After eating, pat your belly.

Lin Kewei turned her attention to the little cuties.

Today was their first time to drink porridge, and she wanted to observe whether the babies had any abnormalities in their stomachs, any discomfort, or diarrhea...

The focus of observation was Dabao.

Because she ate the most, Xiaobao didn't have to worry too much, the little guy didn't eat much at all, and vomited it all.

However, the facts proved that Dabao was a person who ate a lot, and her digestion was also very good.

She ate more than half a bowl, and there was no abnormality at all, and she was always lively.

After lunch,

the babies played for a while and took a nap around 1 o'clock.

Until going to bed, Dabao was in a good mental state.

The babies have had complementary food for a while, but there are not many types.

They are still young, so the frequency of change should not be too much.

Each flavor can last for a week at most.

If different complementary foods are changed frequently and too quickly, the babies may have diarrhea.

Now little Candy and little Glutinous Rice are more than 6 months old.

In a while, they will be 7 months old.

The little guys are getting cuter day by day, and the expressions on their faces are getting richer and richer.

People who have seen the babies can't help but praise them for being cute.

Envy the couple for having such a good baby.

After lunch break, Gu Xingchen received a call from his aunt, "Your aunt is now at a friend's house in Yangcheng. I heard that you bought a house in Fenghuang Lake and are renovating it. She wants to go over to see it tomorrow. If you are free, go pick her up..."

Su Yuhe doesn't have much good feelings for Gu Xingchen's relatives and friends.

At that time, there was an accident at her sister's place, and Gu Xingchen was left alone.

None of the relatives and friends in the family are willing to take care of her nephew.

Therefore, Su Yuhe has had little contact with them in recent years.

If it weren't for her nephew's wedding, she would be willing to take care of that big family.

The funny thing is that in recent months, they heard that her nephew got married, bought a house in Yangcheng to do business, made a lot of money, and married the daughter of a wealthy family.

Now many relatives and friends have changed their attitude towards their nephew.

They came to her privately and asked her to help ask Gu Xingchen if she was willing to come back to the Gu family.

Su Yuhe sneered. Now that her nephew has made a living, he came to call her home and said they are a family?

Have you completely forgotten that you ignored your nephew before?

Although she didn't want to pay attention to them in her heart, she didn't say it out loud.

After all, they are her nephew's relatives. Let her deal with what she thinks.

"I know, auntie, I'll pick her up tomorrow."

Gu Xingchen nodded, and it was just in time to go see the new house tomorrow.

Lin Changshu has been helping to keep an eye on the decoration of the house in Fenghuang Lake.

In order to speed up the progress, it can be finished before the wedding.

He recently asked the decorators to work overtime to finish the house before relatives and friends arrived.

In the afternoon, the babies were hungry, and Gu Xingchen continued to use the small dining chair for them to sit and eat.

The babies are still not used to the dining chair, especially the eldest baby who can't sit still at all and likes to move around.

But the porridge made by dad is so fragrant that he wants to eat it with his mouth full.

Very good, Gu Xingchen feeds his daughter mouthful after mouthful, not giving her time to move around.

He doesn't have to worry about Xiao Nuomi eating next to him, Xiaobao won't move around when sitting on the dining chair. Today he likes to eat porridge, and his mother likes to feed him, so the little guy eats very attentively.

Although the twins eat in different states when they eat in the dining chair, the effect generally satisfies the couple.

I heard that Gu Xingchen took his daughter out in the morning to buy you three golds.

Then he bought a small dining chair for the little grandson. In the afternoon, Shen Yuerong and the others came over with a smile to see the babies eating in the dining chair.

Unfortunately, when the two came over, the twins were already full!

The couple regretted that they could only wait until the babies had dinner to see them again.

But the two little guys usually eat breast milk at night.

Doesn't it have to wait until tomorrow?

Seeing the little grandchildren, Lin Changshu was very happy. He bent down and stood in front of them, smiling and clapping his hands, looking for a little baby for him to hug, "Come, grandpa and grandma are here to see the babies, who will hug grandpa?"

Little Nuomi stretched out her hands for a hug.

Little Candy was having a lot of fun playing with the little orange cat. She didn't pay attention to the arrival of grandpa. She just focused on playing by herself.

Lin Changshu was surprised and happy, and picked up the little grandchild, "Little Nuomi just ate, didn't he? Oh, it's so heavy. This time he took the initiative to let grandpa hold him. Little Nuomi is great!"

Little Nuomi smiled, but he only let his grandfather hold him for a while, and soon turned his head to look for his mother.

Lin Changshu was happy for a short while before he felt disappointed again. He wanted to hold his two sweet little grandchildren for a longer time.

Fortunately, if Little Nuomi was not held for a long time, there was still Dabao and Little Candy!

Although she was not interested in him just now, the attention of the little baby was easily diverted.

He ran to his granddaughter again and clapped his hands to attract her attention.

Little Candy scratched the cat's belly, and her hands and clothes were covered with hair.

Lin Kewei wanted to pat it off for her daughter.

As a result, the daughter was attracted by her grandfather and quickly stretched out her little hand to show that she wanted to hug him and get close to him.

Lin Kewei was about to say wait a minute, but it was too late.

Lin Changshu had already held his granddaughter in his arms, and Little Candy's chubby little hands scratched her grandfather's face, and the cat's hair stuck to his face.

Lin Changshu said it was okay, just a little bit. It just fell off after a pat.

After cleaning his granddaughter's hands and clothes, Lin Changshu kissed her cheek and said with a smile, "Why do you grab grandpa's face as soon as you come? Do you think grandpa is too handsome, too handsome, more handsome than your father, right?"

Lin Kewei, "..."

Shen Yuerong, "..."

Husband, you are too narcissistic, don't humiliate yourself.

Little Candy let grandpa hold her for a while, but she felt bored, so she twisted her body to show that she wanted to get down and practice walking.

Lin Changshu asked his daughter worriedly, "Can Dabao stand up?"

Lin Kewei replied, "Yes, Dabao and Xiaobao can stand up by themselves, and they can learn to walk by themselves!"

"It's just that Dabao can only walk two or three steps by herself. If she walks unsteadily, she will fall down soon."

Gu Xingchen expanded the activity area for the babies and upgraded the soft cushions on the floor.

Softer and more fall-proof, greatly improving the safety of the babies.

Little Candy slowly stood up with the help of the fabric sofa, then took her pink little chubby legs and tried the first step.

Very good, the first step was successfully taken and landed safely, and then the second step was taken.

Soon she took two perfect steps.

When she took the third step, she didn't stand firmly and sat on the ground.

The little guy didn't cry, but rolled over and crawled, and was ready to stand up again.

Lin Changshu bent down and felt distressed, "Oh, look at my little baby falling, little Candy still needs to practice?"

Lin Changshu felt that his granddaughter was very hardworking, which was like him.

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