The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.


The Buddha swallowed his saliva!

He swore that this was the first time he had felt death since he was a child, and it was such an easy thing!

Those big monsters behind Lin Que could kill him with just a sneeze, believe it or not!

Chen Shan, I'll hit you in the face with my shoe sole!

You bastard, you killed me!

Sister Yan saw those fierce-looking monsters, her eyes turned pale, and she fainted directly.

Chen Shan was so scared that his legs were shaking!

Oh my God, this is an earthquake!

The arrogance of those strong men disappeared, and they hugged each other and trembled!

"Actually, you don't have to be so polite!"

The Buddha looked at Lin Que and was frightened!

This time he hit a wall!

"Shield-armored crocodile, it seems that they are not satisfied with you!" Lin Que raised his head and looked at the shield-armored crocodile and smiled.

"What's the matter, brother, do you look down on us!"

The shield-armored crocodile pinched his nose and stared at the Buddha with a serious face!

Didn't you say good service!

We technicians are ready, why are you still hesitating?

"No, no, no!"

"Gentlemen, listen to my explanation, things are not like this!"

The Buddha was so scared that he trembled all over and spoke incoherently.


You have so many pets, you should have said it earlier!

It's not against the law to show off, you are so willful, right?

"Then I am happy to do it!"

"Brothers, show your talents!"

The shield-armored crocodile waved its claws, and the big monsters walked towards the Buddha and others with kindness.

Buddha and the others had distorted faces, and their hair stood up!


Don't come over here!


The next moment!

Screams resounded throughout the apartment!

"298 set meal, monkey steals peaches!"

The red fire monkey aimed at Buddha's lower three roads and just dug and dug!

Picking peaches!


Buddha's face turned blue, and he curled up on the ground, covering his trouser pockets with his hands!

What a monkey!

"288 set meal, cupping!"

The sharp beak of the goshawk pecked at Chen Shan's butt!


"This is the butt, not the back!"

It was cupping, but you pecked my butt, you have no integrity at all!

"300 set meal, double yoga!"

"Aiyou Ruiding!"

The armored crocodile crawled on Buddha's body, just output... No, it's yoga!

The corner of Buddha's mouth twitched!

Is this era so advanced?

Monsters can speak English!


Foye flipped through his nine years of compulsory education and finally found a word!


The armored crocodile didn't care what you said, it hugged Foye's waist and twisted it!


A pig-killing howl came out of Foye's mouth.

It was played badly!

Lin Que stood aside, watching the armored crocodiles operate, and his hands couldn't help clapping!


The project of this bathing city is not bad!

It seems that the monster tribe also has the service of foot washing!

This armored crocodile is a regular customer!

Foye and others were lying on the ground served by the armored crocodile, shaking constantly!

Mostly useless!

"Are you satisfied?"

Lin Que looked at Foye with a smile on his face.

"Master, please spare us!"

"We are very satisfied!"


Buddha cried, and he swore that he would never wash his feet again in his life!

He swore that he would never forgive foot washing!

He would sell the Cadillac later!

"As long as you are satisfied!" Lin Que clapped his hands and smiled.

"Then let's settle the bill!"

"Total consumption... well, how much money do you have!"

Foye hesitated for a moment: "One... ten thousand!"

The smile on Lin Que's face gradually disappeared, and he took out his mobile phone and sent the video of Xu Bin being taken care of by the pervert to Buddha.

"These friends behind me haven't found wives yet... well, I don't mean anything else, don't misunderstand!"

I don't believe you!

Foye was so scared that his teeth made a clicking sound, and he took out his mobile phone from his body with trembling hands.

"Master, this is five million. If it's not enough, I will sell my house and wife later!"

Lin Que raised his eyebrows and opened the business again!

"WeChat or Alipay!"

Then, Master Fo transferred the money via Alipay and was sent to the hospital with the help of his younger brother.

"Welcome to visit next time!"

Lin Que stood at the door and waved goodbye!

What a good man!

She was still waiting at home to send him money in the middle of the night.

"Master, what about that woman!"

The armored crocodile tapped Lin Que's shoulder with its little paw and winked.

Master, we are still single!

You have to make some arrangements!

Lin Que slapped his forehead, thinking only of money, he forgot about Sister Yan!

"Leave the rest to me!"

Lin Que looked at the unconscious Sister Yan, picked her up and walked towards the room.

The armored crocodile and other big monsters looked at the closed door dryly...

"I want to find a wife!"

"I can't help it!"

The armored crocodile roared aggrievedly!

In fact, it doesn't matter what gender or appearance, as long as they are alive!

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