The two of them were married, and the two of them were married.

"You decide on the down payment for Xiaochen. I have no objection."

Su Yuhe nodded.

Then she took a pen and counted on the notebook, calculating how much money the family could take out in addition to the living expenses of their son and daughter, and how much they had to borrow from relatives.

A big city like Yangcheng is different from their rural area.

The down payment is at least three or five hundred thousand!

After hanging up the phone, Gu Xingchen continued to work in the kitchen.

The rental house they lived in had just been renovated and was rented out for the first time. The kitchen equipment was the latest.

The smoke hood was very quiet, and Gu Xingchen could hear the noise coming from outside in the kitchen.

The bathroom was diagonally opposite the kitchen.

Lin Kewei went to the toilet.

The public toilet only had a squat toilet, so she could only squat to use it.

Lin Kewei's body recovered well, and she was confident that she could squat to use it without any problem.

What she didn't expect was that she couldn't get up after squatting for a long time.

In the kitchen, Gu Xingchen had been paying attention to the movement in the bathroom.

Seeing that Lin Kewei had been in for so long and hadn't come out, he turned the fire to a low heat.

He walked outside the bathroom and asked softly, "Kewei, what happened? Do you need help?"

In the bathroom, Lin Kewei quickly refused, "No, no, I can get up by myself."

If the other party came in to help her up, how embarrassing would the scene be!

After giving birth to the child, the flesh on the belly has not recovered yet, and the lower abdomen will still be pressed when squatting down.

If you squat for a long time, the wound will naturally be injured.

After finally recovering, it was squeezed again, and there was a dull pain in the stomach.

Lin Kewei tried hard several times with the water tank, but she couldn't stand up again.

Lin Kewei started to panic after squatting and not being able to get up.

Outside, Gu Xingchen had already noticed something was wrong.

She had been squatting for so long and hadn't come out, so she was afraid something might have happened.

Last night, he had just seen a video online of a woman who had been squatting for a long time in the toilet and couldn't stand up.

Now Lin Kewei wouldn't encounter a similar situation, Gu Xingchen began to worry.

He knocked on the door and tried to ask, "I opened the door and went in."

This time Lin Kewei didn't refuse, and there was really an accident.

When he opened the door, he saw Lin Kewei squatting in pain, and he couldn't even put on his pants.

Gu Xingchen asked with concern, "Did you roll up your wound?"

Lin Kewei nodded pitifully, "I, I can squat now, but... it hurts now that the wound is pressed together."

So women who have just given birth shouldn't think that they can be careless just because they have recovered well.

Pay attention to what you should pay attention to!

Gu Xingchen came to her side, put his arm around her back, put his arm under her armpit, and slowly lifted her up.

Then, Gu Xingchen helped her put on her pants.

Lin Kewei's face was redder than a tomato.

How to say it, she hasn't put on pants yet.

Although it's not the first time that Gu Xingchen saw it, she still feels embarrassed.

But at this time, Lin Kewei's attention is more on the wound on her lower abdomen.

Just now, she couldn't get up and squatted for so long. The wound has been pressed together. Will the wound split?

When giving birth to Xiao Tangguo and Xiao Nuomi, Lin Kewei had a transverse incision.

On the 5th day after the operation, the stitches were removed because of good recovery.

Now she is afraid that the wound will burst at the healing place.

Just when she was worried that the wound was not over, she followed Gu Xingchen's line of sight.

She saw a scene that embarrassed her to the point of screaming!

How to say it? In fact, the lochia in her body has not been discharged yet, and there will be a little every day.

So she has to eat bread every day during this period.

This thing needs to be changed frequently, otherwise it is easy to get infected.

Now the bread is stained with lochia, and this scene was seen by Gu Xingchen.

What wound is Lin Kewei still worried about? She can die repeatedly!

Gu Xingchen coughed awkwardly, "Well, how about I change a new one for you and then treat the wound?"

Lin Kewei nodded helplessly, like a puppet.

It was the first time for Gu Xingchen to change this thing for a woman.

Seeing that he was clumsy and inexperienced, Lin Kewei silently took it from his hand, tore open the package and opened the small ears, "This way you can stick it on."

Gu Xingchen hummed, bent down to clean her up with a tissue, and then stuck it on her.

Looking at Gu Xingchen bending over, Lin Kewei screamed in her heart, it was too shameful!

Why is this happening?

Who am I, where am I, where is my face


After packing up Lin Kewei's pants, Gu Xingchen slowly helped her back to the bed and helped her check the wound. "It's not a big problem, but it's best to disinfect the wound with iodine."

Lin Kewei hummed and let Gu Xingchen do whatever he wanted.

The wound is not so painful now that she lies down.

When they were discharged from the hospital, Dr. Pei suggested that they should prepare a small medicine box at home in case of emergency and be ready for emergencies at any time.

I didn't expect it to be used so soon.

Gu Xingchen prepared cotton swabs, gauze, cold medicine, iodine, and painkillers for trauma in the medicine box. Basically, everything you need for daily use will be there!

Lin Kewei lay on the bed, and Gu Xingchen carefully wiped around her wound with iodine.

The skin on Lin Kewei's belly is white, moist and elastic, but there is a red line wound on her lower abdomen, which is in sharp contrast with the surrounding white skin.

Lin Kewei noticed Gu Xingchen's gaze and said gently, "Do you think it's ugly?"

"There is a scar on my lower abdomen. Men don't like it, after all, it's so ugly."

Gu Xingchen shook his head and blurted out, "Ugly? I don't think so. On the contrary, I think it's great. It represents the medal of a great mother."

Giving birth is particularly painful.

Gu Xingchen knows that being a mother is very difficult.

All their sufferings are for the children.

Lin Kewei listened to his words and smiled gently, "Actually, I don't think it's ugly either. This is the proof that the babies were born safely."

Seeing that Gu Xingchen didn't mean to dislike her, Lin Kewei felt that he was really gentle and caring.

Gu Xingchen turned his head and asked, "Does the wound still hurt? I just applied iodine, which may irritate the wound and hurt."

Lin Kewei frowned and whispered, "It hurts a little, but not as much as in the bathroom just now. I can bear it."

Gu Xingchen was relieved.

Just as Lin Kewei was settled and ready to go to the kitchen to continue working, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

"Help Lin Kewei to urgently treat the wound, show your boyfriend power, and reward scar repair potion x 1."

"Note: This potion can repair all scars and restore the skin to its original appearance!"

Great, the system is awesome!

What you think will come true, so considerate!

Although Lin Kewei doesn't hate the scar left by the cesarean section on her lower abdomen.

But which girl doesn't love beauty?

Gu Xingchen plans to wait until Lin Kewei's wound is completely healed, and then take out the potion for her to use after the scar has healed.

Permanently remove the scar left by the cesarean section!

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