There are many types of divination.

To date, I don't know how many types of divination have been developed.

In the East, there are copper coin divination, face divination, birth divination, tortoise shell divination...

In the West, there are coffee grounds divination, hexagram divination, holy triangle divination, tarot divination, grand cross divination, mirror divination...

And dream divination and astrology divination are common divination methods in the East and the West.

However, although there are many types of divination, they can be roughly divided into several categories.

The first type of divination method is to communicate with the fate of the "divined" through tarot, pendulum, divination and other methods, with the help of the spirituality of the "divined" himself, to obtain some "revelation", and then the diviner will interpret it and get the result of the divination. This type of divination method is the most numerous and the most complicated, even tea divination and dream divination can be included in it.

The second method of divination is calculation and deduction. After obtaining enough objective information, the diviner calculates, deduces and interprets the corresponding results. The famous ones are the ancient Eastern turtle back map and the Western astrology. It can deduce the information of nature and predict some changes and natural disasters that may occur in the future.

The third method of divination is to "revelation" with the help of a third party other than the diviner and the inquirer. For example, the "disc fairy" and "pen fairy" in the supernatural game belong to this category. Even some divine revelations in ancient legends can be attributed to it.

However, most ordinary people will not succeed in asking these unknown and mysterious beings to give answers directly, and if the mysterious beings they communicate with have malicious intentions towards them, it will often lead to some tragic tragedies. After all, these beings, just contact is enough to cause irreversible pollution and harm to people.

Of course, as a true mysterious side diviner.

Ailin has the method to distinguish these malicious intentions and obtain more detailed divination results at a lower cost.

Many times, just through the most superficial spiritual vision, the thickness, brightness, and color of the aura observed, Ailin can judge the other party's health and emotional state to assist in divination.

When Ailin's strength is further improved, he can even discover more detailed things through spiritual vision, such as judging the life span of the other party, and more secrets.

Even some high-sequence beings can see anything anywhere, including the past and the future, through the strongest spiritual vision.

Of course.

Although Ailin took the potion and became a fortune teller with extraordinary power.

But he became a fortune teller for too short a time.

Not to mention mastering the various skills of fortune tellers, Ailin has not completely mastered and digested even many mystical knowledge in the field of fortune tellers. He only knows the results but not the reasons.

This unfamiliarity is not good for Ailin's future promotion.

Therefore, whenever he has free time, Ailin will learn various related knowledge to help himself master and digest the fortune teller potion as soon as possible.

After studying for more than three hours, Ailin put down the book in his hand and rubbed his eyes, which were a little sore and dry.

Then he pressed the switch of the reading light, lay on the bed, and quickly fell asleep.

Although meditation can help Ailin recover mental fatigue quickly, it cannot replace sleep at this stage.

No words all night.

When Ailin woke up again, the light that came into the bedroom through the gauze curtain was still gray.

Ailin looked at the alarm clock on the bedside and found that it was only five o'clock. It had only been two hours since he lay down and fell asleep.

But this short two hours of sleep made Ailin extremely energetic and radiant.

"Huh, I have to say, the effect of this deep sleep is really good!"

Although his visualization of the brain of the universe was not completely successful, it also brought Ailin a lot of benefits.

In addition to greatly improving his mental and physical strength control.

It also enables Ailin to gain the ability to enter a deep sleep after concentrating and meditating.

Studies have long shown that one hour of deep sleep is much better than seven or eight hours of light sleep for ordinary people.

Two hours of deep sleep can even make Ailin's sleep quality comparable to that of ordinary people who sleep for more than ten hours in a row.

If you sleep six or seven hours less a day, how much time can you save to study and do things?

Let alone other benefits, this one item alone can bring great benefits to Ailin and free up more time.

Moreover, entering deep sleep for a long time can also stimulate the potential of the human brain, greatly improve people's memory, and even make people more energetic. Over time, it can even make people strong and prolong their lives.

In just a few days, Ailin fell in love with this little benefit that comes with the meditation method of visualizing the brain of the universe.

After getting up and washing up simply.

Ailin went down to the kitchen on the second floor.

Don't ask why Ailin's kitchen is on the second floor.

Because strictly speaking, the first floor of Ailin's house is a shop facing the street.

When Ailin's grandparents were still alive, they used the first floor as a grocery store.

But after they died, Ailin's mother didn't have the time or energy to run these businesses, and didn't want others to enter her home, so she closed the store and turned it into a living room.

Enter the kitchen.

Ailin first cleaned a pot of rice, then added water and a few drops of sesame oil to mix and set aside, then took out the shallots and pork from the refrigerator.

Cut the shallots into sections and put them in a small bowl for later use.

The lean meat that was marinated with salt last night was first cut into strips and then cut into meat pieces.

After the pork was cut, boil a pot of water, put the pork in the pot and boil it, then put it in the rice and preserved eggs in the rice cooker to steam.

In this way, wait for more than half an hour, and add some shallots when the pot boils.

A pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge is cooked.

After setting the time for the rice cooker.

Ailin changed into a set of sportswear and turned around to go out for a run.

Half an hour later.

After running and sweating, Ailin came back and went directly into the bathroom. After taking a comfortable bath, he changed his clothes and went to the kitchen.

After coming to the kitchen, Ailin took out a dozen eggs from the kitchen, poured them directly into the pot, and added water to cook them.

After boiling the eggs, Ailin took out a can of crispy and delicious pickled vegetables from the refrigerator, opened it and placed it on the dining table in front of the kitchen.

After doing all this, he finally opened the rice cooker, added some chopped green onions, MSG and salt, and after stirring it, he took out a large bowl and filled it with a large bowl of hot preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

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