I'm starting a mysterious resurgence in Marvel

Chapter 234 The Source of Disaster


After seeing the changes in Lilith, Fregra, who originally wanted to stop Aylin, stopped abruptly, and even the outstretched right hand was taken back by him.

Looking at her daughter's long-lost brows that stretched out in her sleep, Fregra forcibly resisted the urge to interrupt Aylin.

That way, it was as if he was afraid of disturbing Aylin.

Although Fregra didn't know what the white ball of light that Aylin created just now was, he saw that after absorbing the white light, Lilith's complexion improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This remarkable effect was something Fregra had never seen before.

Coupled with the mysterious white light just now, Fregra seemed to see the first glimmer of hope in a long time.

In the past few years, Fregra, who has traveled to the world's top hospitals but still has no hope of curing Lilith, has long been disappointed with modern medical technology.

It was precisely because of this that he looked so pessimistic when he opened the door to Aylin before.

But the magical white light group that Aylin pointed out just now pointed him in another direction.

If current medical technology cannot save his daughter, then can the legendary mysterious figure with extraordinary abilities and various means be able to save his daughter?

It was precisely because of thinking of this that Fregra forcibly suppressed his anxiety and uneasiness and allowed Aylin to stand on Lilith's bedside and do what he wanted.

But unlike Freguera, who saw hope.

When the primary holy light healing energy is exhausted.

Aylin looked at Lilith's body and frowned slightly.


He discovered that the problem in Lilith's body was more serious than he imagined.

Although the primary holy light treatment healed part of the damage to Lilith's body and expelled part of the disaster energy that had eroded into her body, it was only temporary.

After the healing energy of the Holy Light dissipates.

The strands of misfortune that entangled outside Lilith's body began to touch Lilith's body again, slowly but surely eroding Lilith's body.

At this rate of erosion.

It may be two or three days, or it may be three or four days, that Lilith, who has just been slightly cured by Aylin, will return to her appearance before she was cured by the primary holy light treatment.


If the aura of disaster that lingers around Lilith is not resolved, I am afraid that even Aelin can completely heal Lilith's body and spirit.

One day, Lilith will still become what she is now.

On the side, Fregra, who had finally raised his hopes, felt his heart skip a beat when he saw Aylin frown slightly.

I endured it for a long time.

Fregra finally couldn't help but asked: "Can you cure Lilith?"

After hearing this, Aylin glanced at the worried Fregra and said, "Lilith's situation is more complicated than I expected. The reason why she became like this is not just due to physical reasons..." ···”

"I can cure her physical problems, but if I can't solve the root cause of why she is like this, I'm afraid even if I cure her physical problems, she will be like this again in a few years."

Aelin finished.

Having just seen Ailin's face, Fregra's eyes suddenly dimmed as he had already expected it.

But after a few seconds.

A sincere smile broke out on Fregra's face again.

He walked to Lilith's bedside, gently stroked Lilith's dry and messy hair, and said to Aylin: "No matter what, even if Lilith's body can only be restored to health, she can live for a few more years." , it will be better than now.”

In fact.

Not long ago.

Lilith's attending physician has already issued a critical illness notice to Lilith.

Under the torture of the disease for many years, Lilith's body had long been exhausted.

The reason why Lilith is still lying on the hospital bed is entirely because Freguera uses expensive medicine every day to maintain Lilith's life regardless of the cost.

But even so.

Lilith couldn't hold on any longer.

Fregra was about to despair, but unexpectedly he saw new hope today.

Thinking of this, Fregra said to Aylin: "If you can really cure Lilith's body and let her live a few more years, I promise to go to the Miracle Group you founded and try my best to help develop it."

"However, if I join your company, you must give me a considerable salary, so that my monthly income cannot be less than 300,000 US dollars. In the past two years, Lilith's monthly medical expenses have been more than It will be lower than this amount. For the sake of my daughter’s future medical security, this cannot be less. Of course, I will prove that I am worthy of this salary.”

Looking at Fregra in front of him, a trace of seriousness flashed in his eyes.

Aylin smiled and said: "Don't underestimate the Miracle Group I founded. The salary of the CEO of Miracle Group is one million US dollars a month, and this is just the basic salary. If you are as capable as Aunt Pepper, If you say so well and satisfy me, then I guarantee that the bonus you will receive every month will be several times your basic salary, and this is only your initial salary.”

"As for Lilith..."

Having said this, Aylin looked at the little girl on the hospital bed who was haunted by bad luck.

After pondering for a while, he finally said: "Although New York has never lacked excellent doctors, with Lilith's condition, if she continues to stay in the hospital, it will only be a waste of time."

"If you really make a decision, you can rent a house near my house. Every night, you can take Lilith to my house and receive a treatment. The effect is at least guaranteed to be better than coming to the hospital."


Aylin took out a pen and paper from his jacket pocket.

After writing a few strokes on the paper, Aylin tore off a page from the notebook and handed it to Fregra.

"This has my contact number and address. When the time comes, you can come to me after you make your decision."


Just after Fregra took the note handed over by Aylin.

There was a scream from the hospital bed between them.

Immediately afterwards.

The haggard little girl on the hospital bed faintly woke up.

After hearing that cry.

Fregra immediately turned his attention to his daughter and approached her with concern.

From these daily actions, Aylin could see how much Fregra cared about his daughter.


After opening his eyes drowsily.

Lilith immediately saw Fregra's slightly haggard face.

After seeing Fregra, Lilith raised her skinny little hand with difficulty and gently twisted Fregra's nose.

"Dad, you lied to me again. You said you would sleep with me. You haven't slept well for a long time. I just listened to you and had a good sleep. Next, Dad, you must also be obedient and have a good sleep." Sleep."

"Okay, okay, dad will have a good sleep later."

After kissing Lilith's forehead, Fregra asked with concern: "Lilith, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"No, I feel much better after a good sleep. Look, Dad, I have the strength to pull your beard."

Lilith said with a smile and reached out to gently tug Fregra's unruly beard.

Aylin could tell that this was an act of intimacy between the father and daughter.

Lilith seemed to do this not to worry Fregra, but also to prove to him that she was really much better.


When Lilith stretched out her hand to pull Fregra's beard.

But Aylin could "see" Lilith's slightly trembling arms under her sleeves when she exerted slight force, as well as the pain hidden deep in her eyes.

Obviously, even if it is just a gentle tug on the beard, it is not that easy for Lilith.

Although this trace of pain was well hidden by Lilith.

Ordinary people wouldn't notice anything wrong even if they stared at Lilith.

But he was still discovered by Aylin, who had a psychic force field and was extremely sensitive to controlling emotions.

Even under spiritual vision.

Aylin could see that at this moment, Fregra's body trembled slightly, and there was a hint of distressed emotion.


Like Lilith, he also used his smile to hide his heartache.


Looking at the father and daughter who didn't want each other to worry, Aylin sighed slightly in his heart.

If it weren't for the aura of disaster lingering around Lilith.

This father and daughter will definitely live a very happy life!

Seeing Lilith's sensible and heart-wrenching look, Aylin's mood was also touched.

After the father and daughter treated each other with care and concern, Aylin deliberately coughed a few times.


After hearing the coughing sound coming from the room, Lilith tilted her head strangely.

Soon, she saw this extra big brother in her ward.

After looking at Aylin with some curiosity, Lilith said timidly: "Brother, are you sick? If you are sick, you must see a doctor early. If you continue to be sick, it will be very uncomfortable. "

"Brother is not sick. I just coughed on purpose just because I was embarrassed to disturb you two!"

Looking at Lilith who still persuaded her to see a doctor even though she was extremely weak, Aylin shook his head and explained.


After listening to Ai Lin's words, I knew that this big brother was not sick and was coughing on purpose.

Lilith first breathed a sigh of relief for her elder brother's body, but then she nuzzled into Fregra's arms shyly.

Look at the faint blush on Lilith's pale face.

Aylin smiled, then walked to Lilith and asked:

"Lilith, big brother, can I ask you a few questions?"

A few questions, does he want to find out the reason why Lilith became like this?

Recalling Aylin's first words after meeting Lilith, Fregra seemed to have thought of something, and then gave Lilith an encouraging look.

Lilith had already hid in Fregra's arms. After seeing her father's encouraging eyes, Lilith said to Aylin slightly nervously:

"Big brother, just ask!"

"So good."

After saying this, Aylin reached out his hand and gently stroked Lilith's head.

Aylin's hands seemed to have magic power.

When his palm touched her, Lilith, who was a little nervous because she hadn't been in contact with strangers for so long, suddenly felt less nervous.

After Lilith calmed down.

Aylin then asked: "Lilith, when you were a child, did strange things or particularly unlucky things often happen around you?"

After Aylin finished speaking, before Lilith could answer, Fregra, who was holding her daughter, said.

"I can answer this question for Lilith. Strange things or unlucky things did often happen around Lilith when she was a child, but it was just other people who were unlucky about those things. But there is a reason for everything... ··”

After caressing Lilith's head, Fregra continued:

"When Lilith's mother was pregnant, we moved from California to New York because of a job change. Because we were in a hurry at the time, and Lilith's mother was pregnant, we didn't see too much, and we did it that day. I rented a house near the company where I work.”

"Not long after we moved in, we heard from neighbors that the house we lived in was rumored to be haunted. But her mother and I are both atheists, so we didn't pay too much attention to those rumors."

"But we soon regretted it. Not long after we moved in, some strange things happened around us. Even our luck got worse. We often encountered some unlucky things. Once, Lilith's mother almost miscarried due to an accident. ”

"Because of that incident, we moved out of the house, and I even beat up the agent who rented the house to me."

"Oddly enough, our luck did get a lot better after we moved out of that house, and we were lucky for a while."

"Originally we thought things were over here, but when Lilith was born, we discovered that some things were not over yet."

"After Lilith was born, some dangerous things, or disasters, often happened around her. Although she always miraculously survived those disasters every time, we were still often frightened by it. But fortunately, those The intervals between disasters become longer and longer.”

"After Lilith's mother died, except for the sudden appearance of this strange disease in her body, there were no dangerous disasters around Lilith."

"Wait a minute, is Lilith's strange disease also due to that reason?"

"Damn it, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have rented that damn house in the first place."

At the end of the sentence, Fregra's face was like a dye vat, and his eyes showed deep self-blame.

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