The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Lin Que, why do I feel like someone is watching us!"

Li Xingyun frowned. From the moment he stepped onto the island, he felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at them.

Lin Que pointed to a camera hidden on a huge tree: "Look, isn't that it!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Lin Que's finger and saw the camera. After careful observation, there were still many around.

He Runtu held a spear: "I'll destroy them."

Lin Que waved his hand: "They've all been discovered, why destroy them? Save your strength for the fight later!"

He found the camera when he landed on the island, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

He didn't expect to escape Caesar's eyes.

Raise the middle finger to the camera.

"Let's go!"

After saying that, Lin Que put his hands in his pockets and swaggered towards the Caesar base under the surveillance.

Monitoring room.

Cherry looked at the arrogant Lin Que and said coldly: "You kid, just be arrogant, I will make you kneel in front of me and cry later!"


Lin Que and his group were rushing on the road, and suddenly, a bullet whizzed in front of them.

"Be careful!"

Lin Que shouted, and the golden level body was released. He punched the flying bullet with a punch, and the huge force flattened the bullet and fell to the ground.

The next second.

One by one, the black muzzles of the guns came out and shot at them.

Shen Chuan's martial soul was released, A-level martial soul, water arrow turtle!

Soul power, level 61!

The blue soul power burst out and hammered the ground with a punch.

"Fourth soul skill, high-pressure water gun!"

The two heavy artillery behind the Wuhun Water Arrow Turtle accumulated soul power and sprayed out two streams of water, drowning all the incoming bullets.

Lin Que and others were not idle either, and they quickly took out their guns to fight.

Li Xingyun and Fu Qiu held the Barrett Destroyer, shooting through the air, and specifically firing at the machine gunner.


"Come and play with my artillery fire!"


Xiang Xiang carried the heavy artillery and fired soul power shells, not caring about the consumption of soul power at all.

Lao Miao held a black warrior in each hand and rushed forward under the artillery fire.


Lin Que drew his magic knife and shuttled between the rain of bullets. Every time he swung the knife, a head fell to the ground.

The blood flowed along the blade to the ground.

Shen Chuan was a little surprised to see Lin Que's decisive killing.

Li Xingyun and Fu Qiu are both descendants of generals. They have been influenced since childhood and must have fought more than once.

This is Lin Que's first time on the battlefield. Not only is he mentally sophisticated, but he is also very skillful.

He didn't understand why the superiors arranged Lin Que to command before, but now he understands it completely.

Lin Que holds the magic knife Qianren, and his blood-red soul power bursts out: "Blood mist!"

Instantly, a thick blood mist covers the whole scene and covers the surveillance of the camera.

When the blood mist dissipates, all the ambush troops sent by Caesar are killed!

Lin Que and others also disappear from the surveillance.

Cherry stood up from the chair suddenly: "What's going on? Where are they?"

He quickly checked the surveillance cameras everywhere, but still couldn't find any trace of Lin Que and others, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

"Damn it, find them for me!"

"The base is on high alert, don't let them sneak in!"

"Where's Thirteen? Find them for me quickly and get them out!"

The attendant on the side hurriedly executed, not daring to neglect at all.

At this time, everyone was sneaked into the blind spot of Caesar's base by Lin Que using the void wormhole.

Lin Que lay on the ground with sweat all over his head.

Leading so many people to move, his body reached the limit!

The soul power was exhausted!

At this time, a priest would give him a mouthful of milk.

Everyone looked at Xiangxiang and Fuqiu, and after comparing their sizes, they all locked on Xiangxiang.

God is fair, beauty and weight cannot coexist!

Xiangxiang crossed her arms: "Bah, cheap!"

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