I'm starting a mysterious resurgence in Marvel

Chapter 328 Mysterious Cruise Ship

at the same time.

The misfortune surrounding the Miracle Building seemed to have received a signal, and the suckling swallows swept towards the Miracle Building like returning to their nests.

When the billowing gray-black misfortune fell around him, it rushed towards Aylin's body.

A scroll of spirituality hidden in Aylin's body absorbed the sweeping aura of disaster into an illusory black vortex within his body.

This illusory black vortex is the source of disaster that Aelin temporarily exchanged from Lilith through a ritual.

It's just that compared to the one in Lilith, the source of disaster in Aylin's body is just an illusory fake product.

Not only does it last for a limited time, but even the disaster energy it absorbs has its limit.

Seeing the air of disaster that was continuously gathering into the black vortex and almost congealed into substance, even Aylin had a frightening feeling that a disaster was imminent.

If this misfortune breaks out in my body...

Aylin shuddered subconsciously and quickly shook this dangerous thought out of his mind.

And with the continuous influx of disaster energy, Aylin's whole body's spirituality began to resist the increasing amount of disaster energy.

If it weren't for Aylin's constant control and suppression, the spiritual energy in its body would instinctively riot and drive out the misfortune.

"Wait, wait, wait, we can't get rid of these disasters now."

After saying something silently in his heart.

Aylin took a deep breath and slowly suppressed the restless spirituality in his body.

Aylin opened his eyes again, looked at Lilith with a smile on her face opposite him, and sighed in his heart.

In just such a moment, the aura of disaster lingering around him made him a little frightened, and he didn't know how this little girl could endure it in the past.

Seeing Fregra standing behind Lilith with a worried face, Aylin said: "Lilith's bad luck has been temporarily transferred to me. In the next 24 hours, she will no longer be affected." New York is filled with misfortune, take this time to take Lilith to other cities."


After Fregra nodded, he said to Aylin: "By the way, the Quinjet sent by SHIELD is already parked on the rooftop of the building. It can take off at any time after you make arrangements."

"Then let them get ready now!"


With the continuous advancement of Quinjet fighters.

The tall buildings quickly turned into square-sized matchboxes in Aylin's eyes.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by one after another sonic booms, the Quinjet fighter traveling at full speed quickly reached Mach 3.

At such an extreme speed, even the disastrous auras that had been chasing Aylin and constantly entangled the Quinjet were quickly left behind.

"What are you thinking about?"

Just as Ailin was silently looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds outside the window, a gentle question interrupted Ailin's thoughts.

Aylin raised his head slightly and saw Natasha smiling and looking at him curiously.

This Quinjet was originally intended to fly Natasha and Captain America Steve to Washington to report on their work. However, seeing that his boss was in need, Duke temporarily deployed this fighter to escort Aylin. Head to Hawaii.

Even Natasha, who was originally aboard this fighter plane, was temporarily assigned an additional escort mission.

Although Aylin doesn't really need this sexy escort.

"Save people."

After saying this calmly, Ai Lin turned his eyes to the vast sea of ​​clouds outside the window again.

Save people?

He was thinking about his destination this time and the information he had just read while waiting on the rooftop of the Miracle Building.

Natasha thought with a slight frown.

If the destination is Hawaii, could it be that something happened to Ailin's little girlfriend?

On the side, Steve, who was sitting in his seat with his eyes closed and concentrating, suddenly opened his eyes after hearing the word "rescue", turned to Aylin and said, "If there is anything you can use me for, feel free to Speaking of which, I have a lot of experience in how to carry out rescue work. "


After hearing this, Aylin thanked Steve and did not refuse his proposal.

"No, I should say thank you."

In this New York battle, if it weren't for the intelligence provided by Aylin, they would not have been able to close the space portal opened by Loki. Even in the end, if Aylin hadn't summoned the Seraphim and killed the god, They even solved the nuclear bomb dropped on New York. It is estimated that they have gone to hell to report at this time.

In Steve's opinion, both the millions of residents in New York and himself owe Aline a thank you.

So after hearing that Aylin was going to save people this time, Steve offered himself a pillow.

In response to Steve's unusually sincere thanks, Aylin shook his head and did not answer. Instead, he turned around and asked:

"By the way, have you found Loki?"

As soon as these words came out.

Both Steve and Natasha's expressions quickly turned ugly.

It was obvious that they had not found any trace of Loki in the hours after the battle.

"This is a sad topic. Although we have used all means and even set up a special department to find Loki, we still haven't found any news about Loki until now."

Speaking of this, Natasha shook her head and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this. There are naturally special people to worry about Loki's affairs. Let's think about how to save people now."

"If we go to Hawaii, we should go to save your girlfriend this time. Do you know who the enemy is? If I know who the enemy is, I can retrieve the SHIELD database to obtain more detailed information and make targeted preparations. After all, the preparations required for saving people and killing people are quite different."


After mumbling Natasha's words, Ailin looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window again, "It is precisely because I don't know what the other party is that I am so troubled this time!"

Let alone the enemy, Ailin doesn't even know whether the opponent this time is still a human.


Under the high-speed flight of the Quinjet.

The 11-hour flight of an ordinary flight was compressed to four hours.

Steve and Natasha, who had found some compressed biscuits from the fighter plane to fill their stomachs, changed into combat uniforms again as they looked at the destination they were about to arrive at.

"According to calculations, we will arrive at the sea area where Miss Gwen crashed in five minutes."

When the "Luo" reminder sounded in the airport, Ayling turned to Natasha and Steve and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Of course."


A few minutes later.

As the Quinjet left with a roar.

Steve, who parachuted directly from the Kunshan fighter plane to the sea, rushed out from under the sea.

Just as he touched the seawater on his face.

A slender and powerful arm was handed to Steve.

The next second.

Steve, who was pulled directly from the sea water to the inflatable kayak by Ellin, looked at the small inflatable kayak under him with some doubts, and asked Ellin: "Where did this kayak come from? I swear that when we jumped off the plane just now, there was definitely no such thing on the sea."

"It's just a small magic trick. Since I'm here to save people, I must make more preparations."

Natasha on the side curled her lips in disdain.

Magic, fooling ghosts.

If magic is really that powerful, SHIELD would have changed its career to study magic long ago.

Since she was deeply deceived by Ellin once, Natasha has a certain doubt about every word Ellin said.

Compared to the so-called magic, Natasha believes that Ellin has a storage equipment that can fold space.

After all, Ellin can summon a six-winged angel, so it's not surprising that he has another space equipment on him.

After taking a look at the things on Erin that might be space equipment, Natasha turned around and looked at the endless sea around her, and asked, "What should we do next?"


While speaking, Erin silently opened an illusion in front of Steve and Natasha.

After this illusion was performed.

In the eyes of Steve and Natasha, Erin, who was looking at the distant sea and seemed to be waiting for something, silently changed into another look.

The black hair continued to grow, and in an instant it turned from black hair to beautiful gold.

Under this golden color.

Erin's slightly pale skin continued to change, and finally turned into a milk-like white.

While the skin color changed, Erin's whole body bones continued to shrink with a "crackling" sound.

In just two or three seconds.

Erin changed from a handsome boy to a slender girl, and even his face completely changed into the appearance of Lilith.

Even the smell and temperament emanating from Aylin gradually approached Lily under Aylin's deliberate adjustment.

As Aylin changed, his clothes also turned into a lady's long skirt under the rotation of the Hundred Illusionary Clothes.

In just a few seconds, Aylin turned into an enlarged and grown version of Lilith.

From a distance, it was exactly the same as the grown-up Lilith.

If it weren't for the restriction of Aylin's bone density, Aylin might have completely turned into Lilith at this time.

A glance at Steve and Natasha, who did not find that Aylin had turned into a strange girl under the deception of illusion, Aylin breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for the mental force field that could affect the mind and the ability to control illusions, Aylin would not risk social death and turn into Lilith in front of them.

He took a mirror from the space ring and simply looked at himself. He found that he was no different from the Lilith he saw in the crystal ball, and even the soul temperament was almost the same.

Ailin directly released his spiritual blockade and released the illusory aura of the origin of disaster in his body without reservation.

In order to stimulate the effect of this false aura of disaster, Ailin also urged the aura of disaster that flowed into his body from New York.

Let the aura of disaster spread completely over his body.


When the disaster in Ailin's body completely spread.

A rolling dark cloud suddenly appeared on the sunny sea.

Then, a large storm that seemed to cover most of the sea surface spread towards the kayak that Aylin and his friends were riding at a very fast speed.

Looking at the storm that was spreading quickly towards this side, Aylin whispered to Steve and Natasha beside him:

"It's coming."

Steve, who was still wondering what Aylin wanted to wait for on this endless sea, saw the storm that covered the sky and the sun, and a trace of astonishment flashed across his calm and tough face.

"Don't tell me you are waiting for this storm."

"No, I'm waiting for the thing that will appear after the storm."

Almost not long after Aylin finished speaking, the storm that seemed to be quite far away from them spread towards them at an extremely strange speed.

"Get ready, jump!"

Just when the violent winds and waves caused by the storm were about to swallow Aylin and his friends.

Aylin pulled Natasha and Steve in one hand and jumped into the sea again.

While jumping into the sea again, Aylin did not forget to put the kayak behind him back into the space ring.

He waited for more than ten minutes under the sea.

After the turbulent waves on the sea surface calmed down, Aylin resurfaced with Steve and Natasha who were already wearing oxygen masks.

As for Aylin himself.

He used his underwater breathing ability to create an air pipe to connect to the sea surface, but he did not need these equipment for the time being.

After resurfacing.

Aylin took out the kayak that he had put into the space ring in front of Steve and the others.

Steve and Natasha were shocked again when they saw Aylin take out a kayak out of thin air. At the same time, their eyes could not help but glance at the space ring on Aylin's right hand.

After climbing back onto the kayak, Natasha glanced at the sky that was clearing up quickly and the storm on the sea that was disappearing quickly in the distance, and frowned slightly and said, "There's something wrong with this storm."

"Of course it's wrong, otherwise Gwen and the others wouldn't be trapped here. According to my speculation, this should be a strange space that is out of touch with reality. There are probably some unknown dangers hidden in it, so you two should be careful later."

A strange space that is out of touch with reality?

Steve and Natasha were slightly stunned when they heard this, but they reacted quickly.

"It seems that this rescue operation is more exciting than I imagined."

Just as Steve's voice fell.

A whistle sounded slowly from the sea in the distance, and then a white cruise ship quickly appeared at the end of their sight.

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