The baby was born in a big way, and the baby was born in a big way.

Rocket Head agreed with both hands, "This is a great idea, I'll do it right away!"

Gu Xingchen also went to the baby store to buy a lot of things for the babies this time.

What excited him most was the baby gym he bought for Little Candy and Little Glutinous Rice!

The gym needs to be assembled by yourself after it comes back.

Lin Kewei took out all the parts for disinfection, and only let the babies use them after cleaning them carefully.

The baby gym is suitable for babies under 1 year old.

The baby gym is different from the adult gym, and it has many cute functions.

There are cute toys hanging in front.

There is a cute foot-operated piano plate in the shape of animals. As long as the babies step on it, it will make beautiful music.

Not only that.

Flip the other side of the piano board over and it will become a tabletop play board.

Babies can reach out and play.

In addition, the babies are lying on a Polyester baby-grade cushion.

Soft and comfortable, it protects the delicate skin of babies.

At the same time...

It is washable, soft and breathable, and can be detached and used alone, which is extremely convenient.

Not only that, there is a high-elastic bracket above the cushion, on which the hanging toys that babies like are hung, including crisp rattles.

The edges of the toys are made of soft teether and will not hurt the baby.

There are many matching toys.

There are rattles, wind chimes, and small arched toys.

In addition to the toys on the play board, the bracket can also be hung.

In this way, babies can see the toys when they lie on the cushion and reach out to grab them.

Now twins are interested in close-up sounds and objects.

Usually, they will reach out and try to grab the toys in front of them, kick their legs, and dance their hands to express their emotions.

With this baby fitness rack, it comes in handy when babies keep crying and have nowhere to vent their energy.

It can distract their attention and soothe the baby's emotions.

Of course, many toys can be hung on the high-elastic bracket for babies to choose from.

But the babies are still young, so it is not suitable to hang too many toys, which will dazzle them!

And if there are too many toys hanging, the bracket will be above the baby's body, which will give them a feeling of depression!

Thus affecting the baby's physical and mental health.

Now, whether it is the things used by babies or toys, Gu Xingchen will carefully select them before deciding which one to buy.

The material workmanship will make him feel at ease before buying it back for the babies.

The matching toys have small gaps in the splicing, so that the babies will not get their little fingers stuck when playing.

In the children's market, there are many toys with rough workmanship, and the rough edges on them can be seen.

And some toys have large gaps, and babies can easily hurt themselves when they play.

Babies' skin is so delicate. If they get hurt, it's no joke!

Parents should pay attention to their babies!

Lin Kewei put the babies on the cushion and tied a crisp rattle on the stand.

She shook the rattle with her hand, making a crisp sound.

Sure enough... Little Candy and Little Nuomi were immediately attracted by the sound.

Blinking their big grape-like eyes, they stared at the toys in their mother's hands.

Lin Ke smiled and said, "How about it, do the babies like it?"

Then he took out two rattles from the side and handed them to his son and daughter.

Little Candy, a dry rice eater, is strong. He can hold the rattle firmly in his hand when he is less than two months old.

The little guy moved his hand slightly, and the rattle made a crisp sound, and little Candy's big eyes flashed with doubt.

One hand shook again, and it rang again.

Little Candy was even more excited now, and his little PP was bouncing, and his face was full of happiness!

Little Nuomi was holding a toy next to him, but he obviously couldn't hold it as firmly as his sister.

It fell in less than three seconds.

Lin Kewei picked it up and teased him with a smile, "Here, little Nuomi, mommy will give it to you, keep playing."

The little guys are still young, less than two months old.

Even the strong little Candy would get tired after holding it for a short time.

When Lin Kewei found that the babies were tired, she pressed the pedal to tease them.

In addition to producing different tones, each key also has different colors of light on it.

Lin Kewei found that little Candy and little Nuomi seemed to be particularly interested in red and pink.

In order to verify her idea, Lin Kewei pressed the pedal a few more times to test it.

Sure enough, the twins preferred red and pink.


Kewei excitedly shared this discovery with her husband and demonstrated it to him in person.

"How is it, isn't it?"


Gu Xingchen found it strange that his son and daughter were more interested in bright colors.

It was time for dinner.

The couple put the siblings on the fitness rack next to them and amused the twins while eating.

Suddenly, Xiao Nuomi's expression was wrong.

His little face wrinkled like a bun, and his expression looked very uncomfortable.

The couple knew that he had pooped!

Uh... Judging from his expression, Xiaobao should not have finished pooping, so he continued to eat and cleaned up for him after he finished.

Finally, Xiao Nuomi's expression recovered, but he soon cried because he felt uncomfortable with the poop on his butt.

"Wife, you continue to eat, I'll clean up for Xiaobao."

Lin Kewei shook her head, put down her chopsticks and came to help her husband, and the couple cleaned up Xiao Nuomi's butt together.

As soon as Gu Xingchen untied the diaper, the little guy kicked his legs randomly, making it more difficult to wipe his butt.

"Hubby, I'll go get some water."

After changing the diaper and washing his butt, the little guy soon stopped making noises.

After wiping Xiao Nuomi's butt, he sprinkled talcum powder on him and was about to get close to wrap the diaper.

Xiao Nuomi peed.

Gu Xingchen dodged quickly, otherwise he would have peed on his face.

Even so, he accidentally got some on his arm.

"Oh, luckily Daddy dodged quickly."

Lin Kewei couldn't help laughing and scratched his little nose, "Xiao Nuomi, you are so naughty, you almost peed on Daddy."

Xiao Nuomi is very well-behaved. Except for the fact that his little feet kicked on Daddy's nose, he is still a quiet and handsome man.

Gu Xingchen teased him, "Why, you peed right after you pooped, you almost peed daddy in the face, little rascal."

Little Nuomi was very happy when his father called him a little rascal.

He was so small that he didn't know what a little rascal meant.

After cleaning up, he put his son back on the cushion of the fitness rack, and the little guy would reach out to grab something.

If he couldn't grab it, Gu Xingchen would lower the height of the rack.

When Little Nuomi grabbed the toy he wanted, he would laugh. Gu Xingchen made a face at him, and he giggled even more happily.

The couple was relieved that the little guy was having fun.

Go back to the table and continue eating.

Lin Kewei looked at her daughter, "Little Candy, when are you going to poop?"

Usually, the twins sleep and poop at the same time.

Little Candy didn't respond to her mother, she was only interested in the rattle in her hand.

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