The two of them are still in the same boat.

Lin Kewei was touched when she heard Li Mei say this. She thought the other party would say something about her when they met.

Li Mei laughed.

Now that the child is born, what else can she say?

And she saw the child's father with her own eyes, and the first impression was good.

The details need to be further investigated.

Li Mei sighed, "He is handsome, but his family conditions are not good. You and the babies will suffer in the future."

Lin Kewei didn't care about these, "Although he has nothing now, I believe that as long as we work hard, we will have a house and a car in the future, and we will definitely be able to live the life we ​​want and give the babies a stable home."

Li Mei saw her best friend holding the baby, and her face was full of expectations for the future.

She didn't feel embarrassed to pour cold water on her best friend.

But she changed the subject and continued to worry about her, "But, have you ever thought about your uncle and aunt?"

"When they know about it, how will you face them?"

Lin Kewei didn't care, "They only care about their own careers and the right family. If they object, just treat me as if they don't have a daughter."

"Let's take it one step at a time. The babies have just been born. I don't want to think about these troubles."

Thinking about these things makes me upset, so it's better not to think about them.

Li Mei comforted her in her own way, "I'm at home, and my mother is bothering me every day. You know, she said she regretted giving birth to me, and it's better to pick up another one and raise it than me."

"Look, I'm disliked every day, but I didn't take her words to heart."

"So, no matter what the uncle and aunt say, don't take it to heart."

Lin Ke smiled and said nothing.

Her parents are different from Li Mei's mother.

They want to arrange Lin Kewei's future life thoroughly.

Li Mei put away her expression and said sympathetically, "Uncle and auntie are indeed too controlling. It is understandable that parents want to find a partner for their daughter, but they are too much for arranging a marriage."

"But parents are also for the good of their children. With your personality, they are afraid that you will suffer if you find a partner yourself, and it is human nature to arrange a boyfriend for you. Now you have your own children and become a mother, so be more considerate of them."

Li Mei can understand the actions of Lin Kewei's parents.

Lin Kewei has been well-protected since she was a child, like a flower in a greenhouse.

She is already a senior, but she still maintains the innocence of a girl.

She has never been in love and has no experience in love.

Uncle and auntie have to find a son-in-law in person to feel at ease, otherwise Lin Kewei will suffer.

Lin Kewei has never told Gu Xingchen about these family matters, for fear of putting pressure on him.

She has always kept unhappy things in her heart.

Lin Kewei told her bestie, "Keep the baby and I a secret for now. I don't want them to know."

Li Mei gets angry when she talks about keeping secrets!

"You secretly gave birth to a baby without telling me, and now you want me to keep it a secret for you. Lin Kewei, do you have a heart? Do you think it's fair to treat me like this all the time?"

In the kitchen.

Gu Xingchen cooked one more dish for one person, and after setting the food, the two of them didn't come out.

Gu Xingchen guessed that the two besties hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they must be whispering.

Gu Xingchen hesitated for a moment and knocked on the door.

"Kewei, Li Mei, it's time to eat..."

Li Mei opened the door and poked her head out, "The babies are feeding, they'll eat later."

Gu Xingchen washed his hands and went into the room.

The little ones were almost done eating.

Little Nuomi was a big eater, she ate faster than her brother, and she was the first to be full.

Gu Xingchen put a small square towel on his shoulders, held the little one in his arms, and took out a new breast pad to put on Lin Kewei.

One hold and one pad, the movements are skillful.

The babies are still small now, and they can't be held vertically, but only horizontally.

Gu Xingchen burped the big baby while coaxing the little baby in Lin Kewei's arms, "Little Nuomi, you should eat faster, okay? Look, your sister has finished eating, you have to work hard."

Li Mei sat next to watch this scene.

It can be seen that Gu Xingchen's love for the babies is from the heart.

When facing the babies, his face is full of happiness and tenderness.

Now she understands why her bestie trusts him so much.

Because the feelings that a person reveals inadvertently cannot deceive others.

Maybe her bestie is not wrong, he will really be a good father!

Gu Xingchen found a heart-wrenching phenomenon. Every time Little Candy burped her milk, the little one would spit up milk.

Worried, he sent a consultation message to Dr. Pei.

"How is the baby's mental state? Is she eating milk? Is it normal?"

"It's normal. She eats fast and eats more than Xiaobao. She drinks with a chuckle every time. Her poop is also normal."

"Oh, then you should pay attention to keeping warm in the future. You can't lack a knitted hat and small socks. Everything else is normal. Another possibility is that the baby is full."

"Yeah, thank you, Dr. Pei. I see. We'll observe it."

Gu Xingchen suspected that his daughter ate too much.

After all, she is a foodie. She will not stop eating until she is full every time.

Here, Little Candy burped.

Over there, Little Nuomi finally said slowly that she didn't want to eat anymore.

Putting Dabao in the crib and taking his son, Gu Xingchen smiled and said to the two, "You go eat, otherwise it will get cold."

Lin Kewei shook her head, "No, we'll wait for you."

After that, Lin Kewei got up and went to the bathroom to change clothes. In the process, she wiped the rations with a hot towel.

Li Mei was left alone, confused: What's going on? Why don't you go eat? Why am I so hungry?

Little Nuomi fell asleep in his father's arms soon after burping.

Gu Xingchen put him next to his sister, covered him with a small quilt, and went out to eat contentedly.

Coming to the dining table, Gu Xingchen served Lin Kewei rice.

Then he filled her with a bowl of soup.

"Kewei is still in confinement, so she eats light food. I made a nutritious meal for her. This is what we usually eat. I don't know your appetite, so I just made a few random dishes."

Li Mei nodded, secretly thinking that Gu Xingchen was very considerate.

It seems that his cooking skills are very good.

The dishes on the dining table are so beautiful, and I think they will taste good. Li Mei's impression of Gu Xingchen increased by one point.

Lin Kewei smiled warmly, "Don't worry about her, she's not picky about food, all dishes suit her appetite."

Li Mei, "..."

There's no way her best friend said that, Li Mei could only cooperate with her helplessly, but she secretly rolled her eyes at her.

"Kewei is right, I'm not picky about food, I can eat any dish, Gu Xingchen, don't be too polite."

Unable to bear the hunger, Li Mei tasted a bite of Gu Xingchen's dish.

As soon as she took a bite, her eyes couldn't help but light up, "Wow, not bad, Gu Xingchen, you are really good, it's delicious!"

Lin Kewei was next to her, smiling proudly, "Hahaha, I also think his cooking is delicious, his cooking skills are not inferior to those five-star chefs at all."

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