After eating, the two little ones were full.

Gu Xingchen put the two little ones in the activity area to play again.

Seeing his daughter trying to sit up again, Gu Xingchen silently praised her.

Next to her, Xiao Nuomi was pulling her mother's clothes.

The little one would pull the clothes into his arms.

The familiar smell made him feel at ease.

Gu Xingchen would take the time to turn on the music player and play children's music.

Little Candy was attracted by the sound of music, and her little body sat up softly and leaned on the doll.

Dabao was in a good mood, looking towards the kitchen for his father's figure.

He would unconsciously shout, "Da Da."

Gu Xingchen walked out of the kitchen in surprise and gave her a kiss.

His face was full of joy: Oh, our eldest child can say daddy now.

Gu Xingchen felt extremely satisfied.

The meal was done.

He looked at the time.

It was still early.

Gu Xingchen decided to take the twins out to play for a while.

Babies of this age are very curious about new things outside. As long as they are curious, Gu Xingchen will patiently introduce them to the babies.

"Look, those are pigeons, homing pigeons. They are flying. When they are tired, they will go home by themselves..."

Passing by the square, there are many pigeons flying around. The little guys are curious and keep looking at them.

There is a children's playground near the square, and many babies are playing there.

Gu Xingchen took the babies to stop and rest.

"When you grow up, Dad will bring you here often, okay?"

Little Candy was so happy that she exerted her strength and sat up in the stroller.

Little Nuomi continued to lie down and watch quietly.

Although they are twins, the siblings are one quiet and one active, forming a sharp contrast.

Next to them, several young mothers who were playing with their babies saw Gu Xingchen coming with their children.

"Little brother, are these two babies your children?"

Gu Xingchen smiled and nodded, "Yes, they are all!"

Gu Xingchen is so handsome and young. If the two babies did not look a bit like him, the young mothers would not ask this question.

Hearing his answer, one of the mothers said in surprise, "Oh my God, you are a father at such a young age, and they are twins, little brother, you are so lucky!"

Gu Xingchen smiled slightly, "You are also lucky, the babies should be five or six months old, right?"

The three young mothers each brought their babies over.

Since becoming a nanny, Gu Xingchen can judge how many months old the baby is by looking at the baby's appearance.

In the past, he would definitely not be able to tell the difference when he was in school.

He only has two understandings of children.

One is a baby who can walk.

The other type is babies who can't walk yet.

He couldn't tell how many months old they were.

The three young mothers all nodded, thinking that this handsome father had guessed very accurately.

Their husbands didn't have such good eyesight.

A mother smiled and nodded, "It's amazing, you guessed it right, your baby is more than 6 months old, right?"

Parents like others to guess their children's age to be older.

This shows that the children are well raised!

Gu Xingchen shook his head, "Prepare until 4 months."

The three mothers looked at their babies and compared them with the twins.

Little Candy's is about the same age as them, and Little Candy looks a little smaller, but she is also well raised.

Usually at home, only the two siblings compare with each other.

Xiaobao has always looked thinner and smaller, but compared with other babies of the same age, Xiao Nuomi is still very well raised, and has an advantage over other babies!

Gu Xingchen talked about his experience of raising babies.

"It's normal for babies of the same age to have different physical development."

The three mothers nodded in agreement.

Curiously asked whether the twins were fed with formula or breast milk.

"So you feed them with both formula and breast milk, I do too, but now I can only feed them with formula because I don't have enough milk."

The three mothers heard that Gu Xingchen usually feeds her two children with breast milk, and they were envious.

Another mother asked, "Has your baby grown teeth? Has he eaten complementary food?"

Gu Xingchen replied, "He has grown teeth. He has started eating complementary food recently. He ate pumpkin rice paste today."

"I usually make purple potato rice paste, black rice and snow pear paste, etc. to supplement them with different nutrients."

The three mothers listened carefully and kept it in mind.

The siblings have grown teeth, and Gu Xingchen went out.

Chen would always carry two towels with him to wipe their saliva at any time.

A mother was surprised, "Your eldest child has teeth at more than three months old, it's too early."

"Ordinary babies grow teeth at four or five months..."

Gu Xingchen smiled and replied, "The doctor said that the baby has a good physique, and it is normal for teeth to grow quickly."

The mother said with envy.

Her son is now six months old, but he hasn't grown any teeth yet.

Compared with Little Candy, she began to get anxious.

The brother and sister were in the stroller watching their brothers and sisters having fun outside.

Little Candy sat up and stretched out her little hand to join them in playing.

Fortunately, the stroller was well protected, so even the naughty baby would not fall off.

It was almost noon, and Gu Xingchen pushed the stroller and continued to walk, "Let's go, no more watching, when mom is on vacation, I'll take you to the zoo to see the little animals, okay~~"


Little animals?

Hearing the unfamiliar words, Little Candy looked confused.

Little Nuomi and her sister have different concerns.

When talking about mom, the little guy remembered: Yes, where is mom, I want mom...

Then he watched dad crying and looking for mom.

Gu Xingchen regretted it: Why did he accidentally mention the word mom?

The family of three went to school to pick up mom.

Little Nuomi cried on the way when he couldn't find mom, and Gu Xingchen coaxed him while walking.

He said mom was playing hide-and-seek with them and was hiding somewhere nearby.

"Mom may be hiding behind the car, let's go, dad will take you there to see."

"Oh, mom is not here...maybe behind the billboard, let's keep walking."

Looking and teasing all the way, making the little cuties happy.

Little Nuomi has the richest expression, laughing, crying, and aggrieved.

Finally saw mom!

Xiaobao got excited all of a sudden, and Dabao next to him also sat up and stretched out his hand for mom to hold him.

Oh, two little cuties to hold at once.

What a happy trouble.

Lin Kewei has a hard time choosing.

"Come on, little glutinous rice and little candy, let's take them one by one."

Holding little glutinous rice in her arms, Lin Kewei keenly discovered that the little guy has become much heavier, "Oh, our little baby has been eating well recently, great, he has become heavier, mommy likes you!"

Lin Kewei is getting better and better at taking care of the babies.

When talking to them, the expression must be exaggerated, so as to attract more of their attention!

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