The call came from Gao Lan, the manager of their baby store.

She used to be a nanny.

Because of her outstanding work, Li Mei promoted her to store manager.

Originally, Li Mei was in charge of the baby store.

But before Li Mei went abroad to play, she said in the group that no matter what happened at work during the Spring Festival, don't disturb her.

Even if it's a big deal, you have to wait until the holiday is over.

But Gao Lan was entrusted by a good friend, so she called Lin Kewei with a thick face.

"Gao Lan, I wish you a happy and smooth second year of the Chinese New Year."

"You said your childhood friend wants to join our baby shop? Have you told Li Mei about it?"

"She used to do maternal and child business in the next province?"

"Give us 300,000 yuan for the franchise fee? Once she is sure she wants to do it? Our family has our own shop to make the current profit. She has to pay rent every month for the shop she rents, which is very risky."

"...My business, if I can't give you an answer, my husband and I will discuss it with Li Mei."

"Okay, you're welcome, it's just a small favor."

During the call, Monkey and the others learned some information.

Maternal and child shop, own shop, 300,000 yuan franchise fee!

Gu Xingchen's family is in a very good condition now!

After hanging up the phone, Lin Kewei talked to Gu Xingchen about the store manager.

"Gao Lan's best friend used to run a maternal and child business. She thinks our operating model is good, the purchase price of goods is favorable, and the quality is good. She wants to join us to open a business in another province."

"She doesn't have our supply channels, so she wants to join us and do it together."

"These things were originally managed by Li Mei, but she went abroad to play, so Gao Lan could only call me and discuss with you whether to let the other party join."

It's just like that kind of milk tea shop.

After paying the franchise fee, with the help of the head office, it operates in various cities.

"Let's decide after Li Mei comes back after the Spring Festival."

Gu Xingchen thought for a while and said.

Sun Wen's girlfriend Xiao Lu asked Lin Kewei, "Are you the boss lady, opening a baby shop?"

Lin Ke smiled and nodded.

"Are you really opening a shop? Do you have your own shop?"

"My best friend and we opened it together, and the shop is my husband's!"

"Our shop is in Yangcheng Diamond Plaza. You can come and play when you have the chance~"

Several people took a breath!

Sun Wen stared at Gu Xingchen in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

Didn't he live with his aunt since he was a child?

His aunt lives in the village, and her economic conditions are much poorer than his family!

How could the other party own a shop in Yangcheng without money and background? !

Looking at Lin Kewei's expression and the temperament she exudes, she would never joke with them.

The other party is obviously a white, rich and beautiful woman, and she disdains to joke with them.

Monkey and others admired him very much.

The other party has started a business and become a boss, married and has children.

He is the same age as him, but he is still worried about his job after graduation!

After the dishes were served, everyone started eating with laughter.

They are all of the same age and have common topics.

The atmosphere gradually became lively.

Monkey and Huang Peng have lively personalities, and occasionally drive a small car, which makes everyone laugh.

Qian Gui's girlfriend Liu Fang and Sun Wen's girlfriend Xiao Lu sat together, eating quietly, and occasionally stole a glance at the couple.

Most of the things they talked about were interesting things in the first year of high school, and they often talked about Gu Xingchen.

Lin Kewei was curious, what was her husband like when he first entered high school?

She listened while eating.

"I remember when the first year of high school just started, no one knew each other when they first came to school. Gu Xingchen was super handsome at that time, and many seniors in the second and third years of high school confessed to him."

"There are also those who want to recognize him as their brother!"

"Yes, I envy him so much. At that time, I was his deskmate, and there were love letters written to him by girls in his drawer every day."

Monkey also said, "After the class was divided, his grades were always in the top 10 in the grade. He had good grades and was handsome. In addition to female classmates, he was also very popular with teachers!"

As they chatted, Huang Peng talked about the confusion after graduation in the future.

He sighed.

"Nowadays, there are so many college graduates every year. It's hard to find a good job. For jobs that are short of people, the salary is not high and you have to work overtime. It's tiring!"

"I want to start a business but I don't have the capital. It's hard!"

Monkey comforted him, "It's the same. After graduation, everyone will be confused about the future. The road is made by our hard work."

Then he changed the subject and looked at Qian Gui and Liu Fang, "Brother Chen got married before graduation. What about you?

When are you going to get married?" Qian Gui smiled and said cheerfully, "Xiao Fang and I plan to get married and have a wedding after the internship is over and our jobs are stable." "You must come to our wedding, and you can give as much red envelope as you want." "I'll tell you in advance, don't say you don't have time." Monkey raised a drink, "I will definitely come, I wish you happiness in advance!" Both are lovers. Liu Fang asked about Xiao Lu and Sun Wen's plans. They both went to the same university and did their internships at the same company. Logically, it should be the same as theirs. As long as their jobs are stable, they can almost consider getting married. Sun Wen smiled shyly, but with a little embarrassment. "We plan to get married when our jobs are stable, and then live alone for a few years, but getting married may not be that easy." "Xiao Lu's parents said they want a dowry of 188,000 yuan. I think it will take a long time to collect this money. We will have the wedding after we collect enough dowry. "

Compared with Monkey and the others, Sun Wen's family conditions are only average.

Although his family has a house and a car in the town, and his parents have stable jobs.

But he has a younger brother.

His younger brother is already in high school, and he will need a lot of money to go to college in the future.

If he and Xiao Lu get married, they have to prepare a house, so it will probably take some time to get the betrothal gift together.

Xiao Lu changed her usual quietness and snorted, "I'll give you two and a half years."

Huang Peng was curious, "What if you still can't get enough money for the betrothal gift in two and a half years?"

Xiao Lu shrugged helplessly, "Then my parents will definitely not agree to let us be together."

Sun Wen smiled bitterly.

In two and a half years, I don't know if I can get 188,000 yuan.

This topic is very heavy.

Monkey quickly changed the subject, "It's not difficult for you to get Baili. As long as you have a stable job, your salary will rise quickly. Although there is pressure, it's very happy to have a girlfriend to accompany you, unlike me, a single dog. "

Houzi's family runs an electronics factory, and they used to be one of the best in the class financially.

His family owns a house and a car in town.

They also have a fairly large factory.

It should be easy for him to find a partner.

But girls nowadays are very picky. In addition to having a house and a car, they also require handsomeness.

Houzi has been single because he has no good looks.

Speaking of marriage, the attention of several people returned to Gu Xingchen and his wife.

They were curious about how much gift Gu Xingchen gave for their marriage.

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