The money is not enough.

Gu Xingchen said without thinking, "Then I have to give it to you. Don't worry, your husband can still afford it!"

Although he doesn't have so much money now.

But he believes that the system will not sit idly by.

Lin Kewei has confidence in herself and believes that she will not be wrong.

She will not let her husband pay.

But Gu Xingchen is so happy to say that!

Sometimes women value men's attitude. Even if they don't need him to do it, they will be very happy if the other party has such an attitude in his heart.

Li Mei said, "Kewei, don't come here anymore. When I get back to the store, I'll promote this store to the members of our baby store. I want to see how their business will be in the future, hum!"

According to Gu Xingchen's new business model, Li Mei now manages the baby store in a proper manner.

Their store is quite famous in the baby care circle of Yangcheng!

Many mothers with good financial conditions have subscribed to their membership.

Usually they spend a lot of money, so naturally they will not lack jewelry and other things.

Li Mei has set up several member groups.

When she goes back, she will definitely talk about what happened in the jewelry store today in the group!

Lin Kewei snorted, "I won't come here again in the future."

"Not only are they counterfeit and genuine, but they are also stubborn. I don't know how many people they have cheated!"

Others also said, "Yes, if Kewei didn't say it today, we would have been cheated too!"

The price of this jewelry store is cheap. The store takes out various identification qualifications to say that its own gems, and pats its chest to guarantee 100%, which are pure natural genuine gems.

The price is favorable, the product is genuine, and it will maintain its value in the future. Many relatives and friends are tempted and ready to buy!

Fortunately, Lin Kewei discovered the trick in time!

Otherwise, they would lose a lot of money!

The sister-in-law said angrily, "I asked why the price is cheaper than that in the town. The shopping guide told me that big cities are different from towns. There are no middlemen to make a profit. Moreover, their store has its own mine. Seeing that there are so many of us, they sold it to us at a low price."

The cousin also said after hearing it, "Yes, I believe it. Alas, there are many routines in big cities. We are still too naive!"

Li Mei smiled slightly, "Nowadays, you have to avoid routines in any industry. When facing things you are not familiar with, you should be cautious, especially jewelry. If you don’t buy it with someone who understands it, it is easy to be slaughtered by others..."

Everyone nodded. If it weren’t for Lin Kewei, they wouldn’t know that they were cheated!

After this incident, relatives and friends didn’t want to go shopping anymore, so they went back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Su Yuhe saw her son and daughter's new mobile phones, "Did you buy them yourselves?"

"My cousin bought them for us."

"Oh, when did you buy them?"

"I just bought them at the mall, before I went to see you."

"How much?"

"More than a thousand..."

"You're talking nonsense, 14,000 per phone, do you think I don't know?"


Li Yucheng was stunned, how did his mother know the price of the phone.

Su Yuhe snorted, "I saw the ads on TV!"

Since her nephew had already bought them for the two, Su Yuhe couldn't say anything more, just wishing her daughter and son to study hard in school in the future and not to disappoint her cousin's expectations.

Time flies.

After the wedding, relatives and friends left Yangcheng in a blink of an eye.

Shen Yuerong and Lin Changshu had been in Yangcheng for so long, even if they were reluctant to leave the twins, they finally returned to the capital with Li Mei's parents.

They had been away for so long, and the company still had a lot of things to deal with!

Before leaving, Lin Changshu asked Gu Xingchen to take Lin Kewei and the babies to visit the capital when he had time.

The two got married, and the babies were so big

Gu Xingchen still didn't know which way the door of his wife's mother's house opened. What kind of nonsense is this?

Gu Xingchen felt that what his father-in-law said made sense. It was time to go to Lin Kewei's house and take the babies to get to know the door.

After discussing with Lin Kewei.

The other party was very happy when she heard Gu Xingchen say that he would take the babies to the capital.

She had been away from home for so long, although she didn't say it, but sometimes she wanted to go home.

The couple decided to go home in two days.

Gu Xingchen packed the toys and clothes of the babies and bought two suitcases to pack them separately.

There were also gifts for the father-in-law and mother-in-law's house, which had to be bought in advance.

I don't know when I will be back.

The kittens don't need them to worry about them at home, Li Mei is taking care of them.

Those who go to the capital can take the train or plane.

Finally, the couple decided to take the babies on a plane.


The flight time is faster, and the babies will not be very tired on the road.

Before leaving, Gu Xingchen repeatedly confirmed whether there was anything left out. He held the baby's clothes and toys in one hand and the gift in the other hand, but still asked worriedly.

"Wife, think about whether you have taken all the things. Have you left anything out? Have you taken your ID card, mobile phone, and charger?"

Lin Kewei pushed the stroller and rummaged through the bag, "I took everything."

"Did you take the babies' bibs off the balcony?"

"I took them."

"What about the hats and socks? It's quite cold in the capital."

"Put them in the small box."

"Have you prepared the diapers and diapers?"

"Everything is packed."

"That's fine. There shouldn't be anything left. We just need to get to the airport in advance."

After the confirmation, the two set off with the babies.

In addition to going home, Lin Kewei also took her husband and babies to visit Li Mei's house.

Lin Kewei pushed the stroller, feeling cheerful, "Let's go to grandpa and grandma's house!"

The weather outside was very good, the breeze was not dry, and the sun was shining.

Lin Kewei said to Gu Xingchen as she walked, "The capital is colder than here, husband, you have to put on your clothes in time after getting off the plane."

"And the babies, put on your clothes before leaving the airport, don't let the little ones catch a cold."


Gu Xingchen said brightly.

He was looking forward to going to the capital!

Gu Xingchen had never left the province since he was a child, and the only big city he had been to was from the town to Yangcheng to study.

The capital is in the north, and his wife told him to bring more thick clothes when he went out.

Lin Kewei looked at her handsome and sunny husband, who was carrying the baby's clothes, toys and gifts seriously, and she couldn't help but smile.

Gu Xingchen didn't know what his wife was laughing at, "Honey, watch the road, don't let the babies fall, little Candy and little Nuomi are looking around and are curious about everything."

Lin Kewei focused on the stroller and smiled suddenly, "Yeah, I know, the babies are all very well behaved."

Today they didn't drive the nanny car.

The family of four took a taxi to the airport.

After arriving at the airport, the two swiped their cards to enter the station.

Standing in the hall and looking at the screen, "Honey, that's our flight time, just in time!"

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