"Haha, Brother Li, you will be mine from now on." After leaving the palace, Xiao Beiwang laughed boldly.

Li Hao now understood that the young North King was learning from his father's style of conduct.

As a result, I only learned to be domineering on the surface, but not restrained. I looked very weird, like a middle school boy.

"Who is this night guard?" Li Hao was a little confused.

"The night guard is responsible for some secret affairs involving practitioners in the city, such as secretly committing murders or causing disturbances..." Xiao Bei Wang simply said a few words, and then said:

"General Lin is personally responsible for the leadership, but he is my teacher. There are too many daily things, and I also share the pressure with him."

He further explained: "Several other departments, such as city defense, street patrol, etc. are all handled by other people. There are still some people who I can't deal with. It will be very troublesome for you to enter those departments."

"Brother Xu is thoughtful..." It is normal for such a large city to involve so many twists and turns.

He had just arrived here and was not familiar with anything, so it was better to follow Xiao Bei Wang's advice.

"Okay, let's go to the secret treasury. You have to choose carefully the things that this cave can carry." The two of them walked as they walked, stepping on the jade bricks in the palace. There was a faint glow in them, exuding a rich of aura.

"The things carried by this cave can be divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. Needless to say, the lower grade is just a helpless choice and it is difficult to bring any benefits."

"The ones you can choose from in the secret vault are all middle-grade ones, which can feed you back. You can use them as a carrier, or you can not use them. It counts as a reward."

King Xiaobei sighed: "The best quality is the best. It can grant magical powers, but it is extremely difficult to find. You have to wait for the opportunity..."

Li Hao listened silently, and the two finally came to another palace.

The defense here is even tighter, and the veterans in front of the door exude an aura that frightens even Li Hao. They are all in the Cave Heaven realm.

However, they seemed to have been notified long ago and did not stop the two of them.

Arriving at the deepest part of the palace, there was a stone door. Standing in front of the door was a rickety old man with a hoarse voice: "Your Highness, I have been notified that this person can enter the secret vault and select the things carried by the cave. However, you have not entered. qualifications."

"I will wait here." Xiao Beiwang was very familiar with the rules here, and said to the old man: "Old Mi, this person is a good friend of mine. I hope you can take care of him after entering."

The old man nodded slowly, then turned around and recited a secret spell. Complex symbols and patterns appeared in his hands. The stone door lit up, and with a rumbling sound, a gap opened in the stone door.

As Li Hao followed the old man into it, he felt a cold air hit his face. The cracks behind him disappeared instantly, and what appeared in front of him were neatly arranged jade frames.

There are strange objects neatly placed on it, and at a glance, it is almost impossible to see the edges.

"Items suitable to be carried by the cave are here..." The old man led Li Hao to several jade frames.

"Seven lines on the left and right, and ten lines on the front and back, are all within your range of selection. You can only choose one."

"There are formations guarding it above, so you can't touch it at will. There are instructions below, and you can't put it in the Qiankun bag." The old man briefly explained the rules, and then followed Li Hao silently without saying a word.

[Fengzhi of Wutong: Contains the energy of fire essence, suitable for fire practice]

[Ice Soul Cold Jade: Contains extremely cold air, suitable for ice practice]

【Nameless Broken Sword】

【Shangshan Jade Plate】

Each jade rack has three rows, and each row has three items. It is a dazzling array of treasures.

Li Hao looked at it with enthusiasm. Now Wanjiezhi is in urgent need of energy for a new evolution, and Yingying also needs Qi replenishment.

It's a pity that the things brought out from the evolutionary world cannot charge the Wanjie Zhi, which eliminates the possibility of him having sex for nothing.

There are countless secret treasures in this treasure house, but he can only choose one item among them.

"It's okay even if you let me touch it..." Li Hao lamented secretly, and the rickety old man followed him step by step, obviously to prevent him from making any small moves.

Although others do not have the will of all realms, they still have some secret methods of extracting spiritual energy and essence, and they can devour some spiritual objects as long as they touch them.

It is also a lesson to prevent the selectors from touching these treasures at will.

Li Hao glanced around. As Xiao Bei Wang said, these treasures cannot be said to be weak, but they are not too precious either. They can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

Compared with Kui Niu spiritual bones, innate sword fetuses and the like, they are far behind.

But this is normal. He has just arrived, and it is impossible for King Zhenbei to train him as a "son".

Moreover, asking him to choose a treasure does not mean that he must use the chosen treasure as a carrier to open up the cave.

You can also sell them to exchange for other resources.

Li Hao thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "Can I exchange this selection opportunity for the same value?"

For some reason, he was not in a hurry to find the thing that the cave sky carried.

The rickety old man hesitated for a moment. He wanted to refuse directly, but then he remembered the little Northern King waiting outside the door and said, "According to the rules, it's not allowed."

"However, His Highness asked me to take special care of you, so I can take a step back."

Li Hao raised his eyebrows slightly, tut... As expected of the Little Northern King, he has great face.

Then, he added: "You can choose from four hundred and thirty rows of jade racks on the left and right, and five hundred and sixty rows of jade racks in the front and back."

This time the scope has become extremely large, including elixirs, weapons, and magical powers...

There are even some magical methods, most of which require extremely abnormal cultivation conditions, and their flesh and blood souls are just ordinary.

The evolving world is suitable for practicing magic, as he discovered the last time he reflected on the world of wind and cloud.

I can also practice in it, but it is extremely slow, but the creatures in it are real.

His thoughts were divergent, then he gathered his thoughts, shook his head secretly, and carefully examined the spiritual objects in front of him one by one. As time passed, his brows gradually wrinkled.

The stuff was good, but nothing suitable for him.

He doesn't need elixirs, weapons, or magical powers.

He hesitated for a moment and asked: "Is there anything that contains more spiritual power, no matter what the spiritual power is, but is within my range of choices?"

The rickety old man was stunned. Is this guy asking me?

Forgot to mention, you are not allowed to ask the secret library manager during the selection process.

He was silent for a long time, until Li Hao thought that the old man would not tell him, then he said quietly: "There is indeed such a thing."

"Oh?" Li Hao originally didn't have any hope and was going to pick an item at random, but now his spirit was shaken.

"Follow me..." The old man took Li Hao to a jade stand. The jade stand nearby was rather strange, and the things placed on it were very strange in shape.

There are things like huge human heads, small black stones, milky white irregular liquids, etc. Most of them are not explained.

"Aren't these things explained?" Li Hao Zhuangruo asked casually.

"These are all accumulated by Zhenbeicheng over the years. Some of them are even difficult to trace their origins and their uses." The rickety old man shook his head.

Hearing this, Li Hao couldn't help but think of two big words in his mind - pick up the leaks!

His Sumeru Space has the function of spying on heavenly secrets. Others don't know its purpose, but he can know it as long as he puts it into the Sumeru Space.

However, these things cannot be touched casually, let alone disappear directly under the eyes of this old man.

Although this rickety old man has no breath and looks like an old man on the street, this just proves that this man is unfathomable.

"Found it..." The old man rummaged through the jade shelf and found a piece of jade with four colors, black, white, gray and red.

"This object was created when the prince fought against several powerful men during his expedition to the Northern Wilderness. The spiritual energy between them collided. Most of them were annihilated, but part of them condensed together to form this stone."

"It's a rare thing. The four spiritual powers balance each other. An imbalance in one of them will cause it to riot, which is enough to kill you. Be careful when using it."

Li Hao's eyes were slightly bright. He was worthy of being the secret treasure of the King of Zhenbei. He even had such things that were formed by extreme chance.

"Are you sure you want to choose this?" the old man asked, as if he was going through some process.

"I am sure."

The old man nodded slightly: "Now that it has been confirmed, your chance to choose the treasure is gone. Just leave with me."

He pinched out the symbol in his hand and opened the stone door again. Li Hao glanced at the corner, looking like he wanted to pick something up, but he had to wait until next time.

The two of them walked out, and Xiao Bei Wang was still waiting here, standing like a pillar.

"Let's go, I have arranged a mansion for you." Xiao Beiwang did not ask Li Hao what he chose.

The objects that carry the cave heaven realm will, in a certain sense, reveal one's own practice method, which is related to the path of practice and strength.

Of course, it wasn't too secretive, but he didn't ask, which showed his respect for Li Hao.

"Brother Xu, this secret treasury is really great. Under what circumstances can I go in and make a selection again?" he asked, his words showing envy.

Zhenbeicheng's accumulation over the years is stored in the secret vault. Of course Xiaobei Wang knows how many treasures there are. It is normal for Li Hao to make such inquiries.

"You need to make some great achievements to have a chance. Even I can't enter it at will." Xiao Bei Wang said, and then added: "After all, this is Zhenbei City's secret vault, not my father's secret vault."

Is there a difference?

Li Hao couldn't help but think of such a sentence. It was nothing more than a pretext.

But looking at Xu Yao's face, he seemed to firmly believe this.

The two people left the palace and came to a group of buildings. These were some spacious mansions with stone animals placed at the door. They were close to the palace, so they were probably quite expensive.

Xiao Beiwang brought Li Hao to a mansion. There was no plaque on it, and he just sighed: "This mansion has been abandoned for a long time. My father gave it to me when I broke through the cave heaven realm."

"But I have been living in another mansion given to me by my mother. This mansion has been empty since then, and now it has its owner."

Li Hao's mouth twitched slightly, okay, okay...

I just like people with deep pockets.

"By the way, do you need a maid? I'll have some sent over later." Xu Yao asked.

"No need, I'm used to being single." Li Hao shook his head.

This Xiao Beiwang really arranged things for him clearly, which actually surprised him.

He didn't believe that Xiao Beiwang didn't know that when he saved him, he had the intention of taking advantage of him, and he was not acting out of pure righteousness.

After much deliberation, Li Hao could only blame Xu Yao for being informal and not caring about so many things. He regarded him as a friend, so he made perfect arrangements.

Perhaps because King Zhenbei used him as bait, this person felt a little guilty.

Of course, the most important point is that the family is really not short of money.

Xiao Beiwang did not follow him in for a visit, but received the news in a hurry. Not knowing what happened, he hurriedly confessed a few words to Li Hao and left with a solemn expression.

When Li Hao stepped into this mansion, it was worthy of being given to his son by the King of Zhenbei. There was no shortage of pavilions, rockeries, water pavilions, amber corals, and exotic flowers in the fairy garden.

Even the weeds in the yard are glowing with spiritual light. If they are sold, they can be exchanged for several kilograms of animal meat.

Sitting cross-legged on the jade bed, this is a specially equipped training room. It is made of black stone and is difficult to break through the cave world.

There is a spirit-gathering array engraved in the room, and the patterns are complex, not like the kind you learn from beginners.

When it was running, the spiritual energy in the room was like mist, almost condensing.

Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't rested since he entered the city, and he even met such a big shot as King Zhenbei.

His spirit had been tense, and he only relaxed slightly at this moment.

He held it up with both hands, and a bright golden bone suddenly appeared in his hand. The joints were clear and glowing with golden color. Tiny swimming dragons could be vaguely seen surrounding it.

He held the bone carefully, without any distracting thoughts.

He resisted this feeling very much, so he placed the golden bone on the jade bed, his eyes twinkling.

These are not ordinary bones, but the dragon veins he brought back from the wind and cloud world, and the dragon veins themselves are not of this color.

The reason for this change was due to some small attempts he made on the way to Zhenbei City.

Ever since the last time the Qilin Arm swallowed the Qilin True Essence, he has been thinking about "linkage".

When he was on the way, when he took out the Dragon Vein and Dragon Yuan at the same time, some inexplicable changes occurred in the two.

The dragon vein is actually devouring the dragon essence!

When he first discovered this change, Li Hao was not panicked, and was even a little happy.

He allowed this devouring, and as the dragon essence was gradually devoured, the dragon vein itself gradually turned into a bright golden color, and at the same time some deeper changes occurred.

He also tried to take out the incomplete Feng Yuan and let the dragon veins devour it, but the dragon veins had no reaction to the Feng Yuan.

And the explanation of the current dragon vein in the Sumeru space is also very strange——

[Dragon Origin True Veins: The dragon veins in the world of wind and cloud swallowed the dragon essence and produced special changes]

Another important reason why he was not in a hurry to select the carrying object in the secret treasury in Zhenbeicheng was that he planned to use this object as the carrying object.

In the secret vault, he carefully observed the so-called carrying objects, and only looked at their appearance and aura, which were far from the true blood of Long Yuan.

Dragon veins are inherently unique and belong to the world of wind and cloud. A rather mysterious item, Dragon Yuan Qiang. After the combination of the two, the Dragon Yuan True Vein should be no worse than some high-grade or even top-level carrying objects.

After all, there is no upper limit for what the Cave Heaven Realm can carry. If it is too powerful, it will have the opposite effect and cause harm to itself.

It has been several days since Long Yuan's true veins were formed, but he didn't know what kind of strange phenomena would occur when he broke through the cave and how long it would take.

Therefore, he did not choose to break through on the road. When he arrived at Zhenbeicheng today, he was clearly arranged by Xiao Beiwang that it was time to break through the cave.

He did not hesitate, mobilizing his own blood and spiritual energy. He was already at the peak of transformation. When he was brewing to the extreme, a vortex of spiritual energy formed in his Dantian.

If he didn't plan to break through, he would have to stop now, but he had already made up his mind. The vortex in his dantian area was getting bigger and bigger, tearing at the atomized spiritual energy around him.

He vaguely felt some pain coming from his Dantian area, and he continued to brew spiritual energy and gathered it towards the Dantian area.

His body became crystal clear, and wisps of essence flowed towards his Dantian.

The human body eventually has its limits, and this is the source of human cultivation methods in this world.

Body refining introduces spiritual energy into the body, and with the help of the power of spiritual energy, the body is tempered to a certain level and then transformed into the mortal world.

When the body can no longer hold the spiritual energy again, it is time to open up a cave in the body.

The cultivation method of monsters and beasts is different from that of humans, but Li Hao has not paid attention to it and is not too clear about it.


As if his spiritual power had reached its limit, a thunderous sound came from his body.

The Dantian area emits a bright light, continuously swallowing the spiritual energy from all directions.

This step is not difficult and can even be done step by step.

But as time went by, Li Hao felt that the severe pain in his pubic area was getting worse and worse, and it showed no sign of weakening.

The next moment is crucial. The cave does not actually exist. Forcibly opening it up in the body will cause a violent reaction in the body.

Those whose body strength is slightly weaker will not be able to withstand the collapse of the cave and will be unable to practice from now on.

The initial path of cultivation was in the realm of transformation, constantly polishing the body and polishing the body to the limit before daring to break through.

This kind of road to polishing the body is extremely difficult, and the resources spent are completely out of proportion to the rewards.

Even so, there are still only two out of ten people who successfully break through.

It was not until later that people discovered that the spiritual beings of heaven and earth could carry the cave sky and prevent it from collapsing due to the weakness of the physical body.

Moreover, after the fusion of the heaven and earth spiritual objects with the cave sky, it will also bring about all kinds of miracles, making it even more powerful after the breakthrough.

Therefore, the ancient cultivation path of polishing the body in the realm of mortal transformation has long been used by no one.

When Li Hao was about to use the Long Yuan True Vein step by step, a spark of thought suddenly burst out in his mind -

If I turn on the Holy Body state, can I still hold on?

He didn't know if there would be any benefit if he continued to hold on.

Because he had no experience with it, but he didn't mind giving it a try.

The golden energy and blood burst out, and the pupils turned into brilliant gold, already in the state of the holy body.

Sure enough, as soon as the Holy Body state was turned on, the severe pain in the Dantian area, which was still obvious, quickly weakened.

Li Hao was not in a hurry to use the Dragon Origin True Vein, and let the cave sky swallow up the spiritual energy around him.

As time passed by, a huge vortex of spiritual energy formed outside the practice room, reaching straight into the sky, creating a strange scene nearby.

Many powerful practitioners in Zhenbei City noticed something unusual.

However, this place is nominally the residence of Prince Xiaobei, and no one dares to come and check it out.

"I seem to be able to resist..."

About two or three hours later, Li Hao looked strange, and there was no pain in his Dantian area. More importantly, a physical cave appeared behind him, like a lava volcano, overflowing with spiritual energy.

"Is this the benefit of holding it directly? Turning it into a true cave?" Li Hao pondered and glanced at Long Yuan's true veins.

This thing hasn't been used yet...

However, he was not sure whether his body could still bear it after he released the holy body state.

After thinking about it, he simply threw the Long Yuan True Vein into the cave.

In an instant, a pillar of light spewed out from the volcano-like cave sky, and blood, blood, and spiritual energy poured into it continuously, and Long Yuan's true veins fluctuated in it.

"Well...containing spiritual things, the first state of cave heaven." Only then did Li Hao find the knowledge of cultivation that he was familiar with.

When you enter the cave-heaven realm, you need to cultivate spiritual objects at first. After reaching a certain level, the spiritual objects will manifest into visions, which is the cave-heaven realm, and at the same time bring feedback to yourself.

Xiao Bei Wang and others are almost in this state.

When you reach the high realm, the spiritual objects merge with the cave sky, and there are all kinds of miraculous things. Then they are completely integrated with themselves, which is the peak of the cave sky.

This is a process, divided into stages, just to better distinguish the strength.

Step by step, they are all steps taken by countless practitioners in endless years.

After the holy body was released, Li Hao instantly felt a sense of fullness in his body, as if he had already eaten enough and couldn't hold any more in.

In the holy body state, the feeling of increased strength is not too obvious, but it is not too obvious now.

He restrained his breath, gradually adapted to his own strength, and eliminated the "fullness" in his body

At the same time, not far from the mansion, a pale-skinned middle-aged man came back from the room with a gloomy expression: "Looking at the direction, it should be the mansion that Xiao Bei Wang gave to Li Hao."

"It is said that King Xiaobei won him the opportunity to select the treasures carried by the cave heaven from the secret treasury. This kind of spiritual energy rolling sign is most likely that he is breaking through the cave heaven realm."

He is very clear about everything that happened not long ago and is extremely well-informed.

"I can't wait to be so impatient. I really think he is some kind of smart person. The objects he can choose to carry the secret library are not good things." Someone in the room said casually:

"You can't see it at the moment. When you reach a high level of cultivation, a single difference can determine success or failure."

"It is said that his special physique is enough to make up for this gap." The middle-aged man paced back and forth: "Li Ang died in our hands, and Li Hao will never let it go."

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "How could he have such an opportunity to reach this point in such a short period of time!"

Another person shook his head: "Brother, are you too worried? We kept Li Ang's death secret and no one will find out."

"Besides, he killed Kuidu and aroused the anger of the Kuixue tribe. If he can't protect himself, is there still time to investigate Li Ang's death?"

"Idiot!" He scolded: "He is Li Ang's blood brother. The two have been dependent on each other since childhood. How can they abandon their relationship for more than ten years?"

"It's fine if there are no clues. If he knows something, he will definitely bite him like a mad dog."

"Then what are you going to do?" The other person said with an unhappy expression after being scolded a few times.

"Find a way, you must find a way..." He looked uncertain and kept rubbing his fingers.

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