"Don't worry, I don't need to do anything to the monster, I just need it to help me understand every corner of this house as much as possible."

Seemingly worried that Ailin and the monster would misunderstand, Bai Yan quickly added another sentence after saying what he just said.

"Is that so?"

After hearing this, Ailin glanced at the monster that poked its head out from behind him, and then smiled and said, "Then... the monster will be left to you."

After hearing this, Bai Yan's face suddenly broke into a smile.

After pondering for a second, Bai Yan took the initiative to say, "We have brought the materials for building a war fortress from Nidavel, but since you, Master Ailin, don't plan to transform the monster into a war fortress, then when I strengthen this mysterious house, let me design a small war fortress to use the remaining materials, so as not to waste those things that were transported with great effort."


Ailin's mouth curled up slightly when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, before he even opened his mouth, Bai Yan took the initiative to offer to help him design a small war fortress with the remaining materials.

This saved him from having to speak.

When Flegra, who was standing next to Ailin, heard this, his eyes lit up.

Before Ailin spoke, Flegra could not wait to step forward and said, "Elder Bai Yan, if we can provide materials, can you please improve the design of the war fortress as much as possible?"

Bai Yan laughed and said, "Of course, no problem. If you can provide sufficient materials, with the kindness of Master Ailin to our dwarves, let alone a small war fortress, I can build you a real large war fortress."

Large war fortress.

Just when Flegra's blood was boiling because of Bai Yan's words, Ailin smiled and shook his head: "Forget about the large war fortress. Even if you really come up with the design of a large war fortress and we can guarantee to provide all the materials, with the people you bring now, I don't know how long it will take to build a real large war fortress."

Ailin's words directly cooled Flegra's boiling blood.

After calming down, Flegra had to admit that Ailin was right.

Although the large war fortress is tempting.

But if it takes twenty, thirty, or even forty or fifty years to build, then it will be meaningless to the dilemma that Miracle Group is facing now.

Maybe, before the large war fortress is built, Miracle Group has grown into the unshakable overlord of this world.

Of course, if we are pessimistic, it is also possible that it will be torn apart and divided by the wolves who are eyeing it.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that the current Miracle Group can't wait that long.

Of course.

Although it is impossible to build a large war fortress in one step.

But with the huge capital flow that Miracle Group has now, it feels that there is no problem for Miracle Group to strengthen the small war fortress as much as possible.

On the other hand.

Bai Yan rolled his eyes when he heard Ailin's words.

When the dwarves built the war fortress, they could mobilize the power of the entire dwarf kingdom.

But even so, it took decades from the beginning of planning and design to completion.

Although the technology of the dwarves has made a breakthrough since then, and the time required to build a new war fortress has been greatly shortened, the series of complex processes cannot be completed in a short time by the hundreds of dwarf craftsmen brought by Bai Yan.

After a moment of silence, Bai Yan said: "If it is only the people I brought, then even building a small war fortress will not be completed in a short time, but we don't have enough manpower, don't we still have you?"

"Although the current technology of the earth cannot directly build a war fortress, you can find some craftsmen on earth to complete some simple tasks! In this way, won't our speed be improved?"

"Although I don't know your status on earth, it should be no problem to find a craftsman to help us build a war fortress."

Finding some people to help the dwarves build a war fortress is of course no problem for Ailin and his team.

The problem is to prevent those people from leaking the news.

However, this problem is not unsolvable.

After Ailin and Fregra looked at each other, they briefly discussed this matter with Bai Yan.


At this time, Bai Yan, who was concentrating on the monster and this strange mysterious house, hurriedly ended the conversation after proposing some general ideas and requirements.

Even with the help of the monster, it is not easy to accurately measure the specific data of a mysterious house whose internal space is dozens or hundreds of times larger than the external space.

During this period, Bai Yan had a lot of work to prepare.

So not long after, she sent Ailin and Fregra away, and then took her assistant with her, and excitedly studied this mysterious house with the help of the monster.


Because staying in the house was a hindrance, Bai Yan disliked it.

Ailin, who already had a lot of things to deal with, handed over his house to Bai Yan, and then drove away from Chinatown with Fregra.

After leaving Chinatown, Aylin thought for a while and said to Fregra: "Fregera, you can find a construction team later to surround my house with curtains and the like in the name of repair and upgrade. "

Is this to facilitate the construction and renovation of the house by the dwarves in the future?

Fregra, who instantly understood Aylin's meaning, said: "There are several such construction teams under our group. These people were all selected by me from among our own people or their family members. Those from the previous branch factory Some projects were also completed by them.”

"Although the ability is not strong, at least it is trustworthy. I will personally select some people later to surround your house in the name of renovation."

After hearing this, Aylin nodded: "Okay, just watch the arrangements. In addition to this matter, you can also watch and prepare the materials for building the war fortress."

Fregra: "Understood. Not long ago, we bought some land and planned to build a new factory. We can just use this name to purchase more materials."

"But if you, Boss, really plan to build the war fortress in Sokovia, then we have to make plans for the Hydra base you value."

"Well, I just checked. The Hydra base was taken down by SHIELD, and it was Duke who presided over that operation. If we want to take down that base, we can ask Duke What can I do over there?”

"Or, simply use Duke's power hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D. to take over the former Hydra base."

As soon as Fregra said this, Aylin shook his head.

"No, although our people have a lot of say in SHIELD, in name, SHIELD is a secret organization under the World Security Council."

"Whether Duke is asked to use SHIELD's power to secretly take over the base, or whether it is to directly put the base under SHIELD's name and then let our people from SHIELD take over, there are too many factors involved in this. So many variables.”

"Once SHIELD or the World Security Council thinks of this base, it will be a trouble for us. It is better to take this base into our own hands from the beginning."

Do you want to completely take that base into your own hands?

Fregra frowned upon hearing this and began to think of countermeasures.

If possible, Freguera would of course also want to take complete control of the base that could become their biggest weapon and base camp.

But that base used to belong to Hydra.

Moreover, it has not been a few months since S.H.I.E.L.D. encircled and destroyed Hydra in that base.

Time is very sensitive.

Maybe someone in SHIELD is still eyeing this base and intends to use it for fishing.

It will inevitably be a bit troublesome to capture that base at this time.

He might even be labeled as a remnant of Hydra.


The remnants of Hydra cannot be wrong in saying this.

Alexander Pierce's Hydra is the most powerful and powerful Hydra in the world today.

And after taking over the legacy of Alexander Pierce, in the eyes of some people, are they not a brand new Hydra?

But this is the same.

It would be even more troublesome if someone discovered the connection between them and Hydra.

Just as Fregra was thinking hard.

A black figure suddenly popped up in Aylin's mind, no, it was a black scapegoat.

The next second, Aylin said: "I have an idea. Leave this matter to me. I will solve it myself. You just need to be ready to take over."

Speaking of the Hydra base in Sokovia.

Two more figures flashed through Aylin's mind.

By the way, the Hydra base in Sokovia has been taken over by SHIELD, so what happens to those two people now?

Thinking of this, Aylin asked Fregra: "Fregera, when you were checking the information just now, did you see the record of encountering superpowers when SHIELD captured the Hydra base in Sokovia? ?”

"Super powers?"

After recalling it for a while, Fregra shook his head and said: "The information I looked at was just a briefing that Luo retrieved. I didn't see any records of superpowers in it, but information about superpowers is generally S.H.I.E.L.D. has raised several levels of confidentiality. It may not be that S.H.I.E.L.D. deliberately hid information about superpowers.”

"Boss, if you want to know the details, you can ask Duke. Duke was in charge of that operation, and he should be very clear about it..."

Speaking of this, Freguera suddenly paused, and then said fiercely: "By the way, besides Duke, there is another person who must also know this very well. He was a personal experiencer of that operation, and he was It’s in the Miracle Building, BOSS, do you want to meet him?”

"You're talking about Steve Rogers."

After revealing who that person was, Aylin thought for a few seconds and nodded: "But if he is in the Miracle Building, we can indeed meet him."

In addition to asking Steve if he saw Wanda and Quicksilver during that battle, it was also a good time to ask him how he felt about being a witch...


No, it should be said to understand his mental process at this time.

More than half an hour later.

Aylin drove into Hell's Kitchen.

As soon as he entered Hell's Kitchen, Ailin found that the current Hell's Kitchen had changed greatly from the Hell's Kitchen he saw before he left.

In addition to a lot of new and renovated buildings.

The garbage and gangsters that were everywhere in Hell's Kitchen before disappeared, but there were many new and bustling shops on both sides of the street.

Everywhere was a thriving scene.

While the entire Hell's Kitchen was cleaner and tidier, it also brought some inexplicable things.


That was something called hope.

No one was born to be a bad person, and no one liked to roll in the mud.

Most of the people who lived in Hell's Kitchen before were bent by various pressures from the outside world, and could only live one day at a time, numbly...

But now, Ailin saw a hint of expectation on the faces of the people on both sides of the street, which was the hope and expectation for life and tomorrow.

The Hell's Kitchen at this time could not be connected with the Hell's Kitchen that Ailin saw at first.

If you don't look closely, apart from the slightly dilapidated buildings on both sides, Hell's Kitchen at this time is not much different from other places in New York.

In Eileen's spiritual vision, the changes in Hell's Kitchen are also obvious, and even the haze that has been shrouding Hell's Kitchen has been blown away by the new vitality.

Fregola in the car saw Eileen notice the crowds on both sides of the street.

A smile appeared on his face and he said, "Surprised, right? If you had killed me a year ago, I would not have believed that Hell's Kitchen, the most chaotic and crime-ridden area in New York, would become what it is now."

"Boss, do you know? In the past two months, Hell's Kitchen is no longer the area with the highest crime rate in New York, and all of this is brought to them by you."

"It is your rules that restrain those who want to commit crimes in Hell's Kitchen. Everyone who wants to commit a crime in Hell's Kitchen will be severely cracked down by the security forces of our Miracle Group."

"It is you who has brought stable income to most people in Hell's Kitchen, so that they no longer have to risk their lives to walk on the edge of crime and earn that insignificant income as before."

"You have also brought stable order and injected new blood and strength into Hell's Kitchen."

At the end, a mischievous smile flashed across Fregra's face.

Then he suddenly pointed at the angel signs that seemed to be everywhere on the street and said, "With your angel identity, almost everyone in Hell's Kitchen now regards you as the savior sent by God to save them."

"Oh, that's wrong. Most people in Hell's Kitchen don't believe in God. They just simply believe in you as the savior who dragged them out of hell."

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