I'm starting a mysterious resurgence in Marvel

Chapter 269 Magic in the name of


Aylin's left hand miraculously conjured up another chocolate bean, and then fed it into the little boy's mouth.

"This is a magical magic bean. After little Amy eats the magic bean, you only need to count three and your stomach will not hurt. Come on, count one, two, three with your brother."

"Is it true that just counting three will stop your stomach from hurting?"


Seeing the little boy's milky voice, Aylin used his left hand to wipe his head again, and then said with a smile: "Come on, count with me, one, two, three..."

"one two three."

When Aylin started counting, the little boy Tommy also started counting honestly.

And when the three words were spoken.

Aylin's hand on Tommy's belly squeezed gently, and the blood-stained gauze turned into a white handkerchief in an instant. Then a real-like vine seemed to appear on the little boy's belly, wrapping it around The handkerchief on his stomach was pressed up.

Just as the mother and son were surprised by this strange sight, Aylin suddenly used his index finger to flick the handkerchief held up by the phantom of the vine.

"Let's go!"


With a soft sound like the bursting of bubbles, the phantom of the vines, which seemed to be real and illusory, turned into thousands of light points with a snap of Aylin's fingers and dissipated in mid-air.

What's even more amazing is that after the shadow dissipated, the wound on the little boy's stomach miraculously stopped bleeding, and then healed quickly, and the blood scab even fell off.

In just a few seconds, the bloody hole in the little boy's stomach miraculously disappeared.

Except for the scar left after the blood scab fell off, which seemed to prove something, it was as if the horrific blood hole that almost killed the little boy just now didn't exist.

It was as if the magical vine shadow had taken away the wound on little Tommy's stomach.

Looking at the little boy who touched his belly in disbelief, Aylin chuckled and said, "How is it? It doesn't hurt anymore!"

The stunned little boy opened his mouth and widened his eyes and said, "Well, it doesn't hurt anymore. Big brother's magic is so powerful."

Looking at the little boy with a look in his eyes that said "Coach, I want to learn this", Aylin smiled and touched the little boy's head.

Then he stood up, took off the magic hat on his head, and gave a curtain call to the two of them.

"Then, the magic is over. Thank you both for watching."

After giving an elegant salute, Aylin put on his magic hat again and quickly left the residence.

It's not just the little boy who needs his help on this street.

Just when Aylin's figure was about to disappear in front of them, the young mother shouted at Aylin's back as if she had just woken up from a dream: "Mr. Magician, thank you, this is the best thing I have ever seen in my life." The best magic ever.”

Hearing the voice coming from behind, Aylin's steps paused slightly, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Amidst the young mother's most sincere praise, Aelin's magician's potion digested a little bit again.

[The audience's praise is the best catalyst for digesting the magician's potion. 】

After slightly pulling down the brim of the magician's hat, Aylin disappeared into the crowds on both sides of the street amid the young mother's most sincere gratitude.

After using a trace of holy light to heal the seriously injured and dying little boy.

Aylin, dressed as a magician, walked on the streets of Braun Street, constantly using magic tricks called "miracles" to bring real miracles to every wailing life or crying family. .

And this also won Aylin the most sincere gratitude and praise from the bottom of his heart.

Amidst the most sincere gratitude and cheers, the [Magician] potion in Aylin's body was digested at an unprecedented speed.

I don’t know how long it took.

When the sirens of ambulances rang across the night sky.

After using a "magic show" to save an old police officer who was blown away by a bomb and whose stomach was cut open by glass and whose intestines were all over the floor, he used a "magic show" to save him.

The other police officers around who were saved by Aylin's magic show, as well as the police officers who kept coming from all over New York, all looked at Aylin in a different way.

It was a friendly look with a hint of gratitude and respect.

At this time, George, who did not know when he appeared next to Aylin, handed Aylin an unopened bottle of mineral water, then looked at Aylin and said solemnly:

"Thank you, thank you for saving me, and thank you for saving them."

After taking the mineral water that George handed over, Aylin shook his head and said, "Are there any seriously injured people?"

"No, they are the last batch of seriously injured wounded. I have already asked the ambulance to take the other casualties with non-fatal injuries to the hospital."

Aylin's magic, which everyone calls "miracle magic", is miraculous, but no matter how miraculous his magic is, it is impossible for one person to save all the wounded on the entire battlefield in such a short period of time.

So, after "accidentally" seeing Aylin use magic to "save" a seriously injured old couple.

George immediately ordered people to mark the seriously injured and dying people in this war, and then told Aylin the locations of those people.

George did not ask Aylin to do anything, nor did he expect Aylin to save everyone. He just hoped that he could do his best to give all the seriously injured and dying people an extra chance of survival. .

And the power to choose what to do is still in the hands of Ailin himself.

Of course.

George did not put all his hopes on Ailin. After telling Ailin the location of all the seriously injured patients.

George personally called all the hospitals in New York, big and small, one by one.

Asked them to spare the medical resources at hand to the greatest extent possible, and to dispatch doctors and ambulances to treat and take over the police officers, soldiers, and civilians injured in the mechanical disaster.

But what George did not expect was.

When the ambulances rushed to the scene.

The most seriously injured police officers and civilians on the battlefield were actually saved by Ailin.

"There are no more!"

After a long breath, the slightly tired Ailin completely relaxed after hearing this.

In order to race against the god of death, Ailin did not relax or waste a second along the way.

Either he was mobilizing his spiritual power to hypnotize the seriously injured and dying people and stimulate their strong desire to survive, or he was controlling the power of the Holy Light Origin and turning it into pure healing energy to heal their injuries.

In order not to waste that small ball of Holy Light Origin, Ailin could only peel off the Holy Light Origin as much as possible and turn it into strands of Holy Light energy to heal those people's injuries.

And all of this was extremely mentally exhausting.

Even Ailin's mental will, after saving countless people, inevitably became tired.


Fortunately, it was all worth it.

When he rescued the injured or families without asking for anything in return, Ailin also received the most sincere gratitude and heartfelt praise from those people.

And these cheers and praises also gave Ailin feedback.

Although in order to speed up the treatment, Ailin kept compressing the performance time in the subsequent magic shows.

It turned it into a short magic without any novelty, and then followed the routine and kept repeating the previous operations.

But for these life-saving "miracle magics", countless injured people, their families and the crowds of onlookers all gave the highest praise.

In addition, the number of spectators was large enough.

With the emotional feedback of the audience, Aylin felt something in his heart as early as halfway through the "miracle" magic show.

It seemed that something in his body was rapidly shattering and dissipating, and even in a trance, many illusory stars seemed to appear around him, constantly shining with faint light, and the flickering light seemed to be praising something.

However, Aylin didn't care to savor this carefully at the time, and continued to devote himself to the busy cause of saving lives.

It was not until now that he realized what the feeling just now meant.

In these magic shows rated as "miracles" by countless audiences, his [Magician] potion was finally completely digested.

Looking at Aylin who seemed to have lost focus and looked at the front with a tired face, his eyes seemed to have lost focus.

George hesitated and said again: "And Helen, I thank you on her behalf."

After witnessing Eileen's magical ability, Gwen recalled that when Helen was hospitalized before, she often took Eileen to visit Helen.

If George still didn't understand the truth about the miraculous recovery speed of Helen's legs, his decades of work as a detective would be in vain.

That's why, as Helen's husband, he would thank Eileen again on behalf of Helen.

Eileen, who understood George's hidden words, waved his hand and said: "Just don't blame me for hiding it from you."

George shook his head when he heard it. How could he, who had been a detective for so many years, not be able to tell the good from the bad.

And even if he really wanted to blame someone, he couldn't blame Eileen.

At most, he could only blame his own little cotton jacket for leaking air.

When George thought of his daughter helping an outsider to hide it from him, he looked at Eileen with resentment.

Ailin, who had just unscrewed the mineral water bottle and drank a sip of water, shuddered instantly when he felt the change in his father-in-law's eyes.

Then he quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, Mr. Stacy, can I trouble you with something?"

After being interrupted by Erin, George had to put away his resentful look, and then said solemnly: "You said, as long as it is not against the law, I will try my best to help you."

"Don't be so serious, it's actually not a big deal."

After interrupting George's solemn expression with a chuckle, Erin pondered for a while and said, "You also saw the magic I performed tonight. I'm afraid many people will think that it is some kind of superpower, but in fact, all of this is just the effect of a special potion."

"The Miracle Group I founded not long ago developed a super potion that can quickly treat and repair various injuries. Well, didn't I give them something to eat just now? That is actually a concentrated version of that super potion..."

After feeding a chocolate bean to the little boy, Erin fed a chocolate bean to each seriously injured patient behind him.

The purpose is for now.

Today, although Erin changed into a magician's outfit, he did not make too much disguise.

It was only a matter of time before this identity was recognized.

In addition to the incident with the miracle potion, Ailin simply stopped disguising himself in the following "miracle magic" performance.

But not disguising one's identity is one thing, and admitting that one has miraculous healing abilities is another.

Coincidentally, the "miracle potion" of his own company is about to be released, and he can just attribute all those miraculous information abilities to the miracle potion.

Maybe it can also increase the popularity of the miracle potion.

As for whether other people believe it or not, it is none of Ailin's business. Anyway, Ailin has already given an explanation.

After saying a lot, he looked at George's increasingly weird eyes.

Ailin coughed and continued:

"In the next two days, we will hold a product launch conference and invite Iron Man Tony Stark to be the image spokesperson for our miracle potion. By then, you will understand what kind of potion the miracle potion is."

"Anyway, if someone asks about it next, I hope Mr. Stacy and the New York Police Department can lead these miracle magics to our group's miracle potion..."

"Well, to be honest, I don't want to be a superhero like Tony Stark, and I don't want my current life to be disrupted, so... Mr. Stacy, do you understand what I mean?"

George, whose eyes became more and more weird under Ailin's forced explanation, heard Ailin's last sentence.

Thinking of Ailin's current student status and his various behaviors of living in an old house in Chinatown even though he has become so rich, he suddenly showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.


If you don't want to be misunderstood as having superpowers, just say you want to be a superhero. Do you need to lie to me with some miracle potion?

It's not like I didn't see what you just fed those people.

Do you really think I've never eaten chocolate beans?

He turned around and glanced at the police officers who were forcibly sent to the hospital for detailed examinations after being rescued by Alin.

George smiled and assured: "Don't worry, this time our New York Police Department has owed you a big favor, so leave this small matter to us. Well, we will also say hello to those reporters who are on good terms with our police department later."

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