After the baby was born, the baby was born.

Back in the ward, I didn't see Lin Kewei's family.

What did her family do specifically and why were they not around?

Gu Xingchen didn't ask much.

Lin Kewei would definitely care about this.

After all, giving birth is a very painful and terrible thing for women.

It is believed that the cervix of a parturient will be opened when giving birth, and the longer it takes, the more painful it will be, which is a torture for the parturient mothers.

If it is a caesarean section, it will be more painful.

The incision and wound suture, the inconvenience of movement after giving birth, every day is a torment.

Gu Xingchen has seen these things on TV science popularization. Many parents don't want to have a second child after giving birth to their first child. It's too torturous.

Gu Xingchen understood the pain that Lin Kewei had suffered when she gave birth to twins.

Seeing Lin Kewei continue to lie down with a pale face, Gu Xingchen walked to her side and said firmly, "You have a good rest, I will take good care of you in the future."

After Lin Kewei rested, the babies woke up at this time.

The nurse came over and asked to take the children for examination and bathe.

The small crib prepared in the hospital can be pushed away. Gu Xingchen came to the crib and looked at the two little guys in it with a gentle face.

They are his own children.

Since then, he has a family again!

Gu Xingchen's heart is heavy, filled with joy and happiness.

Pushing the babies to the place for examination, I found that many people were queuing.

Parents pushed the small cribs, queuing, and laughing happily with each other.

Gu Xingchen noticed that an aunt next to him was happy because her daughter-in-law gave her a little grandson.

A father's face was full of happiness because he had a daughter.

During the chat, Gu Xingchen also saw a baby weighing more than 9 jin, held in the arms of his father, with a proud and boastful look on his face.

Gu Xingchen took a look and found that the baby was almost a circle bigger than his own child.

His two little ones were both 5.2 jin, and Gu Xingchen felt distressed when compared with the skinny ones.

Because Gu Xingchen was so handsome, he stood out in the crowd pushing a small crib, and he attracted attention as soon as he arrived. When he saw two babies lying in his crib, he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"Wow, two babies, are they twins?"

"Yes, twins!"

"Oh my God, twins, you are so lucky... Congratulations, by the way, are you their father?"


Gu Xingchen smiled and nodded, with a proud expression.

"Oh my god, he's already a father at such a young age, and they're twins. I'm so envious that I'm crying."

"Hahaha, that's right. Twins are so rare. It's a blessing to meet them."

"Little brother, you're so handsome. When your children grow up, they'll definitely be handsome men and beautiful women!"

Gu Xingchen's face was even happier when he heard people praising his children.

A sense of happiness came over him.

As they chatted, the parents started gossiping again.

"Hey, have you heard that there's another pair of twins in our hospital today? The mother is about to give birth, but the father is unwilling to sign, saying that she's not familiar with the children, and the children aren't hers... Hehe, she's still not familiar with them even after sending someone else to the hospital."

"I heard that the mother of the twins is so beautiful, like a fairy, and she's many times more beautiful than those stars. The father said he's not familiar with them. Do you think he's a scumbag?"

Gu Xingchen looked embarrassed because everyone was talking about him.

Fortunately, it was finally their turn.

The doctor who was checking saw the ID and raised his eyebrows, "Are you Gu Xingchen?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Congratulations, you have twin boys and girls, and you're the father of two children at such a young age. Keep going!" The doctor encouraged him with a smile.

The hospital is so small, and the doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department all know each other. If there are any interesting things in the hospital, they will spread quickly.

What's more, Lin Kewei is such a beautiful mother, and she gave birth to rare twin boys and girls. As the father who sent them here, he actually said that he was not familiar with the mother of the children and the children were not his.

He started to make excuses for signing, and then changed his words and happily admitted that he was the father of the children.

After this operation, he has become a celebrity in the entire obstetrics and gynecology department.

There are many items that need to be checked for newborn babies.

For example, the facial features, limbs, jaundice, etc. need to be checked.

Watching the babies being held in the hands of the doctor

Gu Xingchen felt so distressed after the constant tossing and turning.

She couldn't help but remind him, "Doctor, can you be gentler? The babies are just born and are very weak and haggard."

It's normal for a father to feel worried about his newborn child.

The doctor couldn't help but roll her eyes. This was the sentence she heard most often every day.

She gave him a look, indicating that Gu Xingchen should rest assured that she was a doctor who knew what was going on.

The two babies were tossed around for a while, but they didn't cry as Gu Xingchen imagined, they just hummed twice.

The other babies were crying, but her child just hummed twice, and Gu Xingchen couldn't help but worry again.

"Doctor, my baby doesn't cry. What's the situation?"

The doctor said while checking, "The baby is very healthy, there is no problem. Not every baby cries. You don't have to worry."

"Because they are twins, they look a little smaller than ordinary babies. They will grow slowly after feeding."

Hearing the doctor say this, Gu Xingchen's hanging heart finally fell.

After returning to the ward after the examination, Lin Kewei turned her head and asked impatiently, "What are the results of the babies' examinations?"

Gu Xingchen nodded and handed her the examination form, "The babies are very healthy, there is no big problem. How about you? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Because it was a caesarean section, even if the pain pump was used, it could not relieve all the pain. Everyone's physique is different.

Some people still feel very painful even if they use the pain pump.

That's why Gu Xingchen asked this question.

Lin Kewei pondered for a moment and said slowly, "It doesn't hurt much, but I feel a little uncomfortable with my bloated stomach."

At this time, the nurse came to check on them. After hearing their conversation, she explained, "You probably want to pass gas."

"By the way, if you are hungry now, you can't eat right away. You had a caesarean section, and you need to wait until you pass gas before you can eat."

Gu Xingchen nodded and remembered it silently in his heart.

Then he asked the nurse, "Where is the hospital cafeteria? Can we go there to pack food?"

"Yes, it's in the cafeteria building, but the price is a bit expensive. You can go there to pack food, or go out to buy it."

The nurse was a down-to-earth person. Seeing that the two of them were young, she was afraid that their financial conditions were limited, so she reminded them that they didn't have to go to the hospital cafeteria to buy food.

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