I'm starting a mysterious resurgence in Marvel

Chapter 310 The Wail of Thor's Hammer

Facing the bombardment of artillery fire.

The twisted shadow at the bottom of the giant pit seemed to sense a hint of danger. Two shadow hands of different lengths, constantly twisting and deforming, poked out from his body, assuming a resisting posture.

In an instant, black mist formed a sphere around the twisted shadow, wrapping Him tightly.

At the same time, a crack opened in His body again, and then he spat out an ancient syllable.


Under the distortion of an inexplicable force, the first wave of artillery shells all turned around and "turned around", blasting in the direction from which they came.

Facing the cannonballs that turned around and spun around, Tony Stark and others' expressions changed and they shouted.

"Back off!"

Immediately afterwards.

These turned-down bombs collided head-on with the subsequent artillery fire.

The next second, the flames soared into the sky, lighting up Manhattan. Even the night that had changed the sky and shrouded New York seemed to have been dispelled.

Immediately afterwards.

Along with a rising mushroom cloud, the deafening explosion sounded again in the night sky.

This round of attacks has attracted the attention of many people.

Countless federal leaders gathered in front of the screen, staring at the large pit shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

Even many major countries in the world have many big figures gathered in front of the screen at this time, waiting for the outcome of this battle.

Even outside the teleportation door in the New York sky that had shrunk to less than a hundred diameters, a Chitauri armor stopped retreating slightly, seeming to be observing something.

Under the influence of that "distortion" move, the shock wave set off by this explosion was much closer to Tony and the federal military's fighter planes than expected.

This left many armed helicopters surrounding the pit in a state of embarrassment as they had no time to retreat.

Even the two armed helicopters that had not adjusted their directions were swept by the explosion shock wave, and finally collided out of control, causing a violent explosion.

"Cough cough cough..."

After coughing a few times due to the pungent gunpowder smoke in front of him, Thor, half-crouched on the Quinjet, glanced at the thick gunpowder smoke in front of him. He seemed a little dissatisfied that the gunpowder smoke dissipated too slowly, and directly swung his hands. Thor's hammer spun rapidly.


As Mjolnir's hammer rotated rapidly, a strong wind soon blew away all the smoke that enveloped him.

When the smoke clears.

The huge crater with countless new craters was displayed before everyone's eyes.

And the picture that was revealed made everyone excited for a while.

All I could see was that at the bottom of the huge pit, there were scorched pits everywhere caused by the shells.

But except for the eternal spear "Gangnir" that still shines brightly and shines with divine luster in the baptism of countless artillery fire, there is no trace of anything else.

The terrifying shadow that was previously imprisoned in place by the Eternal Spear, exuding a terrifying aura that made people afraid to look directly at it, also disappeared without a trace.

It looked as if it was blown to ashes under the baptism of gunfire.

"Did we... eliminate that guy?"

In the cockpit of the Kunshan fighter jet, Captain America stood up and saw this scene through the glass and couldn't help but ask.

Toot toot!

Tony Stark, who was behind Captain America, clicked a few times on the control panel inside the Quinjet, then looked at the only two red dots on the radar and said:

"Except for the Thor standing above us and the golden spear at the bottom of the crater, the radar of this fighter plane did not capture the existence of other high-power fields."

Hearing this, Natasha turned to look at Tony Stark and said: "This means... we succeeded."


Tony Stark spread his hands and said: "In the end, this is just a newborn baby, and to be honest, it is embarrassing enough for us to be beaten like this by a newborn baby."

Captain America heard this and said solemnly: "This is not an ordinary baby. He has caused at least thousands of casualties."

Natasha also spoke up and said, "Yes, he even tore apart our S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier. I have never seen any baby as terrifying as it."

"You're right." Tony patted Captain America on the shoulder: "But we can also think on the bright side. After all, it also helped us deal with thousands of Chitauri aircraft and even scared them away. The Chitauri behind the portal. If it weren't for it, the destruction caused by the Chitauri might be even more terrifying, wouldn't it? "

As he spoke, Tony walked up to the pilot of the Quinjet and pointed at the shining golden spear at the bottom of the crater. Just as he was about to say something, the roar of Thor sounded in his ears. .

"Get out!"

The next second, Thor's hammer, entwined with countless lightnings, was swung by Thor and hit a tank not far away that had just approached the pit.


There was an explosion.

The federal military's main battle tank was directly smashed by Thor's hammer.

The faces of the US team members who saw this scene changed one after another.

Almost at the same time that Thor smashed the tank, a huge scarlet light spot suddenly appeared on the radar of the Quinjet.

And the location of that light spot was the location of the tank.

"Damn it, isn't that monster still dead?"

Tony, who seemed to have guessed something, cursed subconsciously.

"Unfortunately, you guessed it right."

With that said, Captain America clenched the shield in his hand again.

Because right at the location of the exploded tank, a twisted shadow hidden in the shadow of the tank poked out a black shadow and grabbed the Thor's hammer that seemed to want to be recalled by Tony.

He looked at Thor's hammer struggling violently in his hand, and began to shoot out silver lightning.

The black shadow that grabbed Thor's Hammer suddenly opened a gap, and spat out a word to the struggling Thunder Serpent Hammer.


The next second, a lot of viscous liquid immediately appeared on Thor's hammer, which was shining with thunder and lightning.

Thor's hammer shone with silver thunder and lightning. Although the electricity flew away a lot of viscous liquid, some of it was still stained.

When these viscous liquids stain the surface of Mjolnir, Mjolnir looks like a layer of iron-black spots.

As the viscous liquid continued to penetrate, the spots on Thor's hammer expanded rapidly and soon became one.

In contrast, when the iron-black spots became more and more numerous, Thor's hammer, which was originally shining with thunder, quickly dimmed as if it had been contaminated.

Even the flashing lightning on Thor's hammer was extinguished.

Just as those black spots were about to completely cover Mjolnir, a roar like thunder suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

"Damn guy, let go of my hammer!!"

In an instant.

More than a dozen thick bolts of lightning, which seemed to contain unprecedented anger, crashed onto the black figure holding Mjolnir tightly.


Thunder struck and exploded, and the black shadow holding Thor's hammer suddenly disintegrated under the raging thunder and lightning, turning into black shadows and disappearing.

And Thor, the God of Thunder, who had scored this victory, was not in the mood to see what happened to the guy who was hit by him.

Wrapped with silver lightning, he fell from the sky and grabbed Mjolnir, which had fallen to the ground, and looked at the mottled black spots on his beloved hammer.

Thor seemed to feel the wail of Mjolnir, and his whole mood became more angry than ever before.

"Everyone, be careful, that monster is not dead yet."

After seeing the twisted shadow protruding from the shadow of the tank wreckage, Rhodes, who originally thought that the concentrated fire just now had eliminated the monster, was subconsciously surprised.

Then he quickly ordered that the armed helicopters on the battlefield that still had ammunition, as well as the tanks and armored vehicles that had just arrived on the battlefield, turned their guns and pointed at the tank that was disabled by Thor.


At this moment, an ancient syllable that Rhodes had never heard of, but could strangely understand its meaning, suddenly remembered in his ears.

Then a huge "power of chaos" penetrated directly into his brain.


With a soft sound, Rhodes's pitch-black head exploded with a "pop" because he couldn't bear the "power of chaos" that squeezed into his brain.

All that was left was a headless corpse with blood gushing out of its chest.

The red and white objects sputtered out, directly dyeing the cockpit of the fighter plane red.

The twisted shadow that appeared behind Rhodes at some point was slightly startled.

It seemed that he didn't expect that the ants in front of him were so fragile that they couldn't even withstand one of his "chaotic" sounds.

After all, what he seemed to want just now was to let Rhodes be affected by chaos and fall into endless chaos, rather than kill him directly.


Rhodes's fragile performance also made the twisted shadow, which had lost its mind and acted only on instinct, realize something.

The next second.

Half of the body of the twisted shadow stretched directly out of the falling fighter plane, and then seven or eight gaps were instantly opened in the body.




"Out of order."


As chaotic and ancient syllables were continuously spit out by the twisted shadow, hundreds of meters around the twisted shadow were directly filled with the power of rules.

All kinds of chaotic and crazy forces rushed towards the brains of the soldiers driving helicopters and tanks.


Immediately afterwards, the sounds of brain cracking continued to sound on the battlefield.

Those who were close to the distorted shadow were directly blasted by the chaotic forces that mixed together;

Those who were far away had their brains blurred by those terrifying forces, and they bleed to death from their seven orifices.

In an instant.

Fighters and armed helicopters that lost their pilots fell from the sky one after another and hit the ground, setting off waves of new explosions.

Even the Quinjet that Tony Stark, Natasha and others were on did not escape the fate of crashing.

But luckily.

Tony Stark, who was bleeding from both ears, grabbed the Quinjet's joystick at the last moment, making it crash relatively smoothly.

in violent shock.

Tony, whose mind was in chaos, was finally thrown away.

Thanks to Tony's efforts, although the wings of the Quinjet at this time were completely shattered, it ultimately avoided the fate of directly exploding.

Stark Tower rooftop terrace.

As one of the few buildings in the center of Manhattan that has not collapsed.

Standing on the top floor of the Stark Building, you can almost see the whole of Manhattan.

When the flames of explosions not far away continued to illuminate the crashed armed helicopters.

Standing on the terrace and looking into the distance, Coulson and the other two agents all had gloomy faces.

And Loki, who was lying on the ground and almost tied up like a maggot, laughed wildly when he woke up.

"Hahaha, it seems that you have lost."

Coulson, with a gloomy face, took the electric baton that a subordinate next to him found from somewhere, adjusted the current button to the maximum, and directly stabbed the electric baton on the laughing face.


Under the strong current, Loki twitched all over and foamed at the mouth in a short while.

Looking at Loki who had calmed down again, Coulson said expressionlessly: "Sorry, I like you more when you are quiet now than when you are talking."

After punishing Loki who was gloating, Coulson looked at the huge pit battlefield again, with a deep worry in his eyes.

"What happened? Why did all those fighter planes and armed helicopters crash?"

"I don't know, I can't contact them, but judging from the last sound they sent and the enlarged satellite images, they seem to have suffered some kind of sonic attack, and all... died."

"What? What about those tanks and armored vehicles?"

"They also lost contact. It is very likely that they also died like those fighter pilots."

"Damn! How is it possible!!!"


Amidst the noisy voices, the major military regions and the Ministry of Defense near New York were almost in chaos.

And soon, this news was passed to the White House and the World Security Council.

After several representatives of the World Security Council who were on a video call with the Federal President received the intelligence just passed on.

They all said to the federal president with a serious look on their faces:

"Mr. President, it's time for you to make a decision."

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