The journey was a journey of a hundred kilometers, but it was a journey of a thousand kilometers.

"One hundred kilometers, don't forget it!"

Lin Que rode away on a shrimp, leaving Chen Yuanyuan with tears on her face.



I was beaten by a mantis shrimp.

It was so embarrassing!

After Lin Que got the first kill, he was not idle. After ten minutes of chasing, Lin Que caught most of the people.

Only Ma Xiaomei and Charlotte were left at large!

At this moment.

Ma Xiaomei hid in a wooden barrel, with the lid on her head, revealing two big eyes, and vigilantly observed the surroundings.

As long as she didn't go out, no one could hurt her.

Suddenly, a bald head popped out from the sky, looking at her with a sly smile.

"Hi, Ma Xiaomei!"

Ma Xiaomei looked at the bald head that suddenly appeared, and after being in a daze for three seconds, she silently retracted her head.

She stretched out her hand and closed the lid on her head.

Then, the barrel flipped over on the ground and rolled down the hillside.

Lin Que: ...

I give 99 points for this operation, what do you think, Yuan Fang!

"It's not that easy to escape!"

Lin Que released his soul power and chased after him with a void teleportation.

The next second!

The rolling barrel was held in Lin Que's hand, and Lin Que pierced three holes in the top of the lid.

Ma Xiaomei, who was tumbling and dazed, could be vaguely seen!

Not far away were rows of abandoned empty oil barrels!

Lin Que put his right hand into the hole of the barrel and looked directly at the empty oil barrels!

"Roll over, Ma Xiaomei!"


Lin Que threw the barrel with his right hand, hitting all the empty oil barrels, and Ma Xiaomei in the barrel was also knocked out!

Flying in the air!

Lin Que looked up at Ma Xiaomei who had turned into a cross star, and waved his hand: "Go early and come back early, remember the 100-kilometer armed cross-country!"

Now there is only one fugitive left, Charlotte!

Lin Que rode on the mantis shrimp and searched for more than ten minutes, but still could not find any trace of Charlotte.

"Strange, did this kid escape underground!"

Suddenly, the mantis shrimp poked Lin Que's shoulder and pointed in a direction.

Lin Que followed the mantis shrimp's gaze and saw three spiritual sunflowers in the jungle not far away.

After the spiritual energy revived, some plants were irrigated by the spiritual energy and mutated.

This spiritual sunflower is one of them, with a certain degree of aggressiveness, belonging to the E-level category!

Lin Que looked at the three spiritual sunflowers and frowned.

The appearance of the spiritual sunflower is not much different from that of ordinary sunflowers. The only difference is that the pistil of the spiritual sunflower is a baby face!

Among the three sunflowers, the face of the middle one is slightly rounder.

A closer look shows that it is a person disguised as a spiritual sunflower, with his head buried in the soil and his butt turned into a baby face, sticking up high.

Lin Que's face turned black. This Charlotte is really a talent.

She can even do it to her own butt!

No wonder I couldn't find it for a long time. It turned out that she was hiding here with me!

Lin Que used the void teleportation to quietly approach the spiritual sunflower dressed up by Charlotte!

"You like to pretend to be a sunflower, so I will fulfill your wish!"

Lin Que took out an enhanced version of the sky rocket and a bottle of chili oil from the system space!

Pour the chili oil all over the sky rocket, and then let out a hehe laugh.

Tremble, little sunflower!

Lock the target!

Ignite and fire the cannon!

The next moment!

With a whoosh, the cannon in Lin Que's hand flew out and headed for the center of the spiritual sunflower played by Charlotte.




Instantly, Charlotte, who had her head buried in the soil, screamed, pulled her head out of the soil, covered her butt that was blown into eight pieces, and jumped up and down!

"Spicy, spicy, I fuck..."

Lin Que grinned.

Abnormally spicy, how could it not be spicy?

Look, the children are so spicy that they start singing nursery rhymes.

Charlotte turned around and looked at Lin Que who was laughing on the side, and found the chili oil in Lin Que's hand, and instantly understood!

"I fuck."

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