Sequence 5.

It is the apex of the middle sequence of the mysterious sequence and the peak of mortals.

Because going one step further, starting from Sequence 4, the extraordinary people who enter this sequence have gradually left the scope of mortals and become mythical creatures in legends.

Any extraordinary existence of Sequence 4 has mastered various powerful and terrifying abilities in this sequence.

Even he or they can easily make the enemies who look directly at their mythical forms fall into a state of chaos and collapse by showing the form of mythical creatures.

For mortals.

Any extraordinary person who reaches the demigod sequence is a moving disaster.

They don’t even need to actively attack, as long as they show the form of mythical creatures, they can cause a large number of mortals to die.

From this sequence, the body shape of the potion sequence in the mysterious world has truly unfolded the veil of terror.

And now Aylin, who has been promoted to [Master of Secret Puppet], is only one step away from Sequence 4.


After exhaling a breath of turbid air.

Aylin suddenly found that at this moment, his sight began to rise infinitely under the power of the potion.

Then he passed through brick walls and obstacles.

Finally, he saw dense and countless illusory black lines appearing in his sight.

They extended from all parts of his body, from the crowds around the house, and even from Chinatown and even different places in New York.

They were so dense that they even spread to the end of his sight today.

"Is this... the line of the spirit?"

This strange scene with dense beauty was extremely unfamiliar to Ailin, but after he was promoted to [Master of Secret Dolls], he instinctively felt an indescribable sense of intimacy and familiarity with the illusory black lines.

Because these illusory black lines are the source of power of [Master of Secret Dolls].

Through the mysterious knowledge obtained from the potion, Ailin knew very well that these illusory black thin lines were the lines of the spirit that [Master of Secret Dolls] could manipulate.

Today, Ailin can even manipulate these spiritual lines to directly affect the target's spiritual body and astral body, and then erode the opponent's spiritual line as a bridge to control the opponent's body.

All the extraordinary abilities of [Master of Secret Puppet] are actually made through the spiritual line.

With the existence of the spiritual line.

Ailin can easily find all the creatures around him, even the assassins who are proficient in hiding and lurking will be nowhere to hide under the spiritual line.

Unless the opponent can hide his own spiritual line, he can't hide his figure in Ailin's eyes at all.

With this method, who wants to assassinate Ailin at close range in the future will increase geometrically.

In addition to this, Ailin can also control the target through the spiritual line like manipulating a marionette, forcing the opponent's mind and body into a state similar to stagnation and freezing.

Finally, corrode the opponent's spiritual line a little bit, and then refine it into dense lotus.

This ability, unless the opponent forcibly gets rid of Ailin's operation through his own spiritual strength, it is difficult to get rid of Ailin's control.

As time goes by, through the infection of the spirit line, Ailin's control over the opponent will continue to deepen, and even after reaching a certain level, he can completely turn the opponent into his own puppet.

Then manipulate the puppet to fight for himself. In this way, the puppet can even use the original extraordinary ability!

From this point of view, except for the distance limit, this ability is much stronger than the energy of Doflamingo's string fruit in the One Piece world.

It is precisely because of this that at this stage.

The danger of the extraordinary people in the fortune-teller path will increase linearly.

Even with enough puppet assistance, the [Secret Master] hidden behind the scenes will be the most difficult opponent under the demigod.

"The spirit line is really a weird ability that is hard to guard against!"

Gently flicking a spirit power near him, Ailin quickly sensed the difference of the spirit line.

Even though Ailin has just been promoted to [Master of Secret Dolls], his spirit line even needs 20 to 30 seconds to control the target by deepening the erosion of the spirit line step by step.

But you have to know that before the spirit line takes effect, the target can hardly detect this.

Unless the opponent has extraordinary items specifically for abilities such as spirit lines, or has super perception or precognition.

Otherwise, the moment Ailin touches his spirit line, the opponent's fate... is doomed.

And even if the opponent's spirit is strong enough to break free from Ailin's control, it will be invaded by Ailin under his own spirit.

There will be various negative states such as slow thinking, sluggish movements and stiff body.

In this case, if there is a secret doll to cooperate with Ailin's actions, the target affected by Ailin can be easily solved.

Of course.

With Ailin's current digestion of the [Master of Secret Dolls] potion, he can only create one secret doll for the time being.

Of course, after Ailin further consumes the [Master of Secret Arts] potion, this number may increase, but not by much.

As the magic potion is gradually digested, the time Aylin can pass through the spirit body's thread and control the target will become shorter and shorter. After the [Puppet Master] is completely digested, Aylin can even pass through the spirit body within 5 seconds. The thread controls the opponent like a puppet.

"It's such a pity. I wish I had the ability of spiritual thread earlier."

I don't know how much time had passed, but Aylin, who was carefully comprehending the power of the spiritual thread, suddenly sighed.

If he had the ability to control the straight line of the spirit body before the big incident in Harlem, then the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Abomination who fought the Hulk before would be the best candidate for the Aylin doll.

It’s just that Aylin’s promotion to [Secret Puppet Master] was always a little late.

Hatred is indeed finished a little faster.

Now that hateful corpse has long been turned into another pile of minced meat, a corpse, and food for nourishing the mobs.

After sighing again, Aylin found that with his promotion, his abilities in the previous sequences had increased by about 50%, or even more.

Look at the ability you just acquired.

Aylin couldn't help but take advantage of the night to act impulsively, and then disappeared into New York under the night.

It's night.

The streets of New York have a makeshift street hero.

At the same time, there were also a few more unlucky guys who failed to rob, but lost their lives because of it.


After passing through those scum, Aylin tested some new abilities and had a general understanding of his abilities, he quickly returned to Chinatown.

But at this time, the edge of the sky was already turning white.

And Chinatown, which had been deserted as night fell, was once again filled with fireworks.

When Aylin smelled the smoke of smoke, his hungry stomach couldn't help but wriggle rapidly.

There was a sound of "Gululu~~~".

Ai Lin, who hadn't enjoyed Chinese delicacies for almost half a month, simply didn't go back to try it out on his own.

Directly among the breakfast shops that are about to start the morning market and open early.

After devouring breakfast of different types and belonging to different regions, he poured them all into his mouth.

"Phew, it feels so comfortable!"

After a long time, Aylin patted his belly and left the fourteenth breakfast shop.

The owner of this breakfast shop, and the owners of the breakfast shops that Ailin had patronized before, all stared at Ailin as if they were looking at rice pails.

If Aylin hadn't used the psychic force field, he had forcibly changed their perceptions and blurred their memory of his own appearance.

Let them subconsciously think of themselves as foreigners.

I'm afraid that my Aylin will already be known as a loser.


Dozens of minutes later, Aylin drove a black commercial vehicle transferred from Miracle Group into the community where Pepper lived.

After driving the car to Pepper's door.

Aylin took the gift and rang the doorbell.

“Ding dong!!!”

Following this crisp sound, there was a commotion in the apartment where Pepper lived.


Through the extra spiritual thread, Aylin quickly judged that there was another person besides herself in the apartment where Pepper lived.

If it weren't for the timely voice that reached his ears, Aylin quickly confirmed the identity of the person who appeared in Pepper's apartment.

Aylin was planning to erode the opponent's spiritual body thread.


It seems that this is not impossible.

Just when Aylin was staring at the opponent's spiritual body thread, he was about to move.

Pepper, who saw Aylin through the crack of the open door, immediately showed a surprised expression.

After quickly opening the door and welcoming Aylin in, Pepper said to Aylin in surprise, "I thought you would come after nine o'clock, but I didn't expect it to be so early this time."

After returning to New York yesterday, Aylin told Pepper about his return and made an appointment to meet him this morning.

To this end, Pepper specifically asked Tony for a day off.

However, what Pepper didn't expect was that Aylin would come so early this time.

"I happened to have something to do, so I got up a little early. I thought Aunt Pepper that you are usually busy, so I came over to see you early. By the way, I brought you some small things I brought for you when I traveled."

Speaking of this, Aylin glanced at Pepper's closed bedroom door, and then said: "But I didn't disturb you, right?"

Ailin just finished speaking.

Pepper, a strong woman who has always been precise and capable, had a slightly unnatural look on her face.

Without waiting for Pepper to answer.

Pepper's closed bedroom door opened with a bang.

Then a figure that was not tall, wearing a vest, walked out of Pepper's bedroom, and shouted:

"I knew I couldn't hide it from this nagging guy. Maybe the reason why this guy came here so early today is because he had divined that I would be here."

Seeing Tony Stark walking out of Pepper's bedroom, Aylin was not surprised at all. After all, the voice he heard just now had already told Ayrin who the guy hiding in Pepper's room was.

Facing Tony Stark who was blowing his nose and glaring at him, as if he had interrupted something good, Aylin said without any fear: "You are right, I divined all this, because this way I just saved the trouble." Make two trips.”


After taking out a lot of gifts for Pepper, Aylin smiled and handed a small gift box to Tony Stark.


Tony Stark, who originally just wanted the villain to complain first, and then take the opportunity to cover up the embarrassment between himself and Pepper, and extricate himself,

It wasn't until Aylin handed the Bible with the Pope's signature to Tony Stark that he reacted.

"Is this a Bible signed by the Pope?"

Looking at the book in his hand, Tony Stark thought about it and put it away.

Although compared to the pile of gifts Aelin gave Pepper, the gifts he gave himself were much shabbier.

But to be honest, for Tony Stark, it was an unexpected surprise that Aylin could prepare a gift for him.

Not to mention, the Bible in his hand was signed by the Pope.

To many believers, this Bible is worth more than a priceless gift.

Because in their opinion, the meaning of this thing far exceeds its actual value.

Although Tony Stark himself is not very interested in this kind of thing, Pepper does!

After accepting this Bible with the Pope's signature, he can use it to please Pepper.

After accepting the gift, Tony Stark, who was in a happy mood, silently raised the level of the gift he had prepared for Aelin by several levels.

After Tony Stark accepted that gift.

Pepper on the side suddenly said: "Ai Lin, you came just in time. Not long ago, Tony said that he wanted to chat with you about something. Now it just happens that you can have a good chat."

After hearing this, Aylin glanced at Tony Stark in surprise, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Is there anything that your famous Iron Man can't solve?"

"There are so many things I can't solve."

After snorting, Tony Stark continued: "I heard that not long ago I heard that Dr. Banner robbed something from the military in the Amazon rainforest, which caused some people in the military to become dissatisfied with the Miracle Group?"

Aylin nodded and said, "There is such a thing, what? Are you planning to come and help make peace?"

Tony Stark: "How can I help you with this kind of thing? I don't have that much face! It's Washington that needs your help except for some problems. If you can help them solve this problem, the government is willing Help you resolve conflicts with the military."



(Typos, posted first and corrected later.)

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