death by him. How come this guy doesn't seem to be affected in any way?

He was thinking in his heart, but still shouted coldly on his face: "Do you want to die!?"

Commander Yin was holding a huge bronze sword, and his killing intent was like the sea. However, Li Hao was protected by the Coffin Sutra, so it was difficult to affect him. He shook his head and said:

"I have to confirm your identity and kill the jailer without hesitation. At least I can be sure with a high probability that you are not from the Pure Land of Glazed Glass."

"I am the Hidden Dragon Guard!" Commander Yin snorted coldly: "I am the one who revised your crime to avoid attracting the attention of the new supervisor."

Li Hao was thoughtful. After hesitating for a moment, he asked again: "Is this Zhang Mingwu... okay? Is he also a Hidden Dragon Guard?"

Commander Yin frowned, looked at Li Hao suspiciously, and said, "He is not the Hidden Dragon Guard, but he and you were from the same tribe, and we have a good relationship."

"If he hadn't taken the initiative to save you this time, it would have been difficult for me to find a suitable time to break the situation."

"What do you mean by this? Doubt him?"

"Just being cautious." Li Hao responded casually. Since Zhang Mingwu was fine, he felt relieved.

However, he always felt that the way Zhang Mingwu looked at him was too strange. Could it be that the relationship was really too good?

Two blue flames popped out from Commander Yin's fingers, falling on Hei Qi's head and body, covering his whole body. Li Hao was so close, but he couldn't feel any warmth.

He said solemnly: "Supervisor Bai has been alienated from me. If Hei Qi dies, although I can deal with it, the hidden danger has been laid."

The firelight reflected in his pupils: "I don't know if it will cause a chain reaction."

This is what the so-called clues are like. When gathered together, there is always a point.

It seems to be handled cleanly, but I don’t know when it will become the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

However, what happened has already happened, and there is no point in regretting it.

"Where did you hide the dragon scales?" he asked again.

"A place that no one else can find." Naturally, Li Hao couldn't tell him the specific location because the scales were gone.

"You still don't believe me?" Commander Yin frowned. The Hidden Dragon Guard was working as an undercover agent, and there was nothing wrong with being vigilant.

But Li Hao's vigilance made him feel helpless.

"Tell me the place and you can stay out of it."

"No, dying for Daxia is my long-cherished wish in life." Li Hao's eyes were calm: "Eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor, I must fulfill the hidden dragon's destiny."

Commander Yin was completely speechless. Li Hao had never lived in Daxia, so how could he be loyal?

If it weren't for his brother's recommendation, Hidden Dragon Guard would not accept it.

I plan to cultivate it for a few more years before using it.

But he didn't expect that this time Liuli Pure Land happened to conquer it, and the Hidden Dragon Guard used this chess piece.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong on the first mission. This guy hadn't been cleared of suspicion yet, but now he was suspected.

"Let me leave and ask my superior to contact me. If you are honest, you should be able to do it." Li Hao's eyes were clear.

"It's unnecessary." Commander Yin just wanted to make up for the failed mission as soon as possible.

But looking at Li Hao with firm eyes, he couldn't do anything.

It was also the first time for him to come into contact with the opponent. The strength of this boy's soul was not low, as if he was born with it. The blood evil energy could not frighten him, which meant that it was difficult to use the method of enchantment to lure him out.

"I understand." In the end, he could only nod.

Li Hao nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. This test was over for the time being.

He pre-emptively doubts the other party's identity and makes the other party fall into a whirlpool of self-evidence in order to delay time.

The most important thing is that he is still one of his own, and it is impossible for Yin Commander to use any destructive means against him until the last moment.

However, the dragon scale has been swallowed by the Wanjie Zhi. Unless another one is found and handed over to the Hidden Dragon Guard, he will still have to face this trouble after all.

Looking at the two balls of ashes on the ground, Li Hao's eyes were incomprehensible.

Commander Yin thought that the jailer died because Li Hao tested him, but in fact this was not the case.

Li Hao originally wanted to use his identity as Hidden Dragon Guard as a bargaining chip to leave here, and I believe Liuli Pure Land would be very interested.

Although the jailer did not believe him this time, the seeds had been planted and there was no need to worry about them taking root and sprouting.

However, Zhang Mingwu unexpectedly appeared suddenly, and the jailer was useless. At the same time, he became a hidden danger and could only be killed by the hands of Commander Yin.

Of course, he also had some selfish motives. After all, the jailer's attitude towards him was not very good.

If revenge takes place overnight, wouldn’t it mean that the more you think about it, the more angry you become?

The two walked out of the room, Zhang Mingwu still stayed where he was, and showed an honest smile when he saw Li Hao coming out.

Without saying a word, Commander Yin led the two of them out of the Yin Ming Prison.

After walking out of the prison, the fresh air mixed with the smell of earth poured into the lungs. Black clouds pressed down on the mountain, and there was a vague thunder dragon rolling in it.

The ground is covered with strange-shaped rocks, ancient trees are vigorous and pointing straight to the sky, thick vines are covered with blood spots, and they are as ferocious as dragons. There are civilians digging in the mountains and forests.

You can vaguely hear the roar of beasts coming from very far away, and you don't know what kind of wild and strange beast it is.

This scene is not beautiful, but it is much better than being in a cage.

Commander Yin sent two Taoist soldiers to send them back respectively. The areas they were responsible for digging were different. This was also an important reason why Li Hao had not seen Zhang Mingwu during this time.

However, Li Hao looked at the crumpled piece of cloth in his hand, and there were a few twisted words on it - It is midnight tonight, the wind is on the slope, and we have important matters to discuss.

This was given to Zhang Mingwu before he left.

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