The two of them were very close.

"Aunt, buying a house is such a big deal, let's discuss it later. It's too sudden now."

"Anyway, I will find a way myself first. If I can't get enough money, I'll tell you."

He will buy the house, but he will use his own money.

Su Yuhe nodded.

But in her heart, she decided to help Gu Xingchen.

After all, this is her sister's only son.

After so many years of raising him by her side, Su Yuhe has long regarded him as her own son.

Here, Lin Kewei lay quietly on the bed and listened.

The baby in the next bed was already crying with hunger.

It's just that the mother didn't start breastfeeding, and the baby couldn't get colostrum and kept crying.

Her mother-in-law kept complaining, "You eat so much, but you don't have any milk. It's all in vain."

The woman felt wronged, "I want some too, but now I can only let my baby drink milk powder."

The mother-in-law disagreed, "Drinking milk powder, milk powder is so expensive now, and it's not safe. There are often news about milk powder problems on TV."

"If there is no milk now, just open it. Let the baby suck it a few more times and it will come out."

The woman clearly felt the change in her attitude after the baby was born.

But she was also a straightforward person, so she said without hesitation, "Didn't I feed you just now? If there is no milk, there is nothing you can do if the baby sucks it."

Lin Kewei on the bed saw this scene and was glad for her good luck. She met Gu Xingchen and Su Yuhe.

Not long after, the woman's husband came back with a bag.

It contained a breast pump.

It was specially used for mothers who did not have colostrum to open their milk.

But they fiddled with it for a long time according to the instructions, but there was still no effect.

At this time, the nurse came over and saw this situation and gave suggestions.

"The child is so hungry now. His mother has no milk, so she can only feed him with milk powder first."

"Well...why don't you find a lactation consultant? Maybe he can start to breastfeed."

The most urgent task now is to solve the problem of the baby's hunger. The lactation consultant can only be found later.

Lin Kewei watched quietly from the side. This is the family with the most problems she has seen so far.

The mother-in-law obviously wants a grandson more than the newborn granddaughter.

She is reluctant to buy expensive milk powder for her.

Since the woman has no colostrum for the baby, she wants to buy the best milk powder for the child.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would argue from time to time.

Her husband was playing with his mobile phone and watching the live broadcast of beautiful women, turning a blind eye to their quarrel.

After all, she loves her baby.

At night, they found a lactation consultant. Lin Kewei heard the woman's scream of pain through the curtain.

After a lot of trouble.

Finally, she started to breastfeed. Although it was not much, it was enough for the baby.

In a blink of an eye, it was the sixth day of Lin Kewei's hospitalization. She had recovered well in all aspects.

She can be discharged early!

Dr. Pei from the obstetrics and gynecology department examined her for the last time.

As long as everything is normal, she can be discharged after completing the formalities.

Dr. Pei smiled and nodded, "She has recovered very well, there is no big problem, and she can be discharged today."

"If you have any questions during this period, call me, okay?"

Dr. Pei took good care of Lin Kewei, and even added each other on WeChat. If there is anything in the future, you can consult her on WeChat at any time.

Su Yuhe thanked her again and again, "Thank you, Dr. Pei. Without your care, my nephew's wife would not have recovered so quickly. Thank you so much."

Dr. Pei waved his hand and smiled, "These are what we should do. Kewei's quick recovery is mainly due to your credit."

"The girl consumed a lot of energy during the caesarean section. You must take good care of her during the confinement period. The couple will live a good life when they go back."

Gu Xingchen's car is in the parking lot.

After packing up, you can walk over and take a bus home.

Gu Xingchen first put the luggage in the trunk and then came back to pick them up.

Su Yuhe put the babies in the stroller and pushed them, while Gu Xingchen supported Lin Kewei and walked forward.

Lin Kewei pursed her lips and said, "Gu Xingchen, you don't have to help me, I can walk by myself now."

Gu Xingchen turned his head and smiled brightly at her, "I know, but it's too far from here. You just recovered and I'm afraid you can't support it, so... be obedient, I'll help you over."

Feeling Gu Xingchen's bright and warm smile.

Lin Kewei nodded shyly, her heart beating like a deer.

Oh my god, he is so handsome!

And gentle!

Gu Xingchen said as he walked.

"We live in Mingyue Community, not far from our school.

It's far away, and the neighborhood environment is pretty good, but I don't know if you like the decoration style. "

Gu Xingchen thinks the rental environment is pretty good, but he doesn't dare to say what Lin Kewei will think.

Lin Ke smiled, "It doesn't matter where you live, as long as it's suitable for the baby. ”

The most important thing now is that the babies live comfortably, in an environmentally friendly way, and without harmful gases.

Gu Xingchen assured her that he and Rocket had tested the house with a formaldehyde detector and found no harmful gases.

And since the house was renovated, they were the first customers to rent the house.

After the car entered the community, Lin Kewei was observing the environment outside. The greening rate was very high.

There were flowers, birds, fountains and pools in the community, and the environment was very beautiful.

The security system is sound, people and vehicles are separated in the community, and you have to swipe your card to get on the elevator. There are two elevators and four households.

Enter the room.

Lin Kewei looked around and found that the decoration was not bad, similar to the style she had in the Rose Community, and it was clean.

Three bedrooms and two living rooms, there is a lot of space that can be used.

Su Yuhe also took a look and found that each room was equipped with air conditioners and fans.

Reminded the two, "It is best to use the air conditioner less at ordinary times, the temperature should not be too low, and the fan should not blow on your head. You can still sit there with a weak body. "

Lin Kewei nodded, looked around curiously, and found that the scenery outside the balcony was very beautiful.

"Pack your luggage and put it in the bedroom first. Xiaochen, come and help me move the crib to the master bedroom. The babies will sleep with you at night."

Lin Kewei blushed.

Two people sleeping together?

But it seems to be the case, otherwise the babies will be hungry and need to be fed at night, and it will be inconvenient to walk back and forth between the two rooms.

If the baby sleeps with her, and Gu Xingchen is not next to her, she can't take care of two babies at the same time with her current physical condition.

And what about Su Yuhe.

She will go back tomorrow, so in order to take good care of the baby, she and Gu Xingchen will live together in the future.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the master for accompanying Lin Kewei and the babies out of the hospital, and rewarded with 50,000 yuan in cash; obtained talent: Master Chef Level 1. ”

Note: The first-level cooking master talent allows the owner to cook better than most people.

Just after Gu Xingchen and Su Yuhe placed the crib, the system's voice sounded in their minds again.

"Got the first-level cooking talent?"

"It seems that there is room for improvement if you perform well in the future."

Gu Xingchen pondered for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

He was very happy that his cooking skills were better than most.

ps: I'm busy looking at the data these days. Please, babies and cute girls who see the latest chapters... click to urge them to get better.


Love you, muah, please please (poor).

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