After the baby was born, the baby was born.

Gu Xingchen measured the water temperature, and Little Candy and Little Nuomi prepared the bathing utensils.

He walked to the bathroom door holding the little yellow duck, "Wife, the babies can have a nice bath."

Now the babies are fatter than before.

Gu Xingchen bought them two newer and larger bathtubs, so that the twins can bathe at the same time.

The new bathtub costs more than 500 yuan each.

The quality is excellent, and the baby can bathe while lying down or sitting.

You can also play while bathing as you like!

Gu Xingchen is responsible for bathing Little Candy, and Little Nuomi only needs her mother to bathe.

The couple will put on small hats for bathing on the babies.

This kind of baby water-blocking hat.

It surrounds the forehead and can be adjusted in size.

It has an upturned brim that can prevent water and bubbles from flowing into the baby's ears, mouth, nose and eyes.

Even if the baby is sitting, he can have a happy bath.

With this magic tool, babies love bathing even more.

"Hey, little Candy, what are you doing? Look, the water is splashing on mom and brother from such a distance. Are you playing with water? You are naughty~"

"What is little glutinous rice catching? The little yellow duck can swim by itself, right? Duck, duck, duck~"

"Hahaha, look at the bubbles in mom's hands, they smell good, I will give the baby a fragrant bath, hehe, fragrant little baby, mom's fragrant baby..."

Now when bathing, the two little babies are so happy, they look so happy.

Playing in the water, water, bubbles, splashing everywhere.

Almost every time I bathe the siblings, their clothes are wet.

Sometimes Li Mei will bathe the cute babies.

If she washes, it will be noisy, and the bathroom will be full of water!

Even though the bathroom was heated and the water temperature was suitable, the couple had to pick up the babies who were having fun and dry them for the health of the little Candy and the little glutinous rice.

They were afraid that if they took too long to wash, the little ones would catch a cold!

Colds are not exclusive to winter, they can catch a cold in summer if you don't pay attention!

Especially the little ones should be extra careful!

The two cute babies were wrapped in bath towels by the couple and taken back to the room, just like when they were just born.

"Ah, husband, don't you see how cute the babies are?!"

"Yes, super cute!"

"Wife, don't tease the babies first, dress them up before playing..."

After putting cute little clothes on the little Candy and the little glutinous rice, Lin Kewei played the game of putting the little arms on the butt with them.

Gently lifted their little hands and blew air.

"Puff puff puff~"

The little babies were amused and giggled, and Lin Kewei said with an exaggerated expression beside them.

"Hey, whose arm is blowing butt, stinky, is it Little Candy?"

"It's not Little Candy, is it Little Glutinous Rice? Little Glutinous Rice, your little hand is blowing butt, isn't it? It keeps making noises, oh, it stinks!"

The little babies' arms are chubby, pink and tender, and their mouths smell good when they are pressed against them.

The couple worked together to play with the two cute babies. When they were almost done playing, they fed them and it was almost time to rest and sleep.

After coaxing the babies to sleep, the couple discussed the style of the house decoration and their own ideas on the bed.

After recording the decoration style and design ideas, Gu Xingchen sent the requirements to the designer.

In order to grasp this big customer.

The designer came to their house again with his assistant the next day to communicate face to face.

After communicating for more than an hour, they incorporated their needs into the design plan.

"We will work overtime tonight to make all the plans and renderings. We will continue to communicate on WeChat if there is anything."

Time passed quickly.

When the renderings were ready, the couple's wedding date was also approaching.

Originally, Shen Yuerong and Lin Changshu planned to come the day before their daughter's wedding.

But they couldn't resist the longing for their daughter and grandchildren, so they came early!

But they didn't live at their daughter's house.

They booked the presidential suite of the hotel.

After receiving a call from their parents in Yangcheng, the couple planned to take Little Candy and Little Nuomi to see them.

Putting down the phone, Lin Kewei said, "Husband, didn't you buy gifts for my parents? Let me see what you bought for my dad."

Lin Kewei is not worried about buying it for her mother

What she is not sure about is that Gu Xingchen bought it for her father.

The tea and chessboard are both rewards from the system, and come with exquisite packaging.

Seeing the exquisite packaging in Gu Xingchen's hand, it can be seen that it is carefully prepared, and a smile appeared on Lin Kewei's face.

Both are common

The gifts are all my dad likes.

And you can tell by looking at the packaging that it’s not simple.

Lin Kewei feels that her husband has such good taste, so the gifts he chooses will definitely be good!

She said with a crooked eyebrow, "Husband, my dad must like it very much if you are so attentive!"

The better Gu Xingchen performed in front of his father, the happier Lin Kewei was.

Shen Yuerong and Lin Changshu have already arrived at the hotel.

Li Mei followed along.

After packing up the things the babies needed, they went out.

Get in the car, place the baby, and start off.

As the car started, Lin Kewei opened the window to let the babies breathe.

"Grandpa and grandma came to see the babies. Now let's take a car to see them. Aren't you happy?"

"Grandpa and grandma are here to see the baby again. Do you remember them, Little Candy and Little Nuomi?"

Little Candy stared out of the car window, interested in the scenery outside.

Xiao Nuomi's eyes fell on his mother. He was listening carefully, wondering what his mother was talking about.

The hotel is ten minutes away from their home.

It arrived quickly by car.

"Kewei, Xingchen, Amei..."

As soon as they parked the car, they saw Shen Yuerong waving to them and Lin Changshu standing beside them.

After they gathered together, the couple's eyes immediately fell on their grandchildren.

Seeing the two cute little babies in high spirits, smiles appeared on their faces.

"Oh, my wonderful grandchildren!"

Shen Yuerong came over and pushed the stroller, "Let's go, your dad and I didn't eat anything. We made a reservation at the hotel and came with us to have something to eat. Amei, I haven't seen you for a while, you look beautiful again!"

"Let your mother see it, she'll probably be so happy."

Li Mei walked over and held her hand while walking, pouting, "No way, she would burn incense even if she didn't scold me!"

"Oh, your mother still worries about you..."

"Okay, okay, aunt, please stop talking, so as not to be so verbose!"

"That's pretty much it!"

Lin Kewei looked at his parents walking, his eyes slightly dazed.

After more than two months, I met my parents again.

I don’t know why, but since I got married and had a baby, I always feel a sense of loss every time I meet my parents.

I always feel that if I meet my parents once, I will miss them once in the future.

Lin Kewei sighed, maybe this is just growing up. With a family of his own, the days he can spend with his parents are becoming less and less.

[Thanks to the little brother "Nicholas Laoliu" for his continued support. Little Mumu is so touched!

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