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Shen Yuerong just wanted to hug her, but the twins didn't give her any face at all!

They have no idea what grandma is!

Little Nuomi is afraid of strangers, and when he sees a strange aunt, he wants to hug him.

The little guy immediately started crying at the top of his lungs!

Next to me, Little Candy found it funny.

As if joining in the fun, Aoao cried with his brother.

Then the more I cried, the better I got, and my voice got louder and louder!

Shen Yuerong couldn't fix it.

Why are you crying when everything is fine?

Could it be that I look too fierce?

Shen Yuerong couldn't help but become suspicious.

"Hey, why are you crying? Darlings, I am grandma and I will not hurt you."

Seeing the reaction of his son and daughter, Lin Kewei quickly stepped forward to comfort her.

Then he explained to his mother with a smile.

"Mom, the babies are still young and have just woken up. They are not familiar with you so they cry. When they are familiar with you, they will be held by you."

"When Amei hugged them for the first time, they were in the same situation as you are now."

Shen Yuerong nodded and smiled.

Li Mei hugged her for the first time, but the little guy didn’t give it.

Hearing what her daughter said, Shen Yuerong felt a little better.

It's just that his face is full of pity.

She really wants to get close to two little breast dumplings!

"The babies are crying, right? Daddy is here..."

Hearing the cries of the little cuties, Gu Xingchen came to the crib and said with a gentle smile.

"Oh, it's great that little Candy has the strength to cry."

"Come, daddy, give me a hug."

Gu Xingchen hugged Dabao, who was crying vigorously, while Lin Kewei picked up Xiaobao.

The two little guys came into the familiar embrace, blinking at their father and then at their mother with grape-like eyes.

Suddenly, the crying gradually stopped.

Shen Yuerong was so envious. With support, the two little babies stopped crying and making trouble.

Shen Yuerong observed secretly.

I found that Gu Xingchen's eyes were really gentle when he looked at the baby.

She had seen that look before.

When Lin Kewei was first born, his husband looked at his daughter with such eyes.

His eyes are full of pampering and love.

It can be seen that Gu Xingchen really likes the babies and is a gentle man.

"Hey, little glutinous rice is hungry, isn't it? Come and eat grandma."

As soon as Lin Kewei untied his clothes, Xiao Nuomi smelled the smell of milk, turned his head, stretched out his little hand to hold the rations, and started to eat it.

Next to him, Little Candy, the foodie, also smelled the smell of rations.

He turned to look at his mother with his mouth open and a look of longing on his face.

Seeing the eager look on his daughter's face, Lin Ke pursed his lips and smiled, "Hubby, bring the little candy over here and eat it!"

Gu Xingchen hugged Dabao with a warm smile. As soon as he got close to the rations, the little guy started eating.

Much faster than my brother!

Like a little piglet!

You can tell from one look that he is a hardworking person!

Shen Yuerong looked at the warm scene of a family of four with a happy smile.

Compared to his sister, Xiaobao eats much slower!

And the little guy seemed to know that a stranger had come to the house. He turned to look at Shen Yuerong from time to time.

After observing it, he turned around and continued eating while holding his rations.

I enjoy it endlessly, as if I am playing some game.

Lin Kewei touched his face and introduced him.

"Oh, Xiaobao is looking at grandma, right? That's grandma, mom's mom. Please don't cry when grandma hugs you from now on, okay?"

"Grandma loves babies. Grandma loves babies the most."

Little Candy stopped and smiled at her mother, then turned to look at Shen Yuerong.

While Lin Kewei was breastfeeding the baby, he carefully observed his mother's attitude towards Gu Xingchen.

After observation, I found that my mother seemed to have a pretty good impression of her husband.

This made Lin Kewei secretly happy.

The two little guys were full and finished burping them.

Gu Xingchen put the siblings in the stroller and placed them next to the dining table.

Then he said to Lin Kewei and Shen Yuerong, "Wife, Mom, wash your hands and eat."

The food doesn't taste good when it's cold.

Lin Kewei was hungry for a long time. He held the bowl and started eating happily while teasing the baby.

Lin Ke smiled and said, "Mom, the food cooked by Xingchen is delicious, please try it!"

Shen Yuerong hummed. She had already smelled the aroma of the food.

So he started to eat slowly, with indescribable grace in his movements.

Like Li Mei, she has a physique that makes her gain weight even if she drinks water.

In order to keep in shape, she also and Li Mei

You can't eat whatever you want.

Shen Yuerong envied her daughter from the bottom of her heart that she could be a happy foodie.

As she grows older, Shen Yuerong pays more and more attention to her body shape and is very particular about what she eats.

Take a bite of Gu Xingchen's cooking.

Well, it tastes very good!

Lin Kewei watched her words and knew from her mother's expression that she thought it was delicious, so she couldn't hide her pride and asked, "Mom, how is it? Is it delicious?"

Shen Yuerong originally wanted to say it was delicious.

Seeing her daughter's proud look on her face, she changed her mind and said, "It's okay, but the taste is just so-so."

Lin Ke smiled and heard that she didn't mean what she said, "It's okay, but the taste is okay. Come on...Mom, this is the steamed pork ribs made specially for you by Xingchen. In addition to the pork ribs, the soup is also delicious. Come and have a bowl. …”

Shen Yuerong said she didn't want to eat it, but her body was very honest.

It tastes good and tasty, and the soup is also very delicious.

After the meal, Shen Yuerong had eaten the most in so many years.

After eating, while Gu Xingchen was washing the dishes, Shen Yuerong came over and teased the baby while complaining about her daughter, "It's not like you don't know that mom loses weight all year round to stay in shape."

Lin Ke pursed his lips and smiled, "The food cooked by Xingchen is delicious. I want you to eat more. Mom, I am doing this for your own good!"

Shen Yuerong sighed and could only wait until he went back to slowly reduce the amount.

Looking at the two cute babies carved in pink and jade in the stroller, Shen Yuerong became more and more fond of them.

At this time, her eyes were fixed on Dabao.

The little guy looked at her curiously.

"Kewei, little Candy looks just like you when you were a child, both are so cute!"

At this time, Gu Xingchen came over and was surprised, "Mom, do you think you looked like Little Candy when you were little?"

To be honest, Gu Xingchen was very curious about what his wife looked like when she was a child.

"Yes, it looks great. I still have photos from when I was little in my phone. I often take them out to look at when I have free time. I'll find them out and show them to you..."

After saying that, Shen Yuerong opened the photo album and found the photos taken by Lin Ke when he was little.

More than twenty years ago, although smartphones were not yet popular.

However, their family conditions are good, so taking pictures is not a problem.

Shen Yuerong saved many photos of Lin Ke when he was little.

Gu Xingchen came over to take a look.

Sure enough, Lin Ke looked similar to Little Candy when he was little!

Waxy and soft, she has been so cute since she was a child and becomes more and more beautiful as she grows older!

"Little Candy looks very much like her mother. She will definitely be as beautiful as her mother when she grows up!"

ps: Finally it’s 7.0 points, thank you guys, I’m so touched~~

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