The head that fell on the roof of George's car seemed to be the work of this spider.

Because the two huge spider legs on her lower body were strung with a headless corpse.

"We seem to have disturbed this lady's eating, and she looks very unhappy."

After turning on the spiritual vision, Ailin could see that the human-faced spider was full of anger and resentment.

If it hadn't had a "food" that had not been eaten yet, Ailin estimated that the other party would have rushed over and swung the bloody legs to cut Ailin and George into pieces.

"Damn lady, this is a man-eating monster."

Under Ailin's words, George, who had recovered a little, cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, where did this monster come from, and how could it appear here."

"Don't let me know that it was that laboratory that was conducting such inhumane human experiments, otherwise, I will definitely shoot those inhuman guys."


In George's mind, this monster with a human face and a spider body was regarded as the product of a certain laboratory.

I thought this monster was a monster that ran out of that laboratory.


Ailin didn't think that the monster with a human face and a spider body in front of him was the product of a laboratory, because Ailin, who had clairvoyance, clearly felt a familiar breath of corruption and distortion from this monster with a human face and a spider body.

A breath that was very similar to the breath that Ailin felt when he took the potion, but it was more evil and corrupt.

[Pollution from the evil god? Damn it, how could there be such a thing in the Marvel Universe? ]

[Could it be that this world has also been targeted by those damned Outer Gods! ]

While cursing in his heart, Ailin suddenly paused.

It seems that the Marvel Universe also produces evil gods.

It seems that there are really many evil gods.

For example, Dormammu, the ruler of the dark dimension, is a god similar to the Outer God.

Those dark believers who believe in Dormammu seem to have become half-human and half-ghost in the end.

God knows if they have been polluted by the evil god.


Although Ailin's thoughts were somewhat scattered, he did not think too much in the face of the crisis.

Soon, his attention was focused again on the human-faced spider hanging upside down on the top of the underground garage not far away.

After taking a deep breath, Ailin said to George: "Mr. George, let's call for reinforcements as soon as possible. I have a hunch that this monster is not something we can deal with."

"And if this monster is really a product of a laboratory, who knows if she carries any virus or something like that?"


After hearing this word, George became even more anxious.

At this time, Helen and Gwen were at home upstairs in the underground garage. If this human-faced spider really had any virus, would his family be in danger of being infected by the virus?


Decades of police career have made George know that anxiety is useless.

With his strong will, George forced himself to calm down and said softly: "My car has an alarm system installed. When I was reversing just now, I pressed the alarm button. At this time, the police station had already received my alarm information. In fact, even if you didn't call the police just now, the police station would send someone, but now, I think it's better to call again."

Alin rolled his eyes when he heard this.


It turns out that asking me to call the police just now was just a reason for me to stay in the car.

Is this because they are worried about my safety, or because they are afraid that I will make trouble?

Although he was complaining wildly in his heart, Ailin quickly pressed 911 on his mobile phone.


Maybe it was good luck, the phone rang a few times and then it was connected.

Without waiting for the person on the other end to speak, George Stacy quickly spoke: "I am George Stacy, deputy chief of the 13th Precinct of the New York Police Department, police number xxxxxx, I encountered a monster suspected to have escaped from a biochemical laboratory in the underground parking lot at 114 Seventh Avenue, Queens. The police station needs to send heavy firepower support..."

"Attention, the monster may carry an unknown virus. I hope the support troops will carry protective clothing and be prepared for protection..."

After hearing George Stacy's police number and identity, the 911 caller immediately took it seriously. After quickly checking the police number, they immediately contacted the special operations force of the police station.

"The support application has been approved. Chief George, please take protective measures and wait for rescue to arrive..."

I don't know if George's request for support stimulated the monster with a human face and a spider body.

Without waiting for the police officer on the other end of the phone to recover, the monster suddenly threw off the corpse on its legs and rushed towards Ailin and the others.

With the help of the pillars and pipes that can be seen everywhere in the underground garage, the human-faced spider's eight slender legs almost left a trail of afterimages, and moved quickly between the walls and the roof.

At a speed far beyond what Erin and his friends expected, it quickly approached the car that Erin and his friends were riding in.

Looking at the eight legs that easily inserted into the walls and concrete pillars.

Erin's face twitched.

With the sharpness of these eight legs, George's Chevrolet was no different from paper in front of it.

The sharp legs could almost easily pierce the iron sheet of the Chevrolet and insert the spider legs into Erin and his friends' bodies.


Seeing this, George also quickly judged the difference in strength between the two sides.

He threw the pistol in his right hand at Ailin, directly grasped the steering wheel with both hands, stepped on the accelerator, and almost blasted the Chevrolet into white smoke.


In the roar of the engine.

The Chevrolet flew out quickly like an arrow from a bow.

Of course.

The direction George and his team flew was away from the other side of the human-faced spider.

George didn't want to use his beloved car to fight against the monster with a human-faced spider body.

Although the underground garage of George's family is not small, there is a limit to how big it can be.

An underground parking garage for parking cars is obviously not comparable to the ground roads that extend in all directions.

The narrow range limits the performance and speed of the Chevrolet, making it impossible for it to fully exert the power of the engine.

But the human-faced spider following Ailin and his team, in this narrow environment, is like a fish in water.

It didn't take long.

The distance between the human-faced spider and Aylin and the others was getting closer and closer.

If George hadn't been a great driver and had occasionally drifted in the underground garage to shake off the human-faced spider, the other party would have caught up with Aylin and the others long ago.

After several deceptions and tricks, the human-faced spider became more and more angry.

After an angry roar.

Its speed increased again.


At another turning intersection, at the moment when George drifted, one of the human-faced spider's legs, like thunder, inserted into the roof of the Chevrolet...

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