I don't know how long it has been.

When a faint afterglow of the setting sun shone through the gap in the curtains and scattered into the room.

Lying on the bed, Ailin's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

As the focus in his eyes gradually solidified, Ailin's eyes gradually recovered.

The white frame and the dim lamp together formed the ceiling that Ailin was familiar with.

This sleep that lasted for an unknown period of time, although it did not allow Ailin's body and spirit to completely recover to the peak, it also freed him from the previous overdraft fatigue.

After sitting on the bed for a while.

Ailin looked at the sunset that came in through the window and thought.


Has a day passed?

It seems that my recovery speed is a little faster than I thought. I thought I would wake up in the middle of the night this time.

After waking up a little, Ailin lifted the quilt, stood up, and walked to the window. Just when he wanted to draw the curtains, open the window, and breathe the fresh air outside.

But he found that his house was surrounded by a dense crowd.

After seeing the fanatical expressions on those people's faces through the gap in the curtains, Ailin retracted his hand on the curtains and gave up his original plan to open the curtains.

What's wrong with these people?

After seeing the owner frowning after waking up, a little monster guarding Ailin moved to Ailin's side with a fully charged mobile phone.

"Have you fully charged my mobile phone? Thanks, little monster!"

Looking at the slightly lit screen of the mobile phone and the full light on the mobile phone, Ailin smiled and rubbed the little monster's head.

Then he slowly picked up the mobile phone on the little monster's head.

After turning on the screen of the mobile phone, I took a look at the time displayed on the mobile phone, but was surprised to find that I didn't take a nap for a day, but a day and a night plus half a day.

I said why I only slept for such a short time this time, it turns out that now is not the day I came back!

After shaking his head, Erin's eyes turned and he immediately saw more than 130 missed calls on the display screen, as well as a long list of names behind the missed calls.

The most missed calls were from Gwen.

There were 36 in total, with an average of one call per hour.

In addition to Gwen's call, the top one was Pepper's call reminder.

Even Tony Stark made several calls while Erin was sleeping.

As for the remaining calls, they were a bit varied.

There were little fat guys and big dogs, as well as some of Erin's former classmates, and more were a series of unknown calls that Erin had never seen and had never been marked with notes.

"So many calls, is it because the things I did in Tokyo spread out, or something else happened?"

Just when Erin was thinking about what happened.

Fregra's call suddenly came to Erin's mobile phone.

Erin did not hang up Fregra's call, just so he could ask what happened outside while he was sleeping.


When Ailin's cell phone rang again for a few seconds, his thumb pressed on the answer button of the cell phone.


After hearing Ailin's voice, Fregra said excitedly on the other end of the phone: "Boss, you finally answered the phone. If it weren't for Kilis going to Chinatown to check and confirm that you were okay, I couldn't help but want to return to New York..."

Feeling Fregra's concern that could be felt through the screen.

Ailin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired because of the continuous high-intensity combat in the past two days, and then I slept a little longer."

After explaining.

Ailin glanced at the crowd outside the window that almost surrounded his house, and asked, "By the way, what's the matter with these people outside my house? I remember that there were not so many people outside before I went to bed."

Fregra: "Speaking of this, I was just about to tell you..."

Although Fregra was not in New York, through the intelligence channels of the Miracle Group.

Fregra, who always pays attention to the intelligence of New York, is still well aware of all the big and small things in New York.

Even the purpose of those people gathered around Erin's house was clearly checked by Fregra.

Earlier, when some people first gathered around their boss's house.

Realizing that this was not a good thing, Fregra sent a team of elite soldiers under Kilis to temporarily serve as bodyguards outside Erin's house and tried to disperse the growing group of people outside Erin's house.

But although their expulsion dispersed most ordinary people, there was a group of fanatics who were not afraid of death. Even in the face of the violent threats of the bodyguards, they still refused to disperse.

On the contrary, as time went on, more and more people gathered outside Erin's house.


In addition to some fanatics who yearn for extraordinary abilities, more people gathered around Erin's house turned into members and spies of various forces.

Faced with the dense crowds gathered outside the house, the team of bodyguards sent by Fregra was finally unable to resist.

In the end, they had to retreat to the door and windows of Ailin's house to prevent the group of people from sneaking into Ailin's house.

Although, even if the group of people outside tried their best, it would be impossible to break into Ailin's house from the outside.


After listening to what Fregla said, Ailin touched his chin and said, "You mean, these people gathered outside because of my identity as a miracle magician?"

"This is only part of the reason. When they can't find that group of magicians, they want to touch the extraordinary through your channel, Boss."

At this point, Fregla shook his head: "The appearance of the hell dimension and magicians scared the old guys who hold extraordinary power. They are afraid that such a disaster will befall them one day. These old guys who are afraid of death can't wait to form their own extraordinary team."

"And on your side, Boss, they are the most likely to A channel to contact the extraordinary. "

Alin sneered and said, "Ha! You are afraid of the Hell Dimension and want to form an extraordinary team, but you set your sights on me? Do I look too easy to talk to?"

"Uh... maybe it's true."

Fregola on the other end of the phone said helplessly:

"In the eyes of most people, God is always kind, and in their eyes, Boss, you are an angel sent by God to save the world. Even if you are not so easy to talk to, you can't do anything to them just because they are surrounding your house!"

"After all, they didn't do anything extreme..."

Good guy, hearing this, Alin suddenly understood the plans of those behind the scenes.

I see.

Haha, are you planning to eat me?

But I'm sorry, I, an angel, may be a little different from what you think.

After a sneer, Aylin said to Fregra: "Fregra, have you figured out the details of the forces behind those people outside?"

Fregra on the other end of the phone smiled and said: "Of course, after those people continued to surround your house despite dissuasion, I asked Kilis to take people to find out the details of those guys."

"Do you need me to send you the list of those people now?"

As the CEO of Miracle Group, Fregra does not think that Aylin is a good person in the traditional sense.

So after realizing that those forces and bigwigs have set their sights on Aylin, he asked Kilis to collect information about those people and forces.

"Very good, send me all the information about those people!"

"Haha, it's time for me, a good man, to have a good chat with them."


After instructing Luo to receive the encrypted file sent by Fregra.

Aylin first called Pepper back and told her that he was fine, but he was just too tired these two days and overslept.

Pepper, who had learned from Tony that Erin appeared in Tokyo after the nuclear explosion, did not relax at all. Instead, he suspected that Erin was contaminated by nuclear radiation, so he slept for so long, and asked Erin to go to the hospital for examination immediately.

In this regard, Erin could only helplessly explain for a long time, and even asked Tony to testify, so that Pepper finally believed that the area where he had stayed before had been specially purified and there was no so-called nuclear pollution.

He himself did not suffer any nuclear pollution.

Erin, who finally appeased Pepper, secretly took revenge on Tony who secretly reported him.

Erin turned around and took a shower.

Then he snapped his fingers lightly, and appeared 50 meters away through [Flame Jump], behind a man who was lighting a lighter and preparing to smoke.

The mental force field rotated!

At the same time, Erin used illusions to rewrite the cognition of the people around him, and glanced at the dense crowd around his house.

Just like that, he turned around and left Chinatown.

Obviously, Ailin was walking on the street without covering himself, but no one noticed his departure.


Half an hour later.

Ailin appeared outside the window of Gwen's room and reached out to knock on the window of Gwen's room.

"Knock knock knock..."

In the room, Gwen, who looked a little haggard, frowned from time to time and picked up her mobile phone to take a look, as if waiting for someone's reply.

After hearing the movement outside the window.

Following the sound, Gwen looked out the window and immediately saw Ailin leaning against the window and waving at her.

After a moment of slight distraction, Gwen's gem-like crystal eyes suddenly glowed with dazzling brilliance, and her slightly haggard face seemed to be re-energized, instantly glowing with brilliant vitality.

With a smile on her lips, she burst out at a speed that surprised Ailin.

Quickly appeared at the window and opened it.

"Pleasantly surprised!"

The moment Gwen opened the window, a bunch of pink baby's breath suddenly appeared in Erin's empty hands.

After taking the bunch of flowers from Erin's hand, Gwen's mouth unconsciously drew a more beautiful arc.

Pulled Erin, who was leaning on the window sill, in from the window.

Gwen said to Erin: "Don't think you can buy me with a bunch of flowers! In the past 36 hours, I called you 36 times, but someone didn't even send a message!"

"Where are the 36 bunches?"

With that said, Aylin snapped his fingers, and in an instant thirty-five bouquets of flowers of various colors filled Gwen's room, turning Gwen's room into a sea of ​​paintings.

"Oh my God!"

Just when Gwen couldn't help but let out an exclamation because of the flowers that suddenly filled the room, Aylin suddenly leaned forward.


Gwen's exclamations stopped abruptly.

Unconsciously, the bouquet of baby's breath in Gwen's hand had fallen from her hand.

Let a slender figure take its place.

When the two candle shadows are close to each other under the light.

In the room covered with flowers, the only sound left was the somewhat rapid breathing of the two people.


After a few minutes.

Gwen's moist red lips were slightly moist, and she breathed rapidly as the air filled her chest again to cool down her brain, which was slightly deprived of oxygen.

After letting go of Gwen's red lips.

Seeing Gwen's face with a hint of flushing, her eyes a little blurry and cute, Aylin couldn't help but hug her into his arms.

Then he put it next to Gwen's pink cochlea and whispered softly: "I'm sorry, Gwen, for making you worry."


Gwen, whose whole body was numbed by the breath coming from her ears, couldn't help but snorted softly when she heard the words.

After humming softly, he stretched out his hands, hugged Aylin's body, and buried himself in Aylin's chest. Then Gwen asked: "Did something happen when you didn't answer my call before?"

Gwen had already set her heart on Aylin.

He wasn't angry at all because Ailin didn't answer his call. Instead, he felt deeply worried because of Ailin's sudden loss of contact.

Gwen, who was afraid that something would happen to Aylin, couldn't calm down in this short period of time.

Not to mention getting a good rest.

During this period.

Because she was so worried, Gwen even asked a neighbor to borrow a bicycle, and traveled alone through the chaotic neighborhoods of New York after the war, and appeared in Chinatown.

Unfortunately, at that time, Aylin's house was surrounded by a large number of people.

Gwen tried her best but couldn't get closer.

Fortunately, when Kiris was checking the details of the people outside Aylin's house, she found Gwen, took her out from the crowd, and told her that Aylin was fine.

Only then did Gwen give up the urge to call and ask George to drive her to Aylin's house in a police car.

After feeling Gwen hugging him tightly for fear of disappearing, Aylin touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Actually, I just overslept..."

After saying something.

Aylin separated himself from her softly and recounted what happened.

I've revised it several times, so let's do this for now

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