
This feeling...

Natasha's eyes were filled with confusion, as if she sensed something was wrong, her body trembled slightly, and then her eyes widened.

When Natasha's pupils refocused, she made a somewhat shocking discovery.

Aylin was sitting opposite her, and the coffee in his cup was already empty.

The warm coffee in his hand also had a hint of coolness.

This is······

After a long silence.

Natasha raised her head and looked at Aylin, with an ugly expression on her face and said, "Did you hypnotize me just now? I thought we should be friends."

"Are they really friends? Haha."

After sneering, Aylin stood up slowly and said calmly: "You should be lucky that you don't have any ill intentions towards me."

After Aylin finished speaking, his eyes glanced not far away with a somewhat cold look.

The next second.

On a bench more than a hundred meters away from them, two agents disguised as ordinary people were staring at Aylin in the dark. A dangerous light flashed in the depths of their eyes from time to time, and their pupils suddenly widened.

Then he stood up in a daze, amidst the screams of the crowd around him.

The two burly men suddenly held hands and plunged into the nearby Hudson River as if they were in love, letting the cold water swallow them up.

Immediately afterwards, Natasha heard a series of screams from around her.

After hearing the series of screams, Natasha suddenly turned her head to look at Aylin and said, "Do you know what you are doing?"


Aylin laughed and shook his head, then looked at Natasha and said, "You shouldn't ask me this question, but you should ask, do you really know what you are doing?"

" you know who you are working for?"

After saying this, Aylin pointed to the direction where the two men fell into the water just now, and said calmly: "Let's go take a good look and see... who they are."


Aylin ignored Natasha's reaction and left.


At this time, Natasha had no time to care about Aylin's reaction.

After Aylin turned around and left, Natasha sprinted towards the Hudson River next to her at a speed of 100 meters.

It was just a glimpse, but Natasha still recognized the obvious agent temperament of the two people who jumped into the river just now.

Although Natasha didn't understand why Nick Fury let her test Aylin and sent someone else to follow her, she realized that those two people had angered Aylin.

Natasha chose to save people immediately.


Ten minutes later.

On the banks of the Hudson River.

Although Natasha tried her best, she was ultimately unable to save the two agents who jumped into the river.

Only with the help of some enthusiastic citizens, their bodies were recovered.

But what she couldn't accept was that the two corpses of her colleagues that she picked up turned into two monster corpses covered in green before her eyes.

"What the hell is going on?"

At this moment, Natasha suddenly recalled Aylin's words just now.

"Do you really know who you are working for?"

Could it be that Aylin was talking about these two monsters.

Natasha, who seemed to realize something, took a deep breath, and then pressed Nick Fury's phone.


A few seconds after the call was successfully connected, Nick Fury's voice came to Natasha's ears.

"Call me at this time. Did you find out any important news from Aylin?"

Listening to the voice coming from the phone, Natasha asked coldly: "I did hear important news, but don't you think you should give me an explanation before that?"

"Explain what?"

There seemed to be some confusion in Nick Fury's voice on the other end of the phone.

Looking at the two green corpses in front of her, and recalling Aylin's meaningful words just now, Natasha did not tell Nick Fury all this immediately, but asked with a hint of probing. :

"Explain, what happened to the two agents who were spying on us during my meeting with Aylin?"

Upon hearing this, Nick Fury on the other end of the phone said calmly: "They are here to monitor Aylin, not you. You know how much pressure our SHIELD will face after he returns." , so I must grasp his movements immediately.”

"This is normal procedure in the Bureau. I don't need to explain anything to you, Agent Romanoff."

After hearing Nick Fury admit that the two guys in front of him were really sent by him.

Natasha couldn't help but look ugly.

Glancing at the growing crowd around her and those who occasionally picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of the two green bodies, Natasha said in a cold voice: "Yes, you really don't need to explain anything to me, but I'm afraid you have to explain to the World Security Council why SHIELD agents turned into two green monsters."

Upon hearing this, Nick Fury's pupils on the other end of the phone shrank sharply.

However, although he was extremely shocked in his heart, on the surface he still tried to maintain his calm tone and said calmly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Natasha: "The two guys you sent jumped into the Hudson River hand in hand a few minutes ago and drowned..."

Nick Fury interrupted rudely before Natasha finished speaking: "This is impossible."

The two guys he sent to monitor Arryn were the elites among the Skrulls. They would be crazy to jump into the river hand in hand.

Not to mention drowning.

Listening to the voice from the other end of the phone, Natasha shook her head: "Nothing is impossible. Just now, Arryn found them, glanced at them, and then they jumped into the river."

"Although I went to rescue them as soon as possible, I still didn't save them."

"Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that after the two guys died, their bodies suddenly turned into two green monsters in full view of the public. This scene has been photographed by many people and even posted on the Internet, so you should think about how to explain it to the World Security Council."

Hearing this, Nick Fury, who instantly realized the seriousness of the matter on the other end of the phone, couldn't help but curse.


After taking a deep breath and ordering Natasha to stay where she was and guard the two bodies, Nick Fury immediately made another call and sent someone to pick up Natasha.

At the same time, he also ordered people to suppress any news about this incident on the Internet.


What Natasha and Nick Fury didn't know was that.

Not far from Natasha, three figures were silently watching her and the two green bodies in front of her.

One of the figures was Arlin who had just turned around and left.

The other two were Tony Stark, who was specially called by Arlin, and Captain America Steve Rogers, who had just submitted his resignation to SHIELD.

Looking at the two bodies that were obviously not human in the distance,

Tony Stark specially asked Jarvis to take a high-definition photo with a satellite, and then projected it in front of them to enlarge it.

After a long while, Tony Stark said with a somewhat ugly face:

"What are those two green guys in front of Natasha?"

"Goblins, monsters, mutants, or... aliens in fantasy stories?"

At the end, Tony turned to look at Steve beside him and asked, "When did SHIELD recruit even such monsters?"

Thanks to that interstellar journey, Tony has a better understanding of those creatures in mythology and aliens outside the earth.

But even after reading some biographies of Asgard and the dwarves, he still can't be sure what race the two guys in front of Natasha are.

According to what Ellin said just now.

And the information he asked Jarvis to take pictures of, the two guys just now, before they died, showed no different from humans.

It was not until they died that they turned into those green monsters.

This kind of creature.

There is no record in the biographies he has read.

Glancing at Tony Stark, who looked puzzled, Steve also shook his head and said, "I don't know. I've never seen this kind of thing in SHIELD."

Hearing this, Erin said lightly, "It's not that you haven't seen it, but you may not be able to recognize them even if you see them."

"If I'm not mistaken, these two guys should be the Skrulls in the legend."


Hearing this, Tony Stark and Steve turned their heads to look at Erin.

Tony asked in confusion, "Skrulls? What are these?"

"Skrulls are an alien race with highly developed technological civilization, and they are also an extremely dangerous race."

"Skrulls can change their appearance at will, disguise themselves as another person, and even copy memories. Even in legends, some special Skrulls can copy the abilities of the people they imitate, and if there is no special way to distinguish them, ordinary people can't tell them apart at all."

"Well, this is why I said that even if Steve saw them, he might not be able to find them. Because. "

After explaining, Ailin continued:

"As long as they want, they can easily sneak into your side and replace your family and friends, and you can't find out all this until you die."

"You should be able to imagine how terrible this ability is."

"Because of this special ability, the Skrulls have sneaked into many different civilizations and stolen countless abilities and knowledge, which has triggered resistance and hunting by countless cosmic civilizations including the Kree Empire."

Hearing this, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers shuddered.

You can change your appearance at will, and even copy the memory and abilities of the imitated.

What a hell of an ability.

Even with a simple description, they can imagine how dangerous and terrible the Skrulls' abilities are.

If Ailin hadn't said it.

They didn't know that there was such an evil and terrible race in the universe.

If one day their family and friends were replaced by the Skrulls, and they knew nothing about it, but instead regarded him as the object of their most trust, and gave their heart and lungs.

That feeling is creepy just thinking about it.

Thinking of this, Tony Stark immediately asked: "So is there any way to quickly identify the Skrulls in disguise? If you can see through the disguises of those two guys and call us over in advance, there must be someone who can see through their disguises." Way to do it.”

After hearing this.

Steve also silently turned to look at Aylin.

This ability of the Skrulls is really terrifying.

Of course they would like to know how to see through the Skrulls' disguise, if they could.

After all, they didn't want the Skrulls to lurk around them that day, but they didn't know anything about it.

Looking at the burning eyes of Tony and Steve, Aylin shook his head: "The reason why I can see through the Skrull disguise is because of my ability, not any special method. This method does not apply to you. "

Hearing this, both Tony and Steve showed a disappointed expression.

After glancing at their disappointed expressions, Aylin continued: "However, since the Kree Empire was able to set off a wave of boycotting and hunting down the Skrulls, then presumably there is still a way to see through their disguise. It's just that We just don’t know that method.”

Having said this, Aylin suddenly looked at Steve and said: "By the way, those two Skrulls over there were sent by Nick Fury. Since he can command the Skrulls, he must know Order something.”

Nick Fury.

Tony Stark's eyes flashed a few times after hearing this, and then he said solemnly: "If those Skrulls can easily disguise themselves as anyone, then the Nick Fury now is still real. Nick Fury?"

As soon as Tony said this, Steve's expression immediately changed.


Since the Skrulls can easily disguise themselves as anyone, is Nick Fury, who can command the Skrulls, really Nick Fury?

Thinking about the months when Nick Fury was rescued by Captain Marvel, escaped from prison and disappeared without any news.

Steve's face couldn't help but become more and more ugly.

It seems that I have done something wrong.

If Nick Fury is really no longer Nick Fury, then in order to repay Nick Fury's favor and help him regain his position as director of S.H.I.E.L.D., wouldn't it be that he promoted a dangerous guy to a god? A position like Director of SHIELD.

Looking at Steve with an ugly face, Aylin felt a smile in his heart.

Nick Fury?

Haha, this is just the beginning.

After chuckling in his heart, Aylin turned to Tony Stark and said, "If Nick Fury is also a Skrull, then things will be dangerous."

"Tony, with your connections in Stark Industries, you should be able to contact the top brass of the military and the Federation."

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