The mother picked up a piece of clothing and introduced it.

"This dress looks very beautiful, but when my eldest child wore it before, because the little guy was lively and active, his chin rubbed it, and this fabric was not friendly to the baby's skin. At that time, my eldest child had a rash."

The couple benefited a lot from these words.

The young mother smiled, "These are my personal opinions, and they may not be suitable for every baby. It depends on you what to buy."

"If you come across clothes with beautiful styles and good fabrics, buy them. We take care of children, and our experience is slowly gained."

Lin Kewei said gratefully, "Sister, thank you, you are such a kind-hearted person."

"If you hadn't told us this, we wouldn't know how to buy clothes for our baby in the future."

The young mother smiled, "You're welcome. It's not easy for parents to take care of children. Everyone helps each other. Don't take it to heart."

After the woman finished choosing clothes, she pushed the stroller and held her son's hand to check out.

Lin Kewei looked at their backs as they left, took a deep breath and said to Gu Xingchen, "Honey, it turns out that buying clothes for babies is not that simple."

Gu Xingchen smiled, "Yes, there are still such issues that need to be paid attention to, but it's okay, we just learned a lot of experience, step by step, try to choose clothes that the babies feel comfortable."

Lin Kewei nodded and smiled, "Okay, let's all buy pure cotton. The sister just recommended this fabric. I touched it and it's so soft."

Lin Kewei bought three sets of clothes for the babies who are more than two months old, those who are older than five or six months old, and autumn and winter clothes.

The two went to the children's clothing store and bought a lot. They happily took the babies back with the clothes.

Back home.

Gu Xingchen sorted the clothes for the babies and put them in the washing machine to wash.

After washing and drying, they can be worn tomorrow.

Gu Xingchen was washing clothes on this side, and Lin Kewei was feeding Little Candy and Little Nuomi on the other side.

Seeing his wife's expression was not right, Gu Xingchen came over and asked, "Wife, what's wrong?"

Lin Kewei frowned, "Husband, little Candy is getting stronger and stronger, and she is also stronger when feeding. Now I am afraid every time I feed her."

"I didn't feel this way before, but now it really hurts more and more."

Gu Xingchen came over and hugged her to comfort her, "Thank you for your hard work, my wife."

Although it hurts.

But looking at these two cute little guys, it will be easy for them to wean in a few months.

After the babies fell asleep, the couple went to the balcony to dry their clothes.

Lin Kewei likes this feeling very much. Doing ordinary little things with her husband is very warm and happy.

After finishing the work, the couple went to bed together.

Now Gu Xingchen turned on the air conditioner in the room for a while, and turned it off when it was almost time.

The babies are wearing cute clothes and look cute when they are sleeping.

Lin Kewei yawned, "Husband, come and sleep with me. Also, we agreed to go out to eat tonight."

Gu Xingchen lay on the bed and naturally stretched out his arm, "Okay, I won't cook tonight, okay, let's go out to eat together, go to a restaurant."

Lin Kewei rested her head on her husband's arm and hummed. She thought that if she went out to eat occasionally, her husband wouldn't be so busy.

"Ding Dong, buy clothes for the babies, and reward 8,000 yuan in cash."

Gu Xingchen had just closed his eyes when the system sounded.

I don't know how long I slept, but there was a crackling sound of raindrops hitting the glass outside the window.

The sound woke up the sleeping Lin Kewei.

"Husband, it's raining outside. Will the temperature drop? Have the babies covered themselves with quilts?"

However, Lin Kewei didn't find Gu Xingchen around her as soon as she finished speaking.

Turning her head, it turned out that her husband had bent over to tidy up the quilts for the babies next to the crib.

Gu Xingchen turned his head and whispered, "Don't worry, honey. I've closed the doors and windows. I've also checked the weather forecast. The temperature hasn't dropped much. The babies will be fine if they cover themselves with a small blanket..."

Lin Kewei breathed a sigh of relief. "I was shocked when I woke up and didn't see you. I felt empty inside. Just cover the babies with a blanket. Thank you for your hard work, husband."

No matter how hot the weather in Yangcheng is, as long as it rains, the temperature will drop more or less. The temperature difference is so small that it is easy to be affected by a negligence.


Although the doctor said that the babies have their own resistance in the first six months, Gu Xingchen felt that he should not take it lightly.

After about an hour, the rain outside gradually stopped.

The couple's hanging hearts finally fell.

Gu Xingchen said to Lin Kewei in a gentle voice, "Wife, you continue to sleep, I will go to see the babies."

Lin Kewei nodded, "Well, go, husband, you've worked hard."

She knew that Gu Xingchen was worried that the little ones would kick the quilt when they fell asleep, so he stayed by their side.

Gu Xingchen was watching the baby in the crib, and Lin Kewei felt empty around her and was not used to it.

She was used to her husband being around, and it would be difficult for her to sleep if he was gone one day.

Gu Xingchen noticed his wife's strangeness and went back to bed. "Wife, you have already covered the quilts for Little Candy and Little Glutinous Rice. I will go over to see them after you fall asleep."

He continued to stretch out his arm for Lin Kewei to rest his head on, "Go to sleep, wife. After you wake up and feed the babies, we will go out to eat."

Lin Kewei hummed, feeling the tenderness of her husband, her heart was warm, and she soon fell asleep with her head on his arm.

The weather after the rain was very suitable for sleeping, and Lin Kewei slept soundly.

When I came to the two little guys, they also slept soundly.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the babies are already three months old!

They have become more and more fragrant and soft little babies!

That day, Little Glutinous Rice just woke up and hummed for her mother to hug her.

As time goes by.

The babies are getting smarter and smarter!

Little Candy woke up later than her brother. When she opened her eyes, Lin Kewei had already fed Little Nuomi and was ready to go to school.

"Honey, Little Candy seems not as energetic as before when feeding today."

Gu Xingchen came over to see that the little guy was indeed not as energetic as usual, "Maybe she just woke up."

Lin Kewei thought for a while, "It's possible."

Usually, Little Candy eats very seriously, but today she is obviously not in the right state. She eats not as fast as before, but slowly. After eating for a while, she just turned her mouth and stopped eating.

After eating, Little Candy played with toys on the bed by herself. Little Nuomi was very happy to swing the bell in her hand.

Gu Xingchen quietly walked to the door of the room, blocking the view outside. Lin Kewei took this opportunity to change shoes and go out with a handbag.

Hearing footsteps outside, Little Nuomi immediately turned around to look for her mother.

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