Little Nuomi looked at his father with his little head, his face full of doubts.

Gu Xingchen smiled and said, "Mother is up, it's time to get up in the afternoon to play with the baby..." Lin

Ke's eyelashes moved slightly, and he continued to pretend to sleep.

Gu Xingchen noticed her details, pretended not to know, and continued to tease Xiao Nuomi.

"Oh, mom sleeps so deeply, more soundly than a piglet, little baby... How do we wake up my mother?

"Like Prince and Snow White, is it good for the baby to kiss the mother."

"But the baby is still small and can't kiss, so it's better for dad to come."

Lin Kewei suddenly opened his eyes and smiled brightly, "Mommy is awake!"

Gu Xingchen looked disappointed, "Oh, mom is awake."

Lin Kewei came over and kissed his son's little hand, "Little glutinous rice woke up earlier than her mother, I didn't cry this time, it's awesome."

Gu Xingchen also praised his son, "Yes, the baby is the best today!" While

the couple were praising their son, there was a loud cry of little candy pulling their throats from the stroller next to them.

The two new parents looked at each other and saw the smiles in each other's eyes.

Gu Xingchen got up and went to the crib to pick up the little one, "Is our little princess awake, dad is coming." "

As a cook, the first thing I do after the little candy is to breastfeed.

Like a piglet,


Lin Kewei was not ready, and the little guy huffed and ate in his arms.

"Oh, don't worry, hiss..." The

little guy has a lot of strength to breastfeed, and every time Lin Kewei hurts.

"It's only been two months, what should I do when she's older~~"

Little Candy held the ration and ate it contentedly, and Little Glutinous Rice lay next to her and watched her sister eat.

During the day, the little glutinous rice plays while breastfeeding, but strangely there is no such habit at night.

Now the babies basically wake up twice a night, in the middle of the night, and Gu Xingchen has to get up to breastfeed them.

Little candy is much more worry-free.

The little one wakes up crying, sleeps when he is full, and eats quickly.

The younger brother Xiao Nuomi needs Gu Xingchen to spend more energy, and it takes longer to breastfeed Xiaobao than his sister.

But he didn't eat and play grinding like he did in his mother's arms during the day.

The couple was very incomprehensible.

Why is it that the little one eats and plays during the day until it can't work, but not at night.

This is so strange!

Suddenly, Lin Kewei thought of a seemingly brilliant idea, "Husband, did you find out, we feed Xiaobao in the middle of the night, because the night lights around us, the light is not bright enough, he eats fast."

"You said that during the day we pull down the curtains to create an environment in the middle of the night, so that the little glutinous rice will eat faster, maybe we can change his habits during the day."

Speaking of Xiaobao, the couple has a headache.

In addition to not liking to catch toys with his right hand, the little one now has another habit of eating and sleeping.

Heard my wife's proposal.

Gu Xingchen raised his eyebrows, "Babies have their own biological clock, they will adapt to the time of day and night, if we do this, will he know that it is actually during the day?"

Lin Kewei thought for a moment.

Think if you can get your son to change this habit, what's the harm in trying it?

"Husband, let's try it, maybe it will work..." She

really hopes that her son can eat well.

I hope he has a good habit, can eat more, and his physique slowly catches up with his sister.



Gu Xingchen hesitated and nodded.

What Lin Kewei said has a certain truth, maybe it can really succeed.

Then give it a try.

So during the day, the two breastfed the baby, and when they met him while eating and playing, they lowered all the curtains to block the light outside the house.

Turn on the night light to create an atmosphere of feeding in the middle of the night.

Sure enough, after the atmosphere in the middle of the night was created, the effect of feeding the little glutinous rice was much better!

He is the same as breastfeeding in the middle of the night, although slowly!

But did not eat and play!

Eat and sleep!

Lin Kewei was pleasantly surprised, this method really works!

As long as this method is maintained, correcting the bad habit of feeding your son is just around the corner!

Hahaha, I'm really smart!

Lin Kewei quacked, praise for his wit!


It was only the next day.

When he slept at night, Lin Kewei couldn't laugh!

The development of things did not develop according to the couple's expectations at all!

After two days of change, the little glutinous rice will not only sleep during the day, but also in the middle of the night!

And in the middle of the night you don't give him a look, immediately cry!

That crying expression oh, as if it is the most pitiful baby under the sun!

Little glutinous rice doesn't care, he said that no matter day or night, he will sleep with rations!

Lin Kewei was stupid, she couldn't have imagined that things would develop to such a point!

Gu Xingchen was also helpless.

Even he didn't expect it to become like this, both of them are new parents, inexperience is normal, the baby has to be brought slowly, in order to accumulate the most suitable experience.

"It should be the atmosphere created by our curtains during the day, which disrupts the work and rest habits of Xiao Nuomi, it's okay, as long as we return to its original appearance, I believe it won't be long before Xiao Nuomi won't be like this."

Lin Kewei's expression was guilty, "Husband, I'm sorry..."

Gu Xingchen touched her little head and smiled, "Don't say sorry, we are husband and wife, just for the babies to work hard for you." "

When I first came home from the hospital, the babies ate less and slept more.

At that time, small candy and small glutinous rice were best brought.

As they grew up day by day, the two spent more and more energy on taking care of them.

And as their meal increased, the longer Lin Kewei fed.

Over here, Lin Kewei had just finished feeding Dabao.

Turning sideways, he fed Xiaobao with the rations on the other side.

Let the babies eat on both sides, and she will feel better.

New mothers must not be confused and distracted when breastfeeding their babies.

In case of lack of concentration, one accidentally let the ration leak out, flow into the baby's face, and block their mouth, nose and respiratory tract, which is quite dangerous!


As long as it was midnight when Lin Kewei was breastfeeding the dragon and phoenix babies, Gu Xingchen would stay by his side.

Waking up in the middle of the night to breastfeed the babies, the little glutinous rice was still eating and sleeping.

Because the time is too long, the little glutinous rice has been eating and playing, and Lin Kewei sometimes can't resist the sleepy and confused feeding.

At this time, Gu Xingchen was particularly serious on the side to assist.

Because when you are full, you have to burp and coax the baby to sleep or something.

Lin Kewei looked at it with distress, "Husband, you have worked hard."

Gu Xingchen gently patted Xiao Nuomi and smiled gently at her, "What's so hard, I feel very happy, my baby is growing up every day, I'm so happy..."

Lin Ke smiled slightly, "Yes, I also feel so happy."

Gu Xingchen's eyes were as gentle as water.

The way her eyebrows are crooked, so beautiful.


[Moving, the little author finally has a book review, roar, so happy and happy, thank you Oh, by the way, I am asking for a reminder ~\(≧▽≦)/~].

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