I'm starting a mysterious resurgence in Marvel

Chapter 423 The End of the God King (Part 2)


The golden stream of light instantly tore apart the body of the ice giant Rachel and nailed her to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of silver-white thunders carrying the aura of destruction exploded.

In an instant, those ice giants that had not had time to retreat were submerged.

The phoenix flute sounded, the jade pot turned light, and fish and dragons danced all night.

When the wildly dancing thunderstorm subsided.

Steve and others were shocked to find that a huge piece of scorched earth stretching for thousands of meters suddenly appeared in front of them.

And those ice giants who were standing on the scorched earth just a moment ago and showing off their power to them were now transformed into charred corpses still emitting black smoke amid thousands of thunders.

In an instant.

Tens of thousands of ice giants were directly killed by Odin's world-spanning blow.


It's more than that.

Through that giant wormhole that spans the world.

Vaguely, Steve and others also saw an ice world ravaged by thunder.

Odin's attack was far from as simple as they seemed.

"Click, click..."

Just then.

Between Jotunheim and the Earth, the impulses that overlapped and merged due to the celestial convergence phenomenon suddenly made a crisp and shattering sound.

Immediately afterwards, the huge wormhole spanning the world shattered in front of Steve and others.

Looking at the huge broken wormhole, Steve turned to Coulson and asked: "Was this space wormhole shattered by the shot that fell from the sky just now?"

Glancing at the instrument in front of him that was exploded by the energy index carried by Odin's blow just now, Coulson shrugged and said:

"I don't know if that space wormhole was shattered by the shot that fell from the sky just now. At least our instrument worth millions of dollars was blown up by that shot."

"Millions of dollars?" After turning his head and glancing at the inconspicuous instrument in front of Coulson, Steve said, "Is this thing so expensive?"

"Actually, it's more expensive than you think, but I believe the director will ask the British government for reimbursement."

After making a joke, Coulson looked at the surrounding environment that seemed to suddenly become quiet and asked: "So, is the war over this time?"

When Odin sent away Malekith and Hela with a colorful stream of light, and lit up the colorful fireworks in the vast starry sky,

The nine worlds, which were full of undercurrents and disputes just a second ago, became much quieter.

And when the furious Odin wiped out tens of thousands of ice giants with a lightning strike that spanned the world, the other eight worlds except Asgard fell completely silent.

Even the giant beasts that had jumped out of the wormhole space from time to time because of the fusion of the nine realms were now like ostriches, hiding in their nests and shrinking.

"No, they just calmed down temporarily."

Although the nine worlds connected by the celestial confluence were unusually quiet at this time, Steve could vaguely detect the hidden undercurrents of each world through the huge wormholes in the sky.

In the Kingdom of Fire "Muspelheim", the Avenger "Surtur" looking at Asgard in the flames is brewing a conspiracy.

Having lost the rule of Hela, there is endless chaos and melee in the death kingdom "Heim Underworld". Powerful undead lords are vying for the position of the final king, trying to compete for a new king to lead their group of dead people who have passed away. , stepping into the realm of living creatures again.

In "Vanaheim", the Warner clan controls the growth and reproduction of all things in the world and knows many secrets that even Odin doesn't know. It seems that they have heard the "whispers of their ancestors". They worship their ancestors extremely and are frantically pursuing them. Following the footsteps of our ancestors.

In the ancestral land of the dwarves, "Water Alheim", the huge forging furnace where countless artifacts were forged seemed to be thrown into a Pandora's box. Surrounded by the huge forging furnace, the unshaven dwarf elders, at this time He was looking at the eternal flames burning in the forge with a look of fear on his face.


Although Steve couldn't see the secrets in each world.

But having experienced countless wars in his life, he keenly felt the smoke that had not yet dissipated.



Located in the dark elf mothership on the edge of Asgard.

A female dark elf with white hair like snow, saw the dark red sun in the vast starry sky, which was destroyed by the detonated colorful stream of light, and a pool of bloody tears welled up in her blue eyes. .


Although the dark elf mothership was severely damaged, it was still clearly detectable how much terrifying energy erupted in the huge fireworks that lit up the entire universe just now.

Under that terrifying energy bombardment.

Is it possible for Malekith, who has just been recaptured, to survive?

Just then.

A series of alarms suddenly sounded in this dark elf mothership.

The next second.

A dark elf wearing a visor quickly walked up to the female dark elf and said in a deep voice: "Your Royal Highness, Asgard's concentrated magic cannon and magic airship have locked onto the battleship, we... ···Can’t leave.”

"Can't leave?"

The female dark elf who heard this sentence raised her head and murmured: "It seems that we failed in the end, father."

After murmuring, the eldest princess of the dark elf turned to the dark elf beside her and said: "Since we can't leave, we won't leave. But before we leave, we have to give As Gad, leave a lesson to the Asgardian King of Gods that will be unforgettable for them.”

After hearing these words, the dark elf standing next to the dark elf princess showed a sneer on his face under his visor:

"I have ignited the dark core and can detonate the battleship at any time to make the Asgardians surrounding us pay the price."

The people on this dark elf warship are all the elites of the dark elf empire.

They are never afraid of death.

Therefore, after discovering that the battleship was surrounded by enemies and that the damaged battleship could not escape the enemy's pursuit, they did not hesitate to start the battleship's self-destruction program, intending to fight with the Asgardian warriors who were constantly attacking here. perish together.

"Very good, if that's the case, let's do it..."

At this moment, a dark elf warrior rushed over from not far away and said: "Your Royal Highness, we found the queen of Asgard and two princes on a silver-white magic spaceship. , approaching us quickly, would you like to take action?”

The Queen and Prince of Asgard.

After hearing these words, the eyes of the dark elves in the battleship suddenly lit up with raging fire of hatred.

Then they all turned to look at the eldest princess of the dark elf.

"The queen and prince of Asgard! Haha, it seems that God wants those despicable Asgardians to pay the price."

The dark elf eldest princess, who also had a light of hatred in her eyes, said coldly: "Calames, warm up the dark core. When the queen and prince of Asgard enter the explosion range, directly detonate the battleship and let them help us." Burial."

"As you command, Your Highness the Princess."

The dark elf known as Calames showed a ferocious smile when he heard this, and then quickly led people to the battleship's main control room.


at the same time.

With one cross-border strike, Odin killed tens of thousands of ice giants and the high priest of the ice giant Rachel from the air.

At this time, he was holding on to his body, ignoring the severe pain coming from his body that seemed to want to tear him apart. He rode on the huge King of Pegasus with no expression on his face and looked at Aspen quietly. Above Gard, the space wormholes quickly shrank and faded.

The space energy contained in the detonated Rainbow Bridge seemed to accelerate the separation of the nine worlds after lighting up the universe.

The phenomenon of the intersection of nine realms, which was supposed to last for another hour, came to an end directly.

But at this moment.

Standing high in the sky, Odin suddenly felt intense palpitations and fear in his heart for no apparent reason.

What's going on?

This feeling...

Under the strong trend of heart palpitations and uneasiness, Odin's eyes subconsciously crossed the long distance and landed on the silver-white spaceship that was far away from the Immortal Palace.


Odin's eyes reflected the figures of Frika, Loki, Thor, and... the dark elf battleship behind them.

The moment I saw that battleship.

Odin suddenly felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

The innately powerful divinity was beating crazily at this moment.

It seems to indicate something.

The next second, a dazzling red light lit up in the center of the huge dark elf battleship.

After seeing the dazzling red light, Odin seemed to understand something.

"Frica, Thor, Loki..."


Odin, who had understood something, clamped his legs fiercely.

The divine power in his body was pouring crazily towards the King of Pegasus, Lairden.

The King of Pegasus, who was numb all over from the electricity that had just escaped from the billions of thunderbolts, suddenly became energetic after receiving the divine power that Odin crazily poured into him.

The next second.

These kings of Pegasus, who were in tune with Odin's thoughts, once again triggered the hurricane, and the howling wind, with a trace of electricity, rushed towards the sky like lightning.


Although Odin's reaction was quick, the Dark Elf, who had already planned it, reacted even faster.

Almost the moment the silver-white spaceship approached the self-destruction range of the battleship, the dark battleship lit up with a scarlet light.

On top of the silver-white flying boat.

Aylin, who had a crazy spiritual warning, glanced around and finally located the source of the danger.

Looking at the red light shining on the huge dark elf mothership in the distance, the corner of Aylin's mouth twitched.

"Good guy, the death sword that cursed the elf before was just an appetizer. The self-destruction of this dark elf mothership is the feast, right?"

"I knew... it wasn't that simple to save Frika and change her fate."

While he was complaining crazily in his heart, in a flash of thought, the [Angel Scepter] with exquisite patterns and patterns appeared in Aylin's hand.

The next second.

The power Israel left behind in the [Angel Scepter] was once again activated by Aylin.


Following Aylin's sharp shout, a huge holy light shield shining with divine brilliance enveloped the silver-white magic airship.

At the same time.

Loki's resentful love quickly entangled the controller of the flying boat.

While grabbing Freka with his left hand, Loki pulled hard with his right hand, and the exquisite silver-white magic flying boat suddenly drifted and turned around quickly.

Under the strong centrifugal force.

The goddess of beauty Lorelai was almost thrown out by mistake.

Half of her body was almost hanging on the flying boat. After stabilizing her body with great difficulty, she was about to question Loki angrily, but she saw Loki's face solemnly stimulating the power of the mind scepter again, and in the white holy light shield, a more solid blue shield was put on.

This abnormal behavior of Ailin and Loki instantly stopped the questioning that had already surged to the corner of her mouth.

It made her realize that something was wrong.

Although she was beautiful with the name of the goddess of beauty, she was never a vase with only beauty.

Not long after.

The goddess of beauty Lorelai followed the queen of heaven Freka and discovered the huge warship in the distance that was spewing flames and approaching rapidly, and shining with increasingly bright red light.

At the same time that the goddess of beauty Lorelai noticed the huge dark elf warship.

The series of elf texts in the control room of the warship suddenly returned to zero.

In an instant.

A terrifying wave flashed by.

The location of the huge warship collapsed and a twisted black hole appeared.

At the moment when the twisted black hole appeared.

The extremely terrifying gravity instantly swept in all directions, sucking and swallowing everything within a radius of dozens of miles around the black hole.

Under the twisted suction that was almost condensed into substance.

The Asgard warriors closest to the black hole had not yet approached the black hole, and the whole person was twisted into a ball of blood mist by the terrifying gravity, and then swallowed by the black hole.

Not just people.

Even the broken bridge piers, reefs, and boundless seawater on the sea off Asgard were ruthlessly swallowed into the black hole by the twisted gravity that devoured everything.

In the void less than ten miles away from the twisted black hole, the silver-white magic flying boat roared with a series of hoarse roars.

But it was still inevitable that it was pulled step by step towards the abyss of depravity.

On the flying boat.

Feeling the terrifying suction from the black hole behind them, the faces of the people on the flying boat changed one after another.

Even Ailin's face became extremely ugly.

The self-destruction attack method of the dark elf warship was completely beyond his expectations.

"Damn it, it was actually a collapsed black hole attack."

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