After watching the video, Lin Kewei couldn't help laughing.

Xiaobao is so cute!

She picked up her phone and replied to her husband: I'm going home!

Gu Xingchen: OK.

When the door opened, Xiao Nuomi saw her mother.

The little face looked at the "Mom" in the tablet with doubt, and then looked at the mother who appeared in front of her.

Then he looked at her in shock.

Lin Kewei smiled, "Oh, Mom is here, why can't Xiao Nuomi tell which one is the mother?"

Xiao Nuomi's shocked expression made Lin Kewei laugh to death.

Oh, how can there be such a cute and silly baby.

Although silly, he is so cute!

Gu Xingchen touched his son's head, "Hey... You've been looking for your mother all day. Now that she's back, why don't you say hello?"

Little Nuomi saw his mother's smile and heard her voice.

He realized that this was his real mother and immediately stretched out his hands for a hug.

Lin Ke smiled brightly and picked up her son.

The little guy arched his back in his mother's arms, indicating that he wanted to eat.

Lin Ke smiled and asked, "Why are you in the children's room? Where's Dabao?"

Gu Xingchen replied, "Little Tangguo is sleeping. I don't know what happened today. She didn't eat properly and kept crying."

"She was tired from crying just now and has fallen asleep now. I always feel that she is uncomfortable, but I checked her temperature and everything is normal, and there is nothing else abnormal on her body."

"When she wakes up, check her again to see if there is anything abnormal."

"If she still feels uncomfortable, take her to the hospital."

Lin Kewei said, "Do you want to call Dr. Pei?"

Gu Xingchen replied, "Wait until the baby wakes up and observe the situation before deciding."

If Little Tangguo wakes up and there is nothing abnormal, then there is no need to ask.

If she still feels uncomfortable, call Dr. Pei first.

This is very strange.

In addition to eating milk, the babies have not eaten complementary food.

Logically, there will be no problem with her stomach, and she didn't catch a cold at night.

But why is Dabao's behavior different from usual?

Still crying...

Lin Kewei nodded and said "hmm", then turned her eyes to Xiao Nuomi in her arms.

"Look, my husband, Xiaobao's expression on your face is not right, he looks disgusted, does he know that you just used the video on the tablet to trick him?"

"Really... Wife, I seem to be really disliked by my son."

Xiao Nuomi took a few bites of the food and turned to look at his father.

Seeing his father looking over, he turned back to eat the food.

Lin Kewei kissed Xiao Nuomi, "Haha, what's your expression, little fool, are you dislike your father?"

Xiao Nuomi didn't know what "little fool" meant, but he could feel his mother's happiness, so he laughed happily.

This cute little look made Lin Kewei laugh, "Little fool... Mom said you are a little fool, but you are still laughing, still laughing... Are you stupid?"

Xiao Nuomi laughed even happier this time, and stopped eating milk, and smiled at his mother.

Lin Kewei gently pushed her son's head, "Come, drink milk properly, okay? Let's stop playing, drink milk first..."

Little Nuomi took a few bites and then turned his head to smile at his mother.

"Yeah, mom knows that the little baby is happy, eat quickly."

Lin Kewei felt helpless after all this, the little guy was still eating and playing.

Gu Xingchen next to him enviously said, "Wife, I think Xiao Nuomi not only dislikes me now, but also is partial to me."

"When you are not at home, he always wants to find you, and I can't coax him no matter how hard I try."

"His attitude towards me is obviously different from yours."

Looking at Xiao Nuomi, he said, "Xiao Nuomi rarely smiles so happily at me. Could it be that I don't have enough food to give him?"

"But I often feed him milk powder."

Lin Ke smiled, "Most babies prefer their mothers a little. This seems to be a normal phenomenon. Xiao Nuomi is only three months old. It is the time for him to rely on his mother. As a father, you should not care about the baby."

Gu Xingchen pitifully said, "My pain, you don't understand it, so you naturally won't understand it."

After being together for so long, Lin Kewei still has a certain understanding of her husband's personality.

He suddenly said these words, and there must be other intentions.

"Hubby, what do you want to say?"

Gu Xingchen smiled, "I think it's okay for Xiao Nuomi to favor you, as long as my wife always loves me."

Looking at her husband's smile and his expression.

Lin Kewei knew what he was thinking.

She blushed and pretended not to hear the hidden meaning of her husband's words.

"Honey, what are we having for lunch? I'm hungry now because I need to feed the baby."

Having been busy taking care of the two babies all morning, Gu Xingchen had no time to prepare the ingredients for lunch.

"What do you want to eat, honey?"

Lin Kewei glanced at the time and thought for a while and said, "Well, just eat anything. Honey... clear soup noodles, okay?"

Gu Xingchen walked to the kitchen, "It just so happens that we have two free-range eggs at home. I fried them."

Lin Kewei has been eating light food since she was pregnant.

Occasionally, she wants to eat something spicy, and Gu Xingchen will satisfy her, but she doesn't put too much.

For example, in clear soup noodles, Gu Xingchen will add a little chili oil to make it taste better.

Lin Kewei was not a person who liked to eat clear soup noodles before, but Gu Xingchen's cooking was different.

He tried to make this dish for her, but failed every time.

Lin Kewei secretly decided to eat the clear soup noodles made by her husband a few more times now, remember the taste firmly, and try to make it again when she has the chance.

After Xiao Nuomi was full, he played in the activity area by himself.

Lin Kewei settled him down and went back to the master bedroom to see how her daughter slept.

As soon as she opened the door, Xiao Tangguo woke up.

Seeing that she looked very energetic, Lin Kewei was happy and immediately told Gu Xingchen the news.

Gu Xingchen was relieved when he heard it, "That's good, Dabao is fine, the big stone in my heart has finally fallen..."

Lin Kewei ate the clear soup noodles while feeding Xiao Tangguo.

The little guy ate very hard, and she was in so much pain that she could hardly eat.

"Honey, it really hurts. Dabao seems to be biting me."

"Do you think Little Candy has teeth?"

"No way. Dabao is only three months old. She won't grow teeth so soon..."

Lin Kewei frowned in pain, "I know, but it really hurts."

From finishing her feeding to playing with Little Bao at home in the afternoon, Dabao was in good spirits.

But at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, when Lin Kewei fed her again, the little guy started crying again out of character.

This time, the crying was even more fierce than during the day.

"Little Candy, what's wrong with you?"

"Honey, husband, come and see, Dabao, Dabao is crying again!"

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