
Aylin's voice seemed to penetrate the special glass vessel and fall into the [Fenrir Egg].

After a slight pause, the light of the soul in the [Fenrir Egg] conveyed an impatient emotion to Aylin.

Then, the purple liquid in the special petri dish began to bubble.


In the rising fine bubbles, the [Fenrir Egg] kept approaching in the direction of Aylin, until it hit the inner wall of the petri dish, making a soft "bang" sound.

As the descendant of the demon wolf Fenrir, the little guy in [Fenrir's Egg] is born with good spirituality. Although he is not yet born, he can also perceive some situations in the outside world.

Therefore, it seems clear who is the one who actually takes it away from death and gives it new life.

After feeling the closeness and a hint of admiration coming from the petri dish, Aylin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then he stirred up a spiritual power, and directed the thing that was still trying to hit the inner wall of the petri dish towards him. The charging [Fenrir's Egg] was stopped.

"Don't worry."

"What you need to do now is not to break out of your shell, but to make your foundation as strong as possible."

"do not be afraid."

"There won't be any threats here. All you need to do is absorb it with all your strength and turn everything into materials that promote your growth."

"I believe and look forward to the day when you really come to me."

Under Aylin's comfort, [Fenrir's Egg] seemed to understand and gradually became quiet.

But if you look carefully.

You will find that in the special petri dish where the [Fenrir's Egg] is placed, the purple nutrient solution is consumed at a rate that is one third higher than before.


Just when Aylin walked out of the laboratory and was about to take the elevator out of the Miracle Building.

A virtual girl image was suddenly projected in front of Aylin.

Looking at the artificial intelligence image suddenly projected in front of him, Aylin raised his eyebrows and said, "Did something happen?"

Luo: "Master, three minutes ago, Captain Raymond of the military led a group of people into the Miracle Building aggressively. Mr. Freguera was dealing with the opponent in the lobby on the first floor. According to your original itinerary, you will be meeting with him in 2 minutes. The other party met in the lobby on the first floor."

Aylin said thoughtfully after hearing this: "So, Fregra asked you to come here because he wanted me to temporarily avoid the sharp point and avoid direct contact with that Captain Raymond?"

Luo, who was projected in front of Aylin, flicked his ponytail and said: "Master, you are right. Mr. Fregra means that Captain Raymond is just a pawn used by the military to test your attitude. Such a guy There is no need for you to meet him, and he is not qualified to meet you. On the contrary, if that guy really meets you, he will cause some unnecessary trouble.

Even if Captain Raymond hadn't been agitated and pulled out his weapon to confront our security personnel. If Mr. Freguera was worried that it would trigger a bloody conflict and affect the reputation of Miracle Group, Mr. Freguera would not have planned to end it personally. . "

"Is that so? I understand."

After Aylin chuckled, he raised his feet again and walked towards the elevator while saying, "In that case, I will stay on the top floor and wait for the qualified guy to come see me."


One minute later.

Kilis, who was wet and seemed to have taken a bath in the shower room on the top floor, looked at Aylin who went upstairs again and said with some surprise: "Don't you plan to go see your little girlfriend after watching Blood Orchid? Why are you coming back? "

"There are some uninvited guests downstairs, so we have to delay a little bit."

When Kilis heard this, she seemed to have guessed something. She narrowed her eyes and said, "Are they from the military? Do you need me to deal with those guys?"

Aylin raised his hand to stop Kilis, who was vaguely exuding murderous aura, and then said: "Don't worry, I just gave those guys a warning. Let's see what those guys plan to do next." Not too late.”


The military people didn't let Aylin wait long.

When Captain Raymond was in a stalemate with Miracle Group's security.

In a military green jeep outside the Miracle Building, Major General Portman, who had half-white hair on his head, seemed to have anticipated what was happening before him.

After adjusting his military uniform slightly, he turned around and opened the car door.

After a few minutes.

In the luxurious living room on the top floor of Miracle Building.

Aylin once again met Major General Portman, whom he had met once before.

After Fregra whispered something in his ear, Aylin said calmly to Major General Portman:

"Long time no see, Major General Portman, but we can be considered old friends. Do you need to ask Captain Raymond to give me a showdown as soon as I come?"

As he said that, Aylin glanced at Captain Raymond who was standing behind Major General Portman.

That silent glance carried extremely majestic spiritual pressure.

With just one glance, Captain Raymond felt the terrifying pressure that surrounded him, as if he was suffocating.


Captain Raymond, who was still standing upright, became slightly stooped, and even his face became pale.

Beads of sweat quickly climbed onto his forehead and wet his back.

The last time we met.

Captain Raymond was only a second lieutenant, but in just a few months, his rank was promoted to captain.

Obviously, his performance at the Miracle Group press conference last time benefited him a lot.

But he took advantage of the Miracle Group just one second, and raised his butcher knife to the Miracle Group without hesitation the next second. Does this really think that Aylin has no temper?

Under the pressure of Aylin's mental power, Captain Raymond's body quickly became shaky.

Major General Portman, who seemed to notice this and seemed to see nothing, greeted Aylin with a smile, then waved his hand and said,

"Don't get me wrong, I have no conflict with the Miracle Group, and I don't mean to embarrass the Miracle Group. Raymond just did that just to show some people."

Aylin smiled when he heard this, and the suffocating pressure that Captain Raymond felt immediately disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

However, the next second after the mental pressure disappeared, Ailin uttered a sentence that made Raymond's heart beat violently, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Really? Is it really just a show?"

"Captain Raymond has already shown his gun at the Miracle Building. I thought he was coming to Miracle Group to arrest me. After all, not long ago, the military issued a notice to us, not only asking our employees of Miracle Group to hand over the blood orchids he had picked with great effort, but also asking me to hand over the formula of the miracle potion?"

"Catch you?"

Major General Portman, who was sitting on the sofa, shook his head in surprise when he heard this: "Erin, you haven't done anything illegal? Why would Raymond arrest you? As for the notice issued to Miracle Group to let your Miracle Group hand over the miracle potion, I came here this time to solve this matter."

At this point, Major General Portman suddenly turned his head, stared at Erin without blinking and asked: "By the way, Erin, do you know about the disappearance of Brigadier General Teslak?"

"Missing? Brigadier General Teslak is missing?"

After hearing this, Erin showed a just the right amount of surprise on his face, as if he knew nothing about this matter.

But soon, a smile appeared on Aylin's face, and then he said, "If this is true, then... it's great."

"During this period, Brigadier General Teslak has been causing trouble for Dr. Banner and Miracle Group. If he is really missing, this is good news for us."

At this point, Aylin glanced at Major General Portman, then restrained the smile on his face and said, "Wait, General Portman won't suspect that this matter is related to our Miracle Group, right?"

Although this matter was done by Kilis, Aylin would not foolishly admit that they did it in front of a military major general.

Staring at Aylin's face and eyes for a long time, Major General Portman, who did not find any problems, had a slight doubt in his heart.

[Is it really not this guy who did that thing? ]

[But is this possible? ]

Although he did not believe Aylin's words at all, he remembered the order given to him by the Minister of Defense this morning.

Major General Portman still shook his head in cooperation: "Of course not, I just want to say that if the previous incident is related to Teslak, then that incident must be just a misunderstanding."

"Not long ago, Brigadier General Teslak, for his own selfish interests, in the name of the military, used various relaxations to ask for bribes from Stark Industries, Osborne Group and other giant companies. After being investigated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the guy directly absconded with the money and disappeared without a trace."

"Damn it, that guy won't attack you too!"

"But don't worry, this morning, our military has issued a document to arrest Brigadier General Teslak. If he really asked for something from you, tell me, I will report it immediately after I go back, and I will give you an explanation after I catch Teslak."

This old guy can really act!

Looking at Major General Portman, who was excited and even cursed angrily.

Alin had to sigh at the other party's thick skin.

He is indeed a man who has been able to sit firmly in the lucrative logistics department for decades.

However, Ailin did not expect that the military could abandon the car to save the king in such a short time and put all the blame on Teslak.


Can everything that happened before be put on the unlucky Teslak and pretend that everything is over?

Besides, the federal military suffered such a big loss this time.

Suffering in silence has never been the temper of the federal military.

Based on Ailin's understanding of the federal military.

I don't believe that the other party will continue to swallow their anger after suffering such a big loss.

The reason why they swallowed their anger now is that they even put all the blame on Teslak.

In addition to being frightened by Kilis's assassination last night, they were more forced to compromise temporarily under pressure from the outside world.

Similarly, this is also a delaying tactic.

After the federal military recovers and prepares, Ailin believes that what he will face at that time will be a more violent storm.


Although he knew that the military sent Major General Portman to play a delaying tactic, Ailin did not expose the other party.

The military needs time.

He also needs time.

When the military returns again, Ailin imagines that he will definitely bring more powerful forces to crush the other party's conspiracy.


After seeing that his performance did not get any feedback from Ailin.

Major General Portman was not embarrassed.

After pouring a glass of wine and moistening his somewhat dry throat, Major General Portman immediately changed the subject and said: "By the way, not long ago, we found some blood orchids with special growth factors deep in the Amazon rainforest."

"Didn't you say before that as long as you find the orchid with special growth factors, you can make that kind of 'concentrated miracle potion' again? Now that the blood orchid has been found, when can you get the concentrated miracle potion?"

You just forced us to hand over the formula of the miracle potion, and now you want to borrow my hand to refine the 'concentrated miracle potion'?

Haha, this is a really nice idea.

"Blood orchid, isn't this the name of the plant that Dr. Banner and his team found? Well, according to Dr. Banner, although the blood orchid is somewhat similar to the special orchid we used to make the 'concentrated miracle potion', and even has a special growth factor, unfortunately they are not exactly the same."

Before Major General Portman's face turned ugly, Ailin continued:

"Of course, after Dr. Banner brings the blood orchid back, I can study whether the blood orchid has the special factor for making the 'concentrated miracle potion', and then use it to replace the special orchid I mentioned before."

Wait for Dr. Banner to bring the blood orchid back?

Is this reminding me?

However, thinking of the amazing 'concentrated miracle potion', Major General Portman still said that after returning, he would immediately contact the exploration team in the Amazon rainforest, and then let Dr. Banner bring the blood orchid back as soon as possible.

After Brigadier General Teslak and his team died in their office yesterday, although the hawks in the military were extremely angry, they also calmed down a lot.

After all, no one wants to be the next "missing" Commodore Teslak before the elusive killers are caught.



(Wrong spelling, posted first and corrected later.)

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