Wendy raised the sword high, like a god of war, and slashed the giant sword of light in his hand towards the window in front of him.

In an instant.

Those transparent faces with pale blue in the middle screamed one after another, and quickly turned into green smoke under the giant sword of light.


The glass window hit by the giant sword of light did not break, but more and more transparent faces emerged from it.

The transparent faces struggled frantically, and their faces emerged from the glass and walls little by little, as if they wanted to break free from the restraints, and seemed to want to carry Wendy into hell together.

At the same time, weird snickers, heart-pounding roars, piercing screams...

All kinds of weird sounds mixed together, madly squeezed into the minds of Ailin and others, constantly provoking Ailin and others' nerves, torturing their bodies and minds.

Wendy, who was closest to those faces, had a trace of pain on his face.

The various sounds that kept drilling into his ears stimulated his brain and made it ache. His brain was in a mess.

"Calm down!"

At this moment, Wendy's chaotic brain suddenly became much clearer. The confusion and pain that filled his brain were like being caressed by a gentle breeze. He seemed to hear the tune that his mother hummed by the bed when he was a child. The familiar melody quickly calmed him down.

This was the "Calm down" from Ailin.

Ailin's powerful mental power could easily shock and hypnotize a person, and of course it could also quickly calm a person's emotions.


When he noticed that Wendy's emotions were starting to get wrong, Ailin directly threw a "mental comfort" over.

The Pope, who was about to bless Wendy with a holy light protection, saw Ailin take the first step to help Wendy calm down the emotions provoked by the devil.

A slight smile appeared on his face.

But the next second, when the Pope's eyes glanced at the hideous blue-white faces on the windows and walls, the smile instantly turned cold.

The pope stroked the silver-white cross hanging around his neck, raised it slightly in front of him, and made a prayer gesture.

"God said, let there be light!"

The next second.

An extremely clear and brilliant ball of light descended from the sky, just like a little sun, instantly dispelling the darkness and lighting up the entire corridor.

The transparent faces protruding on the glass and walls around him disappeared before they could even scream.

In an instant.

The strange visions in this corridor were swept away.

"Let's go!"

After sweeping away the strangeness on both sides of the corridor, the pope said, as if nothing had happened, and took another step.

Wendy, who was walking in the front, saw this and walked in the front again in silence.

But what was different from before was.

At this time, Wendy had a shining armor of light and a huge sword of light on his body.

Looking at Wendy and the pope in front of him, who seemed to have already mastered all this.

Ailin glanced at both sides of the corridor that had returned to normal and asked, "Are those guys who are sealed deep in the Vatican and lingering on so hospitable?"

As soon as Ailin finished speaking, in a corner that Ailin and the others had not noticed, a pair of eyes hidden in the shadows suddenly opened, as if they were angered by Ailin's words. When it turned its head to look at Ailin, its eyes were filled with extreme resentment.


After being slightly stunned by Ailin's novel words, the Pope shook his head and said, "Usually, those old guys are not so active, otherwise my old bones can't stand such tossing every day."

After saying this, the Pope also glanced at the depths of the corridor that fell into darkness again, and then continued:

"Maybe the vision that broke out in St. Peter's Basilica today stimulated them, or maybe your arrival made them feel threatened, so tonight, they will be so hospitable..."

Before the Pope finished speaking

Just as Ailin and his group passed a white stone pillar, a long and narrow shadow suddenly emerged from the shadow of the stone pillar, turning into a pitch-black snake shadow as thick as an arm, silently biting Ailin's ankle.


The fangs of the shadow snake instantly pierced Ailin's ankle, and then injected a sticky liquid like venom into Ailin's body.

After walking forward two steps, Ailin's body quickly became smaller and thinner, turning into a paper man with a black ankle and floating to the ground.

The next second, Ailin, who was wearing a windbreaker and seemed to have expected this scene, was outlined from the air not far away.

With a slight raise of his hand, a firebird with blazing flames all over its body instantly condensed and formed in Ailin's palm, then flapped its wings and "pecked" the head of the shadow snake.

The firebird that pecked the shadow snake seemed to be unsatisfied.

With a clear cry, the firebird with its claws on the shadow snake suddenly emitted a huge flame, enveloping it and the shadow snake under its feet in the scorching flame.


Under the scorching flame, the shadow snake seemed to be struggling and growing a head again. After struggling in the flame for a while, it turned into a wisp of green smoke and was burned clean by the scorching eternal fire.

"This is..."

The pope, startled by the movement behind him, turned around and looked at the blazing flames, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

When he led people to suppress the abnormal movement of the seal, many people were tricked by this silent shadow snake.

Even he almost suffered from the poisonous snake.

It is precisely because of this that he knows more about the horror of this shadow snake than others.

The deadly "venom" hidden in the fangs is fine, and the silent attack method like a killer is even more difficult to guard against.

What is even more terrifying is the "vitality" of this shadow snake.

Cut off one head, and two more heads will grow to replace it, which is the true portrayal of the shadow snake.

Once, Wendy used the giant sword of light to cut a silver snake into eight pieces, but not long after, those "pieces" turned into smaller shadow snakes.

In the end, he summoned the holy light, and under the illumination of the holy light, he burned all the smaller shadow snakes into ashes, and finally solved this seemingly insignificant little thing.

But even if he did it himself, it took seven or eight seconds for the small shadow snakes to turn into ashes under the holy light.

And this guy, who looked a circle bigger than the shadow snake that attacked him before, was burned into a wisp of green smoke in less than three seconds by a fire bird that Ailin casually shot.

He stared at the burning flame for a long time, until Ailin stretched out his hand and recalled the eternal fire that he had summoned to [Zhu Rong Finger Bone].

Recalling the records he had seen before, the Pope said uncertainly: "The flame just now was... the eternal fire?"

Ailin, who heard the voice, turned his head to look at the Pope, smiled slightly, and followed the two without explaining.

After seeing that Ailin had no intention of explaining,

The Pope was also tactful and did not ask any more questions.

Turning around and motioning to Wendy to continue leading the way, the three of them continued to walk deeper into the corridor.


"Da Da Da..."

I don't know if it was the strength that the three of them had just burst out that made those demons who had been partially freed from the seal feel difficult to deal with, or if it temporarily intimidated them.

In the next section of the road, those weird guys did not attack the three of them.

Soon, the three of them came to the door at the end of the corridor.

Just as Wendy, who was walking in the front, put his hand on the door knocker and wanted to push open the closed door.

The oval door knocker suddenly turned into a huge mouth full of sharp teeth and bit Wendy's right hand fiercely.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, cracks appeared on Wendy's armor in an instant.

At the same time. .

On the ground, ceiling, surrounding walls, and the door in front of them, hideous faces and pale arms suddenly appeared.

In an instant.

Various weird, crazy sounds instantly resounded throughout the corridor.

While Ailin and his companions were affected by the countless sounds, pale arms rushed to grab the three people's bodies, trying to drag them into the abyss of terror.

"God said, let there be light!"

As the pale hands grabbed his trouser legs, the Pope touched the cross on his chest and prayed again.

Then, above the Pope's head, the brilliant holy light condensed again.

In this holy light that seemed to illuminate all the darkness, the pale arms and illusory figures quickly melted away, and even the dozens of shadow snakes that wanted to take advantage of the pale arms to attack Ailin and his companions were turned into ashes in this brilliant holy light.

Twisted black ashes were left on the ground.

But when this ball of holy light shone on Wendy.

The broken light armor on his body was like taking a tonic, repairing the cracks one by one in sequence, and turned into a brand new set of light armor again.

But just after the Pope summoned this holy light that could dispel all darkness, Ailin's heart moved, and he suddenly felt a sense of danger.

Then, Ailin saw a crack in the tightly closed door in front of Wendy.

"Be careful."

In fact, without Ailin's warning, Wendy, who was standing at the door, found that the door in front of him was abnormal.


He kicked the door in front of him with his right foot, and flew backwards instantly.

The long sword of light in Wendy's hand drew an arc in the air and landed on a black shadow squeezed out from behind the door.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

The dazzling holy sword of light, which was invincible against dark creatures, was easily smashed away by a dark hoof.

Before Wendy, who was knocked out, landed, the black shadow that emerged from behind the gate disappeared with a "whoosh".

Then, the figure that looked like an upright black goat appeared above Wendy, and then slammed its hooves into the wall protected by Wendy's light armor.


When Wendy in midair saw the upright black goat, his pupils shrank sharply. Just as he raised the giant sword of light in his hand to try to block it, he was smashed into the wall behind him with his back, including his weapon.

When the upright black goat-like figure wanted to pursue and completely eliminate Wendy.

The pope pointed at the little sun above his head.

The next moment.

The bright holy light like the little sun exploded, erupting with a holy light power that was more than ten times stronger than before.

The black goat was caught off guard by the pope's move. The black wool on its back, like steel needles, suddenly made a sizzling sound along with the skin and flesh on its back, and then rolled down from its back like a melted candle.

In an instant, the back half of its body became bloody.


In a painful roar that sounded like a sheep, a huge black goat phantom suddenly broke through the holy light violently, with a pair of huge horns filled with dangerous aura, and slammed into the pope fiercely.

Just when Ailin, who was not far away, took out the [Dragon Slayer] from the space ring and was about to pull the trigger.

Wendy, who was blasted into the wall by the upright black goat before, suddenly rushed out from the side, and then with a trace of afterimage, he raised the giant sword of light in his hand high and slashed fiercely at the phantom of the black goat.


Accompanied by a dull loud noise.

The aftermath of the collision between Wendy and the phantom of the black goat shook the entire Pope's Palace a little.

Listening to the huge movement coming from the Pope's Palace.

A row of Vatican knights guarding outside the Pope's Palace immediately clenched their weapons and planned to rush into the palace.

But at this moment, a voice that they were familiar with came from the depths of the Pope's Palace.

"Get out of my way!"

As this roar sounded, those guarding around the Pope's Palace instantly recalled Wendy's previous order.

[Before receiving orders from me or the Pope, no matter what sound or movement you hear tonight, you must not step into the Pope's Palace. 】

This voice that seemed to still echo in their ears made them frown deeply, but they also suppressed their anxiety and stopped their steps.


On the other side.

In the corridor.

Wendy shouted loudly, and his muscles bulged as if they were blown up, instantly expanding his tall stature into a muscular little giant.

With a roar suppressed in his throat, Wendy, with bloodshot eyes, suddenly raised his head towards the eyes of the black goat phantom and spit out a condensed white holy light.

The extremely condensed white holy light, like a sharp sword, instantly cut through the void with a sharp whistle.

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